System freezes while on Battery

Hi there,
I’ve a TOSHIBA Satellite L650 laptop model (bought mid 2010) with Intel (R) Core™ i3 CPU, 3 GB RAM & Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit Operating System).
I’ve been facing an unusual situation for a while. My system frequently freezes without any indication or alert message, while operating on Battery when the remaining charge reaches around 40 to 45%. A re-image to factory defaults also dint help. No issues while operating under Plugged in power conditions. I’d recently replaced the battery with a new Toshiba Primary High Capacity 12-Cell Li-Ion Laptop Battery (Original). However, still facing the same problem & fed up with rebooting at every instance. Appreciate if somebody could please help me with appropriate diagnosis/troubleshooting.

Hi Mano! I never let my laptop sleep or hibernate. If I'm going to be gone for a long time, I shut it down. I aways have my adapter plugged in. That may be some thing to debate Having said all that, you might want to check here.
I Love my Satellite L775D-S7222 Laptop. Some days you're the windshield, Some days you're the bug. The Computer world is crazy. If you have answers to computer problems, pass them forward.
Capture48.JPG ‏131 KB

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    i m facing system hangs/freezes while gaming. it is all along working fine but suddenly problem arrises outta nowhere.  mostly happens in Metro Last Light Game.  i did change multiple things like 2 different rams stick, Bios are 4.1v (at default), i tried 2 different GPUs like 290 and 580 but stilll facing same issue. dont know why.
    if you can help on it this, it would be alot appreciated.
    m PC
    MSI p67a GD65
    I5 2500K
    8GB RAM
    800w PSU

    What is the actual power supply?
    Follow this >>Posting Guide<<
    Make sure you run latest BIOS.
    PS: Intel ME driver is crucial, without it system won't work properly, and that's why it didn't freeze anymore. Same applies to GPUs: if you have 400W power supply and want to run 2-way SLI, it will be fine until you install drivers, which make the computer and graphic cards recognise how much power they have and so on

  • Laptop freezes while on battery power.

