Synchronisation functions fail

All synchronisation functions fail, however I can send Text messages via this software.
PC - Dell Latitude D410
Version of Windows is being used - Windows 2000
Service Pack is installed - SP4
Version of PC Suite is installed -
Connection method - IR
Can you help

1 - I activate IR on the phone
2 - I place it in site of the PC's iR port
3 - I right click on the PC suite icon in the system tray on my PC / select sychronise
4 - The phone displays Synch / recievng data for 15 secs
5 - then displays calendar: failed , Contacts failed
PC Synch error report:
PC Sync has encountered a problem and has terminated the synchronisation.
The Synchronisation was aborted by the user.
No error codes etc......

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    This question is way too open-ended for a concise answer here.
    You need to do a little research and learing by using the NI Example Finder and looking around for examples. LabVIEW help is also very useful.
    David Kaufman
    LabVIEW Certified Developer

  • Adobe Reader Search function fails

    @@I'm using Adobe Reader Version 11.0.10 under Windows 7 64-Bit SP1 with all actual updates. When i try to search any word or Phrase of contained in the text of a specific PDF File, then the search Fails. It does not come up with the search item i have keyed in. I did not misspell the search item and it is definitely contained in the text, but the search function does not find it. i am absolutely surethat the search item is in text Format and it is contained in the PDF file, because i can Access and search it when i open this PDF file on an iPad for instance. there it works, but not in my Windows envioenment.
    I guess that this problem will not be completely new for you, because other users are discussing this Problem in the Internet as well.
    Can you help me with an answer and hopefully with a recommendation on how to overcome this Problem.
    thanks in advance and
    Kind regards
    sorry, i am new on thjis platform... how  when aproximatrely does one get an answer here?

    Hello Pat,
    i followed your advise and have used the link contained in point 3 of
    your recommendations --- for reference see your response as appended
    below (
    So, in case i made no mistake (?), then you can access the PDF file we
    are talking about when you follow this link here:***
    This PDF file contains a description of an olympus camera. When you open
    this PDF file please go to page 6.
    Directly under the picture on top of the page (which shows a dark blue
    car driving from left to right) you can read the word "Mitziehmodus"
    (without parantheses). This german word is one of those search items
    which the PDF search function of my PDF reader installation does not
    find. There are many other words the search function does not find as
    well, but let us use this word (Mitziehmodus) as an example to
    demonstrate the malfunction as i experience it on my pc.
    Meanwhile i have installed a completely new windows-system 7 from
    scratch. The PDF reader (11.0.10) is currently the only installed
    software. I made this windows 7 installation only to assure that there
    is no other software eventually influencing the search function. But the
    search function fails again when searching for this word "Mitziehmodus".
    One remark still to your statements concerning accented characters.
    Character like ä, ö, ü or ß are quite normal characters in writing
    german language text. But these characters can not be found also! In
    general it does not make much sense to serach for a single character (at
    least in my understanding). Searching for ä or ö or ü results in finding
    something completely meaningless. But this behaviour shows additionally
    that there is something wrong with the search function as it ist
    implemented in Adobe Reader.
    In general i am convinced that this PDF file will be correct ,
    because i can search any search item and find correct search results
    when i access this file on my iPad regardless in what so ever combination.
    i hope that you can access the problem PDF file following the link i
    sent you above.
    And i would be happy wehen you could find thze reason for my search
    thank you so far. i appreciate to heare from you soon.
    kind regards
    Am 02.01.2015 um 03:03 schrieb Pat Willener:
          Adobe Reader Search function fails
    created by Pat Willener <> in
    /Adobe Reader/ - View the full discussion

  • Fork Function Failed.  There is not enough memory available.

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    Can you please assist me with this problem?

    You will probably want to file a TAR and work through this with Oracle Support.

