T540P Win 7 Pro cloning issues?

New to the forums. 
We have a school district looking at a ton of new T540p laptops. They'd like to receive one laptop and setup the HDD with necessary programs and in turn clone that HDD to the rest of the laptops.  Would there be any unforseen issues in doing this? Licensening? adding the laptops to a Domain?  Any input greatly appreciated.

If they are identical in terms of hardware, they should all clone just fine, but you'll probably have to manually activate Windows using the CoA sticker on each, if you're using Windows 7.  With Windows 8, since the license key is embedded in the BIOS, you might have problems.
Re: licensing, if you're adding software on top of what you get on the laptops, then the terms of use apply and you'll have to determine case-by-case whether your license is sufficient for the numbers of devices on which each program is installed.

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    Hi guys sorry to bother you, and for such a long question.
    I've just purchased a brand new MSI branded AMD radeon r7770 to replace my nvidia 8800gt graphics card which finally bit the dust last week.
    Despite uninstalling the old nVidia drivers, trying the ones that came with the card and downloading and installing the very latest versions from both the AMD and MSI sites, I still cannot get directx to work. At first glance, the drivers look to be installed OK, (the Catalyst Control Center starts up etc) but none of my games run, and the desktop refresh is incredibly slow. KSP's crash log helpfully states that it cannot find the device driver. When I run Dxdiag.exe all the directx diagnostic tags are greyed out and the info box states that the card does not support directx.
    The system is pretty ancient but should still be up to the task as it was a well speced gaming PC in its day:
    Mboard: Asus P5K3 Deluxe (intel P35 chipset)
    CPU:      Intel core2duo Q6600 (quad-core)
    mem:     4 gig Corsair ddr3 mem.
    PSW:     600W
    OS:      Win XP pro SP3
    I'm aware that this is an old PCI-E 1.0 board and the card is designed around PCI-E 3.0, but the computer boots up and starts Windows just fine. Both the Bios and Windows detect the R7770 correctly. (I'd have thought if this was an issue - it wouldn't go past POST at all and begin beeping like crazy!)
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    I couldn't find the drivers disk initally, so downloaded the relevant ones from Sapphire and AMD. Got EXACTLY the same problem as above: it looks as the drivers have installed but no Directx support (which is daft as I used to use that card games until I could afford to replace it with the 8800)
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    So, I looks to me like the XP drivers on the web are now garbage. Anyone else have similar problems or know of a workaround?
    I'm not exactly rich so can't afford Win 7 or the dreaded Win 8  (which I loath) or a new PC, which is why i'm soldering on with this dinosaur!
    The only thing I haven't done is splat Windows and do a clean install, do you think that'll help? If so why did the old radeon drivers work (win has been cleanly re-installed many a time since I last used that card, so there was no legacy junk lurcking in the windows diectory or it's registry)
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    Anyways, thanks for your time and for any suggestions you might make

    Hi Flex, thanks for the quick reply and for the advice.
    In the end i got it going by changing the boot.ini settings.
    They were initially set with the /3GB /fastdetect switch to force the WinXp kernal to run in 1GB, and not take up 2GB as is it's default.
    It was set that way to stop a 32bit game (KSP) crashing every 10 minutes or so, through lack of addressable memory.
    All I did was simply set the boot.ini back to its default and directx sprung to life. I reset it back to 3GB to make sure it wasn't a fluke and as soon as I did, it killed directx again.
    Maybe its a driver issue afterall - probably lack of proper XP support by AMD (This dosen't happen with the old- - 2008 vintage - version 4 ATI radeon drivers.) or perhaps its because the card has twice the memory over my old cards and therefore needs to access a higher portion of I/O allocation than is available in 32bit WinXP.
    Its all a bit ironic really as i'm finding the R7770 runs like crap under dirx9 - i'm getting about 30% the frame rate of my old Nvida 8800GT and, as I can't use the 3GB switch anymore, it crashes every 5 mins or whenever I play any resource intensive game.
    As the crashes are caused by lack of available address spaces under 32 bit systems, I've bitten the bullet and got 64bit Ubuntu. Got this working in the wee small hours last night - including the R7770 using the AMD catalyst drivers for Linux. Hopefully that will sort things out (and gimmie an excuse to learn a proper OS!)
    Wish me luck i can see another "steep learning curve" on the horizon!

