Take only letters ?

I have below result of test. I want to take only letters. How can i do that ? Thanks.
1.A 2.E 3.B 4.C  5.D 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.D 
Result should be
string[0]  A
string[1]  E
string[2]  B

So you got the Index of a value and the value connacted into the same string? That is terrible transmission/storage format.
Could you not just put in the letters (seperated by a space) one after the other and infer the Array position based on the position of hte letter relative to start of the string? Or use any other transmission format that does not involve string parsing and
Regarding the string you have:
One solution would be regex.
Another one to treat that string as CSV data where every "row" has 2 values, '.'(point) is the value seperator and ' '(space) is the row seperator. Instead of','(comma) and '\n'(new line) respectively.

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  • Take  only the last 10 letters

    Hi Experts,
    How can you say take  only the last 10 letters of a char(32).
    e.g. here only 2222222222.
    data lv_1(32) type c.
    lv_1 = 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy2222222222'.
    Sas Erdem

    just by taking hardcoded offset would not solve your purpose dynamically as for an example if the string is of 22 characters then last 10 will be space....
    if you want dynamically last 10 characters then use the code given below.
    data : lv_1(32) type c,
             lv_len type i.
    lv_len = strlen( lv_1 ).
    if lv_len < 10.
      write lv_len.
      lv_len = lv_len - 10.
      write lv_1+lv_len(10).
    This will surely resolve your issue for dynamic purpose

  • Program Help, working with spaces and only letters

    I'm writing a program that takes an input string and gets the length and/or gets the number of vowels and consonants in the string. I've gotten it working except for consideration of spaces (which are allowed) and error checking for input other than letters. Here is what I've got so far. ANY suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class LetterStringManip extends JFrame
    {//declaring variables
         private JLabel stringOfLettersL, lengthL, lengthRL, vowelsL, vowelsRL, consonantsL, consonantsRL;
           private JTextField stringOfLettersTF;
           private JButton lengthB,vowelB, quitB;
           private LengthButtonHandler lbHandler;
           private VowelButtonHandler vbHandler;
           private QuitButtonHandler qbHandler;
           private static final int WIDTH = 750;
           private static final int HEIGHT = 150;
           public LetterStringManip()
           {// setting up GUI window with buttons
               stringOfLettersL = new JLabel("Enter a String of Letters", SwingConstants.CENTER);
                   lengthL = new JLabel("Length of String: ", SwingConstants.CENTER);
                   lengthRL = new JLabel("", SwingConstants.LEFT);
                   vowelsL = new JLabel("Number of Vowels: ", SwingConstants.CENTER);
                   vowelsRL = new JLabel("", SwingConstants.LEFT);
                   consonantsL = new JLabel("Number of Consonats: ", SwingConstants.CENTER);
                   consonantsRL = new JLabel("", SwingConstants.LEFT);
                   stringOfLettersTF = new JTextField(15);
                   lengthB = new JButton("Length");
                   lbHandler = new LengthButtonHandler();
                   vowelB = new JButton("Vowels");
                   vbHandler = new VowelButtonHandler();
                   quitB = new JButton("Quit");
                   qbHandler = new QuitButtonHandler();
                   setTitle("String Of Letters");//Window title
                   Container pane = getContentPane();
                   pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,4)); //Window layout
                   setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
           }//closes public LetterStringManip()
           private class LengthButtonHandler implements ActionListener
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)//Length Button is clicked, getLength() method is performed
                   }//closes public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
           }//closes private class LengthButtonHandler implements ActionListener
           private class VowelButtonHandler implements ActionListener
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)//Vowels Button is clicked, getVowels() method is performed
                   }//closes public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
           }//closes private class VowelButtonHandler implements ActionListener
           private class QuitButtonHandler implements ActionListener//Quit Buttton is pressed
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                   }//closes public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
           }//closes private class QuitButtonHandler implements ActionListener
                     public void getLength()//gets the length of the string
                       String letString = (stringOfLettersTF.getText());
                       String lengthString;
                 int length;
                         length = letString.length();
                         lengthString = Integer.toString(length);
                    }//closes public void getLength()
                     public void getVowels()//gets the number of vowels in the string
                 String letString = (stringOfLettersTF.getText());
                       String vowString;
                         String conString;
                 int countVow = 0;
                         int countCon = 0;
                         int i;
                         int length = letString.length();
                         char[] letter = new char[length];
                 for (i = 0; i < letString.length(); i++)
                     letter[i] = letString.charAt(i);
                     if (letter=='a' || letter[i]=='e' || letter[i]=='i' || letter[i]=='o' || letter[i]=='u')
                        }//closes for
                        countCon = letString.length() - countVow;
    vowString = Integer.toString(countVow);
                        conString = Integer.toString(countCon);
                   }//closes public void getVowels()
         public static void main(String[] args)
         LetterStringManip stringObject = new LetterStringManip();
         }// closes public static void main(String[] args)
    }//closes public class LetterStringManip extends JFrame

    OK, per the instructions above: I will re-post my code that I have now. I have dealt with the space not being counted now, I only need to figure out how to validate my input so that only letters are allowed. If anyone has any suggestions, or can help me out in any way, it'd be great. The suggestions with creating word and sentence objects is still a little beyond what we have gone over thus far in my Java course, I feel like I can almost grasp it to code it, but end up getting really confused. anyways, hear is my 'crude' code so far:
                     public void getLength()
                       String letString = (stringOfLettersTF.getText());
                       String lengthString;
                          int finalLength;
                          int countSpace = 0;
                                int length = letString.length();
                       char[] letter = new char[length];
                        int i;
                                 for (i = 0; i < letString.length(); i++)
                                    letter[i] = letString.charAt(i);
                                    if (letter==' ')
              finalLength = length - countSpace;
                   lengthString = Integer.toString(finalLength);
                   public void getVowels()
    String letString = (stringOfLettersTF.getText());
                   String vowString;
                   String conString;
    int countVow = 0;
                   int countCon = 0;
                   int countSpace = 0;
                   int i;
                   int length = letString.length();
                   char[] letter = new char[length];
    for (i = 0; i < letString.length(); i++)
    letter[i] = letString.charAt(i);
    if (letter[i]=='a' || letter[i]=='e' || letter[i]=='i' || letter[i]=='o' || letter[i]=='u')
                   if (letter[i]==' ')
                   countCon = (letString.length() - countVow) - countSpace;
    vowString = Integer.toString(countVow);
                   conString = Integer.toString(countCon);

