Synchronize gmail contacts

An engineer level phone support tech told me there is currently no solution for Zeen (android OS tablet for eStation printer) not synchronizing with gmail Contacts (in spite of successful synchronization with gmail Calendar and Inbox).  I plan to ask about this during the announced: 
"Experts will be on the printer and all in ones,  notebook and desktop boards ready to answer your questions on Tuesday, Jan. 11th  from 12:00 pm to Wednesday, Jan 12th 12:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (Tuesday, Jan. 11th  from 4:00 pm to Wednesday, Jan 12th 4:00 pm UTC)."

Go to system preferences
then click on mail contacts and calendar
then click on gmail and fill in your info

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    Go to system preferences
    then click on mail contacts and calendar
    then click on gmail and fill in your info

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    Hello John,
    Did you ever find any assistance on this issue?  I have a similar issue as of the past two weeks and have attempted to resolve it differing ways but nothing seems to restart the synchronization of the contacts again?
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    The Plaxo 3 non-pubic beta application currently supports only Mozilla and FireFox 1.5 and Internet Explorer 6. Safari support, and support for updated OS X thrid-party browsers, has not yet been released. To say that there are some anomalies and visual artifacts with Safari 2, would be an understatement. But, then, I often find this to be the case with beta—particularly, pre-public beta, software.
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    • mobile access
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    • Windows Mail
    • Yahoo
    It does not yet support Google. Or, not yet reliably or completely. The little 'hippo' that pops up periodically in the beta says, "Google Calendar Sync has been temporarily disabled. We are working diligently to resolve the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience."
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    The exact error message on the mobile, after sync, is:
    "Data transfer not possible. Check data connection"

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    Hey eggcream,
    The contact list "My Contacts" is the list that synchronizes.
    You can remove this label in your Gmail contacts from those of whom you do not wish to have synchronized over.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
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    Connect your iPhone to your computer.
    Open iTunes
    Click on your iPhone under devices
    Click on the info tab above the picture of the phone in middle of the screen.
    Click the sync contacts check box on the next page, Make sure it is set to Sync contacts to Addressbook, Windows address book, or Windows contacts.
    Click Apply at the bottom right,
    Then locate the program you chose to sync with and your contacts should be there

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    Hello werwortmann,
    Thank you for your question regarding Gmail contact synchronization on your BlackBerry Z10 smartphone.
    Are you referring to websites you have added to the contact from Gmail Webmail? Do they appear on your BlackBerry Z10 under the website field in this manner?
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click "Accept as a Solution" for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Problem: Gmail + Contacts [Lumia 730]

    Hi folks!
    I am totally new on Windows Phone, so please excuse if my question is somehow stupid.
    I have a problem with my Gmail on my Lumia. Reading the mails works just fine, however I can not send any mail. It just copies them in the outbox.
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    Is there any option to solve these problems?
    Many thanks in advance!

    Hi, anti1986. Thanks for posting your concern on our community. Are you having a problem sending a message regardless of the connection you are using? Have you tried deleting, and resetting up your gmail account on the device by going to Settings>email+accounts>press and hold Google>delete? Does it make any difference? Let us know the outcome. We'll wait for your response.

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    You must have Contacts syncing on in your Gmail account settings on the iPhone.
    As to the contacts already existing in your phone, you can either merge them with those in the Gmail server or delete them whatever suits you best.

  • One way to use Gmail contact via EAS airsync.

    As the Gmail provide Exchange service, we can use EAS airsync on iPhone.
    1,If you contact is in you SIM card, you should import you contacts inti iPhone then use iTunes to transfer your contacts into Gmail contact. We can register a new gmail account for empty contact.
    2,edit your contact in new gmail contacts.
    3,export the contacts as a file, and import it into your using gmail contact. Note: the iPhone only sync "my contact group" in gmail. we can set other contact we do not want to sync in other group.
    4, add exchange account in iPhone, Accont:[email protected]
    5,when you open contact sync, select "delete your phone contact".
    6,you can also open clendars sync as well.
    7,check your contact on iPhone, you will found "google cotacts" in group,this is same as gmail contacts "my contacts" group. and you can search all gmail contact in Global address list.
    Have fun with it.

    If the support isn't there, you can't add it yourself.
    However, you could try the Gmail Java app to read email:

  • How do i add Gmail contacts to iCloud?

    Has anyone figured out a way to sync Google Contacts and iCloud contacts?

    The first step would be exporting your GMail contacts as a vcard:
    What you do next depends on how you've been syncing your iPhone 4 up until now:
    - if via iTunes on a Mac, import the vcard file(s) into Address Book app.  Then sync your contacts with your iCloud contacts (System Preferences > iCloud > Contacts[checked]).
    - if via iTunes on a PC, download the iCloud Control Panel ( and import the vcard file(s) into your contact manager program (Outlook, Outlook Express, etc.).

  • How to sync bb/outlook/gmail contacts and calendar

    i have a bb 9530 and outlook 2007 running on a 64-bit windows 7 pc.  i use outlook to view my gmail.  i also have the bb gmail app on my phone and that keeps email in sync between gmail servers and the phone as well as outlook since it is setup for an imap account.  so that's all good.
    the problem is that i need to know the best way to keep my contacts and calendar in sync as well.  since i can't "imap" my gmail contacts and calendar, there are 3 different locations to sync for those.
    also, the gmail sync app for outlook has alot of problems on windows 7 and 64-bit vista or 7 so that didn't work either.
    any suggestions would be appreciated.
    thanks...  dave

    I have the same problem.  Did you learn how to solve this?

  • How can I import all my gmail contacts into iPad? I use iPad mini and the solutions available on the web are not compatible.

    How can I import all my gmail contacts into iPad? I use iPad mini and the solutions available on the web are not compatible.

    Hello and thanks for the answer.
    I meant by "not compatible" that all the solutions that I found on the web did not work, especially the "Microsoft exchange" one.
    Fortunately I found on the comments of the first website you mentioned the right answer for me, which I copy below:
    Tap Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account > Other > Add CardDav Account.
    Enter the following information in the fields:
    User Name: Enter your full Google email address
    Password: Your Google account password
    Select Next at the top of the screen to complete the setup.
    After you have completed the setup, open the Contacts app on your device. Syncing should begin automatically.
    Additional Information
    Note: Make sure that SSL is enabled (under Advanced settings), and that the port is 443.
    If you are using application based special password go to and instead of your password put that special code and u r done.

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