    I have Arch 64 bit install on a Thinkpad T510. While the laptop is plugged into power, it is rock solid and can run for days without a crash.
    The laptop freezes up quite often when it is running on battery power. After anything from 15 minutes to an hour, it will probably freeze. I cannot switch to a tty, I just have to do a hard reset.
    This is what xsession-errors says:
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    localuser:theo being added to access control list
    /etc/gdm/Xsession: Setup done, will execute: /usr/bin/ssh-agent -- gnome-session
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    ** Message: applet now removed from the notification area
    (nautilus:923): NA-core-DEBUG: na_settings_register_type
    (nautilus:923): NA-core-DEBUG: na_settings_class_init: klass=0x260af90
    (nautilus:923): NA-core-DEBUG: na_settings_instance_init: instance=0x7ff0f8001720 (NASettings), klass=0x260af90
    (nautilus:923): NA-core-DEBUG: na_settings_new: reading mandatory configuration
    Tracker-Message: Setting up monitor for changes to config file:'/home/theo/.config/tracker/tracker-store.cfg'
    (nautilus:923): NA-core-DEBUG: na_core_utils_dir_list_perms: dir=/home/theo/.config/nautilus-actions, message=na_settings_new, out=drwxr-x--- 2 theo users 4096 Mar 16 23:01 /home/theo/.config/nautilus-actions
    (nautilus:923): NA-core-DEBUG: na_core_utils_dir_list_perms: dir=/home/theo/.config/nautilus-actions, message=na_settings_new, err=
    (nautilus:923): NA-core-DEBUG: na_settings_new: reading user configuration
    Starting log:
    Starting log:
    (nautilus:923): NA-core-DEBUG: na_boxed_register_type
    (nautilus:923): NA-core-DEBUG: na_boxed_class_init: klass=0x25f72a0
    (nautilus:923): NA-core-DEBUG: na_boxed_instance_init: instance=0x260bb60 (NABoxed), klass=0x25f72a0
    (tracker-store:906): Tracker-CRITICAL **: D-Bus service name:'org.freedesktop.Tracker1' is already taken, perhaps the daemon is already running?
    (gnome-shell:896): folks-DEBUG: individual-aggregator.vala:310: Setting primary store IDs to defaults.
    (gnome-shell:896): folks-DEBUG: individual-aggregator.vala:338: Primary store IDs are 'eds' and 'system'.
    Initializing nautilus-open-terminal extension
    JS ERROR: !!! WARNING: 'anonymous function does not always return a value'
    JS ERROR: !!! WARNING: file '/home/theo/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/imap.js' line 105 exception 0 number 157
    JS ERROR: !!! WARNING: 'function BigInteger does not always return a value'
    JS ERROR: !!! WARNING: file '/home/theo/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/biginteger.js' line 114 exception 0 number 110
    JS LOG: GNOME Shell started at Fri Mar 16 2012 23:31:50 GMT+0000 (GMT)
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    Window manager warning: Got a request to focus the no_focus_window with a timestamp of 0. This shouldn't happen!
    ** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area
    (gnome-shell:896): folks-WARNING **: Failed to find primary PersonaStore with type ID 'eds' and ID 'system'.
    Individuals will not be linked properly and creating new links between Personas will not work.
    The configured primary PersonaStore's backend may not be installed. If you are unsure, check with your distribution.
    (gnome-settings-daemon:856): color-plugin-WARNING **: failed to get edid: unable to get EDID for output
    (tracker-miner-fs:905): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Empty locale file found at '/home/theo/.cache/tracker/miner-applications-locale.txt'
    Gtk-Message: The filename "[\345\244\251\344\275\277\345\212\250\346\274\253][110921]Kalafina - 3rd Album\343\200\214After Eden\343\200\215[320K].rar" couldn't be converted to UTF-8. (try setting the environment variable G_FILENAME_ENCODING): Invalid byte sequence in conversion input
    Gtk-Message: The filename "[\345\244\251\344\275\277\345\212\250\346\274\253][110921]Kalafina - 3rd Album\343\200\214After Eden\343\200\215[320K].rar" couldn't be converted to UTF-8. (try setting the environment variable G_FILENAME_ENCODING): Invalid byte sequence in conversion input
    Gtk-Message: The filename "[\345\244\251\344\275\277\345\212\250\346\274\253][110921]Kalafina - 3rd Album\343\200\214After Eden\343\200\215[320K].rar" couldn't be converted to UTF-8. (try setting the environment variable G_FILENAME_ENCODING): Invalid byte sequence in conversion input
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    === Updating for primary Configuration ===
    Clone: false
    Output: Unknown attached to default
    status: on
    width: 1600
    height: 900
    rate: 104
    primary: true
    position: 0 0
    (gnome-settings-daemon:856): libcolord-CRITICAL **: cd_device_get_id: assertion `CD_IS_DEVICE (device)' failed
    (gnome-settings-daemon:856): color-plugin-WARNING **: not found device (null): Failed to FindDeviceByProperty: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Failed: property match 'XRANDR_name'='default' does not exist
    (gnome-settings-daemon:856): libcolord-CRITICAL **: cd_device_get_id: assertion `CD_IS_DEVICE (device)' failed
    (gnome-settings-daemon:856): color-plugin-WARNING **: not found device (null): Failed to FindDeviceByProperty: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Failed: property match 'XRANDR_name'='default' does not exist
    (gnome-settings-daemon:856): libcolord-CRITICAL **: cd_device_get_id: assertion `CD_IS_DEVICE (device)' failed
    (gnome-settings-daemon:856): color-plugin-WARNING **: not found device (null): Failed to FindDeviceByProperty: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Failed: property match 'XRANDR_name'='default' does not exist
    (gnome-settings-daemon:856): libcolord-CRITICAL **: cd_device_get_id: assertion `CD_IS_DEVICE (device)' failed
    (gnome-settings-daemon:856): color-plugin-WARNING **: not found device (null): Failed to FindDeviceByProperty: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Failed: property match 'XRANDR_name'='default' does not exist
    ACR (Component): component init
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    Window manager warning: meta_window_activate called by a pager with a 0 timestamp; the pager needs to be fixed.
    I'm not sure if tracker could be causing the problem, or if it is something else.
    I have the discrete graphics card enabled - NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [NVS 3100M]

    It might not necessarily be caused by loss of power, but maybe if the battery power dips? Or if the battery gets too hot and something overheats, then that could cause freezing. I'm only going by what I've found on google.
    Anyway, I found another thread (not sure why I didn't see it before) that suggests that it might be caused by bluetooth (bluez specifically), but it seems like that was more of a locking up problem than freezing completely. I've remove bluez and disabled bluetooth for now anyway (unfortunately can't remove it completely because I'm on Gnome Shell) and I'll run on battery for a good while and see if things freeze again.
    EDIT: also followed this - in case the problem was caused by the hard drive being moved about.
    Last edited by themusicalduck (2012-03-28 22:11:21)

