Tag to IPTC in PSE 8

I have stored the PSE Tags as IPTC Data in my Files. After that, I deleted a Tag an wrote to IPTC again. But nothinng happens. The deleted Tag is still in IPTC. Seems PSE did not override? What I am doing wrong (sorry for my english).

No, you didn't do anything wrong. That is one of the limitations of using the PSE command. You can use John Ellis's excellent psedbtool:

Similar Messages

  • Ideas to Improve Tagging of photos in PSE Organizer

    I've been using PSE since V2 and recently upgraded from PSE 11 to PSE 13. While PSE is solid and has some nice new features, it's apparent after some use that my hopes that manual face tagging would be greatly improved were not realized.  I take some responsibility for this as I've grumbled about the unnecessary steps and lack of features in this area and have been silent.  So, I have some suggestions which would be really, really nice to see in an update to the Photoshop Elements Organizer.
    The thrust of this posting is to improve manual tagging of pictures:  Steps one does to augment tagging after "Add People" and "Add Places" has been used.
    Please let me know what you think of this list and I'll submit a revised version as a development suggestion.  Which ideas are good?  workable?  Which ones are half baked?  Have I missed features that already exist so these suggestions are unnecessary?
    Recently Used tags:
    When tagging a set of pictures it is highly likely to reuse tags across many pictures.
    If the tags are from many areas in the tag group structure it requires opening and closing parts of the group tree to access the tags.  This is arduous if one has a large number of tags.
    Recommend providing a "Recently Used Tags" in the list of tag sections below Keywords, People, Places, and Events.
    Recently used tags should provide a lot of tags in Most Recently Used order - 100 at a minimum.  Tagging weddings and other group events involve using a lot of tags.
    Recently used tags should include all types of tags - people, places, events, etc.
    This approach would be beneficial when PSE fails to find faces as well as when non-face tags need to be applied to pictures.
    Favorite tags:
    Add a "Favorites" tag structure along with People, Places, Events, and Recently Used from above.
    Allow tags to be assigned to favorites by selecting a tag and right click "Add to Favorites".
    Allow tags in Favorites to be reordered by dragging up and down in the list.
    Allow tags to be removed from Favorites by selecting the tag with right click "Remove from Favorites".
    Adding face tags for faces that were not found (no box on the face) requires way too many steps for a picture selected in the organizer (seven steps).  Today one must:
    Press "Mark Face" button.
    Drag rectangle placed in upper left to a face.
    Size rectangle to the face.
    Click in name area below rectangle.
    Type beginning of name.
    Select name from list
    Click green check to confirm selected name.
    First suggested alternative for face tagging (3 steps):
    Right (or left) click and drag to create rectangle on face - Organizer recognizes this operation and marks face and opens name box below.
    Type beginning of name in name box.
    Select name from list.  When name is selected it is confirmed - no green check to confirm selected name.  In the unlikely event one incorrectly selects a name it can always be corrected or the face box removed.
    Second suggested approach to quick face tagging:
    Open one Tags/Info and expand one of the tag structures: People, Places, Events, Recently Used tags, or Favorites and navigate to a tag.
    Drag a tag (that is a person) into a unassigned facial recognition box.  This completes the face tag.
    If no box exists for a face, right click and drag a tag to a face.  The default sized square is created on center of release point at end of drag and the tag is assigned to the face.  Allow the user to resize the square to margins of face and hit enter to complete tag.  Using right click for this process differentiates a new face tag from the standard left click which assigns the tag to the photo or an empty face tag box.
    This approach requires one or two steps per tag unless the tag needs to be located in the tag strucure.
    Other photo tagging issues:
    Do not suggest a person for a face tag if they are already face tagged on the picture as they probably aren't in two places on the same picture.
    When clicking on a blank name for an empty face tag PSE provides a list of names that is barely wide enough for 3 names.  A larger list of suggested names should be provided - it could extend beyond the entry area for the name and below it.  If face recognition does find a good match PSE should include in the list any people tags which are assigned to the photo but have not been tagged to a face.  Anyone having used PSE for a long period of time likely has many pictures which are tagged with people but are not face tagged.  This approach would reduce the effort in selecting a person.
    Sometimes a lot of non-faces are detected in a picture.  Removing these boxes requires separate clicks on each box's 'X'.   Suggest a context menu on the photo, 'Remove unused face tags' to clear them' in one step.
    I'd appreciate all ideas and suggestions.  In advance, thanks!

