Subject in Alert Message

Hi All,
I have configured Alert and receiving alert successfully as an Email.
In my sceanario, i m triggering alert in BPM and need to pass payload as an Email body so used container.
and ticked Dynamic Text option in ALRTCATDEF.
So now I m getting email with Pay load.
But i need to put my subject line in Email.
Please guide me for same.

Hi Manisha,
goto tcode ALRTCATDEF, under your alert category uncheck the Dynamic text checkbox.
Once unchecked, you will be able to see Long and Short Text tab next to Container tab.
Under the Long and Short Text tab you create your subject line in the Message Title section
(If Dynamic text checkbox is checked then you wont be able to see the Long and Short Text tab)
Gautam Purohit
( Please close the thread if the question is answered )

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    I am working on a BPM scenario, where I am sending alerts from BPM. These alerts are sent as an email to the users.
    Is it possible to send the alert message as subject of the email along with the content?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Yes, alert is raised using control step in BPM. Any customizing possible?

  • How to fire a Alert Message in a table format

    Hi friends,
    Currently im performing an Alert. My requirement is i need to display the alert message to the user in the mail in a table format.
    But i couldnt perform that, as the alert is not displaying in a properly aligned table format.
    Can you friends propose me a right way to bring the alert in a table format with two columns.
    Thanks in Advance..

