Submit multiple values

Hi all,
For my school project i'm building a student grade application using Servlets and JSP.
Teachers can add grades for students.
When a teacher chooses an subject, fo example math, a list with all the students of the class is displayed.
After every name, there is an input field.
The teacher can add or update grades for the students.
In my form i have a loop which prints a input for the grade and an hidden input for the user id.
What is the best way to store the data in the database with my servlet?
When i submit the grades i want to know what grade belongs to which user id.
And how can i check if there is already a grade for that user, update.
I got it working, but i just want to make it work the right way.
Here is my jsp:
<%Iterator itr;%>
<% List data= (List)session.getAttribute("studentlist");
        for (itr=data.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
                String value=(String);
                String value2=(String);
    <td><label for="student"><%=value%></label></td>
     <td><input type="hidden" name="student" value="<%=value2%>" /><td>
    <td><input type="text" name="grade" id="<%=value%>" /></td>
<%}%>Here is my Servlet:
String[] grades = request.getParameterValues("grade");
                String[] student = request.getParameterValues("student");
                for(int i=0;i<student.length;i++){
                    strQuery = "insert " +
                                "into " +
                                "cijfer " +
                                "values(" +
                                "null,"+grades[i]+",NOW(),1,'"+SubjectId+"',"+student[i]+")";It's not just about inserting multiple values, but inserting mltiple values for multiple students :)
I just want to do it the right and clean way.
Can i get some help please?
Thnx in advance.
Edited by: vishantpoeran on Apr 12, 2010 2:21 PM

Check the below code.
DATA: t_sel TYPE TABLE OF rsparams with header line.
t_sel-selname = 'SO_OBJ_N'.
t_sel-kind = 'P'.
t_sel-sign = 'I'.
t_sel-option = 'EQ'.
t_sel-low = 'YCRM01_REP_0590235 '.
t_sel-selname = 'P_ONLYNU'.
t_sel-kind = 'P'.
t_sel-sign = 'I'.
t_sel-option = 'EQ'.
t_sel-low = SPACE.
t_sel-selname = 'P_ONLYTA'.
t_sel-kind = 'P'.
t_sel-sign = 'I'.
t_sel-option = 'EQ'.
t_sel-low = SPACE.
t_sel-selname = 'P_NOTMP'.
t_sel-kind = 'P'.
t_sel-sign = 'I'.
t_sel-option = 'EQ'.
t_sel-low = 'X'.
t_sel-selname = 'P_NOTMP'.
t_sel-kind = 'P'.
t_sel-sign = 'I'.
t_sel-option = 'EQ'.
t_sel-low = 'X'.
t_sel-selname = 'P_SHPR'.
t_sel-kind = 'P'.
t_sel-sign = 'I'.
t_sel-option = 'EQ'.
t_sel-low = 'LSVIM*'.
t_sel-selname = 'P_VIEW'.
t_sel-kind = 'P'.
t_sel-sign = 'I'.
t_sel-option = 'EQ'.
t_sel-low = 'X'
t_sel-selname = 'P_UPLOAD'.
t_sel-kind = 'P'.
t_sel-sign = 'I'.
t_sel-option = 'EQ'.
t_sel-low = 'X'.

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  • Can't post multiple values using forms based on procedure

    I want to post multiple values from form based on procedure. Is it possible?
    I've tried following steps:
    - create LOV with Multiple Values format
    - create form based on procedure
    - in Formatting and Validation page choose required item
    - select item type - combobox, enter input height = 5
    - select my LOV for item
    after creating form I get listbox, but selecting multiple values (with Ctrl or Shift key) not working...
    what's wrong.
    I'm use portal

    It is not possbile right now with Portal Forms to submit multiple values to a field.

  • Passing multiple values to select-option low by submit at one go from zpro.

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement pass descrete multiple values form my z-program to to select-option low on selction screen of standard SAP program using SUBMIT statment at one go.At the same time select-option high will be empty.I will be thankful if anybody can help me in this regard.

