Swf site uploading using dreamweaver

I made a site using indesign and saved it as .swf but i don't know how to upload this. It doesnt open in dreamweaver and i inserted and tried different things,
but it doesnt work and i don't know how.
Does anyone know how to upload this kind of document in dreamweaver

It doesnt open in dreamweaver
Right - DW doesn't edit SWF files.  Here's what to do:
In DW, create a site by defining a local folder that will contain the SWF file
Then define a remote location for that site by entering the host name, the user ID and password, and the name of the root directory of the remote site (usually public_html, or httpd, or www)
Using the connect button on the Files panel, make an FTP connection with this remote site, and drag and drop the SWF file onto the folder where you want it to be accessed
That should do what you want.

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  • Error in image file upload using dreamweaver

    Greeting to you all!
    Please I need you PRO help. My case seem similar to some of the ones I have seen but my code is completely different.
    I wrote this code below using PHP in Dreamweaver and its used to upload images to MySQl database. Now when I upload about 6 images, it shows File Uploaded Successfully. But if I try to upload any thing below 6 images, it will refuse to upload and will echo Upload Failed.
                        mysql_select_db ($database_ProjMonEva,$ProjMonEva);
                        $qur="insert into tbl_images (imageid, projid, projname, name, path, nameone, pathone, nametwo, pathtwo, namethree, paththree, namefour, pathfour, namefive, pathfive) values ('','$projid','$projname','$name','upload/$name','$nameone','upload/$nameone','$nametwo', 'upload/$nametwo','$namethree','upload/$namethree','$namefour','upload/$namefour','$namefi ve','upload/$namefive')";
                        echo 'File uploaded successful';
                        echo 'upload failed!';
    I see the problem to come from the echo but I am stock and dont know how to correct it. Can any one please help me.
    Thank you in advance Mike

