Stupid attempt- Help!

Ok, so my old powerbook G4 is hopelessly out of date (10.2.8), and a guy at work was "positive" that I could use the disks that came with my fairly new MacBook Pro to update it. I was very sceptical, but stupidly gave it a shot. I now am stuck on a Darwin Kernel Panic screen, cannot eject the disk, rebooting does nothing. Anyone have any suggestions?

The disc is out, so your halfway "home"! .......... Try the following:
Remove the +Power Cable+ and the Battery ...... then hold down the Power button for 5 seconds.
Reinsert the Power Cable and Battery ..... now you are going to try Resetting the NVRAM/PRAM chips
Reboot while holding down Command-Option-P-R keys together until the computer chimes three(3) individual times ... release keys to complete reboot .... Repair Permissions ... click the soft Restart

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    Hi scottum,
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    01 class ourCar {
    03 public String color;
    05 public void PrintValue(String YourValue){
    06      System.out.println(this.YourValue );
    08      }
    09 }
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    17 Car1.color = "red";
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    but where is the Thinking Error i have?
    KJKrum wrote i should not use the language this way...
    what would be the right way for doing a job like this?You have a very simple example. Reflection which is what both threads suggest as a solution is complex and should be used with caution because of the performance and maintenance problems that can arise.
    So one has to wonder, for such a simple problem, does it not suggest that perhaps your design is not correct and if you took another look at it you could come up with a solution that is more appropriate and leads to code with is much simpler.
    I believe that was the intent of the suggestion.
    For example if you really must access 'attributes' via a key then have you considered that perhaps you don't have attributes but rather 'properties'. And if so there is already a Properties class. And if the Properties class is a little to constraining then the Hashtable might also fulfill what you are trying do. Keep in mind that these depend on whether the best design for your project really requires accessing values via a string.

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    As long as you have only one site, it doesn't matter. The following will work (and your site name will automatically be added).
    However, if you already gave out the long name to your friends and can't remember what it is, why not ask one of your friends? (I'd ask one that already owes me big time!)
    One other thought. If you did NOT publish with the incorrect name, simpy open your browser and enter the short name and you'll see the old site name yourself.

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    If you open a firefox window, simply open a new firefox(with bookmarks, plugins etc), so if you like to close it you close firefox.
    Τhis is not done with the tabs, because each tab can close individual, without closing the firefox window, ie firefox.

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    It must be some problem with the installation of jdk. Try to create that key in the registry.
    In the run menu type "regedit". Go to the key specified in the error message and add the JavaHome subkez with the value:
    C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.0
    Or look for the location of the "Java\j2re1.4.0" folder in your PC.
    Also check to see if there is a subkey "UseJava2IExplorer" with the value "0x00000001 (1)", I mean value 1 hexadecimal.
    Restart Windows and try again. If this does not work maybe you can try to reinstall JDK1.4

  • I'm stupid! help with audio in port and fender telecaster

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    can i just plug the 1/4 plug right into the audio in port?
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    Well, at least you got a Fender
    No, I am afraid you are gonna need a pre amp of some sort to record your guitar. The G5 iMac has some kind of built in pre amp, but that is the only one we have heard about. If you Marshall has a line out, you can use that, but NOT the speaker out! If you like the way your Marshall sounds, and I assume it is a master volume model, then you should just mic it at whatever volume you can get away with playing where you record. Use something like a Shure SM57 and get yourself a decent audio interface. My guess is that if you have a Tele and a Marshall, once you get started, you'll never want to stop, so just get what you need and be done with it
    Some other things to consider is that your hard drive on the PB is a slow drive. To get lots a tracks flowing, you are going to do a lot better with an external firewire drive (7200 RPM) just for your music.
    You can get a decent USB device such as I have, the Tascam US-122, or if you can, spend the extra cash and a get a firewire interface such as the Presonus Firebox. I get along fine so far with my US-122 at about half the price of the firewire. I don't record my guitar direct and use the built in amp sims, though. I find them not as good as I can get micing my amps. And lately, I started using the Vox ToneLab for silent recording. I just leave it connected all the time, and when I want to record, I just turn it on, and plug in and start recording.
    There is some thing called a Guitar Plug or something like that, that claims to allow you to record without a pre amp, but I really don't see how it can boost the signal to line level without a pre amp. Plus, with your slow drive, and using the amp sims, you are gonna bog down pretty quick, I'd think. The amp sims along with the effects presets for the basic guitar sounds are pretty CPU intense. Your best bet for good clean recording, is to get a mic, an interface, and mic that amp!
    And do check out HangTime's FAQ page. That can save you a lot of frustration.

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    Is there a sim in the iPhone?
    Has the iPhone been jailbroken or modified to work with other
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    If you can get that far, what does it say when you look at

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Start here, and reset your security questions, you will receive an email to your rescue address, use the link in the email and reset your security questions.
    If that doesn't help or you don't have a rescue address, you might try contacting Apple through iTunes Store Support

  • BT On-Air 2000 Help

    Anybody know much about these handsets? I stupidly attempted to reset one I have using a code I found on the Internet (yes, I know, no chastisement please) and now although the phone registers ok and I can make calls, the function buttons (Recall, Intercom and Directory) are not assigned correctly and there is no menu option to change the buttons. The code I used was "*358# ok 4", can anyone help?
    Thanks ... Andy.