    Hi Check this link...on submitting programs
    here is the code . we are calling the same can call any other program as well.
    REPORT  demo_program_submit_rep1.
    DATA number TYPE i.
    PARAMETERS      paramet(14) TYPE c.
    SELECT-OPTIONS  selecto FOR number.
    The program DEMO_PROGRAM_SUBMIT_REP1 is called by the following program using various parameters:
    REPORT demo_program_submit_sel_screen NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING.
    DATA: int TYPE i,
          rspar TYPE TABLE OF rsparams,
          wa_rspar LIKE LINE OF rspar.
    RANGES seltab FOR int.
    WRITE: 'Select a Selection!',
    WRITE: 'Selection 1',
         / 'Selection 2'.
      CASE sy-lilli.
        WHEN 4.
          seltab-sign = 'I'. seltab-option = 'BT'.
          seltab-low  = 1.   seltab-high   = 5.
          APPEND seltab.
          SUBMIT demo_program_submit_rep1 VIA SELECTION-SCREEN
                          WITH paramet eq 'Selection 1'
                          WITH selecto IN seltab
                          WITH selecto ne 3
                          AND RETURN.
        WHEN 5.
          wa_rspar-selname = 'SELECTO'. wa_rspar-kind = 'S'.
          wa_rspar-sign = 'E'. wa_rspar-option = 'BT'.
          wa_rspar-low  = 14.  wa_rspar-high = 17.
          APPEND wa_rspar TO rspar.
          wa_rspar-selname = 'PARAMET'. wa_rspar-kind = 'P'.
          wa_rspar-low  = 'Selection 2'.
          APPEND wa_rspar TO rspar.
          wa_rspar-selname = 'SELECTO'. wa_rspar-kind = 'S'.
          wa_rspar-sign = 'I'. wa_rspar-option = 'GT'.
          wa_rspar-low  = 10.
          APPEND wa_rspar TO rspar.
          SUBMIT demo_program_submit_rep1 VIA SELECTION-SCREEN
                          WITH SELECTION-TABLE rspar
                          AND RETURN.

  • How to get multiple values from the list

    I've a list of an item which I queried it from the database. I also created a button that will takes a selected items from the list when it was clicked. I used javabean to get the data from database.
    <%     // clicked on Select District Button
    Vector vselectedDistrict = new Vector();
    Vector vdistrictID = new Vector();
    String tmpSelectDistrict = "";
    tmpSelectDistrict = request.getParameter("bSelectDistrict");
    if(tmpSelectDistrict != null)
         // get multiple values from the list
         String[] selectedDistrict = request.getParameterValues("usrTDistrict");
         if((selectedDistrict != null) && (selectedDistrict.length != 0))
                             for(int i=0;i<selectedDistrict.length;i++)
              vdistrictID = dbaseInfo.getcurrentDistrictID(nstate,vselectedDistrict);
              for(int i=0;i<vdistrictID.size();i++)
                   out.println("district = " + selectedDistrict[i]);                         out.println("district ID= " + vdistrictID.get(i).toString());
    // get vdistrict from the database here......
    <select name="usrTDistrict" size="5" multiple>
    <%     for(int i = 0; i< vdistrict.size(); i++)
         <option value="<%=vdistrict.get(i).toString()%>"><%=vdistrict.get(i).toString()%></option>
    <input type="submit" name="bSelectDistrict" value="Select District">
    Lets say the item that i selected from the list is 'Xplace' and I clicked on the Select District button,
    what I got is this error message:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to convert string 'Xplace' to class java.util.Vector for attribute usrTDistrict: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property Editor not registered with the PropertyEditorManager
    So where is going wrong and what the message means?. Any help very much appreciated. Thanks

    These are just guesses that might hopefully steer you in directions you haven't looked in yet.
    I presume you used triangle brackets (< >) to avoid having the Jive Forum think it was the "italics" tag?
    Are you certain this: dbaseInfo.getcurrentDistrictID(nstate,vselectedDistrict);
    expects a Vector as its second parameter? And returns a Vector?
    I don't believe you've shown how you use the javabean, or its code? Perhaps it should be rewritten to accept an array of strings instead of a Vector?

