Streaming Audio to external speakers

So here's what I want to do.
Use Frontrow to watch movies and have the auido streamed via Airtunes to external speakers.
I've tried importing movies into iTunes but it only plays the audio through the computer. I'm guessing there is no way to seperate the video and audio which is why audio is through the computer?

Okay, so the next question is, can you play videos directly in iTunes and have the audio go through the AirTunes? Even if they live inside iTunes, Front Row plays videos through QuickTime and not directly through iTunes. Since QuickTime can't play audio through AirTunes, that might be the problem... You might need a utility like Rogue Amoeba's Airfoil:

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    If your computer was hot it wasn't asleep - it either didn't go to sleep or it work up after you put it to sleep. I've seen both things happen. First, read this article and follow the instructions.
    1) For the next few days/weeks pay attention to the blinking light on the front of your computer when you close the lid. Don't put the computer into your backpack/case until it begins to blink. Wait a minute or so after it starts to blink to make sure it doesn't stop blinking - the signal it woke back up.
    2) having followed the above instructions, if you take the computer out and it is hot again or if you take it out and discover it has powered down (you'll know this because when it starts up the battery will be drained and you'll see a progress bar over a ghostly display that will eventually become normal) immediately start the Console program and perform a search on 'sleep' and then 'wake'. This should bring up all the recent log files about sleep state changes (going to sleep and waking up). You should see one for when you put the computer to sleep and put it away and the next one should be just after you got it out. You'll find at least one though that shouldn't be there. That will tell you when the computer work up (when it shouldn't have) and might give a clue as to why.
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     Hello @cipegwa,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More.
    I understand that your notebook computer is not able to stream audio from any of your portable devices to playback through the notebook speakers, and I would be happy to assist you in this matter!
    To ensure that the Bluetooth software is installed correctly on your computer, I recommend removing the drivers from Programs and Features or the Device Manager. Once the old software is removed, please restart your computer.
    When the notebook has booted back into Windows, I recommend downloading the HP Wireless Button Driver, as well as any applicable wireless or Bluetooth drivers needed from the HP Support Assistant. 
    Additionally, I also suggest following the steps below:
    Step 1. Go to device manager
    Step 2. Right click on "Bluetooth Peripheral Device" that you want
    Step 3. Select "Update Driver Software..."
    Step 4. Choose "Browse my computer for driver software"
    Step 5. Choose "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer"
    Step 6. Select "Ports (COM & LPT)"
    Step 7. Select "Microsoft" at "Manufacturer" list
    Step 8. Finally select "Standard Serial over Bluetooth link"
    If you are still unable to pair with a Bluetooth device try the following:
    Step 1. Search for "Change device" in the Windows 8 Start menu.
    Step 2. Click on where it says Change device installation settings.
    Step 3. Select the No, let me choose what to do option.
    Step 4. Check the automatically get the device app option
    Step 5. Click Save changes to save the settings you just chose
    As well you can try this:
    Step 1: Go to RUN (Windows Logo + R) and type “services.msc” and Enter
    Step 2: Now find “Bluetooth Support Service” and double click on it
    Step 3: Now click on Log On Tab and Type in "Local Service" without quotes
    Step 4. Click on “This Account”
    Step 5: Now remove any passwords leave the password field blank
    Step 6: Underneath the upper left title should be a hyperlink "Start"
    Step 7. Click "Start"
    You can also check Power Management tab and unchecked the box that said "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power."
    Please re-post with the results of your troubleshooting, and I look forward to your reply!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Timing-wise the problem coincided with upgrading the firmware on my Airport Express to 7.6.4 (reverting to the previous version doesn't seem possible).
    Reverting to an earlier firmware version is possible with v5.6 of the AirPort Utility. Note: This version runs fine under OS X Mountain Lion but will not install without a workaround. Let me know if you need it.

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    I know I may in the wrong section (I am using Mac Mini), but that's EXACTLY what I am "experiencing" with my new Mini.
    I did read many many thread in this forum about this problem, the most suitable adjective for the noise is "R2D2" voice and "pop" sound.
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    Have you checked your settings in the Audio Midi setup utility?

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  • No Audio, External speakers popping sound. Help Please!

