Sync KeyChain password with OS X APP

How can I sync a KeyChain password set on maverick with an app for the same site in a mobile device.

If both are apple devices with Safari, set safari to use icloud for this in both devices. If the mobile device is another make using another browser it will be difficult.

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    Can you please share the file with us at [email protected]? Also, can you please confirm that you are viewing the PDF in the Adobe Reader app rather than an app like dropbox, Mail or Safari?

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    Re-download the apps. There will be no charge for a purchased app when doing so as long as you use the same Apple ID.
    Or since it is a good idea to have all apps available in your iTunes library on your computer, you can transfer the apps from your iTunes library via the iTunes sync process.

  • Active Directory & Keychain Password Sync

    We've been introducing some Macs into our Active Directory environment and I'm a little confused about how best to handle the local Keychain password.  We're joining systems to the domain so that users can use their network password to login to their Macs (accounts are setup as Admin, Managed, Mobile) and so far that is working great.
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    I've also written a blog post about this Topic:

  • Keychain password being overwritten-  "Ha2S+eOKqmzA6nrlmTeh7w=="

    I am happily using keychain on many websites.  I wanted to set it up to work on my router(s) to have fast access to them.
    However, when I use the AutoGenerate Password function to generate a key "***-***-***-***" this works for a few minutes then stops working.
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    Does anyone know how or why this one password is being corrupted on my mac?
    Using OS yosemite 10.10.2 Mac Pro 13.

    Thanks for your quick response.
    I followed the steps suggested.  Repair found nothing wrong.  Removed and added keychain to both Macbook and iPhone6+.  Still showing the crazy password ""Ha2S+eOKqmzA6nrlmTeh7w==" (which does not work, and neither does the default admin admin) instead of the apple format one I chose and which worked briefly.  So it must be in there somewhere!
    I am thinking it relates to the modem firmware which might not 'take' safari entered password changes/caching.  This is the only website or password I have this problem but it is the 'modem admin change password sign in' page which may have hacker protection.  Seems unlikely that Keychain would have something allowing 'blow-back' of a different password.  Maybe it is encryption or decryption of the actual password..?  The nonsense looks a bit like a keychain password with some extra characters..  H2S OKA 6IT 7  but that's clutching at straws...
    Thanks for your help,

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    I'm having real issues as well with my keychains on one of my machines. Are you having similar problems to what I have listed in
    Note that if your keychains are hosed, like mine appear to be, you will have trouble doing anything with MobileMe.

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    Does anyone know how to delete my wife's apple ID from my phone completely?

    Content bought using one Apple ID cannot be merged or transferred to another Apple ID.
    All you need to do is delete those apps belonging to your wife.
    Check Settings > iTunes & App Store > Apple ID: > your own Apple ID here. If not, sign out here and sign in yours.

  • HT204053 I share an iTunes account with my daughter, I just got an ipad and need to set up with my own I'd for iCloud sync  how can I keep my apps and music?

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    ColleenMcG wrote:
    You can continue to share the same iTunes account ID with your daughter and set up a separate iCloud account with a different ID.
    => is this a different iCloud account for each device?  I thought iCloud account ID had to match some iTunes account ID, for which we only have one i Tunes account?
    You need to set up a separate iCloud account for each person that does not want to share their iCloud data.  If you share an iCloud account with someone, any data you both sync with the shared account is merged, and you end up with each other's data on your device(s).  If, for example, you owned two devices and someone else in the family also owned two devices, you would both want your own iCloud accounts, and you would each set up your personal iCloud account on the two devices you own.  In other words, you want a separate iCloud account for each person to be used on the devices they own.  Each iCloud account has to have a separate Apple ID.  The ID does not need to be the same as the ID used for iTunes.  Many families perfer to share the same iTunes account/ID, but maintain separate iCloud accounts with different IDs to keep there data separated.
    ColleenMcG wrote:
    It does not need to be the same as the ID used for iCloud.
    => what ID, iTunes?  So I can have a separate iCloud account "only" ID which I also assume must be some [valid] email address?  The children currently do not have email accounts anywhere.
    Yes, I was referring to the iTunes ID not needing to be the same as the ID used for iCloud.  In order to set up an Apple ID your children will need to have a valid email address that can be verified by Apple.  Apple requires this so they have a way of contacting the owner if there is a problem with the account, such as when you may need to reset the password on the account.  When you set up the ID, Apple will send a verification email to this email account and you will need to click on the verificating link in the email to complete the process.  If they don't currently have an email account you can just set one up with gmail or another free email hosting service.  They don't have to use the account but you will need it to set up the ID.