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    Did you replace the whole PC or just the boot drive?
    I may be totally wrong but I had a Storm card years ago and it worked with Premiere up to the old verions 6 or 6.5, Premiere 6.5 is when it  became realtime and hence the Storm card was no longer necessary for anything other than faster mpeg encoding
    I seem to remember that Canopus introduced Lets Edit which then became Edius at this time and they dropped bundling Abobe products so I am surprized that Premiere Pro 1.5 worked with the Storm
    If the Storm cannot be got to work and you do not have a firewire port on the Mobo go to your local PC component supplier and obtain a firewire PCI card with Texas chipset and install it. the card should cost about $20-$30.  The Storms worked a treat but the Mobo had to be right and it did not like certain chipsets on the boards, not only that the installation process was a total pain

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    Hi all,
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    Has anybody had these problems before and managed to resolve them? 
    The HDD issue is not as crucial I guess but if anybody has a solution to that I'd be greatful.
    Go to Solution.

    Welcome to the forum!
    Your wireless driver:
    After downloading it, you must go into C>Drivers>Win>Wlanint and run the setup file from there
    Follow the instructions on the download page.
    Good luck.
    In daily use: R60F, R500F, T61, T410
    Collecting dust: T60
    Enjoying retirement: A31p, T42p,
    Non-ThinkPads: Panasonic CF-31 & CF-52, HP 8760W
    Starting Thursday, 08/14/2014 I'll be away from the forums until further notice. Please do NOT send private messages since I won't be able to read them. Thank you.

  • Win 7 Pro x64 - MS Office 2010 - .exe and .dll issues (And other)

    Hi all,
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    is either not designed to run on windows or contains and error....."
    Cannot run Google, cannot run IE, cannot start Help and Support cannot run the install disk as it comes up with "ieframe.dll" issues.
    error box has been coming up "The operating system is not presently configured to run this application"
    Am searching for answers here have tried EVERYTHING!
    Earlier restore points, scannow, registering the .dll
    I dont have the MS Office disk as I bought the laptop with both WIn 7 Pro and Office 2010 installed.  ALthough I have now borrowed a friends Operating System disk.
    Im after a way to restore the files without a full install shagg around to find the drivers etc ...
    any ideas appreciated?

    Hello Nzrogue,
    About repairing Office, please take a look at the following article.
    As this issue is related Office, to receive better support, it is recommended to post in the TechNet Office Forum.
    The professionals there will be glad to help you.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Best regards,
    Fangzhou CHEN
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Menu issue with IE8 on Win XP Pro

    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.  I've spent the better part of 3 days trying to resolve this issue.  The link to my mockup page follows below and contains the example SpryMenu as well as a table of successes and issues based on browsers tested.  Most all (FF/Chrome/IE9) work close to what I had hoped, barring some small issues.  But IE8 (latest rev) on a Win XP Pro (SP3) just doesn't want to cooperate. Since that's a pretty high percentage of audience participation, I'd like to straighten this out, with your help.  Basic problem is, once the Menu loads, the buttons "white out" for a brief moment before providing the "hover" color (.gif).  There's more about the experience here:  http://parkplace.coffeecup.com/spry/

    Another 8 hours wasted, thanks Microsucks.  So...if you're still interestd, here is the trick I learned. I needed to change the background color of the "HACK FOR IE:" to be the same as my hover color:
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
        ul.MenuBarHorizontal li.MenuBarItemIE
            display: inline;
            f\loat: left;
            background: #7F7F7F;  /* <<<--- this is what causes buttons to appear odd when you hover over them in some versions of IE (in my case 8.0.6001....) */
    Needless to say, I'm both a happy camper, but very unhappy with Microsoft's implementation of all things HTML.

  • No bootable device issue when installing Win 7 Pro 64 with OSX 10.8.3

    Trying to install Win 7 Pro 64 on brand new iMac running 10.8.3.
    Using external LaCie optical drive to read Win 7 OEM DVD installer.
    Using Bootcamps Assistant, I can create the Windows partition but then when the iMac restarts to insatll Windows, I get a black screen with the message No Bootable device found.
    Seems the iMac is not able to boot from the LaCie external drive.
    Have tested the LaCie on both a mac and a PC and it works fine.
    This iMac can see the drive and its contents in OSX but can't seem to boot to it to install Win 7.
    How do I get a round this?
    I have done dozens of dual boots using bootcamp but all with Macs that have built in optical drives.  Have never had this much trouble.