    Apple iMac "Core i5" 2.5 21.5-Inch (Mid-2011)
    OS X 10.6.8
    Having trouble with the audio on my iMac. AppleCare is not an option. This system made a few stops between a non-tech literate PO and myself so I have no history for before the symptoms presented.
    Problem Summary:
    No sound from internal speakers at any time.
    No standard audio from external speakers.
    Constant high frequency popping sound from external speakers when hooked up.
    External speakers known and tested good on another system.
    Popping sound starts immediatly after startup.
    No startup sound with either internal or external speakers.
    Tried iTunes and YouTube video played on Safari without success.
    In OS onscreen volume control looks and responds normally to volume adjust action.
    Popping sound on external speakers volume does not change with in OS volume adjustment.
    'Internal Speakers' NOT listed in SYS PREF> SOUND> Output Tab   ( 'Headphones' is listed ).
    SLEEP MODE stops popping sound, popping sound restarts with computer but at slower frequency for a few seconds.
    Actions tried:
    Checked and cycled mute options in APPS> SYS PREF> SOUND  &  APPS> UTILITIES> AUDIO MIDI SETUP.
    Quit process 'coreaudiod' in APPS> ACTIVITY MONITOR. * see note below
    Checked that no light visible inside external audio jack.
    Reset NVRAM / PRAM process
    Rest System Management Controller
    Shutdown / Restart with ALL devices unplugged.
    Extra Info:
    Apple USB keyboard w/10 key
    Logitech Wheel Mouse
    'Sample' taken from 'coreaudiod' in ACTIVITY MONITOR
    Analysis of sampling coreaudiod (pid 242) every 1 millisecond
    Call graph:
    2759 Thread_3183 DispatchQueue_1: (serial)
    2759 0x1000016a4
      2759 0x1000071e0
       2759 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
        2759 __CFRunLoopRun
         2759 mach_msg
          2759 mach_msg_trap
    2759 Thread_3184 DispatchQueue_2: (serial)
    2759 start_wqthread
      2759 _pthread_wqthread
       2759 _dispatch_worker_thread2
        2759 _dispatch_queue_invoke
         2759 _dispatch_mgr_invoke
          2759 kevent
    2759 Thread_3186
    2759 thread_start
      2759 _pthread_start
       2759 CAPThread::Entry(CAPThread*)
        2759 HALRunLoop::OwnThread(void*)
         2759 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
          2759 __CFRunLoopRun
           2759 mach_msg
            2759 mach_msg_trap
    Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5):
    Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5):
    mach_msg_trap 5518
    kevent 2759

    Have also done an Apple Hardware test. Both levels. Reports there are no problems.

  • No sound through external speakers when in Windows?

    I have a pair of Harmon Kardon soundstick speakers on my Mac Pro bwhich work fine in OSX but when i boot into Windows XP there is no sound through them. I can get it through Headphones and the (poor) internal speaker but not through my external Harmon Kardon's?
    This is driving me crazy as i need it for my games!

    Hi Mark,
    as promised my settings in XP:
    And as promised my settings, etc. in XP, which gives me full sound with my external speakers (alongside the internal one, but that's another story).
    Here we go:
    Audio with external speakers on MacPro while in Windows XP:
    OS: Windows XP with SP2 (slipstreamed by myself in my PC heydays)
    Drivers: Original BootCamp 1.1.2 Drivers CD
    In Device Manager (Control Panel - System):
    Audio-,Video- and Gamecontroller:
    - Audiocodecs
    - Legacy-Audio Driver
    - Legacy-Videorecording Device
    - Media Control Unit
    - Realtek High Definition Audio
    - Videocodecs
    In Realtek High Definition Audio:
    - Tab General:
    - Manufacturer: Realtek
    - Place: Path 65535 (Internal High Definition Audio Bus)
    - Tab Properties:
    - Audio Devices : Realtek HD Audio
    - Midi Devices : Reattek HD Audio
    - Mixer : Realtek HD Audio
    - Line-In Devices : Realtek HD Audio
    For all Devices: Driver activated and functioning
    Using Audio functions on this device = On
    - Tab Driver:
    Manufacturer: Realtek Semiconducor Corp.
    Date of Driver: 24.08.2006
    Version of Driver:
    System Devices:
    - Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for HD Audio is installed
    In Audio and Audio Devices (Control Panel):
    Realtek HD Audio output:
    - Tab Volume:
    - Device Volume: 1/3 of full
    - Sound off: not set
    - Volume Control in Task Bar: Set
    - Speakers Property: Deskto Stereo Speakers
    - Tab Sounds:
    - Sound Scheme: No Sounds
    - Tab Audio:
    - Sound-Playback and - Recording: Realtek HD Audio (output / input)
    - Midi: Microsft GS Wavetable
    - Tab Voice:
    - Voice Playback and -Recording: Realtek HD Audio (output / input)
    - Tab Hardware:
    - Sony DVD RW DW-150A
    - Realtek HD Audio
    - Audiocodecs
    - Legacy-Audio Device
    - Media Control Unit
    - Legacy Video Recording Device
    - Videocodecs
    For all: Device Ready
    In Software (Control Panel):
    High Definition Audio Driver Package - KB888111
    - Support Info: Version 20040219.000000
    Realtek HD Audio Driver:
    - Size: 28,20 MB
    - Support Info: Version
    Let's hope you find some differences to yours, so maybe we have a chance to get this sorted out.
    Please keep in touch.