    You should see it bottom left of Organizer.

  • Missing Tags in upgrade from PSE 10 to PSE 11

    My "people tags" used in pse 10 now show up as groups in pse 11, how do I add photos to these groups? What am I missing?
    Thanks for any help.

    Thanks, the solution was simply to select from View, "show people in tag panel".

  • Suite "Comment transférer mes données IPTC DE PSE 4 à PSE 12?"

    A l'attention de MICHELB/PARIS avec lequel j'avais entamé ce fil de discussion entre le 22 et le 25/10/2013 :
    Le 14/12/13
    Je reviens vers vous suite à nos échanges du 22 au 25 octobre 2013, car, après de longues hésitations, j'ai décidé de tenter la procédure que vous m'aviez conseillée. En effet, je n'avais guère d'espoir de retrouver mes données IPTC sur mon ordinateur i-Mac car je craignais même de les perdre sur mon PC en convertissant  mon catalogue créé avec la version PSE 4 pour qu'il soit compatible avec la version actuelle PSE 12.
    Je vous avais posé la question, mais comme vous ne m'aviez pas répondu à ce sujet, j'étais inquiète.
    Voilà donc ce que je me suis quand même décidée à tenter un mois plus tard.
    1. Sur mon i-Mac ainsi que sur son disque dur de sauvegarde La Cie, j'ai d'abord supprimé toutes mes photos et leurs dossiers initialement chargés à partir de mon PC.
    2. Puis, le 25/11/13, j'ai tenté l'installation d'Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 sur mon PC à partir du DVD de la version pour PC livré avec le coffret d'achat de PSE 12.
    J'avais bien sûr vérifié auparavant, et dans le détail, que la configuration de mon PC était suffisante, suivant ce que vous m'aviez préconisé dans votre dernier mail du 25/10/13 (notamment Windows XP-Pack 3, espace disque disponible largement suffisant, vitesse du processeur, RAM, écran couleur, résolution d'écran, pilote d'affichage tous adaptés) Pas de problème donc de ce côté.
    Or, cela a été un échec. Avec l'interruption de l'installation de l'Organiseur et l'apparition du message suivant:
    "Désinstallez et réinstallez le produit. Si le problème persiste, contactez le support technique d'Adobe pour obtenir de l'aide en mentionnant le code d'erreur qui s'affiche en bas de cet écran -> Erreur 16."
    J'ai donc désinstallé, puis réinstallé PSE 12 avec le même DVD et j'ai abouti au même résultat - second échec- avec interruption à la même étape et obtention du même message.
    Dans chacun des 2 cas, le produit n'occupait que 1,628 Go.
    En dépit de mes recherches, je n'ai pu trouver non plus à quoi correspondait l'erreur 16.
    3. J'ai alors essayé à nouveau, après une seconde désinstallation, de réinstaller PSE 12 en ligne à l'aide de la Version d'Evaluation.
    Troisième échec du même type avec la seule différence que le produit occupait cette fois 2,2 Go. Mais peut-être parce que la version d'évaluation nécessitait plus de mémoire que l'installation à partir du DVD en direct?
    Toujours est-il que l'arrêt s'était produit à la même étape (où cela semblait patiner…) et que le code d'erreur était identique.
    4. Conclusion: je n'ai même pas pu franchir la première étape que vous me préconisiez (votre mail du 22/10/13) pour essayer de résoudre mon problème, c'est-à-dire l'installation de PSE 12 sur mon ancien PC qui renfermait bien sûr toujours ma version PSE 4.
    Je ne sais donc plus quoi faire. Pour réfléchir encore, je n'ai pas désinstallé la version d'évaluation. Mais celle-ci va de toutes façons être obsolète dans peu de temps (sans doute entre le 20 et le 24/ 12.)
    C'est la raison pour laquelle je vous contacte aujourd'hui… en désespoir de cause.
    Auriez-vous une solution à me proposer?
    Si tel n'est pas le cas,  pourriez vous faire remonter à la direction d'Adobe les remarques suivantes si toutefois vous êtes en relation de travail avec elle?
    "* Je pense qu'Adobe est grandement responsable  de ne pas assurer la sauvegarde des données IPTC d'une version à une autre alors que d'autres logiciels photo se sont améliorés à ce sujet puisque j'ai appris qu'I- Photo par exemple (logiciel pourtant bien plus modeste qu'Adobe PSE ayant une grande réputation!) permettait cette sauvegarde. Ce qui fait qu'il m'a été conseillé de l'utiliser à présent pour rédiger tous mes commentaires et remarques.
    Mais j'avoue que je suis tellement déçue -et le mot est faible- d'avoir perdu toutes ces données sur 11000 photos que je ne suis plus d'attaque à écrire des commentaires pour mes nouvelles photos.
    Ce qui revient aussi à constater que j'ai fait l'achat de PSE 12 pour rien car mon objectif essentiel n'était pas d'utiliser l'Editeur , mais de récupérer mes données personnelles. Les autres logiciels, i-Photo en particulier, étaient, à mon niveau, amplement suffisants pour réaliser des retouches de base.
    * Avant l'achat, j'avais pourtant essayé de me renseigner à la FNAC (où je l'ai acheté), à l'APPLE STORE, auprès de particuliers… à propos de cette conservation de mes données IPTC. Ne sachant quoi me répondre, ils m'ont tous conseillée de contactez ADOBE. Je l'ai fait par mail. En vain. Pas de réponse.
    Après avoir acheté le produit et m'apercevant  que le problème était bien là, j'ai également téléphoné à Adobe, et je n'ai eu aucun secours. Il m'a été répondu qu'Adobe ne garantissait pas cette conservation de données personnelles! Et que seuls les ingénieurs d'Adobe "en Amérique" seraient susceptibles de m'aider!! Consternant...
    J'ajoute de plus que le fait de ne pouvoir installer PSE 12 sur mon PC à configuration adéquate ( à tous points de vue) grâce au DVD fourni dans le coffret est une autre preuve du dysfonctionnement de ce logiciel.
    Je demande donc à Adobe, à défaut de ne pouvoir assurer le fonctionnement de son logiciel, d'assumer sa responsabilité à cet égard et de faire jouer sa garantie."
    En revanche, si vous n'êtes pas en mesure de transmettre ce message, pouvez-vous m'indiquer comment je pourrais le faire moi-même efficacement?
    Avec tous mes remerciements pour votre aide , je vous prie d'accepter mes cordiales salutations.

