Suggestions to improve TV viewing experience

Hi.  Couple thoughts to improve the Xfinity TV viewing experience 1- It would be nice for the service to default to your favorite channels.2- Closed captioning is not easily accessible, taking 4 remotes steps.  A shortcut on the remote would be nice CHeersMike

tankbiz30 wrote:
Hi.  Couple thoughts to improve the Xfinity TV viewing experience
1- It would be nice for the service to default to your favorite channels.
2- Closed captioning is not easily accessible, taking 4 remotes steps.  A shortcut on the remote would be nice
Apologies for the delay in responding and thanks for your feedback.
For closed captioning access, try the below: 
While viewing a program, tap the down arrow button on your remote to show playback controls, including a shortcut to turn your captions on and off.

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    Thanks for the clarification - its nice to know I did not misunderstand your original intention.
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    I've recently encountered some difficulties using the abstract class java.lang.Number, and have a suggestion for improvement.
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    private List<T> data;
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    public synchronized void setData(List<T> data) { = data;
    if ( != null && ! calculateStatistics();
    private void calculateStatistics() {
    // Welcome to instanceof and casting hell...
    h4. It would be nice to have richer functionality from the Number class, say to do mathematical operations with them or compare them.
    h4. After all, in the real world it is possible to do so.
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    private List<BigDecimal> convertData(List<T> data) {
    ArrayList<BigDecimal> converted = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();
    for (T element : data) {
    converted.add(new BigDecimal(((Number) element).toString()));
    return converted;
    Criticism is always welcome.
    Thanks for your time and thoughts.
    -James Genac

    How compareTo() came into existence is from Comparable interface. As I understand, Comparable came into existence since Collections API has sorting functions - which needs to be run with a matching Comparable object that knows how to determine which element is larger than the other (not limited to objects representing numbers, you might sort a list of Persons). Hence, compareTo() is not solely meant for the comparison of numbers. Existence of the method in BigDecimal is just one case.
    Subclasses can override the equals() method, but that cannot be implemented in a cleaner manner and leads to a very poor design. For example, you might want to compare an Integer and a Float. So the Integer class's equals() method need to have some if-else structure to determine the other type and then compare. Same holds true for the Float class's equals() method as well. Ultimately, Everything becomes a mess. All subclasses of RealNumber needs to know about all other subclasses of RealNumber. And you will not be able to introduce new subtypes and expect the equals() method to work correctly.
    To avoid this, you need to depend on a single representation form for all types of numbers. If that's the case, you might just live with something like BigDecimal and not use Byte, Float, Integer,... (which we kind of do in some cases - for example to represent monetary amounts). So we can live without Byte, Float, Integer,...
    Then we need some utility classes that would contain some number type specific functions to work with primitives. So we will also have Byte, Float, Integer... unrelated to BigDecimal.
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    This is a major bug (going back to at lease Acrobat 5) and just one of many related to the “Document Properties > Initial View” setting, which seem to be a “special project” for the Adobe Acrobat tech-team. I say “special” in the sense that the goal appears to be … How can they address these issues in each successive version to actually make them LESS FUNCTIONAL and LESS INTUITIVE?
    Default = Sucks!
    I run a successful graphic design firm and have invested well over $1000,000 in various Adobe products. When we send our work to clients (via PDF) for review, EVERY aspect – window size, window placement, format and flow of pages, page layout, navigation options, page magnification, document page numbers, document titles and file names, etc., etc. etc. – are absolutely critical. The “default” settings for Acrobat address virtually none of these issues and Adobe seems not to care at all! 99.9% of all the Acrobat documents that I receive are completely unformatted and must be reset before they can be navigated or reviewed.
    Navigation Tab > Pages Panel and Page = Does Not Work!
    However, perhaps most critical is that the recipient realizes that the document contains multiple pages, vs. a single page. The failure of the “Navigation Tab > Pages Panel and Page” setting to function in any logical and consistent (read – where is the default setting for this?) manner has been and is a fatal flaw in Adobe Acrobat. We have dealt with this (“Where is the rest of the document?”) literally hundreds of times and while it is a big headache for our staff, what worries me more are the recipients that never even bother to ask.
    Thumbnail Size = Does Not Work!
    I too have found no way to set the default size of the thumbnails. To add insult to injury, after you do enlarge them manually (2-3 steps) and enlarge the Pages Panel pane to accommodate the slightly larger thumbnails, guess what happens? When you reopen the document, Acrobat reverts to the original (tiny) thumbnails, but retains the enlarged (now useless) Pages Panel pane, while equally reducing the actual content in the Page pane. This is massively stupid!
    Page Layout for Viewing and Printing = Does Not Work!
    Another pet peeve is the “Page Layout” settings. When we design a multi-page document and convert it to PDF for review, it is imperative that the “flow” of the document – i.e. single page cover, followed by two-page spreads – be replicated as closely as possible. And while this on-screen experience is important, of nearly equal importance is the ability of the recipient to print each individual page of our design, as an individual 8.5 x 11 page. Again, finding a way to accomplish this in a logical and consistent manner is virtually impossible.
    Printing = Why So Slow?
    Speaking of printing ... Why does it usually take “forever” to print (even small) PDF files on a laser printer?
    Controlling the Viewing Experience = Does Not Work!
    In short, we usually have no idea exactly what our clients are seeing because Adobe provides no default settings that can be set globally and “locked” so that one has a bit of control over the viewing presentation experienced by the recipient. On the other had, Adobe does provide a mindless blizzard of security options which probably serve about 1% of their customers.
    Sorry for the rant, but if anyone has any ideas, I love to hear them. Thank you very much!