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    LIBTUX_CAT:4053: ERROR: Routing function failed
    while invoking a tpforward call.
    My ubb file for the new service is below.
    LOAD=50 PRIO=50
    Its also giving the error : GP_CAT:1064: ERROR: Routing field for 'NewXXInqu' null.
    LIBTUX_CAT:1401: WARN: tpforward tpacall failure TPESYSTEM - internal system error
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    LIBTUX_CAT:4053: ERROR: Routing function failed.
    Appreciate your reply,

    i am using tuxedo 9.1 and i am getting the same error:
    tpacall("PP_GA_RECARGA3", 0x0x8088140, 140, 0x0)
    GP_CAT:1064: ERROR: Routing field for 'PP_GA_RECARGA3' null
    LIBTUX_CAT:4053: ERROR: Routing function failed
    tpacall = -1 [tperrno TPESYSTEM]
    My ubb file for the service is belong:
    LOAD=50 PRIO=50
    The service define is:
    PP_GA_RECARGA3_snum_telefono 443 string - -
    PP_GA_RECARGA3_stipo_recarga 444 string - -
    PP_GA_RECARGA3_fimp_recarga 445 double - -
    PP_GA_RECARGA3_scod_moneda 446 string - -
    PP_GA_RECARGA3_scod_promocion 447 string - -
    PP_GA_RECARGA3_scod_usuario 448 string - -
    PP_GA_RECARGA3_lper_validez 449 long - -
    PP_GA_RECARGA3_ssec_actuacion 450 string - -
    PP_GA_RECARGA3__rpr_ret 451 long - -
    If i invoke the service in other environment with similar configuration, the ulog show this:
    tpacall("PP_GA_RECARGA3", 0x0x80882d8, 140, 0x0)
    tpacall = 64 [CLIENTID {1280130829, 0, 430}]
    tpservice({"PP_GA_RECARGA3", 0x10, 0x0x814a4f0, 1164, 0, 0, {1280130829, 0, 430}})
    tpalloc("FML32", "", 1024)
    All it's right
    The difference is that one it's over vmware.
    Does anyone know if this can influence in the routing?

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    Do you use Adobe Acrobat?

  • Replicating database,  a function fails in replica

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to duplicate a database. I exported/imported some schemas to make it work with no problems, but I have a package function failing in its execution.
    The function has a cursor used in a for statement. The query looks like:
    SELECT number_field as field1, trim(mun_nom2_part||' '||mun_nom2) AS field2, varchar2_4length_field as field3
    from table1 ...
    SELECT number_field as field1, trim(mun_nom2_part||' '||mun_nom2) AS field2, varchar2_4length_field as field3
    from table2 ...
    SELECT number_field as field1, trim(mun_nom2_part||' '||mun_nom2) AS field2, varchar2_4length_field as field3
    from table3 ...
    order by field2
    Results look like:
         0             ADMINISTRATOR                     0
         8995386    Btenhs je Cas                     7185
         1421397    Hracolters                             7370
         16919       Grntdetf t Xrists                     7446
         1             [Ftwiccpt rs Ryexa]             1
         12683904  Trageà gr Gpm                     7510
         625498      Feng Tguagóz gw Kcgis        8981
         2492617    Hyxte Ivloya ef Plahogtt     8993It executes OK in the original database, but it fails in the replica with an ORA-06502 error. If I execute the select, it's OK on both databases and the result in both is equal, but when looping the cursor it fails in the 7th row in the copy.
    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Eva VL on Jun 2, 2009 6:01 AM