    I agree w 936671, do this in PL/SQL. Much, much easier.
    However, I will recommend a different approach using PL/SQL.
    1) Create a package to send the emails. Sample code:
    create or replace package cust_fnd_utilities as
    procedure send_email(     p_sender     in     varchar2,
                   p_recipient      in      varchar2,
                   p_subject     in     varchar2,
                   p_message     in     varchar2);
    end cust_fnd_utilities;
    create or replace package body cust_fnd_utilities as
    procedure send_email(     p_sender     in     varchar2,
                   p_recipient      in      varchar2,
                   p_subject     in     varchar2,
                   p_message     in     varchar2)
    v_mail_host     varchar2(30);
    v_crlf      constant varchar2(2):= chr(13)||chr(10);
    v_message     varchar2(10000);
    v_mail_conn     utl_smtp.connection;
    v_mail_host := 'localhost';
    v_mail_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(v_mail_host, 25);
    v_message :=      'Date: ' ||
         to_char(sysdate, 'dd Mon yy hh24:mi:ss') || v_crlf ||
         'From: <'|| p_sender ||'>' || v_crlf ||
         'Subject: '|| p_subject || v_crlf ||
         'To: '||p_recipient || v_crlf || '' || v_crlf || p_message;
    utl_smtp.ehlo(v_mail_conn, v_mail_host);
    utl_smtp.mail(v_mail_conn, p_sender);
    utl_smtp.rcpt(v_mail_conn, p_recipient);, v_message);
    when others then
    end send_email;
    end cust_fnd_utilities;
    2) Build the email, then call the package from step #1. Sample code:
    create or replace package cust_fnd_monitoring as
    procedure profile_options_build_email (     p_errbuf     out     varchar2,
                             p_retcode     out     varchar2,
                             p_sender     in     varchar2,
                             p_recipient     in     varchar2);                         
    end cust_fnd_monitoring;
    create or replace package body cust_fnd_monitoring as
    procedure profile_options_build_email (     p_errbuf     out     varchar2,
                             p_retcode     out     varchar2,
                             p_sender     in     varchar2,
                             p_recipient     in     varchar2)
    v_subject          varchar2(100) := 'erpgamd1 - Recent Profile Option Changes';
    v_mime_type          varchar2(100) := 'Content-Type: text/html';
    v_body               varchar2(10000);
    v_line_feed          varchar2(1):=chr(10);
    cursor profile_cur is
    select     p.user_profile_option_name,
    from     fnd_profile_option_values v,
         fnd_profile_options_vl p,
         fnd_user u,
         fnd_responsibility_vl r
    where     p.application_id = v.application_id
    and     p.profile_option_id = v.profile_option_id
    and     v.last_updated_by = u.user_id
    and     v.level_id = 10003
    and     v.level_value = r.responsibility_id
    and      v.level_value_application_id = r.application_id
    and     r.creation_date <= '01-NOV-2010'
    and     v.last_update_date >= sysdate-7
    and     u.user_name != '204020779'
    union all
    select     p.user_profile_option_name,
         'Site' responsibility_name,
    from     fnd_profile_option_values v,
         fnd_profile_options_vl p,
         fnd_user u
    where     p.application_id = v.application_id
    and     p.profile_option_id = v.profile_option_id
    and     v.last_updated_by = u.user_id
    and     v.level_id = 10001
    and     v.last_update_date >= sysdate-7
    and     u.user_name != '204020779'
    order by 5 desc,4;
    profile_rec     profile_cur%rowtype;
    open profile_cur;
         fetch profile_cur into profile_rec;
         exit when profile_cur%notfound;
         if profile_cur%rowcount = 1 then
         -- We need to confirm that we fetch at least one row. Once we have confirmed, we want to generate
         -- the email body heading only during the first pass through the loop.
              v_body := '<html>' || v_line_feed;
              v_body := v_body || '<body style="font-family:arial;font-size:10pt">' || v_line_feed || v_line_feed;
              v_body := v_body || '<table cellspacing="5">' || v_line_feed;
              -- table heading
              v_body := v_body || '<tr>' || v_line_feed;
              v_body := v_body || '<td align="left"><u>profile option name</u></td>' || v_line_feed;
              v_body := v_body || '<td align="left"><u>responsibility name</u></td>' || v_line_feed;
              v_body := v_body || '<td align="left"><u>last update date</u></td>' || v_line_feed;
              v_body := v_body || '<td align="left"><u>SSO #</u></td>' || v_line_feed;
              v_body := v_body || '<td align="left"><u>user name</u></td>' || v_line_feed;
              v_body := v_body || '</tr>' || v_line_feed;
         end if;
         -- table detail
         v_body := v_body || '<tr>' || v_line_feed;
         v_body := v_body || '<td>' || profile_rec.user_profile_option_name      || '</td>' || v_line_feed;
         v_body := v_body || '<td>' || profile_rec.responsibility_name          || '</td>' || v_line_feed;
         v_body := v_body || '<td>' || profile_rec.last_update_date          || '</td>' || v_line_feed;
         v_body := v_body || '<td>' || profile_rec.user_name                || '</td>' || v_line_feed;
         v_body := v_body || '<td>' || profile_rec.description               || '</td>' || v_line_feed;
         v_body := v_body || '</tr>'|| v_line_feed;
    end loop profile_loop;
    if profile_cur%rowcount =0 then
         -- The cursor fetched no rows.
         -- send email using utl_smtp
         cust_fnd_utilities.send_email(p_sender,p_recipient,v_subject || '. No exceptions found.','No exceptions found.');
         -- Generate the end of the email body if we fetched at least one row.
         v_body := v_body || '<table>' || v_line_feed || v_line_feed;
         v_body := v_body || v_line_feed || '</body>' || v_line_feed;
         v_body := v_body || '</html>' || v_line_feed;
         -- send email using utl_smtp
         cust_fnd_utilities.send_email(p_sender,p_recipient,v_subject || v_line_feed || v_mime_type,v_body);
    end if;
    close profile_cur;
    end profile_options_build_email;
    end cust_fnd_monitoring;
    3) In your alert, do not use an email action. Rather, your action should be a SQL*Plus script that calls the package from step #2.

  • 12511 Unexpectedly received TLS alert message; treating as a rejection by the client

