Style over protection?

I'm thinking about switching iPhone 5 cases. The one I'm thinking about buying is a Pokedex style one and I think most of them are either Capsule and Deflector from Redbubble.
I currently have an Otterbox and I love the protection and I do not mind the big size. I tend to be careless with my electronics which is why I love the Otterbox. However, I also love the Pokedex cases and the Otterbox is kind of boring.
Is it worth it over the Otterbox? And which is better? The Capsule or Deflector case?
Thank you!!!

If you tend to be careless about your electronics like be then I recoomend that you get a case for protection rather than style. I wouldn't mind having a cute case on my phone but I constantly drop mine so I decided to make sure I had a case that will protect it. If you think the Otterbox is a little big then try the LifeProof cases, it cost more but I have one and its slim and worth every penny to me.

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    Then don't use it - no one is forcing you to.
    However I would say that you should keep an open mind and think past previous ways of doing things. For example I have a 'manuals' folder where I save downloaded manuals and docs. Coverflow is one way of browsing through that folder then when I see the document I want (which is one of the ideas of coverflow) I can page through it in coverflow view or, more likely, just press the spacebar to bring it up in Preview.
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    Did you try this?
    See my VectorLayer of Customers
    // define and use the Customers theme
            vectorLayer = new OM.layer.VectorLayer("vectorlayer2",
                    dataSource:"mvdemo", theme:"customers",
                    url: baseURL,
                    loadOnDemand: true
            var variableMarker = new
              marker:new{ vectorDef: [
                                shape: {type: "circle", cx: 5, cy: 5, width: 10, height: 10},
                                style: {fill: "#ff00ff", stroke: "#000000"}
            vectorLayer.enableClustering(true,{clusterStyle:variableMarker,minPointCount:5, maxClusteringLevel:8, threshold:40});
              vectorLayer.setHoverStyle(new{strokeThickness:8})); //MY HOVER STYLE DEFINITION

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    Thanks for posting this Marcy. This behavior is a known bug our engineering team has logged.
    To workaround the problem you can select the hyperlinks within your text and remove the character style applied (i.e., change the character style to "none").
    Best regards,

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    Thanks for taking your time reading this and assistance in advance!

    As you've noted, Cp5 doesn't use Design Templates, and neither does it have anything exactly equivalent to CSS or style sheets that can be applied quickly and easily across multiple projects, as you can do with web pages.
    You can export all styles from a current Captivate 5 project and import the entire style set into another Cp5 project.  However, in current Cp5 functionality the imported styles do not overwrite existing styles that may have the same name, and this includes the default styles.  What you end up with is a lot of additional styles that have the same name with a number appended to the end to differentiate them from existing styles.  Do this once or twice and things can get very messy very quickly.
    We've logged a request for Adobe to consider adding the ability for authors to choose whether or not to overwrite existing styles with identical names on import.  Hopefully this will happen soon.  For the present however, you need to work around the issue as best you can.
    If your vendor sends you a project with an existing set of styles that are customised versions of the default styles, my suggestion is that you create your own style set with unique names (e.g. a two or three letter prefix to identify them in the Object Style Manager lists)  and then import the entire set as a single file into your projects.
    I'm afraid that the bad news is that, since you cannot overwrite styles on import, you will need to apply your new set of styles one by one.  You can use the Apply This Style To option to change all objects of a given style over to your new style, but it's still a rather tedious process.
    There is no downgrade option from Captivate 4 to Captivate 5.  You cannot save a Captivate 5 file as Captivate 4 format. No Captivate version has ever been able to do this as far as I can recall.

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    Why do I need 2 places to define that?

    I was wondering, when I use Chapter Number via the text Variables, I can define the nubers style over there, but I can also define it via Numbering and Sections options.
    Why do I need 2 places to define that?

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    Please don't think I'm being over protective of my Nano, but I have it in a silicon case and I would like to keep it in a carry case as well without removing the silicon case. Something like a small leather pouch. Does anybody know if there is this kind of case available designed for a Nano? I have looked around on the web and couldn't find anything like it. I am considering cutting up an old suede jacket and whipping one up on my wife's sewing machine. Any input is most welcome.

    mabey this one? cPGTI9R3Uj47Ziw7HOa39C/
    or these? cPGTI9R3Uj47Ziw7HOa39C/
    sorry i havent heard of putting a cases in a case.
    (japan huh? cool.)
    Nano 4GB black,Moto RAZR V3 black, PSP, all kinds of cases for nano,radio/remote   Windows XP   <img src=""align="right"</span>

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    And, as a bonus, makes theft of the phone extremely difficult.

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    Yeah, I hear what you're saying, Todd, and I don't disagree in terms of reaction. That said, it's important to understand that both sales and marketing (they're not the same thing) are all about numbers. If you get in front of x number of people, y percent will take the action that you desire. You can increase x or y to better your results, and of course in a perfect world you do both.
    If they get you and Chuck spreading the word about the video because you don't like it, lots more people will be exosed to it. And y percent will like it and take action. That's a y percent that never would have taken action if people like you two, who object to it, didn't spread the word.
    There are benevolent marketing practices (which I advocate with my company as I believe it leads to long term success) and sleazy tactics (which often produce quick /short term results). Nonetheless, they both get results. And that's what marketing is about.
    Another thing that folks like us tend to overlook is something I learned reading about the long pitch letter thing you get in the mail or see on web sites. Personally, I just roll my eyes and think, "What kind of moron would fall for this?" However, an article I read set me straight. Intelligent / educated / discerning people are not the target audience, so they don't care if you roll your eyes or not. I think that applies to videos such as this as well.
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