    Après mon dernier message, je n'ai pas eu de vos nouvelles.
    Je suis un utilisateur comme vous, sans aucun lien ni contact avec Adobe ; c'est le cas des autres utilisateurs avancés qui répondent aux questions sur ce forum. Il arrive que des employés d'Adobe interviennent ici, c'est clairement indiqué sous leur icone personnelle.
    Je dois insister sur le fait que des questions sur des problèmes précis et sur des versions logicielles récentes ont plus de chances de trouver une solution qu'une situation comme la vôtre, avec un logiciel très ancien, une migration entre systèmes d'exploitation, des problèmes d'installation (l'erreur 16)... et la nécessité d'expliquer comment fonctinnent les catalogues et les données IPTC. Ne serait-ce que sur un problème précis, comme l'erreur 16, ces autres utilisateurs avancés ou les employés d'Adobe essaieront de vous répondre en utilisant un traducteur en ligne comme Google.
    Ainsi, l'erreur 16 fait-elle l'objet d'une note technique de la part d'Adobe:
    C'est un cas que je n'ai jamais rencontré moi-même, je serai donc prudent à ce sujet... Notez de plus que je ne connais rien aux Macs.
    Mon sentiment personnel est que vous n'avez aucune chance de trouver une solution de bout en bout à votre problème auprès d'Adobe ni d'Apple. Il reste donc à résoudre d'abord le problème d'installation de PSE12 sur les deux ordinateurs. A défaut, dans PSE4, veillez à utiliser l'option d'écrire les 'informations d'étiquettes et de propriétés' dans les fichiers (menu fichier). Les données IPTC comme les étiquettes ou mot-clés que vous avez assignés aux photos seront accessibles à tout autre programme externe : l'explorateur Windows ou le FInder Mac par exemple. Pour leur récupération dans des catalogues d'Elements, il faut bien sûr résoudre le problème d'installation de PSE12 en premier. A partir de là on peut reprendre la procédure recommandée dans la note que j'ai citée et traduite.