    ISE Version: (Running in VMware)
    WLC: 5508 ver
    I have a WLAN created that uses dot1x authentication. The WLAN points to ISE for RADIUS AAA. I cannot get any windows computer to connect to it (7,8 or 8.1 tested), but android, ios and osx are all able to connect. I have a 3rd party cert (GoDaddy) installed in my local store in ISE, which is valid and not expired. I do not understand why windows machines are failing.
    I am migrating to this new ISE server and my old ISE server has the same configuration (as far as I can tell) for this WLAN and it works for all devices, including windows. The difference is that it is on a different domain (the reason for the migration is we changed domains).
    Here is the ISE error:
    Event: 5400 Authentication failed
    Failure Reason: 12511 Unexpectedly received TLS alert message; treating as a rejection by the client
    Resolution: Ensure that the ISE server certificate is trusted by the client, by configuring the supplicant with the CA certificate that signed the ISE server certificate. It is strongly recommended to not disable the server certificate validation on the client!
    Root cause: While trying to negotiate a TLS handshake with the client, ISE received an unexpected TLS alert message. This might be due to the supplicant not trusting the ISE server certificate for some reason. ISE treated the unexpected message as a sign that the client rejected the tunnel establishment.
    Here is the WLC error:
    AAA Authentication Failure for UserName:Domain\User User Type: WLAN USER
    Here is the windows event viewer error:
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing
    Event ID:      5632
    A request was made to authenticate to a wireless network.
        Security ID:        NULL
        Account Name:        User
        Account Domain:        Domain
    Network Information:
        Name (SSID):        IT-Test
    Additional Information:
        Reason Code:        Explicit Eap failure received (0x50005)
        Error Code:        0x80420014
        EAP Reason Code:    0x80420100
        EAP Root Cause String:    Network authentication failed\nThe user certificate required for the network can't be found on this computer.
        EAP Error Code:        0x80420014
    On the ISE server that is working you are presented with a window that asks you to connect or terminate based on the certificate not being validated. I don't know why that isn't happening with this new ISE server, it just fails without prompting the user to connect or terminate. Both certs are from GoDaddy.
    A difference between the certs is the old has a cert that was generated through ISE and the new server has an imported wildcard cert.
    Anyway, I hope that is enough information to understand the issue. I appreciate the time anyone takes in assisting me with this issue. I did setup a copy of the WLAN so that I can test as needed and not have to wait for a maintenance window.

    Thanks for your prompt reply. If I understand you correctly, the workaround is to essentially NOT use a wildcard certificate?
    Here is another thing. In the certificate operations section I moved EAP to the self-signed certificate and the behavior is the same, but the error is different. The self-signed cert isn't a wildcard and it still fails on windows only.
    ISE Error:
    Event: 5400 Authentication failed
    Failure Reason: 12321 PEAP failed SSL/TLS handshake because the client rejected the ISE local-certificate
    Resolution: Check whether the proper server certificate is installed and configured for EAP in the Local Certificates page ( Administration > System > Certificates > Local Certificates ). Also ensure that the certificate authority that signed this server certificate is correctly installed in client's supplicant. Check the previous steps in the log for this EAP-TLS conversation for a message indicating why the handshake failed. Check the OpenSSLErrorMessage and OpenSSLErrorStack for more information.
    Root cause: PEAP failed SSL/TLS handshake because the client rejected the ISE local-certificate
    Obviously the self-signing CA isn't in the local machines store.

  • Jabber server New alert message

    I have been using a jabber server to access my MSN account and it has worked pretty good for several months. only issues, is sometimes it shuts off with no warning or once a got an alert message in another language. when i replied in english, there was no return message, and then the server kicked me off and went off line for a while.
    This morning i logged in to my iChat and started getting a message from the server ( the messages read: "Your MSN account has been logged in elsewhere. Please logout at the other location and then reactivate the MSN transport." This message keeps coming up every 3 or 5 minutes.
    no i know i am not logged in anywhere else, but i shut it off on iChat and logged into MSN messenger anyways. i could log in with no problems, so i assume i am not logged in.
    Has anyone heard of this message coming up as a false error or is it possible someone is logged in under my msn account? I do not give out passwords so i don't see how.

    Hi GIlbert,
    I haven't heard of that message before, but you're right, that would be annoying happening so often! It is possible that someone hacked into your MSN account by guessing the password (which it never hurts to change a password every so often just in case). I'm not saying that's exactly what happened though.
    The other situation could be that you logged on via another IP address somehow (through an open wireless connection?) and never properly closed out the connection. So the server would still see you online, even though you're really not.
    There are a few Google results on the subject though. Maybe this thread will help you out or shed some light on the issue?
    Good luck!

  • Generating Alert Message XML file and placing it in Queue

    Hello Team,
    I want the alert mechanism to generate the Alert file in XML format and it should be placed in the Queue it is the requirement of the client and it should be done without the help of the BPM can any one suggest me is this scenario can be done and if it can be done then please suggest me how can we do it.I have also refereed this link of customized alert mail but i want that attached file of email to be placed in the Queue and also without using BPM.
    I am also thinking is it possible to combine multiple interfaces without using BPM.
    Please help me in this issue thanks very much in advance.