  • Constant system freeze while working in gb ...

    the little triangle is always in the read. I only have about 8 tracks right now. Two guitar tracks, a bass track (duplicated), drum track, shaker, vocals, and additional track for extra cymbals and snares for drum fills. I have the project saved to a dedicated external hard drive via a scsi. The drive is a medea drive generally used for video editing, so speed shouldn't be a problem. I fear the problem may lie in the system itself. I'm using a 867 Mhz G4 (quicksilver) with 700+ mgs of ram. Would installing mor ram help? Is it a program that needs a lot of ram? What else can I do? The triangle is always in the red and lags considerably. Now it just keeps freezing my whole system! HELP!!

    Your definition is close but not fully accurate. Loops can be "Real" or "Software" (Software loops are green), and if you played a MIDI Keyboard, even though you were playing that live, it would be played onto a software track.
    As a background, Audio tracks that you play push the hard drive speed (bandwidth), loops might push memory, and software instruments push the CPU.
    A SCSI drive should offer the drive speed, and while 700MB is light, I don't think adding more will prevent the problems you've described. IMO, I would save that money and put it aside for a new faster computer.
    In the meantime, I think locking the tracks you're not working on will make a significant difference. I've done more with a lessor machine with appropriate locking

  • Ti 500 freezes while using battery power

    My ti 500 freezes during start up whenever I start it up using the battery. If i start it up plugged in it works just fine, it will freeze once i go to battery power. I have replaced the battery device that plugs into the logic board. but the problem is still there. I recently replaced the screen taken from another ti 500. Any ideas what might be wrong? Any help would be great. thanks.-wam
    Titanium 500mhz Mac OS X (10.3.9) 512 ram, 20g HD,

    I've had this happen with an old G3 Wallstreet 233 Powerbook some years back (hoping my memory is accurate) - - I think it had to do with the battery capacity wearing down with charge cycles - - I'm guessing your battery is at least 2.5-3 years old.
    You might try calibrating your battery (battery-only full discharge to shut-down, then powering up on AC to full charge), I've heard some folks get more battery capacity, at least for a while. Good luck!

  • E71 Freezes While Charging Battery

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    Yesterday serves as an excellent example. The phone was charging and I received a text message (alert sounded). When I went to go check the message, the phone was unresponsive. The keypad light was on. I attempted to unlock the keypad, toggled and held the power button, but all failed. Eventually I had to remove the battery.
    Again this morning, while the phone was charging my daily alarm clock went off but never got to the point of making any noise. The alarm keypad light kept flashing on/off and yet again the phone was totally unresponsive require me to remove the battery.
    Any insight? Maybe something that will be solved in a future firmware upgrade?

    TheNoize wrote:
    This is the first laptop I've ever seen, that relies on both battery and PSU to run the CPU at full frequency. Correct me if I'm wrong...?
    Since you asked...routine reliance, no. In this post, a user running both cores hard measured power consumption at ~40 W. The 85 W adapter provides plenty of juice.
    As Retired Engineer stated, the Mac OS dynamically adjusts the CPU speed to meed demand. This is about more than just battery life, although that's one main reason. Another is Energy Star compliance (Apple states, +"For starters, Apple offers superior power management right out of the box — every Mac we ship is ENERGY STAR 4.0 compliant, or better, as a standard feature."+). As stated in this kbase article, there are rare occurrences when the computer will draw more power than the battery provides, so as a precaution the CPU is throttled back when running on AC power with the battery removed. But, even when on AC with a battery installed, the CPU will be run at the speeds needed to meet demand, meaning less power drawn from the adapter, consistent with environmentally friendly operation.
    If you'd rather consume more power than needed, there are hacks that allow you to control your CPU speed, your fan speeds, etc., manually. I personally don't endorse using them, so I won't post links. Try Google.
    Also, be sure that whatever utility you're using to monitor CPU speed supports your hardware and software - I know that one of the monitors 'broke' with one of the incremental Leopard updates, and reported speeds lower than actual.

  • OS X  System Freezes While Running Disk Utility repair permissions

    While trying to pepair permissions systom freeze up. So I put in the startup disk hit restrat holding down c and tried to repair permissions that way and it froze up that way too. I had to manually turn off machine.  What is going on?

    Thanks for your response, I only have one disk. 10.5.1 I have 10.6 on usb drive. I will try running Disk Utility from the first DVD and instead of repair permissions try to repair your drives.  The reason I was repairing permissions is I have an app called video converter and when I opened it I got an error window.  Ok I will try repair disk. If that doesnt work I guess I will have to reinstall the os? Is that right? Ok, here I go to try it.