  • Exclude photos with certain catagory or tag from search in PSE 7?

    It's very easy to to do a search where I want to exclude photos with a certain tag or category from the found set, in my PSE 3. I read that it's difficult in PSE 6.
    Is it easier in PSE 7?
    Thanks in advance, Guy Moses

    In PSE 6 and 7, its easy to exclude leaf keyword tags from a search, but Adobe broke the ability exclude keyword categories/subcategories. There are two partial workarounds, one of which is only available in PSE 7:
    http://www.johnrellis.com/psedbtool/photoshopelements-6-7-faq.htm#_Workarounds_for_exclude -photos-from

  • Has Adobe given you the option to enlarge the font for Tags, dates, etc. in PSE 11?

    Has Adobe given you the option to enlarge the font in PSE 11 such as tags, dates etc. This was asked befor but not answered

    Not sure what your question is about but if you are talking about display fonts for Menus and general user interface in PSE 11 then I would think it is to do with the display configurations in your operating system.  In Windows, you can go to the Control Panel and look for Display properties.  In Windows XP it might look something like this:
    Look at he yellow box to change the font size.
    Hope this helps.

  • Personen Tags nicht richtig übernommen PSE 12

    Hallo Leute, habe sit kurzem auf PSE 12 upgedatet.
    Beim Organizer ist mir aufgefallen das die Mühefollen Zuordnungen der Personen Tags nich richtig passen.
    Ich habe früher eine Gruppe (Familie) und darin eine Person (Name1) benutzt. Hat auch sehr git funktioniert.
    Jetzt nach dem Update habe ich auch wieder eine Gruppe (Familie) aber darin enthalten wieder eine Untergruppe (Name1) ???
    Wie kann ich am einfachsten die Untergruppe in einer Person umwandel, ohne das ich jedes Bild öffnen und per Hand ändere ??
    Für eine kleine Hilfe währe ich euch sehr dankbar..
    Übrigens PSE ist cool..

    Hmm. Eigentlich ist PSE12 eher wie PS CS2 als wie ACDSee. Daher zeigt PSE12 hier nicht anders oder besser.
    Eigentlich sollte beim PSE12 das Tool Bridge bei sein, das für so etwas gedacht ist. Es zeigt die EXIF-Daten in etwa so an wie ACDSee.
    Eine Suche nach Metadaten kenn ich nicht, aber es hat einen Filter dafür.

  • Keyword Tags lost after loading PSE and photos on new computer

    I purchased a new Wondows 7 computer and loaded PSE 8 which was running on my old computer.  I had transferred all data from old computer using a Belkin Data Transfer Cable.  I opened my PSE 8 and photos were there but none of the Keyword Tags assigned to the pictures were there. So I deleted those pictures and transferred all my pictures using the Backup Catalogue selection under file and restored the pix on my new computer using the Restore Backup from file.  Still no Keyword Tags.  What do I need to do to get the tags?

    Thanks for your response.  I did restore to new location, drive J, and chose "maintain folder structure".  So, the catalog and a complete set of my photos was copied to the new external drive J. However, the catalog is still linked to the original set of my photos that are still on drive M. Any ideas?