    I just got this working - finally!
    My solution was to download the Win7 ISO file from microsoft and then use BootCamp Assistant to create a USB ISO.  From there, I was able to boot to that "disk" and install Windows.  I read a variety of posts some saying that you cannot use an external DVD drive, others saying that you could but it had to be an Apple SuperDrive.  In any case, the ISO download worked and I would recommend that approach.

  • Using 4TB WD drives on M58p in Win/7 Pro x64

    After taking advantage of Cyber Monday deals in December, 2013 for Western Digital WD4001FAEX 4 TByte drives, I suddenly was faced with the "32-bit MBR" issue on systems with normal BIOS (not UEFI) like my 7630 and 7483 M58p Small Form Factor PC's.  My goal was to have a slightly less than 2 TByte C: drive with a D: drive partition around the same size starting BELOW "the 2 TByte line."  I read in the forums that this configuration was possible but NONE of these gave a HOW-To process.   I've successfully done this three times on a 7630-B81 and pair of 7483's (an AF2 and a W59) systems, all running licensed Win/7 Pro x64 operating systems.   I started out using the Recovery partition from the 7630-B81 cloned to each Western Digital drive with Acronis True Image Free WD Edition.  This created two partitions on each drive after performing a System Restore and applying genuine unique Microsoft Windows/7 Pro x64 product keys on each drive in each system.  There was a 9.77 GByte Recovery partition, and just under a 2 TByte C: drive.  The rest of the drive was "unallocated".   I applied all appropriate drivers for any new I/O and 170 or so Windows Updates including .NET Framework 4.51 code.  I downloaded XVI32 (free) for a hex editor and the free MBR Wizard Command Line version 2.0b to pull and restore the Master Boot Record (512 bytes).  I also installed the free version of EASUS Partition Master but this was only used to evaluate the number of available sectors in the "new" partition.
       I started the Win/7 Pro DISKMGMT command and decided to shrink the C: drive by 256 MBytes to expose a section of the 4 TByte drive that was below the "2 TByte line."   I created a new volume in that 256 MByte partition using DISKMGMT in order to establish a valid entry in the MBR's Partition Table.   I then used the MBRWiz command with the /save= parameter and provided a filename after the equal sign in order to save the current MBR contents, call it C:\Original.bin file.   Here is the contents of the 4 Partition tables in that file:
    01BE     80 20 21 00 27 FE FF FF 00 08 00 00 00 80 38 01
    01CE     00 FE FF FF 07 FE FF FF 00 88 38 01 00 78 BF FE
    01DE     00 FE FF FF 06 FE FF FF 00 00 F8 FF 00 F8 07 00
    01EE     00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    The 446 bytes before the address 1BE comprise the Boot program in the MBR.  The last two bytes are 55 AA after the 4th partition table entry (all zeros on this example.).
    I took the last 4 bytes of the 3rd partition (Length Field) and modified them to "extend" the 256 MByte partition to nearly the end of the drive, editting with XVI32.   Here's the new 3rd Partition Table entry:
    01DE    00 FE FF FF  06 FE FF FF 00 00 F8 FF 00 A0 C8 D1
    (When the partition is formatted for NTFS, the byte at 01E2 changes from x'06' to x'07' (NTFS)).
    I then use MBRWiz with the /restore= parameter to load the modified MBR file to the target drive.  If you are doing this to Drive 1, use the /Disk=1 parameter on the MBRWiz command line.  With the new MBR online, I then restart Windows/7 Pro x64.   The new partition of 1718548 MBytes is ready for formatting.  I checked my work with a 4-hour format of the new partition and all of the drives I formatted worked just fine 
    The 4 TByte drive size apparently is the largest drive that this "trick" will work on with the 32-bit MBR.  This trick rely's on the "rule" that the last partition must START below "the 2 TByte line."  I was surprised the number of partitioning tools that I tried would NOT work to create this partition configuration declaring the space was above 2 TBytes.  Acronis True Image has a method to use the "unallocated" space, but it "creates" a Disk 1 out of that space and some applications like SpeedFan 4.49 will "crash" on that configuration.  SpeedFan 4.49 works just fine with the drive configuration created here.
    Disclosure: I am NOT employed by any of the brands mentioned here, but am an IBM Retiree not in anyway affliated with them.