    It's evident you're annoyed, but I don't agree at all with your claims. If you use Acrobat as intended, you can control the initial view settings however you want - but this is a document-specific feature and intentionally so. If people are sending you files with the "wrong" initial view, that's their problem not Adobe's.
    Navigation Tab > Pages Panel and Page = Does Not Work!
    Of course it does. The menu item or hotkey sets the view mode temporarily, and to make that mode the default for a particular file, you simply set the initial view (file menu / properties / initial view) and save it. Whatever you choose for the layout, zoom and panel displays will be shown to anyone opening the file in future.
    Thumbnail Size = Does Not Work!
    The thumbnails embedded into a PDF file are at a single size. Enlarging them via the context menu on the Navigation Panel is temporary, but the width of the Panel is retained for a session (it is not permanent).
    Page Layout for Viewing and Printing = Does Not Work!
    What do you mean by "does not work"? The screen layout has no relationship whatsoever to the printouts, so provided your files are genuine pages and not spreads, you can set your two-up views (with or without covers) as part of the document properties / initial view settings, but the PDF will print as a series of single pages as it should.
    Printing = Why So Slow?
    Printing a PDF file takes no longer than any other type of file with the same content (and hence the same data to transfer). If you are experiencing very slow printing then it's a problem with your system setup.
    Controlling the Viewing Experience = Does Not Work!
    See my response above about the document preferences / initial view tab.
    Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader have been developed over many years, based on very extensive user feedback and monitoring. The features we have today are there because they DO satisfy the vast majority of target users, and if they didn't, these forums would be deluged with complaints - there are after all hundreds of millions of users out there, so even if 1% were unhappy you'd be reading millions of posts a week.

  • HIghest quality DVD viewing experience?

    Can I get a higher quality viewing experience on a dvd if I convert my 47 minute movie using compressor or will it be the same as a quick time conversion? 
    Also, what is the best dvd to use - R, + R or other.
    Thanks in advance.

    ABSOLUTELY better in compressor.  And really it's a snap to use.
    Export quicktime movie, self contained, do NOT recompress all frames.
    Open compressor, drag file into thew window, select best 90 minute encode, push button.  Two files will be created.  Take them into dvdsp and author.
    If you find it could be better, there are some things you can do to fix it up.  Try playing with the bitrate in compressor, you can increase it some to help with difficult spots.  Add compression markers in the timeline on "busy" sections.
    How typical that the one on one with a genius gave you less than stellar results.

  • Better Viewing Experience: iPad to tv or Apple TV?

    I'm brand new to Netflix and just watched my first few movies on my iPad. Playback paused a few times (I assume due to buffering over my wifi network?) and video quality wasn't the best.
    I'd like to watch Netflix streamed movies on my TV and I'm wondering if I'd get a better viewing experience (streaming without pausing and video quality) with Apple TV v. Streaming from iPad.
    Does Apple TV have internal storage to buffer streamed video in order to eliminate pausing? Or Can I expect more consistent streaming with AppleTV simply because it's connected by Ethernet cable v wifi that the iPad uses?
    Lastly, will the video quality be any higher (sharper) with AppleTV v. iPad?