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    Look, Idk If Is Blocked Or Something But When I Restored The Phone I Mean Factory, First Says That The phone Need A Sim Card,then An Icloud Account  And Then This " This Phone Was Registered With An Apple Account,So I Know The Email and The Password, when i Try To Log In Its Says Password or EMail Incorrect so I Asked My Friend,Because I Didn't Buy it From An Apple Store Or Somethin Like That, So MY Friend Told Me That He Erased The Account or He desactivated I Need Help Seriously :s

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    Am I doing something wrong, or is this how it is supposed to work? It'd be a real pity if the latter was true, and would go against the idea that "it just works" on the Mac.

    That's the way it works. Due to the nature of a Keychain, and what is potentially stored in it, once a password is forgotten you need to use a new Keychain and all data within is "lost". If there were a way to reset the Keychain password then you can grab anyone's Keychain, insert it into another account and then use the reset password to get all of the data out of it… at which point there's little point to password protecting it at all.

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    -Transfer iTunes purchases to the compuer by:
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer
    - Transfer other music by using a third-party program like one of those discusssed here:
    Copy music
    - Connect the Ipd to the computer and make a backup by right clicking on the iPod under Devices in iTunes and select Back Up
    - Restore the iPod from that backup
    Note that the backup that iTunes makes does not contain synced media like apps and music.

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    I have updated my iPhone 3Gs to the latest software in an attempt to iron out a problem with a new telephone network provider (Tmobile). I had backed up my phone before I did this. Now I have lost my music and apps. I can't sync the phone with my Mac, I can't re-download from iTunes as the phone says I don't have any music or apps available to re-download although it all shows up on my Mac. The music and app content cannot be restored when I try to restore the phone from the back up I madeon my Mac. Help!

    Working on that now.  I'm just getting frustrated that everytime I run updates for the phone I end up with tech problems that I have to spend time solving as opposed to updates that actually improve my usage.  Now I will once again get to spend hours reloading my phone all for updates that didn't affect my usage in the first place.

  • My sister synced the ipad2 with the laptop of a random friend of her, and now lots of apps don't work.

    She made That cause se Wanted to insert some music, before that, i've never synced the iPad with any device.
    Some apps works, except the bjork's biophilia app suite, and many others That i've bought. I cant't loose some of my progress in some games, That worls be sad. Ah and now i can'tsign out from the e Mail account of my sister's friend when i enter to the Mail button.
    I tried downloading new free apps from the app store and them works, but the others just don't.
    Can some doy help me?
    Excuse my bad ortography. I don't talk english a lot.

    settings->store apply the appleID the apps were bought with

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    Try setting up another admin user account to see if the same problem continues. If Back-to-My Mac is selected in System Preferences, the Guest account will not work. The intent is to see if it is specific to one account or a system wide problem. This account can be deleted later.
    Isolating an issue by using another user account
    If the problem is still there, try booting into the Safe Mode using your normal account.  Disconnect all peripherals except those needed for the test. Shut down the computer and then power it back up. Immediately after hearing the startup chime, hold down the shift key and continue to hold it until the gray Apple icon and a progress bar appear. The boot up is significantly slower than normal. This will reset some caches, forces a directory check, and disables all startup and login items, among other things. When you reboot normally, the initial reboot may be slower than normal. If the system operates normally, there may be 3rd party applications which are causing a problem. Try deleting/disabling the third party applications after a restart by using the application un-installer. For each disable/delete, you will need to restart if you don't do them all at once.
    Safe Mode
    Safe Mode - About
    General information.
    Isolating issues in Mac OS X
    Troubleshooting Permission Issues
    Step by Step to Fix Your Mac

  • Just bought a new iPhone and am having trouble with iTunes and App Store. I can log in to Cloud, iTunes, and app store but once I try to download, it says "Youe apple id has been disabled". I've reset my password three times and have no issue on my Pad.

    Just bought a new iPhone and am having trouble with iTunes and App Store. I can log in to Cloud, iTunes, and app store but once I try to download, it says "Youe apple id has been disabled". I've reset my password three times and have no issue on my Pad.

    Hi FuzzyDunlopIsMe,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    It's possible that resetting your password multiple times has triggered this security.  Click on the link below for assistance with your Apple ID Account:
    Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
    Here is some additional information regarding your Apple ID:
    Apple ID: 'This Apple ID has been disabled for security reasons' alert appears
    Frequently asked questions about Apple ID
    Click on My Apple ID to access and edit your account.
    - Judy

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