    Unfortunately your only solution may be to upgrade all of the AA8 installations. Adobe does not support AA8 on Windows 7, though several have been successful on 32-bit systems. The 64-bit system has been a killer for AA8 from what I have seen. Maybe one person reporting success. You might see if it can run under a compatibility setting. It is also interesting to note that the list you posted only mentions AA8.1, not the 8.3.1 that you indicated at the beginning. That could possibly be the issue. Generally the early releases have not worked with 64-bit systems. If you install the updates (maybe from Help>Updates, or as a download from http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=1&platform=Windows) you will get the systems to run. Do expect potential problems if you continue to work with AA8, but you might be able to work it out. Good luck.

  • MAR WIN 7 PRO 64bit on Refurb T520

    I have ordered a T520 refurb. It apparently has MAR WIN 7 PRO 64bit installed on a 250GB 7200 HD. No discs, so presumably there will be a recovery partition.
    Question 1: Will I be able to burn a recovery CD from the recovery partition?
    Question 2. I would like to install an SSD as the main drive. Can I clone the entire HD including recovery partition and keep it as a back up? Maybe install in Ultrabay and partition it so I can use it in part for data.
    Question 3. If I needed to download and install a Win7 Pro 64 bit ISO, will it work using the MAR license?
    Question 4. I think I read something about loss of functionality of Thinkvantage when using MAR Windows because Flextronics/IBM are not fully licensed to offer some features. Is this true? I may have misunderstood.
    Any other pitfalls of MAR I should know about?

    "All the Lenovo software will not be included, and probably the drivers they have on file for the system. That would be because the company does not have a contract with Lenovo (I am guessing here) but as far as I know that does not stop you from getting it. BUT you will not get the other software that is loaded on Lenovo's at the factory. That may be what they are talking about. But Windows is windows. Say for instance you have Windows 7 Premium Home, it will be the same as if Lenovo installed it, or you installed it yourself.
    One issue you may have. Recovery discs. Are you getting any Discs with the computer, or does it have a recovery partition. You have to get one or the other at the cost of the remanufacturer"
     I am finding that there are differences with the IBM/Flextronics refurb machine. They say in a FAQ that because they are not legally allowed to use the Lenovo operating software, the Thinkvantage button is deactivated. If I hit downarrow (or is it F12), and get to the boot choice screen, there is an option at the bottom for recovery. This uses the recovery partition and will apparently over write the windows installation, losing set up etc. 
    What I was looking for, was a method to backup the recovery partition to DVD or USB stick just in case drive itself fails. But I don't see a way to do that other than cloning the entire disk. Is there another way?

  • Running Dual boot windows 8 and win 7 pro with xp mode installed!! I love it!!

    It took over 2 days to figure out how to adjust the bios to get my win 7 pro DVD to boot and install dual boot on this GREAT MACHINE!!
    Step 1: using diskmgmt.msc you have to shring the C partition. I shrunk it so I had 80GB remaining as unallocated space.
    Step 2: You have to enter the machine Bios adn set the BIOS to Both and UEFI as first
    Step 3: Connect your usb dvd
    Step 4: Put your win 7 pro dvd in the usb dvd drive
    Step 5: Reboot your machine and when it starts press F12 to get the boot menu and select the usb dvd drive then press enter
    The machine restarts
    Message on screen says press a key to boot from cd/dvd
    Press space and it boots up the win 7 pro DVD
    After files copy and load the setup screen asks to accept the agreement and where to install win 7
    BE SURE TO SELECT THE 80GB location
    Then follow thru the win 7 prompts to load it.
    When the machine restarts you will see a dual boot screen with Windows 7 on top as first selection and Windows 8 below it as 2nd selection.
    Make sure to hit enter with windows 7 selected
    The win 7 installation completes.
    You will see many items with drivers not installed dont fret.
    You can load most of the drivers by highlighting the device in control panel/device manager and pick update driver then select BROWSE for DRIVER and be sure to put in drive D:\ which is now the windows 8 drive and hit search.
    Many of the windows 8 drivers installed with no issue.
    The Realtek driver was an exception .. goto to the lenovo site and pick the x100e tablet and download the LAN driver from there  about (4MB). Copy it to flash drive and install it in win 7 from the .exe file. The driver for LAN will install sucessfully. The version of the driver is 7.46 something the 7.11 versions do not workl.
    I have only 3 drivers that I could not find - 2 list as unknown and are related to ACPI or power management and 1 lists as USB controller but all the USB stuff works without it.
    Be sure to either shutdown the system or sign out of win 8 when your done so you get the dual boot menu. If you shutdown while logged into win 8 the next time you start up it will go right to win 8 until you signout and restart.
    Just to let you know an easy way to shutdown is go to the desktop and press ALT + FN + F4 and a shutdown menu comes up on the desktop.
    Once win 7 pro is installed you can download the XP mode free from Microsoft and install it.
    This is of course AFTER you have ACTIVATED WINDOWS 7 ONLINE with YOUR ACTIVATION KEY(you supply).
    ENJOY! This is the BEST machine I ever had!