    The new Apple TV has some storage. However, as you said if you use ethernet it should work/play better. The TV may be a little better picture since it is 720p (1280×720) while the iPad screen is only 1024-by-768.

  • Interesting Differences Between the iPad and Android Viewing Experience

    Well, interesting to me, anyway. 
    Here's some things I've noticed:
    Image Sequence
    The Android is the clear winner here, as the image sequence doesn't spin out of control when you lift up your finger like it does on the iPad.  In fact, the viewing experience on the iPad is truly wretched and I've had to add notes under the view window telling people to keep their finger on the image when swiping in order to maintain control.  I was getting complaints.  Adobe, what's the issue here?  Can the iPad viewer be brought under control?
    Reset the entire Folio to the top-most page of every article
    Tapping 3 times on the folio name in the viewer will reset each article to the top-most page with viewing on the iPad.  Android?  No such luck.  Bit of a pain, that.
    InLine Video
    I realize this isn't a feature for Android yet, but it truly can't get here fast enough.  Ouch.  Pressing on the main Android menu back button twice (fast) will exit the fullscreen video and get you back to the page, but still....  Eeew.
    Reset Entire Folio After Folio Update
    With the iPad, after a folio update the entire thing is reset to the cover page.  With Android, it stays where you left off.  Not saying one is better than the other, but we sure do need a main FOLIO RESET button somewhere.  And bookmarks.  lol.
    No Folio Instruction Sheet on Android
    I know that Apple requires some sort of content to be contained within an app before approval, but not having that folio on the Android sure is nice.  Again, wonder if there's a way to just write some code into the viewer to fool iTunes?
    Installing after download
    I'd say it's twice as fast on the iPad vs the Android.  I've got a Xoom, but this is probably an app issue more than an OS or hardware issue.  ?
    Anyone noticed something else?

    iPad charger is 2amps.
    iPhone is 1 amp.
    The iPhone charger will charge the iPad, but at a slower rate.

  • Suggestions for improvements

    hello guys.can u give me small suggestions to improve this site?
    i cant change it a lot because the owner like it this way (buttons logo etc) but some lines here and there or something like that could be nice

    but i want the menu and the footer to be the same in my template.
    can i do that without having to change manually the code for every
    page? (to set the photo rollover image in the photo page for example) i
    dont know if this is possible.
    I offer a DW Extension that will automatically do this for you.  You can put identical menu code on each page on the site (in your case by using a Template) as well as the divaGPS Extension,  and then let divaGPS  handle the you-are-here menu highlighting for you.
    Usually on this forum I suggest the free version of divaGPS, however because you are using an image-based menu, you would need to buy the paid version.  It's not expensive and honestly would make your site more user-friendly. You can learn more about it here:
    E. Michael Brandt
    Standards-compliant scripts and Dreamweaver Extensions
    JustSo PictureWindow
    JustSo PhotoAlbum, et alia

  • Any suggestions for improving my efficiency?

    These are the two methods I've come up with to use what I have for making movies. One is for DVDs. The other is for making QuickTime MOV files for CDs. This is the process I have to use because we don't yet have our digital video camera that is firewire compatible with Final Cut.
    For DVDs that will play in DVD players or media software on your computer:
    1. I take the Video_TS folder and run it through DVD Imager (free, which converts it into an IMG file.
    2. I use the Apple Disk Utility (part of OS X) and burn the IMG file to a DVD.
    Simple enough.
    Making our recorded footage editable in Final Cut and then exporting as a QuickTime movie is a little more complicated. There may be a simpler way to do all this (like get a fire-wire FC-compatible camera I can capture footage from) but this is the process I finally got to work:
    1. In the Video_TS folder are two VOB files. The larger one is the one that actually has your video on it. I use MPEG Streamclip (free, to remove the timebreaks (otherwise all you get is the poster frame) and convert it to a Quicktime MOV file. For settings, I just use Apple Video, 720x480 NTSC, and 30 fps. You need to buy the Apple Quicktime MPEG-2 Playback Component ($20, for this free software to work.
    2. Import the MOV file into Final Cut (I use Express which is $300 from and do your editing and other yumminess. You'll need to render it first.
    3. Export as an MOV file ... there's no .mov extension and the Info says it's a Final Cut Express Movie file, not a QT MOV which makes me nervous so I I open it in QuickTime Pro ($30, and export it using the Movie to Quicktime Movie setting.
    4. Then I burn my Quicktime movies to a CD.
    Any suggestions for improving my efficiency?