  • How to use Ajax Get Multiple Values in Tabular form?

    Hi All-
    I am trying to use AJAX to get multiple values in tabular form by using Denes Kubicek's example in the following link -
    Basically, I want to use the drop down list to populate rest of the values on the form.
    I have created the example(Ajax Get Multiple Values, application 54522) on Oracle site -
    Workspace: iConnect
    login: demo
    password: demo
    I was able to duplicate his example on page 1 (home page).
    However, I want to use system generate tabular form to finish this example, and was not able to populate the data correctly.
    Page 2 (method 2) is the one that I am having trouble to populate the column values. When I checked application item values in Session, and the values seems to be populated correctly.
    This is what I have done on this page:
    1. Create an Application Process On Demand - Set_Multi_Items_Tabular2:
      v_subject my_book_store.subject%TYPE;
      v_price my_book_store.price%TYPE;
      v_qty NUMBER;
      CURSOR cur_c
      SELECT subject, price, author, 1 qty
      FROM my_book_store
      WHERE book_id = :temporary_application_item2;
      FOR c IN cur_c
      v_subject := c.subject;
      v_price := c.price;
      v_author :=;
      v_qty := c.qty;
      END LOOP;
      OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('text/xml', FALSE);
      HTP.p ('Cache-Control: no-cache');
      HTP.p ('Pragma: no-cache');
      HTP.prn ('<body>');
      HTP.prn ('<desc>this xml genericly sets multiple items</desc>');
      HTP.prn ('<item id="f04_' || :t_rownum || '">' || v_subject || '</item>');
      HTP.prn ('<item id="f05_' || :t_rownum || '">' || v_price || '</item>');
      HTP.prn ('<item id="f06_' || :t_rownum || '">' || v_author || '</item>');
      HTP.prn ('<item id="f07_' || :t_rownum || '">' || v_qty || '</item>');
      HTP.prn ('</body>');
    2. Create two application items - TEMPORARY_APPLICATION_ITEM2, T_ROWNUM2
    3. Put the following in the Page Header:
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function f_set_multi_items_tabular2(pValue, pRow){
        var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value,
        gReturn = get.get('XML');
            var l_Count = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("item").length;
            for(var i = 0;i<l_Count;i++){
                var l_Opt_Xml = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("item")[i];
                var l_ID = l_Opt_Xml.getAttribute('id');
                var l_El = html_GetElement(l_ID);   
                    var l_Value = l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue;
                    var l_Value = '';
                    if(l_El.tagName == 'INPUT'){
                        l_El.value = l_Value;
                    }else if(l_El.tagName == 'SPAN' && l_El.className == 'grabber'){
                        l_El.parentNode.innerHTML = l_Value;
               = l_ID;
                        l_El.innerHTML = l_Value;
        get = null;
    Add the follwing to the end of the above JavaScript:
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function setLOV(filter, list2)
    var s =;
    var item = s.substring(3,8);
    var field2 = list2 + item;
    f_set_multi_items_tabular2(filter, field2);
    4. Tabular form query:
    from "#OWNER#"."MY_BOOK_STORE"
    5. In Book_ID_DISPLAY column attribute:
    Add the following code to element attributes: onchange="javascript:f_set_multi_items_tabular2(this.value,'#ROWNUM#');"
    Changed to -> onchange="javascript:setLOV(this,'f03');"
    Now,  T_ROWNUM2 returns value as f03_0001. But, TEMPORARY_APPLICATION_ITEM2 returns as [object HTMLSelectElement]...
    Please help me to see how I can populate the data with this tabular form format. Thanks a lot in advanced!!!
    Updated code in Red..