    Hi Bregent,
    I have been able to resolve the issue. I modified the code this way: This I believe will help those having the same issues.
    These is how I was able to achieve it.
    1. I divided the code into two parts called addnew.php and addnewproject.php.
    The addnewproject.php as seen below will call the addnew.php when the submit button on addnewproject.php is clicked
    <form action="addnew.php" method="POST" id="Add New Project" enctype="multipart/form-data">
          <div align="center">
            <table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td id="formcells4"><strong id="subheaders">Core Details</strong></td>
                <td id="dates">*Code (Eg. 2104/12/AB23):<br />
                  <label for="projcode"></label>
                  <span id="sprytextfield1">
                  <input type="text" name="projcode" id="projcode2" />
                <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span><br /></td>
                <td colspan="2" id="dates">Project Name:
                  <label for="projname3"></label>
                  <span id="sprytextfield2">
                  <input type="text" name="projname" id="projname3" />
                  <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
                <td colspan="2" id="dates">Project Description:<span id="description"><br />
                  <label for="projdesc"></label>
                  <span id="txt_projdesc">
                    <textarea name="projdesc" id="projdesc" cols="70" rows="8"></textarea>
                    <span class="textareaRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></span></td>
                <td id="formcells"><p id="dates">*Date Entered: <em>YYYY/MM/DD</em><span id="year">
                  <label for="projappdate"><br />
                  <span id="txt_dateproapp">
                    <input type="text" name="projappdate" id="projappdate" />
                    <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></span></p></td>
                <td id="formcells"><p id="dates">*Project LGA:<span id="txt_projlga">
                  <label for="projlga"><br />
                  <span id="txt_lga">
                    <select name="projlga" id="projlga">
                      <option value="1">.... Select from list ....</option>
    do { 
                      <option value="<?php echo $row_rsLGA['lga']?>"><?php echo $row_rsLGA['lga']?></option>
    } while ($row_rsLGA = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsLGA));
      $rows = mysql_num_rows($rsLGA);
      if($rows > 0) {
          mysql_data_seek($rsLGA, 0);
                $row_rsLGA = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsLGA);
                <span class="selectRequiredMsg">Please select an item.</span></span></span></p></td>
                <td id="formcells6"><p id="dates">*Project Community:<span id="txt_ojcommunity">
                  <label for="projcommunity"><br />
                  <select name="projcommunity" id="projcommunity">
                    <option value="1">.... Select from list ....</option>
    do { 
                    <option value="<?php echo $row_rsCommunity['community']?>"><?php echo $row_rsCommunity['community']?></option>
    } while ($row_rsCommunity = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsCommunity));
      $rows = mysql_num_rows($rsCommunity);
      if($rows > 0) {
          mysql_data_seek($rsCommunity, 0);
                $row_rsCommunity = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsCommunity);
                <td id="formcells6"><p id="dates">*Project State:<span id="txt_projstate"><br />
                  <select name="projstate" id="projstate">
                    <option value="1">.... Select from list ....</option>
    do { 
                    <option value="<?php echo $row_rsState['state']?>"><?php echo $row_rsState['state']?></option>
    } while ($row_rsState = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsState));
      $rows = mysql_num_rows($rsState);
      if($rows > 0) {
          mysql_data_seek($rsState, 0);
                $row_rsState = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsState);
                <td height="63" id="formcells8"><p id="dates">Project Cost:<span id="txt_projcost"><br />
                  <label for="projcost"></label>
                  <span id="txt_projectcost">
                    <input name="projcost" type="text" id="projcost" />
                    <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></span></p></td>
                <td id="formcells"><p id="dates">*Project Type:<span id="txt_projtype"><br />
                  <label for="projtype"></label>
                  <select name="projtype" id="projtype">
                    <option value="1">.... Select from list ....</option>
    do { 
                    <option value="<?php echo $row_rsType['projtypelist']?>"><?php echo $row_rsType['projtypelist']?></option>
    } while ($row_rsType = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsType));
      $rows = mysql_num_rows($rsType);
      if($rows > 0) {
          mysql_data_seek($rsType, 0);
                $row_rsType = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsType);
                <td colspan="2" id="formcells2"><p id="dates">Project Baseline Data:<span id="sprytextarea2"><br />
                  <label for="projbaselinedata"></label>
                  <textarea name="projbaselinedata" id="projbaselinedata" cols="70" rows="8"></textarea>
                <td colspan="2" id="formcells3"><p id="dates">Expected Outcome Of Project:<span id="sprytextarea3"><br />
                  <label for="Projexpoutcome"></label>
                  <textarea name="Projexpoutcome" id="Projexpoutcome" cols="70" rows="8"></textarea>