    Hi Avinash,
    One option is genrate customize alert as per blog, pick the alert email from mail box and place in the desired queue with another interface.
    So you have two flow
    customize alert interface to create customize alert and send the message to mail box
    Pick the alert from mail box and place in the queue

  • Dynamic alert messages

    Hi All,
    I have got alert categories created by client,I have to use alert categories and dynamic alert message in BPM.i am not authorized for transaction ALRTCATDEF.Can you tell me where i can see dynamic alert messages for alert categories created.Is there any transaction or I can check in RWB in alert configuration
    Best Regards,
    Harleen Kaur Chadha

    Alert Configuration:- You use alert configuration to have the system informed you about the errors that occurs during message processing.
    *Used for alerts that occurs at IE.
    Alert Management: When you define the integration process you can specify that if a particular situation occurs at runtime a alert has to be thrown using alert management.
    *Used to handle business specific errors.
    For example if the stock falls below certain level an alert has to be thorwn to the specified user using the integration process in this case you have to follow steps defined in alert management
    Defining Alert Categories
    During alert category definition, you specify the alert text, expiry time, escalation, and all other conditions related to the sending of this kind of alert.
    1. Ensure that you are in change mode in the alert category definition environment (transaction ALRTCATDEF).
    2. Choose Create Alert Category.
    3. In the Alert Category column, enter a technical key. Choose a key that describes the situation that triggers the alert, such as CUSTCANC for a category responding to a customer cancellation. This key is language-independent and identifies the alert category. The standard namespace convention applies to the key, this means keys Z* und Y* belong to the customer name space.
    4. On the Properties tab page:
    a. In the Description field, enter a description for the alert category. Choose a description that is informative with respect to the content of the alert category. The description is language-dependent.
    b. If required, you can select a classification in the Classification field. If you do not choose a specific classification, the category is stored in the classification folder Unclassified. For more information on classifications, see Alert Classification.
    c. In the Max. No. of Dels field, specify a maximum number of times that an alert of this category is to be delivered if it is not confirmed. This refers to delivery using a communication channel other than to the recipientu2019s display program (UWL, application-specific program, or alert inbox).
    d. Select Dynamic Text if the texts of the alert category cannot be defined at this stage. This refers to situations in which the texts are not known until runtime, for example when CCMS Alerts are forwarded to ALM.
    No translation can be performed for alerts with dynamic text. System messages can be entered manually in several languages.
    e. In the Expiry Time in Min. field, you can enter a life span for alerts of this category if the alerts will no longer be relevant after a specific period of time. If the expiry time elapses, the alert is removed from the alert inbox and is no longer delivered using any other channel.
    Expiry times can be derived from various sources. Priority is given first to the data provided by the triggering application, second to the BAdI ALERT_EXP_DATE, and third to this field in the alert category definition. If none is found in any of these sources, the default expiry of 31.12.2099 applies.
    f. If you wish to specify an escalation recipient, select Escalation Active and enter the escalation recipient. Also specify a tolerance time in minutes. When escalation is active for an alert category, an alert is escalated if none of the alert recipients has confirmed the alert after this tolerance time. The escalation recipient is also informed that he or she has received the alert because of an escalation.
    The escalation functionality is based on the administrator report RSALERTPROC. This report has to be scheduled as a regular job. For information on this report.
    5. On the Container tab page, define any variables that you may want to use in the short text or long text. You can also define other application-specific variables, such as company code or material number. These variables are then replaced at runtime with values from the application. For more information, .
    6. On the Short and Long Text tab page, enter texts for the alert category. You can include text variables referring to elements of the alert container or system symbols. In the case of a container element, the variable must be defined in the alert container. The entry in the text must be in the form &<ElementName>&.
    The title is used as mail title, fax subject, and alert title in the inbox. The long text is used as mail/fax body and the long text view in the inbox. The short text is used for pager and SMS.
    7. On the Optional Subsequent Activities tab page, you can enter URLs for subsequent activities. If you trigger your alerts by calling a function module, you can also specify dynamic subsequent activities. For more information, see Triggering by Calling a Function Module Directly in Triggering Alerts.
    8. Save your entries.
    You create an alert category to use in alert rules.
    Basic alert configuration
    The specified item was not found.
    The specified item was not found.
    Trigerring alerts from UDF
    Triggering XI Alerts from a User Defined Function
    Alert Configuration
    Alert Inbox
    Alert Notification Step-by-Step
    Defining Alert Classifications
    Triggering Alerts
    Setting up alerts
    Setting up alerts in RZ20
    Alert Management
    Alert Notification
    ALRTCATDEF Editing Alert Categories
    ALRTCATDEF_SEL Define Alert Category
    ALRTDISP Display Alerts
    ALRTINBOX Alert Inbox
    ALRTMON Alert Monitor
    ALRTPERS Personalize Alert Delivery
    ALRTPROC Process Alerts
    ALRTSUBSCR Subscribe to Alert Categories
    The Alert Framework provides an interface from the Basis (Web AS) Alert Framework. You use
    transaction ALRTCATDEF to define the text, the priority, number of delivery, etc. for the alert.
    ?? To configure your alerts, proceed as follows:
    ?? To define an alert category, choose Create Alert Category.
    ?? You can also create the alert category directly by calling transaction ALRTCATDEF. In both
    cases you require the authorizations of the role SAP_XI_ADMINISTRATOR.
    Triggering XI Alerts from a User Defined Function
    The specified item was not found.
    The specified item was not found. - Alert Configuration
    The specified item was not found. - Trouble shoot alert config
    Configuring scenario specific E-mail alerts in XI-CCMS: Part  - 1 -- ccms alerts ? 1
    Configuring scenario specific E-mail alerts in XI-CCMS: Part-2 -- ccms alerts ? 2
    Configuring scenario specific E-mail alerts in XI-CCMS: Part 3 -- ccms alerts --- 3
    Alerts with variables from the messages payload (XI) - UPDATED -
    The specified item was not found.
    From HelpFile
    When alerts r not displayed in inbox ?
    Then check the following
    Did you run the report SXMSALERT_LOGREADER in SE38... If you run it, please post the corresponding logs here. If not, try to run the report giving corresponding message id and post the logs here. We will try to figure it out