    Ok. The complete code looks like:
        a_variable VARCHAR2(32000):='';
         b_variable NUMBER:=0;
         c_variable NUMBER;
           CURSOR cEntorns IS
    SELECT some_col AS idMun, 'SOME TEXT' AS nom, '0' AS codidep
         WHERE adm_cu = some_value.defined.outside
            AND ADM_MUN = 0
            AND adm_id=mov_idobj
            AND mov_estat = eob_id
            AND eob_estat_resum='1'
            AND mov_ultim=1
    SELECT some_col AS idMun, 'OTHER TEXT' AS nom, '1' AS codidep
         WHERE adm_cu = some_value.defined.outside
            AND ADM_MUN = 1
            AND adm_id=mov_idobj
            AND mov_estat = eob_id
            AND eob_estat_resum='1'
            AND mov_ultim=1
    SELECT some_col AS idMun, trim(mun_nom2_part||' '||mun_nom2) AS nom, A_COLUMN AS codidep
                E_TABLE, F_TABLE, G_TABLE, H_TABLE
         WHERE adm_cu = some_value.defined.outside
            AND ADM_MUN <> 0
            AND ADM_MUN <> 1
            AND ADM_MUN = MUN_ID
            AND adm_id=mov_idobj
            AND mov_estat = eob_id
            AND eob_estat_resum='1'
            AND mov_ultim=1
            AND    mun_id=adm_mun
             AND mun_codidep=dep_id
            AND ens_codi=dep_codi_origen
            AND ens_codi=egi_ens
            AND mun_prov=ens_codPro
            AND mun_codi=ens_codmun
          SELECT some_col AS idMun, trim(mun_nom2_part||' '||mun_nom2) AS nom, A_COLUMN AS codidep
                E_TABLE, F_TABLE, G_TABLE, H_TABLE
         WHERE prf_id=cmp_prf
            AND cmp_equ=equ_id
            AND prf_cu = some_value.defined.outside
            AND prf_id=mov_idobj
            AND mov_estat = eob_id
            AND eob_estat_resum='1'
            AND mov_ultim=1
            AND cmp_actiu='1'
            AND    mun_id=equ_mun
             AND mun_codidep=dep_id
            AND ens_codi=dep_codi_origen
            AND ens_codi=egi_ens
            AND mun_prov=ens_codPro
            AND mun_codi=ens_codmun
        ORDER BY
       a_variable := a_variable || '<VALUES>';
       FOR entorn IN cEntorns LOOP
           a_variable := a_variable || '<VALUE>';
           IF (entorn.idMun = 0) THEN
              a_variable := a_variable ||  '<ID>0</ID>';
              a_variable := a_variable||  '<NOM>SOME TEXT</NOM>';
           ELSIF (entorn.idMun = 1) THEN
              a_variable:= a_variable||  '<ID>1</ID>';
              a_variable:= a_variable||  '<NOM>OTHER TEXT</NOM>';
                  a_variable:= a_variable||  '<ID>' || entorn.idMun || '</ID>';
                  a_variable:= a_variable||  '<NOM>' || entorn.nom || '</NOM>';
           END IF;
           a_variable := a_variable|| '</VALUE>';
       END LOOP;
       if b_variable =0 THEN
             SELECT count(*)
             into c_variable
                 FROM A_TABLE, B_TABLE, C_TABLE
                 WHERE prf_cu = some_value.defined.outside
                    and prf_mun=1
                    AND prf_id=mov_idobj
                    AND mov_estat = eob_id
                    AND eob_estat_resum='1'
                    AND mov_ultim=1;
             if c_variable <> 0 then
               a_variable := a_variable|| '<VALUE>';
               a_variable:= a_variable||  '<ID>1</ID>';
               a_variable:= a_variable||  '<NOM>OTHER TEXT</NOM>';
               a_variable:= a_variable|| '</VALUE>';
             end if;
       END IF;
       a_variable:= a_variable|| '</VALUES>';
      RETURN a_variable;
    END;The code does different actions, but the error is in the for loop. As I said, it fails when fetches a row with the value in the column 'nom' exceeds 19 characters.

  • Java.lang.Error: IP Helper Library GetIfTable function failed

    Some of our users are sometimes getting the following exception:
    java.lang.Error: IP Helper Library GetIfTable function failed Method) Source)
    Does anyone know why this happens and what can be done against it?
    Is this a bug?

    The operating system is     Windows XP, Java is version 1.6.0_03 Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Today, I got another error report containing this error. They all seem to come from the same user. Given that the user is still using our product, I guess it doesn't happen every time. :) The error actually happens in a third party library that uses JNI, so it could also be possible that this library messes up something. Given that the error happens rather rarely and we haven't got much data, I guess it isn't worth investigating this further at the moment.

  • System init function failed, Uunixerr = : msgget: No such file or directory

    windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    when I run command "tmboot -y", I got the following error info at ULOG file:!BBL.3536.5040.0: LIBTUX_CAT:681: ERROR: Failure to create message queue!BBL.3536.5040.0: LIBTUX_CAT:248: ERROR: System init function failed, Uunixerr = : msgget: No such file or directory
    What's the problem? Anyone help!!!

    I have similar error on Enterprise Linux 64 Bit.
    Tuxedo Version, 64-bit
    075418.localhost.localdomain!PSRENSRV.4072.491399232.-2: LIBTUX_CAT:681: ERROR: Failure to create message queue
    075418.localhost.localdomain!PSRENSRV.4072.491399232.-2: LIBTUX_CAT:248: ERROR: System init function failed, Uunixerr = : msgget: No such file or directory
    075418.localhost.localdomain!tmboot.4023.3569636960.-2: CMDTUX_CAT:825: ERROR: Process PSRENSRV at localhost.localdomain failed with /T tperrno (TPEOS - operating system error)
    075418.localhost.localdomain!tmboot.4023.3569636960.-2: tmboot: CMDTUX_CAT:827: ERROR: Fatal error encountered; initiating user error handler
    075422.localhost.localdomain!BBL.4020.2558671968.0: CMDTUX_CAT:26: INFO: The BBL is exiting system
    075425.localhost.localdomain!PSADMIN.4014: End boot attempt on domain fdmo91
    Can someone help me please?
    Edited by: user6844468 on Nov 19, 2010 8:58 AM