            <table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="teamtable">
                <td colspan="2"><strong id="subheaders">Beneficiaries</strong></td>
                <td width="241"><p>Adult Men Beneficiaries: <span id="txt_adultmen">
                  <label for="adultmen"><br />
                  <input name="adultmen" type="text" id="adultmen" />
                <td width="259"><p>Adult Female Beneficiaries:<span id="txt_adultfem"><br />
                  <label for="adultfem"></label>
                  <input name="adultfem" type="text" id="adultfem" />
                <td><p>Adult Children Beneficiaries:<span id="txt_totalchildren"><br />
                  <label for="children"></label>
                  <input name="totalchildren" type="text" id="totalchildren" />
                <td><p>Total Beneficiaries:<span id="sprytextfield4"><br />
                  <label for="totalben"></label>
                  <input name="totalben" type="text" id="totalben" readonly="readonly" />
                <td><p> </p></td>
                <td><p> </p></td>
                <td><strong id="subheaders">Project Team</strong></td>
                <td><p> </p></td>
                <td><p>*Project Team Leader:<span id="spryselect1"><br />
                  <label for="projteamlead"></label>
                  <select name="projteamlead" id="projteamlead">
                    <option value="1">.... Select from list ....</option>
    do { 
                    <option value="<?php echo $row_rsProjectTeam['fullname']?>"><?php echo $row_rsProjectTeam['fullname']?></option>
    } while ($row_rsProjectTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsProjectTeam));
      $rows = mysql_num_rows($rsProjectTeam);
      if($rows > 0) {
          mysql_data_seek($rsProjectTeam, 0);
                $row_rsProjectTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsProjectTeam);
                <td><p>*Deputy Team Leader:<span id="spryselect2"><br />
                  <label for="projteamlead"></label>
                  <select name="projdepteamlead" id="projdepteamlead">
                    <option value="1">.... Select from list ....</option>
    do { 
                    <option value="<?php echo $row_rsProjectTeam['fullname']?>"><?php echo $row_rsProjectTeam['fullname']?></option>
    } while ($row_rsProjectTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsProjectTeam));
      $rows = mysql_num_rows($rsProjectTeam);
      if($rows > 0) {
          mysql_data_seek($rsProjectTeam, 0);
                $row_rsProjectTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsProjectTeam);
                <td><p>*Project Officer:<span id="spryselect3"><br />
                  <label for="projteamlead"></label>
                  <select name="projofficer" id="projofficer">
                    <option value="1">.... Select from list ....</option>
    do { 
                    <option value="<?php echo $row_rsProjectTeam['fullname']?>"><?php echo $row_rsProjectTeam['fullname']?></option>
    } while ($row_rsProjectTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsProjectTeam));
      $rows = mysql_num_rows($rsProjectTeam);
      if($rows > 0) {
          mysql_data_seek($rsProjectTeam, 0);
                $row_rsProjectTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsProjectTeam);
                <td><p>*Liason Officer:<span id="spryselect4"><br />
                  <label for="projteamlead"></label>
                  <select name="projliasonofficer" id="projliasonofficer">
                    <option value="1">.... Select from list ....</option>
    do { 
                    <option value="<?php echo $row_rsProjectTeam['fullname']?>"><?php echo $row_rsProjectTeam['fullname']?></option>
    } while ($row_rsProjectTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsProjectTeam));
      $rows = mysql_num_rows($rsProjectTeam);
      if($rows > 0) {
          mysql_data_seek($rsProjectTeam, 0);
                $row_rsProjectTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsProjectTeam);
            <table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td width="300" id="moredetails2"> </td>
                <td width="300"> </td>
              <tr id="moredetails">
                <td width="300" id="moredetails"><strong id="subheaders">Meeting Dates</strong></td>
                <td width="300"><strong id="subheaders">Other Dates</strong></td>
              <tr id="formrows">
                <td width="300" id="formrows"><p id="dates">*1st  Meeting Date: <em>YYYY/MM/DD</em><span id="txt_projmeeting1"><br />
                  <input type="text" name="projmeeting1" id="projmeeting1" />
                <td width="300" id="formrows"><p id="dates">*Project Start Date: <em id="formcells">YYYY/MM/DD</em><span id="txt_projstartdate">
                  <label for="projstartdate"></label>
                  <input type="text" name="projstartdate" id="projstartdate" />
                  <label for="projstartdate"></label>
                <td width="300" id="formrows"><p id="dates">*2nd  Meeting Date: <em>YYYY/MM/DD</em><span id="txt_projmeeting2"><br />
                  <input type="text" name="projmeeting2" id="projmeeting2" />
                  <label for="projteam2"></label>
                  <label for="projmeeting2"></label>
                <td width="300" id="formrows"><p id="dates">*Project End Date: <em>YYYY/MM/DD</em><span id="txt_projenddate"><br />
                  <label for="projenddate2"></label>
                  <input type="text" name="projenddate" id="projenddate" />
                <td width="300" id="formrows"><p id="dates">*3rd Meeting Date: <em>YYYY/MM/DD</em><span id="txt_projmeeting3"><br />
                  <input type="text" name="projmeeting3" id="projmeeting3" />