  • Exporting Categories and Tag Associations to New PSE Installations

    Traditionally I have always organised my photos in folders.  Although there are definite limitations with this method I can move my photos to different PC's without loss of the organisation.  Since I am a software developer I oftern rebuild my PC and try out new windows OS's.
    Last night I played around with Catagorizing and Taging photos.  Due to the number of photos I have it will be a huge task to get them all done.  With that thought I do not want to put 'all that time in' if I cannot migrate the catagory and tag associations with the photos to a new installation of PSE.
    I have been unable to see how this is done in the literature.  Any help would be much appreciated.

    PSE versions 5 and earlier were pretty good about not corrupting their database files.  I think PSE versions 6 and later are even better -- they are built using a very well-regarded database technology called SQLite that is used by many commercial products, include Apple's OS X.  I've seen no reports of users losing their catalog information.
    However, the PSE application does have bugs which in some circumstances writes incorrect information into the catalog database files (e.g. the wrong drive where your photos are stored).    Also, since PSE 6 Adobe has provided very poor support for upgrading to new versions of PSE, and some people have had a lot of trouble upgrading and/or have lost information when they upgrade.  Strictly speaking, this is not "database corruption" as engineers would use the term, though many users would probably called it "corruption".

  • How to maintain tags when upgrading from PSE 5 to PSE 12?

    I'm upgrading from Photoshop Elements version 5 to version 12, as my current version is not working properly. (Possibly corrupted?). It will not allow me to backup my catalog - the software freezes after a period of time during the "Reconnecting Files" stage. I'm reluctant to proceed in fear of losing the thousands of tags I have if the installation process does not go smoothly (since I don't have a backup of my catalog). Any suggestions on how to proceed?

    Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately my situation may be worse than I
    originally thought. ALL of my files are showing that they are "Missing" and
    need to be "Reconnected," however the software freezes when I try to
    reconnect. I still have the photo files under "My Photos" on my hard drive
    but if the "Reconnect" is not made before launching Version 12, doesn't
    that mean that I will lose all the cataloging/tags made in Photoshop? I
    plan to install PSE12 on the same machine. I'm at a loss on how to proceed.
    It would be so disappointing to lose hundreds of hours of organization over
    a ten year time period on thousands of photos.
    On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 10:27 PM, andaleebfatima1

  • How to import PSE tagged pictures from friends into organizer correctly?

    my father and me have both PSE, I have version 11, he 10. When I get tagged pictures from him, the persons are normal tags after import to PSE Organizer 11 and not faces. How can I import those pictures, that I can filter later for the already included persons without repeated face detection by myself?
    Thank you

    Hello Andaleeb,
    sorry for my long delay, but I don't get so often new photos from Friends. Today I got the same problem by importing Tagged Fotos from PSE11 to an other PSE11 Catalog. Here is the reproduction:
    - Having two Catalogs: One e.g. For photos until 2009 and one for newer photos.
    - Finding some Scans in newer Catalog (>2009) with wrong date and correct the date to <2009.
    - Tag all photos in new Catalog with Persons (faces) e.g. "Christian from Laatzen"
    - Save meta data in the files (by File menu)
    - Copy Files via Drag and Drop to a folder where also other files of old catalog (<2009) are stored
    - delete files in new catalog (incl. checkbox detele also from harddisk) because the copy is in the other folder
    - open old catalog where also a person "Christian from Laatzen" is included
    - import there the fotos from the folder created above
    - Get a selection box if tags shall be imported (there the names are shown: e.g. "Christian from Laatzen")
    - Import -> Now are the persons are together with other imported tags in a Tag-category like "imported keywords" (german: "Importierte Stichwort-Tags").
      Here I can filter for "Christian from Laatzen" correcty like for other tags like "Holiday". But the photos are not detected as people/faces - when I select People tab and then the stack of "Christian from Laatzen" (tagged before in old catalog <2009) the new imported photos are not shown...
    Hope it helps to understand the problem. I wouldn't create a screenshot as there would be real names with first and last name of > 10 persons and I assume it would not be ok for them to find there nemed in a forum.
    Thank you very much!

  • Has Adobe fixed bugs writing Tags to files in PSE11?