  • Glibc 2.19 & find: sanity check of the fnmatch() library function fail

    Since yesterdays update to glibc 2.19, find doesn't like searches by name. The update threw a hole lot of segmentations faults
    [2014-02-12 15:06] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman --color auto -Sy'
    [2014-02-12 15:06] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
    [2014-02-12 15:07] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman --color auto -S -u'
    [2014-02-12 15:07] [PACMAN] starting full system upgrade
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded apr-util (1.5.3-1 -> 1.5.3-2)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded linux-api-headers (3.12.4-1 -> 3.13.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM] warning: /etc/locale.gen installed as /etc/locale.gen.pacnew
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Generating locales...
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] de_DE.UTF-8
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] en_US.UTF-8
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Generation complete.
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded glibc (2.18-12 -> 2.19-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded binutils (2.24-1 -> 2.24-2)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded gcc-libs (4.8.2-7 -> 4.8.2-8)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded elfutils (0.157-1 -> 0.158-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded gcc (4.8.2-7 -> 4.8.2-8)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded shared-mime-info (1.2-1 -> 1.2-2)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /tmp/alpm_Zt9oRn/.INSTALL: line 1: 10554 Segmentation fault (core dumped) xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &>/dev/null
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdelibs (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdegraphics-mobipocket (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded nepomuk-core (4.12.1-2 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kactivities (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kde-base-artwork (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded oxygen-icons (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /tmp/alpm_lNExqJ/.INSTALL: line 1: 10562 Segmentation fault (core dumped) xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &>/dev/null
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdebase-runtime (4.12.1-3 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdebase-lib (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded nepomuk-widgets (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdebase-dolphin (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdebase-konsole (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdebase-plasma (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /tmp/alpm_jc0NOD/.INSTALL: line 1: 10571 Segmentation fault (core dumped) xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &>/dev/null
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdepim-runtime (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM] warning: /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc installed as /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc.pacnew
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /tmp/alpm_9emqkf/.INSTALL: line 10: 10582 Segmentation fault (core dumped) xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &>/dev/null
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdebase-workspace (4.11.6-1 -> 4.11.6-2)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /tmp/alpm_HVYliW/.INSTALL: line 1: 10587 Segmentation fault (core dumped) xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &>/dev/null
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded libkipi (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /tmp/alpm_JMyH2D/.INSTALL: line 1: 10591 Segmentation fault (core dumped) xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &>/dev/null
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdegraphics-gwenview (4.12.1-2 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /tmp/alpm_BOmkIm/.INSTALL: line 1: 10595 Segmentation fault (core dumped) xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &>/dev/null
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdegraphics-kcolorchooser (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /tmp/alpm_V9lYA5/.INSTALL: line 1: 10598 Segmentation fault (core dumped) xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &>/dev/null
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdegraphics-ksnapshot (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded libkexiv2 (4.12.1-2 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /tmp/alpm_NKbRqP/.INSTALL: line 1: 10602 Segmentation fault (core dumped) xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &>/dev/null
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdegraphics-okular (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /tmp/alpm_1CccYz/.INSTALL: line 1: 10606 Segmentation fault (core dumped) xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &>/dev/null