  • System Freezes While Running Disk Utility?

    While I was partitioning my disk, disk utility froze, along with my whole system. So I was forced to reboot.
    Now my Mac thinks there's an 80 gb chunk of data somewhere (the data that would have been my partition), but I can't find it. How do I regain the lost space?

    Try A reinstall with the original install disk, power down the machine, power back up push in the disk back in and hold "C" for a OSX reinstall which should leave your data intact.

  • Has anyone had a system freeze while using Connect?

    My system froze today while I was trying to bring up a poll during a seminar.  Has anyone else had this experience and learned why it happens and/or good ways to deal with this problem?

    Hi Christine,
    Are you licensed or hosted? When it froze did you lose connectivity? You can tell if you did if the little green box in the upper right corner disappears. If so, contact support. We had issues with crashes and basically were running out of room on our Connect Servers.

  • Macbook Pro 2.6ghz i7 2013 system freeze when using Premiere/AME CC 2014

    I have a Macbook Pro i7 2.6ghz form late 2013 and I have been experiencing some serious problems with my system freezing while using Premiere Pro and whilst rendering from AME.
    I am running the latest version of CC (8.1) on OSX 10.9.5.
    GFX card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2048 MB
    RAM: 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    I have CUDA enabled, I need the performance boost so rendering previews of the CPU is not much of a option for me.
    I have experienced this problem since I started running Premiere on my laptop (3 months ago). If I am doing any GPU hungry processes within Premiere or AME the system will freeze, when it freezes nothing will respond and the screen stays frozen, I have to do a manual shut down.
    I went as far as replacing the whole laptop with Apple as they put it down to a faulty GFX card, the new one has the same problem which leads me to think that the problem is with how Premiere and AME work with the new Macbook Pro's.
    These crashes happen up to three times a day if I'm doing a full day of editing and I have to make sure I don't push the system to hard to avoid it, the crashes don't tend to happen when I am editing 5D footage but they are quite frequent when editing 4k GH4 footage. I am working off multiple hard drives with valuable data which are put at risk when the system crashes. I normally work on a 6 core Mac Pro but next week I'll be pushing my laptop pretty hard with a full week of editing and I'd love to avoid these crashes.
    If more info and specs are needed to identify the problem, I'll be happy to provide them.
    Cheers, Moja.
    My system just crashed twice today, once while writing this message, I had a project open in Premiere but I wasn't even editing, its currently 30 degrees in Melbourne, one of the hottest days of the year yet, which leads me to believe that the heat is contributing to the GFX card or CPU overloading.

    mojareeves1 wrote:
    I forgot to add that I have also updated to the latest nvidia card driver.
    My music seems to keep playing when the crash occurs which suggests the hard drive and other components are still running fine, its just the GFX card that is crashing.
    The GFX card may be a red herring if it still crashes in software mode and with the internal card.  The fact that you have music playing, however, may be a clue.  Programs that can access your audio hardware (like Soundflower) at the same time as Pr have been known to conflict and cause crashes.  Turn off any background audio processes.  Check your system audio settings, as well as Pr's audio and audio hardware settings. If you can, change the source of Pr's Desktop Audio in Preferences>Audio Hardware.  Try changing the ASIO settings.
    The next (and most painful) step would be to work your way meticulously through this document:
    Troubleshoot system errors, freezes | Mac OS 10.x | Adobe software
    The "Re-create Adobe application preferences" step often helps a lot.

  • Sudden System freeze

    Could anybody help?
    System based on MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum , latest BIOS, 2 Gb Kingston VR (4 512 modules), Athlon 64 3800+ dual core, XFX Nvidia 6800GS PCIe, Sound Blaster X-Fi, and some other PCI cards. OS: Win Xp 64 bit ed.
    The problem is as follows:
    The system freezes while gaming or while watching video. But this only happens with some games (latest games, but not all) and not always... evry 2 or three days or even every fortnight. However it has happened twice in the same afternoon.
    I have changed the components except the PSU (levicom 420W - 20 pin connector). Is thisd a reason for the problem? The mobo admits the ATX1 connector (24 pin). Do I have a lack of power?
    On the other hand, checking BIOS, I see that AUTO memory settings, adjust CL to 2.5. My mem is 3. WEIRD
    Are there any other settings to be changed?
    Is this connected with the same problem? Voltage is correct.
    I'd appreciate some help.
    By the way, is there a BIOS TUT for this motherboard? not just the official mobo manual  ???