  • Instant alert messages

    I am sending the alert message on a button click to another user and it works successfully whenever another user login to SBO. But in addition to it i need to know that if these alerts could be send to another user instantly or could we set the frequency to open the ALERT message box automatically.
    Mean to say that another user should receive the alert while he login and also when he already working on SBO

    Thanx for your reply and
    I had already gone through that option.
    Actually i have made my own customized screen which shows all the users of the SBO along with the Message subjects through which we can choose the users to which we want to send the message.
    And now i want to and the time management functionality to that screen only that is suppose i made a drop down box or the the column with the check box and through that i want to manage the time at which the user would receive the alerts.
    Thanks and Regards

  • Alert message through the sdk.

    plz have a look on Attached image..
    i want to send one alert to the particular user.
    i am able to send it..
    but here i have  a small  requirement.
    Normally alert messages are Working on queries..
    select docentery from ordr where docsttus='open''..
    docentry will be popup
    if i select the docentry  sales order will be pop up.
    the below code i am able to send it...
    i want to attach  the below query....just like a normal alert message
    select docentery from ordr where docsttus='open''..
    can i do it...
    Dim msg As SAPbobsCOM.Messages = Nothing
                    msg = ocompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oMessages)
                    Dim lretvel, errcode As Long
                    Dim errmsg As String
                    Dim orec As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
                    orec = ocompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
                    orec.DoQuery(" select  U_apmuc  from [@TI_BITEMASAPR1]")
                    For i As Integer = 1 To orec.RecordCount
                        Dim ousercode As String = orec.Fields.Item(0).Value
                        msg.MessageText = "Mess"
                        msg.Subject = "subj"
                        msg.Recipients.UserCode = ousercode
                        msg.Recipients.NameTo = ousercode
                        msg.Recipients.SendInternal = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    If lretvel <> 0 Then
                        ocompany.GetLastError(errcode, errmsg)
                        MessageBox.Show(errcode.ToString + " :: " + errmsg)
                        ' Else
                        ' MessageBox.Show("Success")