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded libkdcraw (4.12.1-2 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdegraphics-thumbnailers (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdemultimedia-ffmpegthumbs (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /tmp/alpm_PRYdSk/.INSTALL: line 1: 10609 Segmentation fault (core dumped) xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor &>/dev/null
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdemultimedia-kmix (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdemultimedia-mplayerthumbs (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdepimlibs (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded kdeutils-ark (4.12.1-1 -> 4.12.2-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-elfutils (0.157-1 -> 0.158-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-glibc (2.18-12 -> 2.19-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-gcc-libs (4.8.2-7 -> 4.8.2-8)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded libsasl (2.1.26-6 -> 2.1.26-7)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded mpd (0.18.7-1 -> 0.18.8-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded nginx (1.4.4-2 -> 1.4.5-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded openjpeg (1.5.1-1 -> 1.5.1-2)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded pam (1.1.8-2 -> 1.1.8-3)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded python2-numpy (1.8.0-1 -> 1.8.0-2)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded redland (1:1.0.17-1 -> 1:1.0.17-2)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded s-nail (14.5.2-3 -> 14.5.2-4)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded sudo (1.8.9.p4-1 -> 1.8.9.p5-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded systemd (208-10 -> 208-11)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded systemd-sysvcompat (208-10 -> 208-11)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /tmp/alpm_7YRIvT/.INSTALL: line 10: 10659 Segmentation fault (core dumped) mkfontdir usr/share/fonts/local
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded terminus-font (4.38-3 -> 4.38-4)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded vim-systemd (20130410-1 -> 20140209-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded whois (5.1.0-1 -> 5.1.1-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded xdg-utils (1.1.0.git20140109-1 -> 1.1.0.git20140207-1)
    [2014-02-12 15:08] [PACMAN] upgraded xf86-video-intel (2.99.909-2 -> 2.99.910-1)
    After that nearly all applications segfaulted but somehow it everything works again. Except for find (which I only recognized after mkinitcpio destroyed my initramfs......):
    # find -name \*.pkg.tar.xz
    find: sanity check of the fnmatch() library function failed.
    Regex, type and all other operators work as expected:
    # find -regex '.*\.pkg\.tar\.xz'
    # find -type d
    # pacman -Q findutils glibc
    findutils 4.4.2-5
    glibc 2.19-1
    First is suspected it to be a locale issue, but everything seems to be fine:
    # diff -u0 {,/}etc/locale.gen
    --- etc/locale.gen 2014-02-07 23:56:45.000000000 +0100
    +++ /etc/locale.gen 2014-02-12 19:43:03.037279970 +0100
    @@ -124 +124 @@
    -#de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8
    +de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8
    @@ -161 +161 @@
    -#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
    +en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
    # locale-gen
    Generating locales...
    Generation complete.
    Downgrading to glibc 2.18-12 solved the problem for now...
    # pacman -U --noprogressbar --noconfirm *
    loading packages...
    warning: downgrading package binutils (2.24-2 => 2.24-1)
    warning: downgrading package gcc (4.8.2-8 => 4.8.2-7)
    warning: downgrading package gcc-libs (4.8.2-8 => 4.8.2-7)
    warning: downgrading package glibc (2.19-1 => 2.18-12)
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Packages (4): binutils-2.24-1 gcc-4.8.2-7 gcc-libs-4.8.2-7 glibc-2.18-12
    Total Installed Size: 134.89 MiB
    Net Upgrade Size: -0.42 MiB
    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
    checking keyring...
    checking package integrity...
    loading package files...
    checking for file conflicts...
    checking available disk space...
    downgrading glibc...
    warning: /etc/locale.gen installed as /etc/locale.gen.pacnew
    downgrading binutils...
    downgrading gcc-libs...
    downgrading gcc...
    # find -name \*.pkg.tar.xz
    According to the findutils manual one should file a bug report for this message, but I don't think they expect glibc to be the buggy implementation of fnmatch that looks enough like the GNU version to fool configure, but which doesn't work properly.
    Does anybody experience similar problems? Does anybody have suggestions how to solve this?
    Last edited by auti (2014-02-13 22:14:12)