    It's been many, many years since I don't do dual boot anymore. Don't find the reason to do it, either. Different kinds of virtualization should be enough. Anyway...
    dfw1417 wrote:
    It took over 2 days to figure out how to adjust the bios to get my win 7 pro DVD to boot and install dual boot on this GREAT MACHINE!!
    ENJOY! This is the BEST machine I ever had!
    WHICH machine?
    If I helped you, please give me some kudos! ^^

  • Steps to be taken if Win XP Pro has to be reinstalled on the desktop attached to WRT54GX2 router...

    I have to reinstall Win XP Pro on my primary desktop PC attached to the WRT54GX2 router due to virus/trojan issues. The router is running V22 of the firmware I believe. I will have to reformat the hard drive on the primary PC attached to the router. I have two other desktops that have WMP54GX wireless adapters that are running fine. I've created a config backup file for the WRT54GX2's current config if needed. Can someone give a link or clear step-by-step instructions on what steps I'll need to take after Win XP Pro is reinstalled on the primary PC to reestablish my network. Will I need to config backup file at all or will the router/wireless adapters be largely unaffected by the OS reinstall? Thanks in advance, Chris

        If in case you reinstall the O.S of the wired P.C..... In Normal cases you don't have to do anything with the router.........because the router does not install any settings on a P.C .
      Once you have reinstalled the O.S(operating system)..does powercycle the entire        network(i.e  first unplug the power from the  router...then the powercable from the modem....wait for 30 sec..and then power on the modem first...wait for the lights on the modem to become stable and plug in the router...) and your P.C should be able to connect to the internet..
    And as your wireless P.C's are working fine you don't have to work on them at all..
    If in Case you still face any issues...Revert Back to me!!

  • Lightroom 5.6 on Win 7 Pro 64 bit SP1 tying up CPUs, running very slowly

    I have Lightroom 5.6. Whenever I use the Spot removal, Graduated filter, Radial filter or Adjustment brush tools in the develop module, it ties up the 6 CPU cores (as viewed in Task Manager) so everything goes very slowly. For example, the effect of a stroke with the Adjustment brush only appears on screen after 5 seconds or more.  Sometimes it gets so bad that I have to kill the process and restart Lightroom.  It affects other programs running at the same time, as they can't get enough CPU.  It is basically unusable. An edit that should take five minutes can take an hour.
    The problem happens when I either
    In the Library module I select an image that I have previously used the tools mentioned above on
    In the Develop module when I use those tools.
    It is not just an issue with Lr 5.6 - previous versions also did this on my system.
    My workflow is:
    Browse the library module, adding images to a collection (Canon EOS 7D raw)
    For each image in the collection I:
    Select the image
    Create a virtual copy
    Stack the original and copy together
    Edit the copy
    Export AdobeRGB 16 bit PSD to Photoshop for sharpening and conversion to CMYK
    Place the image into my InDesign document
    I occasionally use Perfect Photo Suite 8.x on my images from within Lightroom.
    I have been a software developer for over 30 years, so I'm not doing anything stupid. Lightroom is just spinning the CPU cores to no effect, like it has a thread or threads in an infinite loop.
    I typically have Lightroom, Photoshop (CC or CS6) and InDesign CS6 running at the same time.  All three together occupy just over half of the available RAM.
    I have a prettty fast machine (see the specs below) and other software does not tie it up like this (except rendering video in Pr or Ae, which I expect).
    I have tried googling for an answer, with no success.
    I feel this is an issue that Adobe ought to provide technical assistance for, given the technical nature and severity of the problem.
    Please help.
    Machine details:
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, Service pack 1, all updates applied
    Processor AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor
    Memory (RAM) 16.0 GB
    Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 3GB
    Primary hard disk 71GB Free (209GB Total)
    Disk Storage Total: 5.9 TB