                <td width="300" id="formrows"><p id="dates">*MoU Signing Date: <em id="formcells">YYYY/MM/DD</em><span id="txt_projmousigndate"><br />
                  <label for="projmousigndate"></label>
                  <input type="text" name="projmousigndate" id="projmousigndate" />
                <td colspan="2" id="formrows2"><div align="center" id="notice"><img src="images/notice.jpg" width="501" height="73" /></div></td>
          <p align="center"></p>
          <p align="center" id="text">
            <input type="file" name="file_upload" />
            <input type="file" name="file_uploadone" />
            <input type="file" name="file_uploadtwo" />
          <p align="center" id="text">
            <input type="file" name="file_uploadthree" />
            <input type="file" name="file_uploadfour" />
            <input type="file" name="file_uploadfive" />
          <p align="center">
            <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save &amp; Submit"/>
    The addnew.php will now execute and add the data and image file names and path to MySQL database and upload the images to their various locations. it will also check the image file size be sure its not more than 100kb and must really be an iamge with format .jpg, .png and .gif.
              // Validate uploaded image file
              if ( !preg_match( '/gif|png|jpeg/', $_FILES['file_upload']['type']) ) {
                           die('<p>Only browser compatible images allowed</p></body></html>');
              } else if ( $_FILES['file_upload']['size'] > 100000 )
                           die('<p>Sorry file too large</p></body></html>');
                        echo 'File 1 uploaded successfully....!';
                        echo 'File 1 upload failed or was not submitted....!  ';
              // Validate uploaded image file
              if ( !preg_match( '/gif|png|jpeg/', $_FILES['file_uploadone']['type']) ) {
                           die('<p>Only browser compatible images allowed</p></body></html>');
              } else if ( $_FILES['file_uploadone']['size'] > 100000 )
                           die('<p>Sorry file too large</p></body></html>');
                        echo 'File 2 was uploaded successfully....!';
                        echo '...File 2 upload failed or was not submitted!  ';
              // Validate uploaded image file
              if ( !preg_match( '/gif|png|jpeg/', $_FILES['file_uploadtwo']['type']) ) {
                           die('<p>Only browser compatible images allowed</p></body></html>');
              } else if ( $_FILES['file_uploadtwo']['size'] > 100000 )
                           die('<p>Sorry file too large</p></body></html>');
                        echo 'File 3 uploaded successfully';
                        echo '...File 3 upload failed or was not submitted!  ';
              // Validate uploaded image file
              if ( !preg_match( '/gif|png|jpeg/', $_FILES['file_uploadthree']['type']) ) {
                           die('<p>Only browser compatible images allowed</p></body></html>');
              } else if ( $_FILES['file_uploadthree']['size'] > 100000 )
                           die('<p>Sorry file too large</p></body></html>');
                        echo 'File 4 uploaded successfully';
                        echo '...File 4 upload failed or was not submitted!  ';
              // Validate uploaded image file
              if ( !preg_match( '/gif|png|jpeg/', $_FILES['file_uploadfour']['type']) ) {
                           die('<p>Only browser compatible images allowed</p></body></html>');
              } else if ( $_FILES['file_uploadfour']['size'] > 100000 )
                           die('<p>Sorry file too large</p></body></html>');
                        echo 'File 5 uploaded successfully';
                        echo '...File 5 upload failed or was not submitted!  ';
              // Validate uploaded image file
              if ( !preg_match( '/gif|png|jpeg/', $_FILES['file_uploadfive']['type']) ) {
                           die('<p>Only browser compatible images allowed</p></body></html>');
              } else if ( $_FILES['file_uploadfive']['size'] > 100000 )
                           die('<p>Sorry file too large</p></body></html>');
                        echo '    File 6 uploaded successfully';
                        echo '....File 6 upload failed or was not submitted!  ';
              mysql_select_db ($database_XXXXXXXX,$XXXXXXXX); where XXXXXXXX is my database connection details. Please change to yours.
                        $qur=("insert into tbl_projects (projid, projcode, projname, projdesc, projappdate, projcommunity, projlga, projstate, projcost, projtype, projbaselinedata, Projexpoutcome, adultmen, adultfem, totalchildren, totalben, projteamlead, projdepteamlead, projofficer, projliasonofficer, projmeeting1, projmeeting2, projmeeting3, projmousigndate, projstartdate, projenddate, name, path, nameone, pathone, nametwo, pathtwo, namethree, paththree, namefour, pathfour, namefive, pathfive) VALUES ('', '$projcode','$projname','$projdesc', '$projappdate', '$projcommunity', '$projlga', '$projstate', '$projcost', '$projtype', '$projbaselinedata', '$Projexpoutcome', '$adultmen', '$adultfem', '$totalchildren', '$totalben', '$projteamlead', '$projdepteamlead', '$projofficer', '$projliasonofficer', '$projmeeting1', '$projmeeting2', '$projmeeting3', '$projmousigndate', '$projstartdate', '$projenddate','$name','imageone/$name','$nameone','imagetwo/$nameone', '$nametwo', 'imagethree/$nametwo', '$namethree', 'imagefour/$namethree', '$namefour', 'imagefive/$namefour', '$namefive', 'imagesix/$namefive')");
    Thank you. Hope this helps all those that are learning
    Message was edited by: Prince Mike