    No tutorial. Sorry Laddie. The MB makers don't see the need to include one when they expect if you can build a rig you can fend for yourself. I used to get upset about this as well but I have yet to see inything really good from any of the makers in over 20 years...
    As for the freeze you may want to get the appropriate memory settings for Timing and VDimm and manually edit those into the Bios settings. That is always a good first place to start. Use Memtest86 to test and see that the memory settings and modules are OK.
    Is this a clean install of Windows? If not you may want to considure that as well.

  • T400 Screen turns Black/Gray and System Freezes.

    My screen turns black or gray and the system freezes.
    The only way to fix it is to restart the system by opening all forms of power supply (adaptor and the battery).
    Sometimes it works fine for a day or two, sometimes only for a few hours.
    I think the problem has something do with my graphics drivers or some other driver from Lenovo.
    I have used Lenovo Thinkvantage Toolbox to check for hardware errors and it shows that everything is working fine.
    I have updated all drivers but still the problem is there.
    I still have warrenty period left.
    I bought my system 2 years ago and have never had any problem untill this one.
    My system specifications are given below.
    Model: Lenovo Thinkpad T400 2764 CTO
    BIOS version (Latest?): 3.18 (latest)
    OS loaded (ex. Win 7 64bit): Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
    Lenovo default OS: Microsoft Windows Vista Basic 32-bit
    Updates from TVSU completed? Yes.
    Updates from Windows Update? Yes.
    Power Manager Version: 3.25
    RAM installed (brand and 1 x 4gb, 1 x 2gb, 2 x 2gb?) 2 x 2 GB
    Model of discrete card: ATI Mobility Radeon 3400
    Any error notification? No
    3rd party application installed for the graphic card? No.
    Any particular application which is running on the time this issue arises? No.
    Running on battery? AC? Docked on station? Error occurs in any state.
    Any solutions?
    Anyone had similar problems?

    My problem seems to be similar. Sometimes my screen also turns black unexpectedly and the notebook freezes completely! In some cases I see a bluescreen of death and in some very few cases it restarts automatically. If it does not restart automatically I have to hold down the power button for some seconds to turn the notebook completely off (so that the "power on led" left to the "battery led" is not illuminated any more). Thereafter it is possible to start the notebook again. So unlike user 400 I do not have to remove any connected power sources.
    The issue seems to occur out of nowere and seems not to be related to the use of a specific software. My system is up to date with lenovo drivers and windows update, exept the BIOS, which I updated the system two times since the problem exists since more than half a year!!
    I also give my system specifications below:
    Model: Lenovo Thinkpad T400 2767 WC8
    BIOS version: 3.16
    OS: Windows 7 Professional x64
    Updates from TVSU completed? Yes. (exept newest BIOS)
    Updates from Windows Update? Yes.
    Power Manager Version: 3.25
    RAM installed  2 x 2 GB (bought and placed by loenovo reseller)
    Model of discrete card and integrated card: ATI Mobility Radeon 3400 and intel mobility 4 chip
    Any error notification? yes, entry for bsod or kernel-power-issue in the system protocol (but no specific error)
    3rd party application installed for the graphic card? No.
    Any particular application which is running on the time this issue arises? No.
    I use my notebook with AC connected, with battery and most of the time in the advanced mini dock! Since a few days the error never happened when the notebook was docked! So I thought it is a power issue or has something to do with the graphics card.
    But now I found out, that the issue might be related to the wlan card! This is because I never had a wireless lan connection when the notebook was docked, since I use a LAN cable. But a few days before I had to use the wlan while my notebook was docked and the error occured after some time. Furthermore, as far as I remember the issue never occured when the wireless lan was switched off and not docked, but I will check that again.
    The issue also never occured when I booted windows in safe mode.
    Maybe you can check if it is the same for you with your wlan? Maybe together we can find out what the exact problem is. I want to find out what is the problem to get it fixed by lenovo. Until now they alwas said, that they had never experienced such an error.
    Please keep on reporting.
    Thanks for any help

  • Power Manager and LCD Brightness, System Freezes, and other Problems

    I have a brand new X200 with PM 1.54.  At first everything was working great.  Over the past few days I've noticed a few things:
    1.  When running on battaries, the screen brightness changes about every 10 seconds even though the profile I'm using has that feature turned off. 
    2.  After running the computer for about 1/2 hr, suddenly the PM shows a dramatic reduction in amount of time left on my battery which coinsides with: 
         a) fan consantly running; AND
         b) about 10 minuntes later my entire system freezes and I have to push the power button to force a reboot. 
    Any ideas what's wrong? 