    Lets start with looking at what the javascript code is doing.
    function f_set_multi_items_tabular(pValue, pRow){
      /*This will initiate the url for the demand process to run*/
      var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value,
        /*If there is an value than submit item name with value*/
        /*Else set the item TEMPORARY_APPLICATION_ITEM to null*/
      /*Submit the url and te returned document is of type XML*/
      gReturn = get.get('XML');
        /*There is something returned*/
        var l_Count = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("item").length;
        /*For all elements of the tag item*/
        for(var i = 0;i<l_Count;i++){
          /*Get the item out of the XML*/
          var l_Opt_Xml = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("item")[i];
          /*Get the id of the item*/
          var l_ID = l_Opt_Xml.getAttribute('id');
          /*Get the element in the original page with the same id as
          **the item we have in the XML produced by the ondemand process
          var l_El = html_GetElement(l_ID);
          /*Now get the value of the item form the XML*/
            var l_Value = l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue;
            /*There is no value*/
            var l_Value = '';
            /*There is an element with the same id as the item we are processing*/
            if(l_El.tagName == 'INPUT'){
              /*The element is an input item just set the value*/
              l_El.value = l_Value;
            }else if(l_El.tagName == 'SPAN' && l_El.className == 'grabber'){
              /*If it is a span elment and has the class grabber
              **Then set the innerHTML of the parent to the value
              **and the id of the parent to the id
              l_El.parentNode.innerHTML = l_Value;
     = l_ID;
              /*Else set the value as innerHTML*/
              l_El.innerHTML = l_Value;
      get = null;
    Now where it went wrong in your initial post
    The XML that was returned by your XML process would be something like
      <desc>this xml genericly sets multiple items</desc>
      <item id="f02_1">CSS Mastery</item>
      <item id="f03_1">22</item>
      <item id="f04_1">Andy Budd</item>
      <item id="f05_1">1</item>
    When you don't use apex_item to create your tabular form a item in the table will look like
    <input id="f02_0001" type="text" value="CSS Mastery" maxlength="2000" size="16" name="f05" autocomplete="off">
    Notice the id's f02_1 and f02_0001 don't match.
    So to make it work the XML would have to look like
      <desc>this xml genericly sets multiple items</desc>
      <item id="f02_0001">CSS Mastery</item>
      <item id="f03_0001">22</item>
      <item id="f04_0001">Andy Budd</item>
      <item id="f05_0001">1</item>
    To do that simply use lpad in the ondemand process like
    HTP.prn ('<item id="f02_' || lpad(:t_rownum,4,'0') || '">' || v_subject || '</item>');
    HTP.prn ('<item id="f03_' || lpad(:t_rownum,4,'0') || '">' || v_price || '</item>');
    HTP.prn ('<item id="f04_' || lpad(:t_rownum,4,'0') || '">' || v_author || '</item>');
    HTP.prn ('<item id="f05_' || lpad(:t_rownum,4,'0') || '">' || v_qty || '</item>');
    Keep in mind that the above is based on your original post and #ROWNUM# not being lpadded with zero's.

  • Passing multiple values to a BI query

    Hi experts,
    This question has probably been asked a few times, but I have an issue with passing multiple values to a BI query.  Here's the scenario....
    1)  I have created a BI query.  When I test the query in VC I can enter values 1000:1100 in the Infoobject Business Area and I see that the values are passed through OK
    2)  Then I created a form where Business Area is an Input Field
    3)  I linked the form to the BI query and assigned value @Business_area
    3)  A table is linked to the BI query to view my result ( I have set a distinct before my table to view the data by fiscal year period)
    4) When running the VC model, the table show values for 1000 and 1100, but when I enter 1000:1100 and Submit it does not show both the business areas
    There must be something I am missing and I thought it was that in my submit string (between the input form and the BI query) that I should fill in some values (instad of @Business_area). I tried to fill in 1000:1100, but then I get an error saying Invalid time 1000:1100.
    I would really appreciate any help on this issue :-).

    Hi Thomas,
    I wish to enter default values for dates onto the VC form. Ie I have a VC report to display a customer's shipped data. Ship date is a selection field/ input field on the form for the report/ output table.
    At present if a user clicks submit they get all their shipped records from the beginning of time till today. How can I restrict the dates at VC level to past  3months? So if the users don't specify a ship date, they get the past 3 months data, and afterwards they can change it an retrieve all the data or past 2 years as they wish.