  • Problem uploading using Dreamweaver

    After uploading my website http://www.apparrayworld.com to Godaddy, the uploaded files did not go into the root directory. Eventually I solved this problem by specifying the root directory, however, I don't think specifying the root directory is the correct way to upload files to Godaddy, but I hope I'm wrong. Can someone put my mind at ease and let me know if this is a problem or not. Could this be a problem with Dreamweaver or should I contact Godaddy.

    Actually, you do need to specify the root directory... in your site definition.
    When you set your FTP credentials for your site in DW, you need to put the public_html or htdocs folder in the Remote Server Root Directory field while also ensuring you DO NOT have that folder in your local files.
    In DW you're transferring only the contents of the local root (whatever you named your site folder) to the server root (public_html or htdocs for GoDaddy depending on the server type) not the actual root folder itself.

  • PHP "Virtual Host" Site error Using Dreamweaver

    I created a virtual host on my local machine. I am using Apache, php5, and mysql 5. I moved my "wordpress files and folders" into the root folder for my site. My htdocs looks like this;
    <VirtualHost *:80>
      ServerName localhost
      DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs"
    <VirtualHost *:80>
      ServerName myvirtualrootfolder.com
      DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/myvirtualrootfolder"
      <Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/myvirtualrootfolder">
        Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
        Allow from all
        Order allow,deny
        AllowOverride All
    I followed the dynamic dreamweaver setup. Next I see, "This page may have dynamically-related files that can only be discovered by the server. When I click "Discover", I'm told "my site definition isn't correct." Can anyone help me please?

    >Sorry. I just never get any help here
    Really? Doesn't look that way to me:
    Other than a post from last week, and those you just posted within the past few hours....it looks like you are getting replies.  I'm just sayin.

  • Steps of adding file uploader in dreamweaver 8.

    Hi, I have made a form in php that sends information to the server. I want the form to send files in PDF and word as well. Could someone direct me to steps of adding the file uploader using Dreamweaver 8?

    You would need to be pretty skillful in PHP to accomplish this - if you are, then I suggest you just Google "PHP file upload". If you are not, then you would need to look for an uploader extension - start at http://www.dmxzone.com for the best.
    By the way, you know how decrepit DW8 is, right?

  • Who really uses Dreamweaver?

    I have been a long time user of Dreamweaver and I am really pleased with CS4 and the new abilities to keep track of linked files etc.
    However, I have noticed that almost none of the other sites I visit seem to be built using Dreamweaver. I frequently scour other sites for design and technical ideas but very very rarely see evidence of Dreamweaver having been used - eg. I don't think I have ever seen a commercial site that uses Dreamweaver templates. I understand that a lot of sites these days are based on content management systems, but among the static sites that are out there I almost never find sites that appear to have been designed using dreamweaver.
    So my question is, does anyone really use Dreamweaver for commercial , production sites and what features (eg. Templates, Spry, ICE) do they use?

    richardhellyer wrote:
    So my question is, does anyone really use Dreamweaver for commercial , production sites
    I do, but I almost never use any of its extended features. I edit my stylesheets in TopStyle when I'm on my PC, because it's easier to navigate and more intuitive than DW's CSS stuff and I clean up messy code in Smultron (Mac) or Textpad (PC), if and when DW's search features are too slow or it refuses to acknowledge some stuff and conks out. The Spry stuff is okay, but I have not yet found an excuse to use it and a lot of other JavaScript code can be found on the web, so one is not too dependent on Spry and the Behaviors panel. The rest of the time DW is just fine and compared to other HTML editors it's surely the most complete package. The only real problem I have, is its rigid approach to dealing with dynamic content. This includes the aforementioned Behaviors panel and naturally, the program being unable to deal even with common CMS systems beyond the likewise rigid Databases panel, is not really helping when working on nested PHP documents and such. You know, empty data regions that are completely meaningless when empty and similar things... It really needs to have a way to connect woith PHP/ CFM/ JSP(A)/ ASP that extends LiveView.

