Table flow

Anyone know the process flows in SD, MM and FI?
Then do tell and let me know!
Thanking you all.

Hi Steve,
This is actually most difficult, because there are several ways to look at "process flows". However since this is the ABAP forum, i assume you need more internal information than functional information.
The following books might help you with it (besides that SAP has also on-line help and many books on these subjects):
These are but examples. You've guessed it already. It is time to do some reading to get information on these subjects.
Good luck and regards,
Message was edited by: Rob Veenstra

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    Thank you in advance.

    I changed settings of your form to Dynamic form and preview version 9.0  Also I added button which is adds new rows to table and saved it as a dynamic form.
    See attachment.
    Paul Butenko

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    Great stuff Yvan,
    KOENIG Yvan wrote:
    Here you may see the way to transfer the contents of a column of Table A in a column of Table B
    I used two kinds of formulas.
    In the cell A2 of Table B
    the formula is :
    =Table A :: $B2
    It may be :
    =Table A :: $B
    Apply Fill Down
    Copy paste it in cell A1 which is in a header row.
    This formula does its duty but it’s not robust enough and will not survive to a Sort.
    This is why in B2, I inserted a more robust formula :
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    You will find details about the functions used in Numbers User Guide delivered with every copy of iWork ‘08
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 6 août 2011 17:45:22
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
    My iDisk is : <>
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !
    The first suggestion was the simple answer I needed,
    Thank you

  • Tables flow in SD

    Hi ,
    i am new to ABAP can u send me tables flow in SD.
    Thanks and regards,

    Dear Rajesh,
              The fallowing tables are used frequently
    SAP SD Tables
    VBAK -
    VBAP -
    VBFA -
    VBUK -
    VBUP -
    LIKP -
    LIPS -
    VBRK -
    VBRP -
    (INV ITEM)
    KNA1 --- General Data in Customer Master
    KNB1 --- Customer Master (Company Code Data)
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    MARA --- General Material Data
    MARC --- Plant Data for Material
    MVKE --- Sales Data for Material
    I hopr it will help you

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    Hi pmyahoo,
    According to your description, you want to use T-SQL to create a relational view contains fact table with dimension tables. Right?
    In Analysis Services, a data source view (DSV) is an abstraction of a relational data source that becomes the basis of the cubes and dimensions you create in a multidimensional project. It contains the logical model of the schema used by Analysis Services
    multidimensional database objects—namely cubes, dimensions, and mining structures. It is the metadata definition, stored in an XML format, of these schema elements used by the Unified Dimensional Model (UDM) and by the mining structures. So it's a virtual
    table like the View we create via T-SQL. Please refer to links below:
    Data Source Views (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data) 
    Defining a Data Source View (Analysis Services)
    When designing data source views, to determine if using a bridge table depends on the relation ship between dimension table and fact table. If it's a many-to-many relationship, it's better to use a bridge. Please refer to an article below:
    SSAS/KIMBALL: modeling a N:M relation between dimensions (part I)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou
    TechNet Community Support

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    You have the data in an Excel file? Are these "tags" like some sort of product label? D they all look the same, except for the actual text?
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    A small office that every single Mac and iDevice you have can be upgraded to Yosemite or iOS 8 just to open the files that can't get tables to flow over pages, or have facing pages, or clean exports to Word doc or pdfs, outlining, or open RTF or the over 100 other things missing or buggy in Pages 5.5.1, and doesn't care if you can't open files in the future, or from the past, or that they are damaged when you do??

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    There's no definitive solution (that I know of), but I can suggest two workarounds:
    1. You can edit the skin's .css.
    2. You can place some formatting elements (rowLayout, cellFormat...) as containers for useful content (outputText...) in each of table's columns, and then set the color for those container elements. This came in handy in our project, since the container's color property (inlineStyle) was bound to a method on a managed bean, which allowed us to use different colors for different rows, for example mark the selected row (BTW, this is a default behavior of a table in JDev 11, which is fantastic).
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    Hi i got answer to my questions on my own.
    Infostructures S500-S999 are user defined info.structures and created through SPRO or MC21 tcode.
    Whenever an info.s is created update programs are automatically created when creating update rules.
    These programs are RCMXnnnn programs .
    for example for S555, program is RCMX0001-RCMX0009.
    U can see the key figures and characteristics in MC26 and see the formula and requirements behind each field.
    For formulas goto MC1D and requirements MC1B.
    I hope this will help everyone.
    Note : Whenever u don;t get any clue on some program or table pls goto SAP service marketplace and try to look for note.
    This is not to implement note but to get idea .
    All infostructures are part of LIS.

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    Where is link of all the tables
    Plz guide me.
    Thnks for ur help in advance

    Hey puneet,
    I had exactly the same requirement as you have (batchwise, campus wise, batch wise, program wise)
    i can help you.

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    Do I need another version of Adobe Life Cycle Designer or what could be the reason for this?
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    Adobe Reader 7.0.9
    SAP Netweaver 2004s
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    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Nadin,
    Choose "Top to Bottom".
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Dyamic landscape table that flows into portrait page.

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    Hi Sarah,
    Thanks for your response. Unfortunately the pagination tab for the master page does not give me those options. It only gives me the page numbering options. I have applied the pagination option you suggested to the page where I have applied the landscape master page, however, it still flows into a portrait page. Any other suggestions are most welcome.
    Thanks again...Jenn

  • Column names of a dynamic internal table

    Hi Friends,
    I have a dynamic internal table flowing in my ABAP program and I want to list down the column names of the this dynamic internal table.
    The declaration of this dynamic internal table :
        <l_t_data>         TYPE STANDARD TABLE.
    Can you please tell me how to get the column names?