    There have been longstanding bugs in the PSE Organizer regarding the writing of Tags and other metadata to files.
    Specifically, the two bugs that I am aware of are:
    Writing to certain types of RAW files fails completely. In my case, writing to Nikon NEF files (or more accurately, to sidecar .xmp files) fails. Tags and other metadata were not written, and sidecar files weren't even created.
    If you write Tags to files; and then later remove the tag from a specific photo, and repeat the writing of Tags to the file, PSE doesn't remove the tag from the file
    I call on Adobe to state clearly that they have fixed these bugs, or not.
    I ask users of PSE11, if you have an opportunity to observe PSE11's performance on these issues, to report what you experience.
    Thank you.

    Sourabh Gupta wrote:
    PSE 11 has implemented a functionality where IPTC keywords can be appended/overwritten from the metadata pane directly. Here is how you can achieve this.
    1. Select the desired files in the grid for which metadata has to be edited.
    2. From the Tags/Info pane on the right, click the Information pane.
    3. Click "Add IPTC Information"
    4. This would open up the Edit IPTC dialog, where you can edit/add/overwrite the IPTC information including the keywords.
    And once this information is saved, this would be saved in the file.
    Glad to know that !
    Thanks to Paige for asking and Sourabh Gupta for pointing to a useful feature I would have totally missed otherwise!
    That worked once, and now I am unable to see the "Add IPTC Information' ?
    EDIT 2:
    The 'Add IPTC Information' button only appears when SEVERAL items are selected. I did not find anything about this useful feature in the help file.

  • Folders v. tags

    Some of the most helpful posters in here regularly make statements about the advantages of tags, captions and so on and advise people to 'forget about folders'. For example, dj_paige wrote a few weeks ago:
    Folders is an antique method of organizing, and the PSE Organizer was designed to replace folders with a more powerful set of tools. Instead, think in terms of tags and captions, because these give you a much more powerful way to organize and slice and dice your photos than folders gives you. With tags, for example, you can search your photos across numerous vacations to find just those photos that your children are in. You can't do that easily with folders. There are many more advantages...
    A Windows user, I can't help thinking that this may be misleading. It's fine if all you want to do is create a museum with all your pictures carefully catalogued so you can quickly locate and admire particular specimens. But many of us use PSE's editing functions to enhance our own or other people's pictures, with a view to using them in some other context. However many tags, captions, albums and stacks I create in Organizer, they don't help me to find a picture of Mayor Goldstein to place in the newsletter I'm composing in Indesign, or to put in the email I'm about to send, or to upload to a website, or to illustrate the report I'm writing in Word, for example. In all these cases, I have to know which folder the picture is in, because the applications I'm using have to be able to find
    it. Until applications get wise enough to be able to read PSE's proprietary metadata, there's no substitute for carefully constructed, meaningful file names in an equally carefully designed folder structure. Add to that Windows' capability to add searchable keywords, comments and other file properties, and the return on the time spent tagging pictures in the PSE Organizer gets smaller and smaller.
    I'd be interested to hear in what ways PSE 'replaces folders with a more powerful set of tools' and what the 'many more advantages' are.