  • Using Dreamweaver to create AIR app from HTML site, FLV loaded by placed SWF not loading

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    Thank you!

    Steveejay, I was having the same problem. It turns out that
    mine didn't like the fact that I was using the "POST" method in my
    loadMovie() call. I changed them to "GET", and it works fine in the
    web page now. Just doesn't work when previewing in Flash.

  • Problem viewing SWF after uploading to site

    Hi all, my SWF file won't load properly when it is online.
    It is a photo album containing 17 photos.
    Photos 14, 15, and 16 won't load, no matter what browser or computer I use.
    Offline, the file works fine - all 17 photos load, in every browser as well as in Flash/Dreamweaver.
    Can anyone help?

    Did you use Muse's FTP upload feature or a 3rd party FTP upload client?
    Usually if you upload your site and it appears scrambled it's caused by one of these things:
    1) Not all files were uploaded. If you use Muse's FTP upload feature, it should automatically upload all the files that have changed. If you're uploading using another FTP client, be sure to upload all the html,css,and js files that have been modified by Muse on export. A common mistake is uploading the changed HTML files, but not the changed CSS files that go with them.
    2) If you've verified that you uploaded all the changed files, try clearing your browser cache and reloading the page.

  • How do I upload a finished website to Business Catalyst using Dreamweaver?

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    A workaround that's available that involves a few steps.
    1. Print a network configuration page to get the printers host name.
    a. press the wrench in top right hand corner
    b. Select the wireless menu
    c. Scroll and select network configuration.
    d. Print network configuration page.
    2. Select start menu
    a. Go to my computer.
    b. At the top of the page select map network drive.
    c. In the drive box select a available drive letter.
    d. In the Path or Folder text box, type the following:
    \\ insert host name here\Memory_Card
    example on how it should look. \\HP7A5319\memory_card
    Select finish after entering information.
    Let me know how it goes.

  • How to make the stage transparent for SWF file being used in Dreamweaver

    I have a SWF file in my Dreamweaver site, that plays correctly. The problem is that the stage is white and we would like it to be transparent. Searching the archives the following advice was given:
    in your html embedding code you need to set the wmode parameter to be "transparent"
    I'm wondering if this is the code in Dreamweaver or is this done in Flash. I'm working with CS5. Below is the code that matches the SWF file in Dreamweaver. I did change the wmode value from "opaque" to "transparent" and it didn't work.
    Thanks for any assistance.
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="650" height="400" id="FlashID" title="Convergence Gathering Title">
                 <param name="movie" value="Flash/gold_dust_title.swf" />
                 <param name="quality" value="high" />
                 <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
                 <param name="swfversion" value="" />
                 <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
                 <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
                 <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
                 <!--[if !IE]>-->
                 <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="Flash/gold_dust_title.swf" width="650" height="400">
                   <param name="quality" value="high" />
                   <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
                   <param name="swfversion" value="" />
                   <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
                   <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
                     <h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
                     <p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
                   <!--[if !IE]>-->

    Yes, change this to "transparent" in ALL the places where wmode is shown
    <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
    Second, be sure that there is in fact nothing covering the entire stage, like a big white rectangle.
    Also, what is directly behind the .swf once it's on the Web page? If the background color of that page or the <div> that the .swf is in is white..... well then then .swf can have a transparent background but then the white from the Web page just shows thru.... so there's still a white background.
    Be sure there is a non-white background on the Web page...
    Window Mode (wmode) - What's It For?
    There are three window modes.
    By default, the Flash Player gets its own hWnd in Windows. This means that the Flash movie actually exists in a display instance within Windows that lives above the core browser display window. So though it appears to be in the browser window, technically, it isn't. It is most efficient for Flash to draw this way and this is the fastest, most efficient rendering mode. However, it is drawing independently of the browser's HTML rendering surface. This is why this default mode (which is equivalent to wmode="window") doesn't allow proper compositing with DHTML layers. This is why your JavaScripted drop-down menus will drop behind your Flash movie.
    In windowless modes (like opaque), Flash Player doesn't have a hWnd. This means that the browser tells the Flash Player when and where to draw onto the browser's own rendering surface. The Flash movie is no longer being rendered on a higher level if you will. It's right there in the page with the rest of the page elements. The Flash buffer is simply drawn into whatever rectangle the browser says, with any Flash stage space not occupied by objects receiving the movie's background color.
    Best wishes,