  • When external speakers are plugged in to headphone jack, sound randomly goes back to internal speakers or digital audio setting, then back again

    I have an essentially new MacBook Pro with Lion and all updates applied, and am wondering if this is a hardware or software problem.  Essentially with something plugged into the headphone jack, things work as they are supposed to for a while, then the sound will switch back to internal speakers, or sometimes 'digital out' (I can watch it change in the system settings), and then often switch back.  It doesn't seem to follow any sort of pattern or be related to any specific application that could be open, and happens with different sources of audio (iTunes, streaming from the web), and different external speakers or headphones plugged in.

    Sounds hardware related. If it's brand new, and you're still under warranty I would have it checked out.
    I have not experienced this on my computer.
    As I understand it, you have analog RCA outputs from an 1/8" to left and right RCA outputs. when you're randomly using the computer, it'll switch to internal speakers, then to digital audio, back to your stereo analog external speakers.
    This should not be happening and if it's happening with streaming content (I am unaware of anything that streams in 5.1 digital audio) then this must be something that an apple specialist should look at and consider.
    Does this happen with the headphone jack out? when you hold your finger over the headphone jack area does a red beam come out of it *blinking* or just on? This will be a good indicator that your audio hardware is faulty. are you running HDMI out?

  • Lion audio dropouts with external speakers?

    Since I installed OS 10.7.3 (upgraded from 10.6.8), I get audio dropouts whenever I use external speakers.  I use my Mini (purchased a year ago in Feb 2011) connected to my TV for Skype, Netflix, and listening to iTunes, so this effectively eliminates my ability to use it.  I don't get dropouts if I use the internal speakers, and it doesn't seem to matter whether I'm using iTunes to play something resident on the internal hard drive or watching something on Netflix streaming over wifi, or whether I have wifi or bluetooth on or off.  The external speakers are run through an HDMI cable connecting the computer and the TV.

    Updates applied, at least one of which caused reccurrence of my audio dropout problem (I'm guessing iTunes is the culprit):
    iPhoto Update 9.2.2
    GarageBand Update 6.0.5
    Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update 3.10
    Application Loader 2.5.1
    Safari 5.1.4
    iTunes 10.6

  • HT4437 Is it possible to stream audio from a non-Itunes program on a computer (say, a website, Youtube, etc...) to Airplay speakers?

    Is it possible to stream audio from a non-Itunes program on a computer (say, a website, Youtube, etc...) to Airplay speakers?

    When you set up the new Mac, you can use Migration Assistant to transfer both from your iMac and your external drives.  You can also use Target Disk Mode to drag over the things you want.

  • Audio output will not work on external speakers.  Internal speakers will work.  What do i do to replace audio output slot

    audio output will not work on external speakers.  Internal speakers will work.  What do i do to replace audio output slot

    Right click your volume icon in the notification area and select "volume control options". From there, you should be able to select the external speakers.
    I hope that helps!
    Best of luck,
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  • How can I stream audio from Apple TV 2 to Airport Express speakers.

    how can I stream audio from Apple TV 2 to Airport Express speakers.
    I have LCD projector on one wall and connected ATV to it via HDMI.
    Speakers on the other wall and connected to APXpress.

    To be honest the times we've wanted to have music from more than one set of speakers, I've usually used my mac's iTunes library and controlled it either from the mac or from my phone, since they're not really the times we have any TV on anyway. I've tested AirTunes from the Apple TV but can't recall whether it worked with content from a streaming library.
    Now I've got something to do.

  • No audio in Windows Vista from my external speakers

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    thanks for any advice

    It's hard to know exactly which it is at this point.  It could be one of two things.  The speakers have failed or the jack detect pin located inside the headphone jack has failed.  A non-functional jack detection pin would cause the system to route audio to the headphone jack constantly instead of the internal speakers.  
    If you want to be absolutely certain it is not a software issue (corrupted registry possibly), you can try the system recovery making sure to backup your files.  I suspect this is a hardware issue, but it could very well be a corrupted registry causing the jack detection pin not to be read properly.  
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