  • Multiple values selection implementation in VC

    I am working with VC. We are trying to implement an multiple input selection.
    Our first option was to use the Help value wizard but i saw in this forums that is just possible with BI systems (we are using BAPI thus R/3 system).
    Now, we are trying to change de BAPI and put the input in tables. This goes well in R/3.
    Howeaver when we implement in VC this BAPI and fill the input table in the screen and send a submit message those table values are not sent.
    Any idea what is going on ? Is there a way to implement our requirement the multiple value selection using BAPI ?
    Best regards

    As Marcel said it can be a lot of things. It is hard say. But I can tell from my experience that when you charge a BAPI in your source system you don’t grab this change in VC. You should try to save your BAPI under other name and re-import it to VC.
    Do you how to debug using SE73? This should help you also to follow your BAPI behaviour and also see if VC is really executing your BAPI.

  • Setting multiple values in a cookie

    I am trying to create a cookie with multiple values.But it is giving me javascript error "Object expected" i am not able to figure out what's the problem.Can anybody help!
    <script language="javascript">
    function on_submit(){
         var testArray = new setCookieArray("Hello","Testing","cookie");
    var expdate = new Date();
    expdate.setTime (expdate.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 365));
    function setCookieArray(name){
         this.length = setCookieArray.arguments.length - 1;
    for (var i = 0; i <= this.length; i++) {
    data = setCookieArray.arguments[i+1] <--Error
    setCookie (name + i, data, expdate);
    <body >
    <form name="cookietest">
    <input type="button" value="Submit" onClick="on_submit();">

    Few changes,
    <script language="javascript">
    function on_submit() {
         var values = ["Hello","Testing","cookie"];
         var testArray = new setCookieArray(values);
    function setCookieArray(name) {
         var expdate = new Date();
         expdate.setTime (expdate.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 365));
         var len = name.length;
         for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
              data = name[ i ];
              setCookie (name[ i ] + i, data, expdate);
    // -->
    </script>Hope this helps.

  • Submit text values from checkboxes?

    Hi - using asp/access/vbscript.
    I try to build a form where user can select multiple
    checkboxes. Each checkbox has its own db table, and is submitted as
    But doing this gives this error: Invalid string or buffer
    Is it not possible to submit text values from checkboxes?

    Can we see the code? I have a feeling it has something to do
    with the
    checkboxes that aren't checked when submitting the form, but
    won't swear to
    that without code.
    Bryan Ashcraft (remove brain to reply)
    Web Application Developer
    Wright Medical Technologies, Inc.
    Macromedia Certified Dreamweaver Developer
    Adobe Community Expert (DW) ::
    "btn" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:e66s0b$lh1$[email protected]..
    > Hi - using asp/access/vbscript.
    > I try to build a form where user can select multiple
    checkboxes. Each
    > checkbox
    > has its own db table, and is submitted as text.
    > But doing this gives this error: Invalid string or
    buffer length
    > Is it not possible to submit text values from
    > Bjorn.

  • Printing report that has a parameter with multiple values crashes jvm

    I am using BOE XI 4.0 as an unmanaged RAS.
    I am able to preview a report that has a string discrete parameter that can have multiple values.  If I give it a single value.  It previews fine.  If I give it an empty string it prints all values which is fine.  If I give it two discrete values, it displays just those two.
    However, if I try printing the report to a printer:
    1 parameter value - prints fine.
    2 parameter values - crashes jvm
    empty string parameter value - crashes jvm
    I would appreciate some direction on how to do this.  It works in crystal reports for eclipse.
    The test jsp I am using is based off of the samples.  The print test jsp is the same as the preview test with the exception of the following code differences.:
    preview report.jsp code
    // Create a Viewer object
    CrystalReportViewer viewer = new CrystalReportViewer();
    // Set the report source for the  viewer to the ReportClientDocument's report source
    // Process the http request to view the report
    viewer.processHttpRequest(request, response, getServletConfig().getServletContext(), out);
    // Dispose of the viewer object
    print report jsp code
      PrintReportOptions printOptions = new PrintReportOptions();
      try {
      } catch (ReportSDKException ex1) {
          System.out.println("Message - " + ex1.getLocalizedMessage());
      } catch (Exception ex2) {
          System.out.println("Message - " + ex2.getLocalizedMessage());