    I've regenerated the locales multiple times but only the upgrade to findutils 4.5.12 worked.
    glibc 2.19-2 works with the current findutils.
    But if a corrupt locale archive file caused this, why didn't findutils 4.5.12 complained about this?
    Anyhow: It works, I'm happy; thanks for your effort, Allan!

  • Javascript function fails in version 3.6.3, but worked in all previous versions

    function show_prompt(){
    var cost = prompt("Please enter cost amount","");
    if (cost!=null && cost!="")
    document.getElementById("ncost").value = cost;
    This function has caused no problems until i upgraded to firefox 3.6.3. The function fails to set the value of the html element until the function is called again, at which point the value from the first function call is successfully inserted.
    This is obviously not workable, so i have had to backgrade to 3.5.9 so that the problem doesnt happen, but this is obviously not a long term solution.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I upgraded to version 3.6.3

    Could you link to an example that shows this code in use? From your description, I can't be sure what's happening. (My best guess is that it's prompting you twice for the cost instead of just once)

  • My iCloud backup function failed since 02/28/2015.

    My iCloud backup function failed since 2/28 till now?

    Try signing in and out of iCloud and backup manually.  This might solve the problem.

  • A query regarding synchronised functions, using shared object

    Hi all.
    I have this little query, regarding the functions that are synchronised, based on accessing the lock to the object, which is being used for synchronizing.
    Ok, I will clear myself with the following example :
    class First
    int a;
    static int b;
    public void func_one()
    synchronized((Integer) a)
    { // function logic
    } // End of func_one
    public void func_two()
    synchronized((Integer) b)
    { / function logic
    } // End of func_two
    public static void func_three()
    synchronized((Integer) a)
    { // function logic
    } // End of func_three, WHICH IS ACTUALLY NOT ALLOWED,
    // just written here for completeness.
    public static void func_four()
    synchronized((Integer) b)
    { / function logic
    } // End of func_four
    First obj1 = new First();
    First obj2 = new First();
    Note that the four functions are different on the following criteria :
    a) Whether the function is static or non-static.
    b) Whether the object on which synchronization is based is a static, or a non-static member of the class.
    Now, first my-thoughts; kindly correct me if I am wrong :
    a) In case 1, we have a non-static function, synchronized on a non-static object. Thus, effectively, there is no-synchronisation, since in case obj1 and obj2 happen to call the func_one at the same time, obj1 will obtain lock for obj1.a; and obj2 will obtain lock to obj2.a; and both can go inside the supposed-to-be-synchronized-function-but-actually-is-not merrily.
    Kindly correct me I am wrong anywhere in the above.
    b) In case 2, we have a non-static function, synchronized on a static object. Here, again if obj1, and obj2 happen to call the function at the same time, obj1 will try to obtain lock for obj1.a; while obj2 will try to obtain lock for obj2.a. However, since obj1.a and obj2.a are the same, thus we will indeed obtain sychronisation.
    Kindly correct me I am wrong anywhere in the above.
    c) In case 3, we have a static function , synchronized on a non-static object. However, Java does not allow functions of this type, so we may safely move forward.
    d) In case 4, we have a static function, synchronized on a static object.
    Here, again if obj1, and obj2 happen to call the function at the same time, obj1 will try to obtain lock for obj1.a; while obj2 will try to obtain lock for obj2.a. However, since obj1.a and obj2.a are the same, thus we will indeed obtain sychronisation. But we are only partly done for this case.
    First, Kindly correct me I am wrong anywhere in the above.
    Now, I have a query : what happens if the call is made in a classically static manner, i.e. using the statement "First.func_four;".
    Another query : so far we have been assuming that the only objects contending for the synchronized function are obj1, and obj2, in a single thread. Now, consider this, suppose we have the same reference obj1, in two threads, and the call "obj1.func_four;" happens to occur at the same time from each of these threads. Thus, we have obj1 rying to obtain lock for obj1.a; and again obj1 trying to obtain lock for obj1.a, which are the same locks. So, if obj1.a of the first thread obtains the lock, then it will enter the function no-doubt, but the call from the second thread will also succeed. Thus, effectively, our synchronisation is broken.
    Or am I being dumb ?
    Looking forward to replies..

    a) In case 1, we have a non-static function, synchronized on a non-static object. Thus, effectively, there is no-synchronisationThere is no synchronization between distinct First objects, but that's what you specified. Apart from the coding bug noted below, there would be synchronization between different threads using the same instance of First.
    b) In case 2, we have a non-static function, synchronized on a static object. Here, again if obj1, and obj2 happen to call the function at the same time, obj1 will try to obtain lock for obj1.a; while obj2 will try to obtain lock for obj2.a.obj1/2 don't call methods or try to obtain locks. The two different threads do that. And you mean First.b, not obj1.b and obj2.b, but see also below.
    d) In case 4, we have a static function, synchronized on a static object. Here, again if obj1, and obj2 happen to call the function at the same time, obj1 will try to obtain lock for obj1.a; while obj2 will try to obtain lock for obj2.a.Again, obj1/2 don't call methods or try to obtain locks. The two different threads do that. And again, you mean First.b. obj1.b and obj2.b are the same as First.b. Does that make it clearer?
    Now, I have a query : what happens if the call is made in a classically static manner, i.e. using the statement "First.func_four;".That's what happens in any case whether you write obj1.func_four(), obj2.func)four(), or First.func_four(). All these are identical when func_four(0 is static.
    Now, consider this, suppose we have the same reference obj1, in two threads, and the call "obj1.func_four;" happens to occur at the same time from each of these threads. Thus, we have obj1 rying to obtain lock for obj1.aNo we don't, we have a thread trying to obtain the lock on First.b.
    and again obj1 trying to obtain lock for obj1.aYou mean obj2 and First.b, but obj2 doesn't obtain the lock, the thread does.
    which are the same locks. So, if obj1.a of the first thread obtains the lock, then it will enter the function no-doubt, but the call from the second thread will also succeed.Of course it won't. Your reasoning here makes zero sense..Once First.b is locked it is locked. End of story.
    Thus, effectively, our synchronisation is broken.No it isn't. The second thread will wait on the same First.b object that the first thread has locked.
    However in any case you have a much bigger problem here. You're autoboxing your local 'int' variable to a possibly brand-new Integer object every call, so there may be no synchronization at all.
    You need:
    Object a = new Object();
    static Object b = new Object();