    Since your Mac Pro is new, you would do well to contact Apple about this problem while the warranty is still in effect.

  • 2008 MacBook freezing only when battery is attached

    My 2008 black MacBook freezes when the battery is attached. If it is removed and ran on only AC power that machine works just fine. I have two of the exact same MacBooks (black, 2008) and have tried swapping batteries. According to system profiler they both are just fine. It seems to happen even if the machine isnt moved. The freezing is a hard freeze, that is, i cannot move my mouse or type and everything is just still. I have heard that some kind of ribbon wire could be the problem and people have said that putting a piece of paper on/around it can temporarily solve the problem. I am unsure of how to do this and am not even totally sure if this is whats wrong. Does anyone know of anywhere i can find good instructions for this? Will apple fix the problem? for free?
    I have tried reseting the PRAM and SMC, both do not work. I have also erased the hard drive and reinstalled a fresh copy of snow leopard (i lost installation disc 2 of my original OS X cds, so apple told me to buy a new copy...over the phone that is). At any rate, the installation worked just fine and nothing has been installed or modified since. I really would like to fix this ASAP because I intend to give it to my girlfriend for our anniversary in a few days.
    Please let me know if you have any input

    First, try this:
    1. Shut down your MB
    2. Have ONLY the battery in it.
    3. Power your MB up & immediately take it into Safe Mode (after the startup chime, hold down one of the Shift keys until the login screens shows up. Let go of Shift. Log in. Let it finish booting. At the Desktop, do a few ordinary things on your MB (not all programs will function in SafeMode though).
    4. Report back here whether your MB freezes on battery-only power while it's in Safe Mode.
    Second, download & install the iStat Menu utility.
    After installing it, make notes of the MB's internal temperatures, particularly the 3 battery sensor temperatures when A) It's powered by only the adapter and then after a cooling down period, B) It's powered by only the battery.  The Battery Temperature reading in iStat should show right around 85-90 degrees.
    Here's a screenshot of my own iStat, with the mouse arrow pointing at my MB's current battery temperature:
    Also, need some answers to these Q's:
    1. What model is your MB? "How to identify MacBook models" "Lookup Mac Specs By Serial Number, Order, Model & EMC Number, Model ID"
    2. What version of OSX are you running in your MB?
    3. Did the frequency of the battery-only freezup problem develp slowly over time, freezing only every once in a while until now your MB freezes quite often, or did the problem just show up overnite -- yesterday, fine; today, freezing with only the battery in it?
    4. Did you do anything major as far as changes to your MB are concerned, or did anything happen to it? (dropped, keyboard spill, etc)
    This is an important one:
    5. If you were to start your Macbook up in the morning on battery only after it being shut down all night, and the MB is being used normally, how long in minutes does it take, on average, for the first freezeup to occur?
    6. When it is powered by battery only, and absolutely nothing has been done on it for quite a while after it's been turned on, & it's just sitting there with the screen open & the screensaver is running or the display is in sleep, does it freeze up?
    7. Compare the temperatures of the bottom of your MB between 15-20 minutes of Power Adapter only use, and 15-20 minutes of Battery only use, with a cooling down period in between the two tests. Is there a huge difference in the two temperatures, or not much difference?
    We'll get it.......
    But I & other helpers who read your post just need more info from you before anyone can go any further with this.
    Kevin Kendall

  • Qosmio X505-Q870 Performanc​e Issues While on Battery

    Hello to All,
         I am new to the forum and wanted to present an issue to the knowledgeable regarding performance (gaming) while on battery.  I've noticed that the Q870 performs very well in all facets of gaming, and there are very few games that this system cannot run.  While connected to the wall outlet, the laptop consistently pumps out 45-75 fps in BFBC2 and the same framerate for other games such as COD: World at War and COD: Modern Warfare.  The problem is the battery....
         As soon as I unplug the laptop from AC power, the framerate drops to 15 fps and, in some cases with Crysis, 7 fps.  I have the Power Options set to High Performance, but that doesn't seem to matter.  I understand that the battery will be quickly depleted if games are run at full framerate, however, what's the purpose of a gaming laptop if the battery cannot handle the performance?  I plan to augment the existing battery with a 20,000MaH external battery, however, I need to figure a solution to this problem or else the battery will be useless.  Please help!!


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