Suggestion- Quicklook Plugin

Anyone ever come across a Quicklook plugin which would allow you to quickly browse the contents of an FCP project from the Finder? It'd be a great idea for someone smarter than me to write if it doesn't already exist. Ideally, it would simply allow you to see what you see in the FCP Browser, from the FInder, using Quicklook. Can't be that hard, based on the other Quicklook plugins I'm already using.

No no - I mean that you could click the project icon, hit the space bar, and see the Browser contents - so you could identify "hey where is that one little sequence I did for that project, is it in this project or that project?" Like the way the Quicklook zip plugin can see inside the contents of a zip archive. It'd be really handy.

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    I have attached a quick mockup showing the concept. Thanks for any help / answers!

    This is a request which we got after the introduction of Pages feature in CS3 release. We have tried to work on it a bit and included the Page preview feature in CS5 release, but that is built within the product and not as an OS utility.
    We extended this functionality of allowing to merge different pages of a file by inserting individual pages from different pages in multiple Fw png files.

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    Thanks for this suggestion.  I have tried SneakPeek Pro without success.  The installer ran, created a plugin and a preference pane, but invoking QuickLook for Illustrator files still showed me just the file icon. 
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    Sounds rather odd to me. As I mentioned, plain text files that do not have a .txt extension show as a blank page, and will not display in QL, but once the extension is added to the file name, they acquire the generic text icon, and show in QL. You might open Console and do a QL on a text file and see if an error shows up.
    When you do a QL the Finder should also show a boost in the % of CPU that it is using. Try launching Activity Monitor and determine if you see such an increase when you hit the spacebar for different files--more complex things, such RTF or PDFs with graphics and what not, boost finder CPU use by up to 10% on my machine, a simple text file about 2%. If I inspect the Finder with Activity Monitor and have it display Open Files and Ports, while I have a QL up of a text file, I see the following items present that are related to QuickLook:
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Dis playBundles/Web.qldisplay/Contents/MacOS/Web
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Dis playBundles/PDF.qldisplay/Contents/MacOS/PDF
    /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Page01BaseMa skCorner.png
    /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Page01BaseCu rl.png
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Dis playBundles/NSImage.qldisplay/Contents/MacOS/NSImage
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Dis playBundles/Generic.qldisplay/Contents/MacOS/Generic
    /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Versions/A/Resources/BookmarkGene ricIcon.png
    /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GenericFolde rFlat.png
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Dis playBundles/Text.qldisplay/Contents/MacOS/Text
    If your Finder is also showing all of those in its operation, and you don't have any errors showing in Console, afraid I have no idea what is wrong nor how to fix it.

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    30/01/13 10:11:19.844 PM qlmanage[6999]: Failed to initializeServer(), returned 5
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    I understand what he's instructing to do up until he says "Hold Option and go to menu Advanced -> Convert selection to AAC. This will bring up a window to import and convert songs you select."
    That's the part I don't understand.
    Do exactly what is says.
    Set your iTunes Import prefs to AAC.
    In iTunes, hold the Option key on a Mac, the Shift key on Windows then go to the iTunes menu Advanced -> Convert selection to... and select the music folder where your Lossless files are stored.
    See this - iTunes: How to convert a song to a different file format below item 4.
    "If you haven't imported some songs into iTunes yet, you can import and convert them at the same time. This will create a converted copy of the file in your iTunes Library based on your iTunes preferences. To convert all the songs in a folder or on a disk, hold down the Option key (Mac) or Shift key (Windows) and choose Advanced > Convert +Import preference setting+. The +Import preference setting+ will match what you chose in step 3. iTunes will prompt you for the location of the folder or disk you want to import and convert. All the songs in the folder or on the disk will be converted."

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    Thank you,

    This is getting way too complicated for normal peop.
    First: the "Update Plugin" does not work, it goes to a page with all sort of computer jargon but no "Update button" anywhere.
    Second: this forum jscher2000 gives a good solution, but I downloaded the incorrect java update, because my computer is 64 bit. how am I supposed to know my browser is what it refers to and that FF is 32 bit.....???$%^&*()??
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    and/or add info I need to know like the 32 bit thing, took me forever to download the 64bit update for JAVA and it was the wrong one.
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  • Quicklook thumbnail generation without folded corner

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    Can anyone assist me in suppressing the corners, and making it just a plain image?
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    I have found somewhere that this can be done by adding QLDisableIconCorners = on to the QL plugin's PLIST, but this doesn't seem to help me.
    Any ideas?

    Thought I better clarify that I'm using QLThumbnailRequestSetImageWithData to generate the thumbnail, and passing it an JPEG or an ICNS file. Same results for both.

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    Is there any way to change default font size in QuickLook?
    Thank you in advance guys!
    Best Reagrds

    I have to preview an EPS header frequently the way as I need (drag an EPS on TextEdit icon and it will show an EPS header in text format), so I've asked one guy to write me a QuickLook plugin for to speedup my work. The plugin works perfect except one thing. Default font size in QuickLook for a text file are to small, it's hard to see anything on my screen.
    Is there any way to change default font size in QuickLook?
    Thank you in advance guys!
    Best Reagrds

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  • Safari plugin questions

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    Q1 - certain pages on the BBC site cause Safari 3.0.4 to crash. Crash report invariably suggests Flash Plugin. Can I simply remove what Safari > Help > Installed Plugins reports as Shockwave Flash 9.0 r115 from /Library/Internet Plug-Ins?
    Q2 - Safari > Help > Installed Plugins reports also suggests I have two QuickTime Plug-in 7.4.1 installed; and indeed I see both QuickTime Plugin.plugin and QuickTime Plugin.webplugin in /Library/Internet Plug-Ins. Can I safely remove one? If so, which?

    Hi Mark
    If you remove the Flash plug-in, you won't be able to access any Flash content. Recently, problems with Flash have been associated with a certain "buginess" with the latest version. The remedy has been to "downgrade" to 9.0.47. This might resolve the BBC problem.
    Here's how to downgrade. You can obtain a copy here. Download "Flash Player 9". When you open the package, open the "9r47 Folder". There, select for your Intel machine. This installs Flash 9.0.47, which seems to be the most stable version of Flash.
    After Flash is installed, Safari automatically opens confirming the installation of the plug-in. Quit Safari. Then open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder and "repair permissions".
    Restart Safari and try the BBC site.
    Regarding the 2 QT plug-ins, there ought to be the two you mentioned. Unless you are seeing a QT problem I'd leave well enough alone.
    Message was edited by: Hawaiian_Starman

  • Closing Quicklook, Finder crashes

    Hello everybody, I've a annoying problem: everytime i open quicklook and preview some files, and then close it, the Finder closes (without an error message) by itself, and I have to reopen it clicking on its icon on the dock.. (so, every finder window I could have open, closes)
    I should have no added quicklook plugins, and tried also creating a test account, having the same result. Permissions are ok.
    Can somebody help me please?
    Thank you,

    That terrific! It wouldn't have been a permissions problem or else you would have gotten an "insufficient permissions" alert. I really didn't mean for you to upgrade, I thought you were running 10.5.4.
    I would not have advised you to upgrade to attempt to solve problems because it can aggravate the very issues you're trying to fix. Also, not sure why after the install of the combo update you still had the issue. You have to restart to install and then it does a double restart after installing.
    But all's well that ends well

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