    Hi - The problem needs some careful logic applying to it.
    A. You say there are no problems with the other phones in the house - does this mean that you can make and receive calls okay on those phones with this phone connected to the system?
    If so then at least we know the problem is with the phone
    if not then unplug this new phone and confirm that your system works without the new phone - if the system doesnt work with out the new phone then the fault is with the incoming phone line and you need an engineer
    B. Assuming that the house system is okay without this phone and the new phone is at fault next we need to find out if it is the handset, base or transmission system between the base.
    With the phone actually on the base press the green button and put your ear to the earpiece - Can you hear a dial tone? If yes then it is the transmission system between base and handset - If no then the problem is with the base station
    In either case next unplug the base station power and leave unplugged for 30 seconds, plug the power back in
    Now take the handset and press and hold down the red button until the handset turns off, wait 30 seconds and press and hold the green button until the handset turns on - now press the green button again and see if there is a dial tone? If no or it is still saying busy then
    can you access another BT On-air 1100 handset? if so charge up this one and see if the problem persists - if no then it is the handset and if yes then it is the base station and if you have a warranty then return the whole unit and ask for a replacement.
    It is very difficult to fault find at a distance, I hope you can solve this conundrum with or with out this post - good luck.
    Signatures... just say NO!

  • It's almost 7:00 PM in London please help me turingtest2 et al with the great Itunes update debaucle of 2014!

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    Running: Microsoft windows XP media center edition version 2002 service pack 3.
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    I read a post that said something about messing with the msconfig and the inetcpl.cpl and the dxdiag in the START/RUN area so I may have done something stupid.
    HELP! ( apple hate) HELP!

    Most likely, you have a web plugin that depends on the Java runtime distributed by Apple. If you no longer need the plugin, remove it. Otherwise, install Java.

  • Getting help without AIR for CS5.5

    So... the org I work for disables AIR at an enterprise level. As in, automated search bots scan your machine at night and delete AIR while you're not looking. Plus, we aren't allowed admin rights to reinstall such dangerous software...
    At any rate, long story short is that NOW (too late) I realize that AIR is required to run the stupid Adobe Help app that Flash and all the other Suite apps rely on as I can no longer launch the Help app at all!
    Is there any way for me to specify that all Adobe apps use external browser help and/or local help? IT dude is busy seeing if he can find a copy of AIR to install that matches the specs on the one from the CS5.5 suite he installed. Because, you know, naturally it's not allowed to just reinstall AIR without installing over something in the Suite again. But I am hoping there is a more elegant solution?
    Thanks in advance...
    (BTW, congratulations to the engineers on this one--another defeat ripped from the jaws of victory! In CS4, this used to be a simple setting in the Extensions area of Flash that allowed easy enabling of local help only...)

    Hi Mark,
    Thanks for the quick and helpful response!
    I will definitely dispute the claim that you automatically get external and/or local help if AIR isn't available because I was launching Adobe Help and getting the "This application requires a version of AIR which cannot be found", but in Flash, hitting F1, selecting Help from the menu etc all just did nothing. Perhaps just the way that AIR was disabled, but FYI, it doesn't always seem to fail gracefully the way you guys are expecting it to.
    At any rate, we've got most everything set up here finally, but there is one last item that is driving me nuts. In CS4, I could hit F1 on any keyword and it would automatically take me to the correct page after looking up the keyword for me in the local help. This doesn't appear to be the case in CS5.5. Instead I just get taken to the main page "Welcome to Help" page.
    EDIT: Actually, it's a little different then I initially thought.
    - Some keywords such as File.documentsDirectory just take me to the front "Welcome" page.
    - Other keywords, like addEventListener, take me to incorrect pages. In this case the page for The phrase "addEventListener" isn't even on the page if I do control-F and search for it.
    - And finally, a few of them actually take me to the right page, but with missing info. FileStream.readMultiByte takes me to the FileStream area, but with all the info in Event Detail, Method Detail etc blank. In those cases, I get a couple of error messages:
    Message: Invalid character
    Line: 1
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: file:///C:/en_US/shared/ahpods/AHPod.js
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1
    Char: 49
    Code: 0
    URI: file:///C:/Users/[some.user]/AppData/Roaming/chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1/Local%20Store/Help/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/filesystem/FileStream.html?filter_flash=cs5.5&filter_flashplayer=10.3&filter_air=2.6&
    Thanks in advance!

  • Missing Emails/SMS days all of a sudden-help!

    Thank you for your attempted help!  About midday today I realized that all of a sudden I was missing multiple days of my email/sms messages in my inbox.  I have Dec. 20th but then am completely missing Dec. 19th, Dec. 18th and then I have Dec. 17th and then it completely skips to Sept. 9th.  I am not sure if pressed something that would accidentally hide these messages.  I know the emails are still present in my normal inbox in my regular mail, but they are not showing on my blackberry.  Also, I am missing tons of SMS.  I know that I could see all of it last night before bed, so this just happened today.  I can still send and receive messages and they are posting to Dec. 20th so I just want to get my days back!!  Please help if you can.  Thanks!

    Welcome to the forums.
    It sounds like you are very low on free space - this sort of thing will happen if a device gets too low on space.  Click HERE for more information about items being deleted.
    To see your free space, click on the Options icon, then Status - check the File Free.
    If you find a post here helpful, please consider giving the poster some Kudos

  • HELP Missing text animations

    I installed my Premier Elements 7 including the extra theme content and I have zero text transitions. Where are they? Am I somehow missing something? I installed from a new CD. Help is appreciated.

    Thanks for the attempted help, but my themes, styles, templates, etc. are all there...just no text animations at all. And idea where those are stored (file name/folder) so I can check and see if they are missing?
    Since I didn't buy it from Adobe, their support said they couldn't help me...something about the serial number not being valid.

Maybe you are looking for