Stretch audio segment

I've read that you can cut, copy, move, shorten audio segments. But it's not possible to stretch an audio segment? Let's say I've just recorded something and I want to stretch that recorded waveform so it matches the first two bars. So far I've found out that I can shorten the waveform, but that just cuts the end of it off. And I can do something called flex to stretch certain segments of the waveform. But I can't stretch the entire waveform outside the waveform length. For example: if I recorded something that lasts 2.75 notes and I want to stretch that waveform to 4 (so that it matches the first bar of a 4/4 song), that can't be done?
The other way around doesn't work either. For example: if I record something that lasts too long, for example 7.5 notes and I want to shrink that waveform so it matches the first bar of a 4/4 song, that doesn't work either. I can just shorten the waveform, which cuts a part of the end. I'd like to shrink the entire waveform or expand it when needed.
This can't be done in Garageband?

But it's not possible to stretch an audio segment?
You can, but it may not sound too good.
But I can't stretch the entire waveform outside the waveform length. For example: if I recorded something that lasts 2.75 notes and I want to stretch that waveform to 4 (so that it matches the first bar of a 4/4 song), that can't be done?
To be able to stretch or shrink, you need empty space to stretch the waveform into.
A quick&dirty work around:  Record a few beats of silence directly behind the region that you want to extend. Then select the region and the silent region at the same time and merge them into one single region: "Edit > Join Regions". This will create a new audio file, however. In this joined region you can drag and extend the note, if flex is enabled for the track.

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    Lennysapple wrote:
    Oh really, it is supposed to be fixed in v 9.1.7
    Then I'll have to give it a try.
    Seems to work OK here
    Lennysapple wrote:
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    Is what you are going to do when you have identified these sections to raise the volume. That can be done automatically without previously identifying them by using the Dynamic Processing or Speech Volume Leveling effects.

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    in fcpx 10.0.6, if you have a range selection, the export will be only that segment.
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    Hi Kevin -
    It's funny...  We are doing the exact same thing that you are.  We are recording webinars, chunking up the audio into individual files according to PPT slides, and putting the audio back into the PPT presentation so they can be played back as the presentation initially aired.  We're also exporting the reconstituted presentations as standalone webcasts that people watch online.
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    Something also that may work for you (but not for us for various reasons) is iSpring Presenter's sync function.  This allows you to bring in the entire audio clip and put it on the first PPT slide.  Then you click a stopwatch icon when the audio is supposed to go to a different slide.  This syncs up your audio and PPT for you.  No more Premiere.  Here is specific info on how to do that.  It works great.  We don't use it because we have to cut back into the presentation with live audio.  But it may work great for what you're doing.

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    Just edit it in...

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    Actually the term "extract audio" is misleading.
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    Hello Mr. Wolsky,
    I have read many of your extremely well informed posts on this site and greatly respect your opinion. I am wondering, however, if you are perhaps mistaken in stating that one cannot pitch shift in FCP.
    I invite you to go to the Apple Sound Effects Plugins folder and take a look at "AUPitch". I have used it often for making Foley sound effects that I either can't be bothered to search out - for instance a huge metal clanging door I pitch shifted up a few octaves and it became a briefcase lock springing open.
    I think people just don't look in that folder because it looks kinda boring.
    Here is an extract from an article on Ken Stone about the Apple audio filters.
    Hope this helps.
    +Adjusts the pitch of your audio, obviously. There are a LOT of controls though, and I have to admit that I don't have a clue what a Glb Trigger Thresh or a Loud Aggr K is. Effect blend blends the pitch-shifted audio with the original and is sometimes necessary to make voices sound natural. It is worth mentioning that I've gotten perfectly acceptable results by adjusting the first two parameters and not bothering with any of the others. I'd imagine that most people wouldn't have to adjust more than these.+
    +I tried a Google search on some of these parameters but they only turned up forum threads where people were asking what on Earth they meant and no-one was able to solve their problem. If anyone does know, I'd be interested to hear from them.+
    +This can be useful for making a male actor's voice more masculine (yes, I have had to do this!).+

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