    I am using BOE XI 4.0 as an unmanaged RAS.
    I am able to preview a report that has a string discrete parameter that can have multiple values.  If I give it a single value.  It previews fine.  If I give it an empty string it prints all values which is fine.  If I give it two discrete values, it displays just those two.
    However, if I try printing the report to a printer:
    1 parameter value - prints fine.
    2 parameter values - crashes jvm
    empty string parameter value - crashes jvm
    I would appreciate some direction on how to do this.  It works in crystal reports for eclipse.
    The test jsp I am using is based off of the samples.  The print test jsp is the same as the preview test with the exception of the following code differences.:
    preview report.jsp code
    // Create a Viewer object
    CrystalReportViewer viewer = new CrystalReportViewer();
    // Set the report source for the  viewer to the ReportClientDocument's report source
    // Process the http request to view the report
    viewer.processHttpRequest(request, response, getServletConfig().getServletContext(), out);
    // Dispose of the viewer object
    print report jsp code
      PrintReportOptions printOptions = new PrintReportOptions();
      try {
      } catch (ReportSDKException ex1) {
          System.out.println("Message - " + ex1.getLocalizedMessage());
      } catch (Exception ex2) {
          System.out.println("Message - " + ex2.getLocalizedMessage());

  • Multiple values from database on a single text item

    i am trying to do the following
    on a single text item in a form
    (under form property pallete->records->number of items displayed is 5) run a triger "when-new-block-instance" with the following pl/sql statement
    menu_item VARCHAR2(35);
    select label into menu_item
    from menu_options;
    however, once i run the form it gives me
    WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE trigger raised unhandeled exception ORA-01422
    however, if in the pl/sql statement contains only
    execute querry;
    then it works fine
    The problem i beleive is the fact that the first querry retreives multiple values or recordset instead of A record.
    How can i go arond this and allow the form to list all the values in this form. Eventually i will need to add conditional SQL statments and that is why just execute querry will not work.
    Also, is there a way to dynamically assign a number to "number of records shown" property?
    All help is very much appreciated!

    Hi, Marko
    I teach Forms, and I usually find a bad idea to use SQL statements directly (in particular when you can "make" Forms to do what you want).
    Inside PL/SQL, a SELECT..INTO statement is supposed to select a single row, otherwise an error occurs.
    EXECUTE_QUERY works.
    If by "conditional SQL statements" you mean restricted (filtered) queries, you don't need to write SQL to do this.
    You can set the DEFAULT_WHERE block property to a different value before using EXECUTE_QUERY, like:
    SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY('your_block', DEFAULT_WHERE, 'where menu_id > 100');
    And the answer to your second question is no, you cannot dynamically change the number of records a block is displaying.
    You can limit the number of records your block queries from the database table using Maximum Records Fetched block property (available in Forms 6 and above, not sure about Forms 5). However, this will only work as expected if you set Query All Records to Yes.
    Hope this helps,

  • How to use multiple values in an IF condition in RTF

    I have a scenario as mentioned below.
    IF column value in ('A','B')
    display C;
    end if
    IF column value not in ('A','B')
    display D;
    end if
    My query is how to provide multiple values in an IF condition.?

    But suppose "x.jar" needs a library from "y.jar". How do you put another JAR on the classpath of an applet in a Web page?
    <applet code="z.class" archive="a.jar,b.jar,c.jar">