         You can use ABAP Runtime Type Identification to get the column names of the internal table.
    e.g >
    >lo_itab holds reference to description object of internal table whose column names i have to extract.
    >Using method describe_by_data of class cl_abap_typedescr export the field symbol assigned to the table and import the object reference into lo_itab.
    >Then using method get_table_line_type of lo_itab import line type description object reference into lo_line.
    >Check if lo_line is referring to a structure, if yes , downcast it to a object reference lo_struct of type cl_abap_structdescr.
    >The column description of all columns in the structure is stored in 'components' table of cl_abap_structdescr.
         So loop at the table to get all the column names stored in column 'name' of table 'components'.
    Thank You.

  • Table Problem x2 within Pages: 1) In the Header; 2) Maintaining a table's starting point when carrying over to the next page.

    Pages '09 v4.1
    Problem 1:
         I am working with a 2-column Page document. Its my goal to have three items listed in a header in particular positions. Far left shows the paragraph number the page starts with, in the center is a title of the contents of the page, and on the far left is the last paragraph number to appear. To place these three items in the desired positions requires the insertion of a lot of spacing on both sides of the 'centered' title along with counting the characters of the title to find its center to alighn with the center of the page. 253 pages of this to will qualify me to be labled with a severe case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I don't want OCD.
         However, by installing a one row/3 column table in the header my task was made a lot easier in alighnments. But, another problem reared up. Within the header underneath the table is a vertical space remaining. This vertical 'tallness' is equivalent to the font size of 10. Its taking up too much space between the header and the text. It needs to be reduced or eliminated.
         On the left-hand page I am able to reduce the font as far down as '1'. I've settled on using '3'. However, on the right-hand page the font will not accept any size selections be they less or more and remains stubbornly at font 10. Within a Header that does not have a table, I am able to change the font of both left and right pages.
         Is there a another way to approach what I desire for the header other than installing a table in it? Is there a way to alter the font on the right hand pages?
    Problem 2:
         Whenever I create a table following text already on a page all is right until the table's growth in construction laps over to the next page. At that point the first row snaps to the top of the following page leaving an undesired area (space) between the last line of the text on the preceding page. Whenever I attempt to drag the table to the desired position it snaps back. This only happens when the table is larger than the remaining area of the page. If the table is started at the top of an unused page and runs beyond the confines of that page than it continues as expected onto the next page duplicating the table header. But to do this it must begin at the top of an unused page. Is there a means to have a table placed in the remaining space of a page and what does not fit continues to the next page in effect having a partial of the table on each page?
    So there you have it. Christmas is over and its back to work. Thank-you for your attention.

    Regards re-positioning a table:
    I went to Inspector>Wrap>Object Placement/Inline (moves with text) and found that the inline option was selected. Some of the rows within the table have two lines of text. Again, I dragged the table to the desired position on a page that is partially composed with text and got the same results as before -  the table snapping back to the top of the following page where it initially resided. In this current position the 2-page table does break as it should on the following 3rd page. Below is a schematic of the appearance of the 2-pages involved.
    Page 1 left side.
    TEXT 1-line as 1-column
    TABLE (5-rows)
    TEXT (2-columns) 14-lines left column and 13-lines right column.
    [Layout Break] otherwise the above textual columns would be all on the left side of the page.
    TEXT 1-line as 1-column
    * The desired insertion point for a two page table on a page that is 40% filled with the above descriptions.
    Page 2 right side.
    A 2-page table flowing or breaking into a 3rd page.
    Page 3 left side.
    The overflow of the subject table.
    [Layout Break]
    [Section Break]
    Is there some other way to anchor a table to the text other than Inspector>Wrap>Object Placement/Inline (moves with text)?

  • Pages 5.5 Tables Bug?

    So I updated to Yosemite and upgraded iWork to the latest versions, which included Pages 5.5.  Upon opening several different documents which I had saved in the previous version of Pages (5.2.2), I found that the tables in these documents were not displaying in the same way as they used to.  The problem seemed to be that Pages 5.5 refuses to make a table that has too many rows for one page flow onto the next page.  It simply moves the entire table to the next page.
    I did a few tests with a new document created in Pages 5.5 with the following results:
    1st Test: Created a new document, adding text to cover half of the first page, then inserted a table underneath.  Increasing the number of rows to the point where the table no longer fits on page one causes the entire table to move to page 2.
    2nd Test: With the same document as above, I increased the number of rows of the table until it could no longer fit on an entire page.  Pages correctly flowed the table from page two to page three.
    3rd Test: With the same document as above, I deleted the text and whitespace on page one.  This forced the table back to page one, and Pages successfully flowed it to page two.  But now, adding any text above the table on page one causes a bizarre result: the table moves down and the rows which flowed onto page two display correctly, but the first part of the table is entirely invisible.  It isn't just a drawing problem, since zooming in and out does not help.  See screenshot below (notice the row numbers are in the 30s, proving that this is the second part of the table).
    4th Test: I saved the document to iCloud Drive and then reopened it.  This results in absolutely nothing of the table being displayed, not even the second half.  I have not figured out any way to make the table display itself.  Opening this document on an iPad, Pages shows me the text on the first page, with the table flowing from page two to page three.
    Anyone else noticing similar difficulties?  I have documents that I had created in native Pages 5.2.2 format that were able to flow a table from one page to the next, so this looks a lot like a bug introduced by the 5.5 update.
    Alexander Dominic

    I think i found the reason for this behavior.
    The tables are fine. It depends on a layout option that seems to be activated by default. In the inspector-panel is a "more…" There you can select the option "Avoid lonely lines" (dunno english term) When the section with the table is selected and you uncheck this feature everything is as expected.
    Apple should change the defaults
    See the screenshots attached.

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