  • Photosmart 6520 scanning function failed

    The scanning function (both from the pc and from the scanner itself) has failed. It seems to make all the right noises, then the message 'now copying page 1/1' shows on the display for sometime, until it is replaced by 'cancelling', then the scan fails. It may or may not be in warranty, but it has been impossible to dispute the status of the warranty as that section on the HP website isn't working. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    Hey @fearless_fred,
    Welcome to the HP Support Forum!  I understand your HP Photosmart 6520 e-All-in-One Printer's software and front panel scanning functionality has ceased.  I would like to assist you with this.  I have some steps that may resolve the issue.  
    I recommend approaching the problem from a hardware perspective first.  Try performing a hard reset:
    Next, try making a copy from the printer's front panel.  If it fails as before, move onto the next step and restore your printer to factory defaults:
    From your printer's front panel:
    Touch the wrench icon
    Touch Tools
    Touch Restore Factory Defaults
    Once the restore is completed, you'll have to reconnect your printer to the wireless network (if you're a wireless user) and re-enable webservices (if you're an ePrint, scan to email or Printables user).  If you are able to make a copy successfully it would make sense to troubleshoot the printer's software setup and restore your scan to computer functionality.  (Further steps posted below)
    If you're still unable to make a copy, please call our technical support at 800-474-6836. If you live outside the US/Canada Region, please click the link below to get the support number for your region.
    With respect to your concerns about warranty, our technical support via phone can check your printer's warranty status and present resolution options accordingly. 
    If you have copy functionality click here to install the HP Print and Scan Doctor.  When running this utility be sure to click your way through the scanning troubleshooting flows.  If that doesn't restore your software scanning functionality, click here for access to additional troubleshooting steps. 
    Please let me know the result of your troubleshooting by responding to this post.  Best of luck!
    I work on behalf of HP.
    Please click Accept as Solution if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click Kudos Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • IP copy function fails - ST01 trace stops at FM SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVER

    Production error when copying  one planning version (v01) to another version (v99) in the same planning cube. 
    This works in lower environments - not in production.  We think it is either master data or something on ABAP / BASIS side.  No glaring difference is noticed in master data b/t environments (ie 0PROFIT_CTR, 0COSTCENTER, etc...).
    Upon execution of the "copy" function, we get the 500 internal server error screen with the following text:
    The initial exception that caused the request to fail was:
    Termination message sent
    ABEND RSBOLAP (000): Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
    ABEND: Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
    ABEND: System error in program CL_RSR_FIPT_SID2VAL_PREFETCH and form TRANSFORM-01- (see long text)
    This stopped working in the past few days.  We're wondering if the data grew, and has exceeded some sort of timeout parameter?
    A trace in lower environments has the function running through a variety of FM calls - in production, it ends with a call to this function module: SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVER

    planning function work with characteristic values, the planning buffer is using SIDs. The conversion failed for some reason. You can use transaction RSRV to check the characteristic values in the SID, P and Q tables. The exception TRANSFORM-01- is raised when for a SID the corresponding characteristic values was not found.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Journal tempate in HFM

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  • Load balancing with HttpClusterServlet

              Hi,           Could someone plz tell me how HttpClusterServlet achieves           load balancing?           Suppose there are 3 servers A,B,C (ordered list) in a cluster.           When the servlet the receives the request for the 1st time