    "For DVDs that will play in DVD players..."
    If what you want is just to make copies of a DVD you burned yourself (eg using iDVD or your DVD camcorder) there is a simpler way: just create an image of the DVD on your desktop using Disk Utility, and then burn it using Disk Utility.
    You need to go into the process of copying the VIDEO_TS folder only if you want to make changes to it. For example you might need myDVDEdit, a very powerful free editor of the DVD structure (to change the menu button behaviour, or so). Or maybe if the image is of a different size, from a small DVD to a large one.

  • Where can i submit suggestions for improvement of email?

    I have a few suggestions to improve the email program used on the iPhone and iPad.  How do I get them to Apple to be considered in the next iOS update?  First suggestion is the ability to "mark" contacts when sending to multiple email contacts.  Currently you have to select one for the "to" field then return to contacts to select the next one. Should be able to bring up contacts list and place a check beside each one you want to send to and the hit "done" to populate the "to, cc, or bcc" fields.
    The second suggestion is the ability to create email groups directly on the iPad/iPhone for frequent lists I send to.
    The third suggestion is the ability to have a "read receipt" option so I know that the email was delivered and read.

    Specifically for the iPad.

  • FCP 10.1 slow timeline and editing - Any suggestions to improve speed?

    Recently updated to  OS X 10.9.1 and FCP 10.1. Now experiencing very slow editing and movement in timeline. FCP is responding some 2 to 5 seconds after providing an editing command. The slowest response is to scrolling in the timeline  - 2 finger scroll does not respond for up to 10 seconds after doing it.
    Render times are fine and similar to previous FCP X versions.
    Never had this problem in previous versions of FCP X.
    So far I have done the following things based on forums and a call to apple support(?).
    Deleted all plug ins.
    Started from scratch a project that I was half way through and imported all clips from scratch to a new Library (external Hard Drive).
    Deleted FCP and reinstalled including deleting all preferences.
    Timeline is quick in the early stages of the project but gets slower as I progress - about 3 minutes into my project now (approx 200 clips) and editing time is becoming impossible.
    Am using Mac Book Pro with 2.5 GhzIntel Core i7, 8GB 1333 MHz DDR3, Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB.
    Anyone able to assist with further suggestions?

    Hi Ian and Russ
    Thanks for your interest.
    Hard drive is 500GB of which I have used approx 300GB. I am using an external hard drive for this project.Footage is from Canon 7D/70D which is H.264 which is the same as other successful projects.
    Yes I do have a number of photos (say 30 @ 18mp) that I am using as part of the project although I have used these before in previous versions of FCP X without impact.
    Tried activity monitor (first time I had used it).
    When scrowling through time line (one of the problem activities) memory does not move much- Real memory approx 925mb, Virtual memory 6GB, shared memory 44mb, Private memory 75mb. Interstingly though when performing this task CPU usage goes > 100% and averages 130%.
    Does this help with any potential diagnostics and solutions?
    Re: FCP 10.1 slow timeline and editing - Any suggestions to improve speed? 

  • Suggestions for improving sharing

    Since Adobe Review is discontinued, I used with a couple of clients the new creative cloud sharing and I found some missing features or improvements needed:
    1. When a client is reviewing a file (i.e. a picture) he must input the email address to post a comment, this is annoying since I sent the review email to his address, so it's already verified.
    2. An important improvement would be a way to make a note (or link a comment) on a specific part of the picture/text so the comment can be highlighted in the context.
    3. I'd like also to receive a notification of new comments or see on the dashboard if new comments are present on a file, so I can review all the latest comments.
    4. There could be a button for "approval", if I put several versions of a work, client can approve the one he likes.
    Maybe some features are still present, please tell me if I'm wrong.

    Thank you for the suggestions. Improvements with sharing and collaboration are coming. You can read more here on this Adobe blog post
    Feel free to add more suggestions to the blog post or follow up here with more. We are listening.

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