  • Unable to upload files using Dreamweaver Ultra Dev 4 (Was: Trying to upload files.)

    My service provider has recently updated and now I can no longer upload to my site using my antequated but easy to use Dreamweaver Ultra Dev 4.
    I am trialling the current Dreamweaver, but of course it is massively different!  I've just tried uploading a file, and although it seemed to go OK, no error
    messages etc - it's not made it onto my internet site. Any suggestions please?

    First define your site in DW.  Go to Site > New Site or Manage Sites.  See Screenshots.
    Servers:  Enter your remote server's log-in credentials.  Root Directory is whatever your hosting provider told you to use.  This varies by web host and could be public_html, htdocs, www or none at all.  If unsure, contact your host.
    Hit the Test button to see if you can connect to your server.  If not, click on More Options.
    Nancy O.

  • How to use Dreamweave​r instead of Site Builder

    I created a website using Dreamweaver and used its FTP capability to upload the files.  I used the settings (HOST NAME: ftpmysite.verizon.net, User Name: your user ID (e.g. - jsmith), PASSWORD: your password) that were published here.. http://www.verizon.net/central/vzc.portal?_nfpb=tr​ue&action=FAQ&_pageLabel=pws_content#wlp_pws_conte​...
    Dreamweaver uploaded the files and the Web Space Monitor lists all of the files but they are not accessible using my personal URL (http://mysite.verizon.net/username).  In the Disk Space tool in Site Builder shows the files under a category of "Other Files (including system files)."
    How can I get my website to be active through my personal URL without using Site Builder?
    Thanks for your help!
    Go to Solution.

    somegirl wrote:
    Is the main page file listed as index.htm or index.html?
    When web designing, it doesn't matter if it's either .htm or .html. Just as long as every other page that you DO link the index file to that it's consistent.
    For example, I cannot have on another page:
    <a href="index.htm">Text here</a>
    When the original index file is a .html
    So long as you're consistent when linking each file to the original index it should be fine. The Suffix that it has really hasn't mattered for years.
    If you use 'pls' because it's shorter than 'please' I'm going to say 'no' because it's shorter than 'yes.'
    Wanna see my YouTube Channel? Message me about it really quick!

  • Is it possible to edit a google site using dreamweaver

    I'm using google sites for some of my low price costumers, and i was wondering what options exsist to use dreamveaver to update some of the gadgets like the text gadget.
    I know google does not support connecting fully with deamweaver or any other editor for that matter, but are there any plans for doing this in the furture, and what minot things can be doen at the moment ?

    t259 wrote:
    I'm using google sites for some of my low price costumers, and i was wondering what options exsist to use dreamveaver to update some of the gadgets like the text gadget.
    I know google does not support connecting fully with deamweaver or any other editor for that matter, but are there any plans for doing this in the furture, and what minot things can be doen at the moment ?
    To answer your specific question "Is it possible to edit a google site using dreamweaver" the answer is NO.  The reason is that Google does not allow uploading of web pagesusing any means such as FTP.  Google provies hundreds of templates to choose from and like you I don't like them at all.
    Microsoft had a free service long time ago that allowed you to upload your own pages but this has been stopped for new customers.  New customers are required to sign up to their Office 365 Service <http://tinyurl.com/bucc6t4> and this costs money.  However, you can build and host a website with a custom domain for your business.using their free software called Microsoft Sharepoint Designer 2010 <http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=16573>.  I believe they also have a 64 bit version to download but I only use 32 bit on my 64 bit systems!!
    Hope this helps.