  • Automatically Selecting Values in Multiple Values Dropdown Parameters

    Is it possible to have parameter values automatically selected in a dropdown in an SSRS report?  I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise edition.  Basically what I have in mind is this:  The user wants to save his parameter selections in a
    table that will be available as a dropdown parameter of a report, call it
    ParamUserSelection.  ParamUserSelection is the first parameter of the report and other parameters depend on it.
    We have two other parameters called ParamCountry and
    ParamState.  These are dropdown text parameters that allow multiple values to be selected.  Populating the list is not a problem as I use a standard cascading parameter technique.  What I'm trying to do is the following:
    The user selects a value from ParamUserSelection, call it Selection1.  Selection1 is stored in a table and has all the values that should be selected in ParamCountry and ParamState.  In other words, it should tell these two subsequent parameters,
    what values should be selected in their respective dropdowns.  For example if the user selects Selection1 from ParamUserSelection, it reads the values in the database table and if it finds US and Canada for countries and CA, NY, ON for states, ParamCountry
    should be populated with all the countries available in the database but should have ONLY US and Canada as selected values and ParamState should be populated with all the states in the database but should have ONLY CA, NY and ON as selected values.
    If then I click on selection 2 and it has ParamCountry = US, ParamState = TX,OH in its database then again all countries and states should be in the dropdown but only US for ParamCountry and TX,OH for ParamState should be selected.
    Is this possible with SSRS?  I've tried using the Default Values tab with a dataset that returns all the selected values under Report Parameters Properties but this only works for the first time that I select ParamUserSelection.  It appears that
    if I change the value of ParamUserSelection again, the default values are not invoked.
    If this is possible, please tell me how to do this as I have been struggling for a day with it.

    Hi Comedian,
    According to your description, you have a report with three parameters (ParamUserSelection, ParamCountry, ParamState). The available value lists of ParamCountry and ParamState are based on the selection of a value for ParamUserSelection. Now you want to
    show all countries and states in their parameter dropdown list when selecting a user selection instead of only showing the cascading values. Right?
    In Reporting Service, when we want a parameter to show the cascading values, we only need to set the corresponding dataset and field for Default Values in this parameter. In this scenario, if we want to show all countries and states in their dropdown list,
    we just need to set another dataset for Available Values in those parameters so they can display all countries and states. We have tested your case in our local environment. Since you have done with the cascading parameters, we just give some part of steps
    and screenshots for your reference:
    We created two tables (dbo.Selection, dbo.states) based on your information.
    Create one more dataset (named dataset2) in your report, put text below into your query:
    select distinct Country from states
    Create another dataset (named dataset3), put text below into your query:
    select distinct State from states
    Go to your ParamCountry, in Available Values, select dataset2 and Country for dataset and field.
    Go to your ParamState, in Available Values, select dataset3 and State for dataset and field.
    Save and preview. It looks like below:
    Report Parameters (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • Passing Multiple Values from Multi Select

    My requirement is simple. I have created a simple Multi Select Option in parameter form and i want to send multiple selected values from the multi select option (in parameter form) to reports.
    I want to send multiple countries code as input .........'US', 'CA', 'IND', 'UK'
    Can i do it in Oracle 6i reports, Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Thanks Again,
    For such a nice response. I got the Lexical Where condition properly running but still getting problems in catching the multiple values to be passed from form. just i will give u an insight of wat i have done:
    SELECT ALL FROM EMPLOYEES &cond_1* -- Working FIne
    in my Html Parameter Form i have an Multi Select component (the Problem is here) it is not passing more than i value from the form once i am accessing it from web or running it in paper report. In paper report layout it is not allowing me to select more than one value. but in HTML it is allowing to select multiple values but at the server end (After Parameter Form Trigger) it is giving a single value not multiple values.
    In PL/SQL when i checking the length of country_id i m getting it as one.
    Here is my SQL code
    srw.message(10, LENGTH(:country_id_1));
    :cond_1 := 'where country_id = '''|| :country_id_1 ||'''';
    This is passing the condition properly to SQL but only with single value but i want to pass multiple values
    I am struck in this+_
    WHERE CONTRY_COLUMN IN ('USA','UAE') -- This variable you have to pass from you form...
    Here as you said you gave multiple selection in your parameter form to generate report. So before generation report just prepare variable like this as it is bold above.
    and pass parameter through your runtime form to the report as you pass the normal parameter...liket this i gave you example...
    Sorry for troubling you for a small thing but please help me to solve this issue.
    Thanks Again............

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    Is there a way to do this? 

    creates a string with the items in your parameter separated by commas

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