    In this case you can't use the SAPbobsCOM.Messages object to send the message. You have to use the MessageService where you can define columns and add rows.
    Check the following code:
    Dim msgServ As SAPbobsCOM.MessagesService
    Dim oMessage As SAPbobsCOM.Message
    Dim DataColumn As SAPbobsCOM.MessageDataColumn
    Dim oRecordset As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
      oRecordset = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
      msgServ = oCompany.GetCompanyService.GetBusinessService(SAPbobsCOM.ServiceTypes.MessagesService)
      oMessage = msgServ.GetDataInterface(SAPbobsCOM.MessagesServiceDataInterfaces.msdiMessage)
      oMessage.Subject = "subj"
      oMessage.Text = "Mess"
      oMessage.Priority = SAPbobsCOM.BoMsgPriorities.pr_Normal
      oRecordset.DoQuery("select  U_apmuc  from [@TI_BITEMASAPR1]")
      If oRecordset.RecordCount > 0 Then
           For ii As Integer = 0 To oRecordset.RecordCount - 1
                With oMessage.RecipientCollection.Add()
                     .SendInternal = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                     .UserCode = CStr(oRecordset.Fields.Item(0).Value)
                     .UserType = SAPbobsCOM.BoMsgRcpTypes.rt_InternalUser
                End With
           DataColumn = oMessage.MessageDataColumns.Add
           DataColumn.ColumnName = "Order No."
           DataColumn.Link = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES
           oRecordset.DoQuery("SELECT DocEntry, ObjType, DocNum FROM ORDR WHERE DocStatus = N'O'")
           If oRecordset.RecordCount > 0 Then
                For ii As Integer = 0 To oRecordset.RecordCount - 1
                     With DataColumn.MessageDataLines.Add
                          .Value = oRecordset.Fields.Item("DocNum").Value
                          .Object = oRecordset.Fields.Item("ObjType").Value
                          .ObjectKey = oRecordset.Fields.Item("DocEntry").Value
                     End With
           End If
         End If
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try

  • Customize email alert messages for Integration Engine Errors

    Hi experts,
    I've configured auto-reaction emails for alerts raised by Integration Engine in CCMS.
    The email content I got is as below:
    Subject: CCMS alerts PI1 20070319 140556
    <i>ALERT for PI1 \ IEngine_PI1_001 Integration Server \ Category MAPPING \ Message alerts by Error Codes at 20070319 060447 ( Time in UTC )
    RED CCMS alert for monitored object Message alerts by Error Codes
    Alert Text:Error code: GENERIC error text: com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_OperationPro i.utilxi.misc.api.BaseRuntimeExceptionFatal Error:
    MTE:PI1\IEngine_PI1_001 Integration Server\Category MAPPING\Message alerts by Error Codes
    Severity:       50</i>
    May I know how I can configure the contents of this message?
    I can't seem to find them in any of the CCMS alerts settings.
    Please help.

    Go through these links..
    manoj kumar

  • LMS 4 customize alert messages

    I see that some customization is possible on some alert messages subject lines but can these things be done?
    The message is sort of hard to read with all the lines running into each other.
    Also, I would like to see the device and the device and the status first and then the date.
    Make this
    Subject: 000073I ; ; Wed 02-Feb-2011 08:56:27 EST ; Critical ; Unresponsive ; Active ;
    EVENT ID = 000073I
    TIME = Wed 02-Feb-2011 08:56:27 EST
    STATUS = Active
    SEVERITY = Critical
    EVENT DESCRIPTION       = Unresponsive::Component=;ComponentClass=IP;ComponentEventCode=1098;InterfaceType=SOFTWARELOOPBACK;InterfaceMode=NORMAL;InterfaceAdminStatus=UNKNOWN;Address=;IPStatus=TIMEDOUT;InterfaceOperStatus=UNKNOWN;NetworkNumber=172.1
    NOTIFICATION ORIGINATOR = Fault Management Module
    Look like this:
    Subject:; Critical ; Unresponsive ; Active ; Wed 02-Feb-2011 08:56:27 EST
    EVENT ID = 000073I
    TIME = Wed 02-Feb-2011 08:56:27 EST
    STATUS = Active
    SEVERITY = Critical
    NOTIFICATION ORIGINATOR = Fault Management Module
    Also make this:
    CiscoWorks HUM: Critical: Device Availability Threshold Violation: Availability (My Router)
    Look like this
    HUM: Critical: (My Router) Device Availability Threshold Violation: Availability