    Thank you curve8530curve8330 for stepping up and helping me out ...
    I think I'll try re-installing the BB Desktop Software ... the ' ... no  BB Device Software installed ... ' GUI message has me concerned that there has been a Registry disconnect somehow involving the USB driver software registered with BB D. S. 7 ... this would indeed be a Windows 7 problem ... I'll update the thread and give you credit for pointing me in this direction ... if it works.
    However, to be clear, I am connecting my 9630 using a USB interface cable connected to a USB 2.0 port on the Win 7 system ... I am not removing the 8GB MicroSDHC card from the phone and then utilizing a MicroSD to SD adapter or SD port ... whatsoever.
    And , as for connecting via another computer, now that I have thought about this some more, that may have been what precipitated the problem in the first place ... I had experimentally tried re-connecting the 9630 to an XP Pro SP3 32-bit notebook loaded with BB D. M. ... (after never having done so again since the Win 7 Pro SP1 64-bit / BB D. S. system came into use).  I don't see, off-hand, how that could have caused this issue, however, the coincidence is too large to ignore.

  • All of a sudden, Media Card Support / Mass Storage Mode Support isn't working on Win 7 Pro SP1 64-bit OS

    I routinely connect my BB Tour 9630 to my PC to pull photos off of it ... all of a sudden, it is no longer seen by Windows.
    In Event Viewer this is seen as 14 instances of: Event ID: 10110, DriverFrameworks-UserMode
    [ Name]
    [ Guid]
    [ SystemTime]
    [ ProcessID]
    [ ThreadID]
    [ UserID]
    [ lifetime]
    [ code]
    [ detectedBy]
    [ code]
    and, 14 instances of Event ID: 10111, DriverFrameworks-UserMode
    [ Name]
    [ Guid]
    [ SystemTime]
    [ ProcessID]
    [ ThreadID]
    [ UserID]
    [ lifetime]
    BlackBerry 9630
    and started at 12:05:02 on 14-Dec-14.
    I have created a Debug Level Support Log and can make the four files created today available as a ZIP ... with a little guidance from a knowledgeable source as to how sensitive the info contained therein may or may not be in terms of just posting it here publicly.
    FYI - I tried uninstalling everything BB-related in DevMgmt.msc and restarting the computer, however, under:
    'Universal Serial Bus controllers' there is an instance of a
    'USB Mass Storage Device' - Properties: 'This device cannot start. (Code 10)'
    that will not resolve by any conventional 'Update Driver' means.
    Something weird is BB Desktop Software reports no Installed BB Device Software(?)
    I didn't change anything locally ... I'm just wondering if TELUS Mobility pushed some kind of an update on me that has screwed things up.
    Thanks for any help offered ... FFF

    Thank you curve8530curve8330 for stepping up and helping me out ...
    I think I'll try re-installing the BB Desktop Software ... the ' ... no  BB Device Software installed ... ' GUI message has me concerned that there has been a Registry disconnect somehow involving the USB driver software registered with BB D. S. 7 ... this would indeed be a Windows 7 problem ... I'll update the thread and give you credit for pointing me in this direction ... if it works.
    However, to be clear, I am connecting my 9630 using a USB interface cable connected to a USB 2.0 port on the Win 7 system ... I am not removing the 8GB MicroSDHC card from the phone and then utilizing a MicroSD to SD adapter or SD port ... whatsoever.
    And , as for connecting via another computer, now that I have thought about this some more, that may have been what precipitated the problem in the first place ... I had experimentally tried re-connecting the 9630 to an XP Pro SP3 32-bit notebook loaded with BB D. M. ... (after never having done so again since the Win 7 Pro SP1 64-bit / BB D. S. system came into use).  I don't see, off-hand, how that could have caused this issue, however, the coincidence is too large to ignore.