  • Publish site to .mac using dreamweaver

    Hey guys!
    Can anyone give me a detailed description of how to post a site made in Dreamweaver to my .mac?
    I understand I need to save the site locally, to my desktop for instance, and then deposit those files to my .mac. But where exactly do they go? And what files need to be there? Once they are there, when I visit my http://web.mac.com/yoursitehere page, will the dreamweaver created site start showing up? With flash included?
    My basic idea is to use my GoDaddy registered domain, forward it to my http://web.mac.com/yoursitehere page, and create a sweet site in Dreamweaver using a template from www.templatemonster.com with flash and lots of hooha. Basically using my .mac as my hosting. Anyone done this and have the fool-proof method? I love tutorials...
    Thanks! Yay team!

    Dreamweaver will create a site within a folder.
    If I were going to try it I would open my idisk and drag the dreamweaver site folder to it.
    Not sure how you would, or if you can use ftp to idisk. If there is a way dreamweaver or other ftp program would be able to update changes without uploading the whole site again or manually finding the added or changed files and dragging them in.
    If it's not a huge site probably not a big deal. It would be nice to be able to do it directly from Dreamweaver, but again not sure it it's possible.
    Perhaps someone will jump in with the answer.
    Don't guess you would have to put it where Iweb puts them, but I think I would anyway. idisk/web/sites/.
    Address should be the similar to a iweb site. web.mac.com/ushername/sitename/index.html
    I think that should work, if addressing is correct.
    You could create a page, stick it there and see what happens.
    Forwarding should be no problem.
    good luck
    I understand that [http://www.panic.com/transmit> will work with idisk to avoid using the finder.
    Idisk uses webdav and does not allow ftp
    just looked at transmit. Looks pretty cool. Has a menu option for idisk. Pops it right up and has a sync feature. Looks like with the doctor ordered.
    Message was edited by: Chuck Usher
    Message was edited by: Chuck Usher
    Message was edited by: Chuck Usher

  • Dreamweaver 8 crashing when openning swf site

    It is only happening when i open the site I placed a swf file
    in. But thats it, wont open at all for any site afterwards. I have
    dreamweaver open now after a FEW restore points, and the 8.0.2
    update, too damn scared to try and open that site again, It was
    fine the whole time I built the site, well dreamweaver just shuts
    down occasionally cant even say what I was doing when it does. I
    can live with that considering I have learned the hard way to save
    constantly. The last couple of days have beem hell trying to get
    dreamweaver to stay open
    also I ALWAYS get this error, xml syntax error and script
    file in configuration.js
    I have reinstalled DW. Also was losing my ftp details all the
    time I opened DW8 but thats fixed now with the 8.0.2 update.
    I saw a notice regarding the flash video files cross script
    problem for cs3, but not DW8.

    I am using Dreamweaver 8.0.2 on a PC. A couple days ago, my
    DW 8 wouldn't start-up. When I do start it, I get the green opening
    banner, but no flashing in small fonts as it loads the various
    parts or functions of DW 8. Eventually I have to force close
    (right-click on tab>Close on tab at the bottom of my screen) or
    do a Ctrl+ALT+Delete. Sometimes if I wait, after SEVERAL minutes,
    DW starts. I don't know how reliable it is though when it does
    I don't know what happened or changed. I saw online somewhere
    that if I go in and make a copy of the 'Configuration' folder of
    DW, then delete the old 'Configuation' folder, when DW restarts, it
    will make a new 'Configuration' folder. I did that and it works
    great, but I have to reset my palettes, which is fine.
    But I also noticed that ALL my DW extensions are turned off
    in 'Extension Manager'. So I go through them all and turn them all
    on. Now my DW is back to hanging and not restarting. I tried just
    loading a couple extensions I really need and it still starts
    properly, then I turn on another one and it's back to hanging.
    This is really frustrating and I really need to get some work
    done. Help!!! What do I do so I can get DW 8 up and running again
    with ALL my extensions like it was for many months/years???
    Please get back to me ASAP. You can send e-mail response to
    wildbarry[at]shaw[dot]ca. Thanx

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