    Thanks for your comments, and sorry for taking so long to respond. I've been trying to devise some sort of hybrid system (Colin Codebreaker: there will always be a mixture of the two philosophies) bearing in mind what you've written, and I'll probably get there in the end.
    When Colin says All my images finish up in Folders based on the Shot Date, he highlights some of the difficulties inherent in the 'forget about folders' approach. First, it seems to me a criminal waste of a valuable data point (the folder name) just to re-use the shot date, which any system (including Windows) that can read the exif data will have access to anyway. Folder names and hierarchies are an immensely powerful first-level sorting option that any Windows process can make use of, so it makes sense to me to use them wisely. Second, only a fraction of my images come from my camera. My photographer drops his into a shared folder on my machine, some I download from FTP or websites, and many come by email or on removable media. So I have to use purpose-orientated folders rather than
    subject- or date-orientated ones.
    Colin and John RE both point out that you can drag and drop images from the Organiser into other applications. I've tried this with Indesign, and it works properly inasmuch as D&D creates a link to the image file (D&D from PS does as well, but from Illustrator doesn't). But because the PSE window is so big, it's not easy to execute on a small monitor like my laptop screen - there just isn't the space clearly to see both the source and the destination of a D&D. The D&D icon (a baby thumbnail with a hand in the middle) makes accurate placing impossible; when I drop, the image seems to land with its top left-hand corner at the middle of the icon, which of course conceals the dropping point at the destination. If I D&D from Bridge or within Indesign, the dropping point is precisely at the
    top left-hand corner of the thumbnail.
    dj_p extols the virtues of tags and captions to help find particular images. The cross-referencing capabilities that this facilitates are indeed powerful, but I already have that capability using built-in Windows tools. Tagging by D&D is quick and easy, but keywords are then written to an extra file - so for 10,000 images I need 20,000 files! Sure, I can then write those keywords and other data to the image file itself (for some types of file), but for some reason not to the properties fields that the OS provides for the purpose. If someone could suggest a utility that would write IPTC data to the Windows Title, Subject, Category and Keyword fields, I'd be very happy. I could then use Organizer solely to apply keyword tags - which it's very good at - and forget about all its other bells
    and whistles.
    The workflow that dj_p suggests for locating a file to put into a document seems very cumbersome to me: fire up Organizer, find the file, export it to another folder, then in the receiving app locate that folder and file and place it. Organizer is very resource-hungry (it's currently using 475MB of VM, having peaked at 585MB, and has clocked up an astonishing 9 mio IO reads/writes since I launched it about twelve hours ago. By contrast, Windows SearchIndexer has only performed 745,000 reads/writes to maintain its index of almost 600,000 files), so I'm loth to have it running alongside, say, Indesign just to make use of its search facility. It's much quicker and easier to locate a file if it has a meaningful file name and lives in a meaningfully-named folder. I have also tried Bridge, which
    makes the process easier still if the image files I need are stored in folders allocated for the purpose to which I want to put them. In its Compact mode, Bridge acts just like another Indesign panel and I can select files to place at the drop of a hat. Perhaps a compact mode for PSE(O) could be a feature request.
    So, again, I maintain that the PSE Organizer is fine for those who only want to set up an indexed and cross-referenced gallery of pictures, but there's no substitute for a carefully thought-out file- and folder structure if those pictures are to be used for any other purpose.

  • PSE 11 Mac will not quit

    PSE 11 won't quit when I quit the application. It stays in memory and force quit shows it not responding. I can't shut my system down unless I force quit PSE 11 first.

    Let me explain this using a scenario. Suppose you have a JPEG (from your camera). As of now it won't have any tag info into IPTC. You imported this image into Organizer. Now you created a tag and applied on this image. At this point of time the tag is only in PSE catalog db file. Also if you import the same image into another catalog, it won't have any tag info in its IPTC.
    To write a tag (from pse catalog db file) to image's IPTC, you need to use 'File->Write keyword tag and properties info to Photos' for PSE10 and previous versions (File->Save keyword tag to metadata info' in PSE11). Once you do this, the tag is now present in both catalog as well as in image IPTC info'. Now if you import this image into any other PSE catalog, it will show the tag written in its IPTC but not present in this new catalog'
    let me know if you need more clarification.

  • How Do I save and restore keywords, categories and tags in PE6?

    I have my photos backed up on an external hard drive, but if and when my hard drive crashes, how do I get back the tags, keywords, categories, etc. that I have used in the PE 6 Organizer?  Can I save them and, if so, when I need to restore this, how do I do that?  How do I reconnect tags, categories, keywords, etc. with photos that I re-import after a hard drive crash?

    John: Many thanks for this help.  I use CS3, but my mom has PE6 and I'm trying to help her.  I'm not as familiar with PE6.
    Again, thanks,
    Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 13:24:12 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: How Do I save and restore keywords, categories and tags in PE6?
    PSE keeps your keywords, categories, albums, stacks, version sets, captions, notes, dates, and star ratings in a file in a "catalog folder".  (Do Help > System Info to find the location of your catalog folder).  When you make a backup with the PSE File > Backup command, it copies all your photos and the catalog file into the backup.   When you restore from that backup, it copies that catalog file and all your photos to the location you specify.

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