  • Installing Win 7 Pro as VM on Macbook Pro with 128G SSD

    Hi there,
    I've been searching for some good tips about installing Win 7 Pro as a VM on my new Macbook Pro (4GB i7 version) with a 128 SSD.
    Here is what I have and need to achieve:
    I have  Parallel 6 to set up the VM;
    Win 7 Pro 32-bit or 64-bit.
    Needs: I only plan to use the Win 7 VM for these:
    1. Run MS Office 2010 Pro Plus -- For compatibility reasons, I just have to use the Window's version of Office, Office 2011 for Mac is not an option for me;
    2. I use video conference a lot, so I need to be able to control the built-in Webcam and Mic of my Macbook Pro from the Windows side, any speical driver I need?
    3. I need to share some files between Mac and Win, but I guess the VM works fine for this kind of task.
    3. As you can see, I only have limited hard drive space, any foreseeable issue with what I need to install?
    Any tip is much appreicated!

    You should probably post the Parallels forums:  http://forums.parallels.com

  • Win XP Pro does NOT boot/install on MS-6570 K7N2G-L Bios v.3.4

    MSI K7N2G-L (MS-6570) Bios v.3.4 (Approved on AMD's site)
    AMD Athlon XP 3000+ Barton Core 333 Mhz
    3 x 1 Gig Infineon DDR 2700 333 Mhz run at 2100 266 Mhz
    on-board VGA and/or TNT RIVA 64 AGP
    Maxtor 120 Gig 8 MB Cache
    D-LED Bracket
    2 x Antec 80 mm Tri-Color LED system fans
    600 Watt CompUSA PSU:
       +3.3V = 17A
       +5V   = 50A
       +12V  = 23A
       -5V   = .6A
       -12V  = .6A
       +5Vsb = 2A
    I am fairly confident in all of the components and installation...had to trouble shoot for a while just to get to POST--it was a problem w/running 3 x 1 Gig DDR 22700 at 333 Mhz.
    Win XP Pro will NOT boot properly--when I start it, I sometimes see the boot screen, and it will hang; or see it very briefly followed by the "Sorry for the inconvenience. Windows did not start properly" bluescreen and a system reboot...
    I've tried reinstalling the OS which hangs between the installation and checking your components processes.
    Possible causes:
    * The RAM is bad, if so, PLEASE advise.
    * The PSU is deficient on several power rails, if so, recommend figures PLEASE.
    * Any other ideas, PLEASE advise.
    Assuming that the RAM, PSU and all the other components are not an issue, PLEASE advise as to what else could be the problem.
    I've had a similar problem happen in the past when installing Win XP Home on another Mobo, but worked fine when I installed Win 98 2nd Ed.  
    Maybe God or a MSI Tech will reply--they're tech support seems to have ignored me...my RMA window has passed w/the reseller.  Thank you in advance to those who post.

    Originally posted by Syruel
    Thank you to everyone who helped me w/my prob.  I got an Antec True Power 430--they didn\\\\\\\'t have any of the 550\\\\\\\'s in stock--and now my system is up and running.
    Sadly, I still could NOT boot up the existing OS--I still had the same problems mentioned above--can anyone explain that?
    But, I was able to install the OS on a blank HD, which worked just fine for some reason--I just have to reinstall everything now--any ideas as to that?
    As for the manual and RAM...screw that...Quote
    also do you mean 3 gigs of ram total when you say 3x1gig if so your board only supports 2 gig of ram when it is pc2700...
    Yes, I mean 3 Gigs total.  I read on Soyo\\\\\\\'s website that it\\\\\\\'s MoBo\\\\\\\'s do that and will only support 3 Gigs at 2100, hence me underclocking my RAM at 266 Mhz.  It would have been really useful if MSI\\\\\\\'s documentation would have said the same thing.  3 Gigs at 2700 is the reason my system would NOT even POST.  Where did you see that it only supports 2 Gigs at 2700?[/COLOR]
    That's not unusual that you would have to do a fresh install of your OS to get it running properly. As far as RAM these boards are very sensitive to types of RAM so You may have trouble with your sticks. As far as 3 1 Gig sticks, unless you are doing some very heavy graphics it is probably overkill and you will find better performance with two sticks running in dual mode. Try it and see which way it runs better for you!

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