    No, this type of customization is not possible within LMS.  I know it's not ideal, but what about sending these notifications to a script mailbox first that parses them and converts them to your desired format.  Then that script can bounce the messages to your human mailboxes.  The messages would be easy to parse using Perl.  For the Faul notifications, you can tokenize on '=' then ';'.  For example:
    my @msg = ;my %vars;my $subject;my @order = ();foreach my $line (@msg) {    chomp $line;    if ($line =~ /^Subject: (.*)/) {        $subject = $1;        next;    }    ($name, $value) = split(/\s+=\s+/, $line);    $vars{$name} = $value;    push @order, $name;}my ($eid, $ip, $date, $severity, $name, $status) = split(/\s*;\s*/, $subject);my $new_msg = "From: [email protected]\n";$new_msg .= "To: [email protected]\n";$new_msg .= "Subject: $ip ; $severity ; $name ; $status ; $date\n\n";my @eparts = split(/\s*;\s*/, $vars{'EVENT DESCRIPTION'});$vars{'EVENT DESCRIPTION'} = "\n" . join("\n", @eparts);foreach my $key (@order) {    $new_msg .= "$key = $vars{$key}\n";}sendMail($new_msg);

  • Filename in an alert message

    Hi Friends,
    I am doing a simple file to idoc scenario.
    if mapping error occurs.
    the requirement is to trigger an alert which says "A mapping error occurred when processing the file XYZ.txt"
    Constraints are:
    1. BPM is not used as it is a simple scenario.
    2.RFC lookup during mapping is to be avoided since if mapping itself fails then it will be of no use.
    Is there a way/work around to get the filename dynamically in the alert message.
    Thank you,

    Seems to be not possible without a least by using a standard alert procdure
    Using a mapping get the FileName .....have both the source and target message as the same.....
    map the FileName to some empty node of the structure.
    In the mapping logic, one for which you want to check for any exception, do not make use of the node containing the FIleName...let the rest mapping remain as is
    Create a Container Variable and Assign the node containing the FileName to it using a Container Operation.
    Then raise the Alert.
    I have used a similar approach in one of my interfaces.

  • Display an Alert message in PL/SQL block in APEX

    we are getting an oracle exception while inserting a new row. As it is having the unique constaint on a coulumn.
    Now the problem iis we need to Display an "Alert message" based on the input field validation. That java script code for alert has to be embeded nside a PL/SQL block in Oracle APEX Application.
    we tried doing this with below code:
    INSERT INTO <<table name>>(ID,NAME) VALUES (s1,:TXT_s2);
    exception when others then
    htp.p('<script language="javascript">');
    If anybody knows .... please reply.
    Edited by: user9955252 on Apr 21, 2010 1:47 AM

    APEX Forum is here : Oracle Application Express (APEX)

  • An alert message observered while appling latest patch MLR 10

    Hi Gurus,
    While applying latest patch MLR10 we observed an alert message as below
    "Creating log file "C:\oracle\midtier\.patch_storage\8404955\Apply_8404955_05-21-
    Conflicting patches: 8204237,
    Patch(es) 8204237, conflict with the patch currently being installed (8404955).
    If you continue, patch(es) 8204237, will be rolled back and the
    new patch (8404955) will be installed.
    Note: If the patch currently being installed (8404955) is rolled back,
    it is recommended that the fixes being rolled back here (8204237, ) are reinstal
    If a merge of the new patch (8404955) and the conflicting patch(es)
    8204237, is required, contact Oracle Support Services and request
    a Merged patch.
    Do you want to STOP?
    Please respond Y|N
    Should we rollback the previous patch before applying MLR10 ? or can i continue with patch application ?
    Thanks in advance,

    Please continue the MLR10 patch installation, this message would appear for the all patch installation (of course, patch number would be different though).

  • An alert message pops up upon opening saying could not initiate application security component, and it says to check to see if profile has no read/write restrictions.

    An alert message pops up upon opening saying could not initiate application security component, and it says to check to see if profile has no read/write restrictions. Than when it opens all of my saved passwords are gone, I use a master password and its disabled. When I try to enter in a new on e it says can't change password. I can't even open yahoo e-mail says that my ssl security is down but when I check it its clicked. I'm just very confused as to whats going on.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == 5/14/2010 ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5

    See [[Could not initialize the browser security component]]
    Rename (or delete) secmod.db (secmod.db.old) in the [ Profile Folder] in case there is a problem with the file.

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