  • Restrict a folder to take only pdf or doc files

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    i.e while copying, or uploading files in to a folder the folder should take only the files with specif format( say word or pdf or txt etc..).

    Thanks for u r respose.
    U r talking about the namespace filter which is can be implemented only as read filters.
    They simply helps to hide the content.
    What i want is the folder should not accept other files except one type (say MSWord).
    Like users can upload only files with .doc extension else it should show an error msg.
    do u have solution for this.

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    Phone is constantly losing the signal during a call, and often just disabled.
    I bought 5 phones for himself, his wife and friends, and only I have these problems.
    Very annoying.

    Yes you will need to go back to France as the warranty is country specific except in EU countries.  Or if you know anyone there they could take it to an Apple store if you posted it to them.

  • Condition that takes only one row with the maximum cost of the maximum date

    I have to the following query
    SELECT distinct b.segment1 ||'.'|| b.segment2 as ITEM,
           so.vendor_site_id as SUPPLIER,
           'VE' as ORIGIN_COUNTRY_ID,
           replace(round(l.mto_costo_neto/l.can_unidades_empaque,2),',','.') as UNIT_COST,
           5 as lead_time,
           null as pickup_lead_time,
           l.can_unidades_empaque as supp_pack_size,
           1 as inner_pack_size,
           'C' as round_lvl,
           50 as ROUND_TO_INNER_PCT,
           50 as ROUND_TO_CASE_PCT,
           50 as ROUND_TO_LAYER_PCT,
           50 as ROUND_TO_PALLET_PCT,
           null as MIN_ORDER_QTY,
           null as MAX_ORDER_QTY,
           'FLAT' as PACKING_METHOD,
           'N' as PRIMARY_SUPP_IND,
           'Y' as PRIMARY_COUNTRY_IND,
           case when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%KG%' then 'KG'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%Kg%' then 'KG'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%UND%' then 'EA'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Kilogramo' then 'KG'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Litro' then 'L'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Unidad' then 'EA'
                else null
           end as DEFAULT_UOP,
           1 as TI,
           1 as HI,
           null as SUPP_HIER_TYPE_1,
           null as SUPP_HIER_LVL_1,
           null as SUPP_HIER_TYPE_2,
           null as SUPP_HIER_LVL_2,
           null as SUPP_HIER_TYPE_3,
           null as SUPP_HIER_LVL_3,
           null as CREATE_DATETIME,
           null as LAST_UPDATE_DATETIME,
           null as LAST_UPDATE_ID,
           case when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%KG%' then 'KG'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%Kg%' then 'KG'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%UND%' then 'EA'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Kilogramo' then 'KG'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Litro' then 'L'
                when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Unidad' then 'EA'
                else null
           end as COST_UOM,
           null as TOLERANCE_TYPE,
           null as MAX_TOLERANCE,
           null as MIN_TOLERANCE
    FROM mrp.mrp_sr_assignments sr , MRP.MRP_SR_RECEIPT_ORG ro , MRP.MRP_SR_SOURCE_ORG so,
         inv.mtl_system_items_b b, lcm.cmp_lineas_cotizacion l
          and ro.SR_RECEIPT_ID = so.SR_RECEIPT_ID
          and sr.inventory_item_id in ((select inventory_item_id  from TMP.VIVERES_VEGETALES)
                                      UNION ALL
                                      (select inventory_item_id  from TMP.GENERICOS)
                                      UNION ALL
                                      (select inventory_item_id from TMP.HIJOS_GENERICOS))
          and sr.inventory_item_id = b.inventory_item_id
          and b.organization_id = 136
          and sr.inventory_item_id = l.cod_producto_idI need to agregate the following condition
    For example, The following query
    SELECT l2.fec_ini_vigencia_costo, l2.mto_costo_neto, l2.can_unidades_empaque, l2.cod_producto,
           REPLACE(ROUND(l2.mto_costo_neto/l2.can_unidades_empaque,2),',','.')  costo_unidad
    from cmp_lineas_cotizacion l2
    order by cod_producto, fec_ini_vigencia_costo desc, mto_costo_neto descgenerate
    17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88 -- THIS ONE
    17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
    17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
    18/05/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    04/05/2009     245.82     12     1.1000008     20.49
    13/04/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    23/03/2009     373.2072     12     1.1000008     31.1
    23/03/2009     373.2072     12     1.1000008     31.1I need to take only one row with the maximum FEC_INI_VIGENCIA with the maximum COSTO_UNIDAD of the table lcm.cmp_lineas_cotizacion l, which is calculated with the formula ROUND(l2.mto_costo_neto/l2.can_unidades_empaque,2)

    A better example
    I need only one row the maximum COSTO_UNIDAD for the maximum FEC_INI_VIGENCIA for every cod_producto_id in the table lcm.cmp_lineas_cotizacion
    I need to take these values
    17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88 -- THIS!
    17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
    17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
    18/05/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    04/05/2009     245.82     12     1.1000008     20.49
    13/04/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
    17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
    18/05/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    04/05/2009     245.82     12     1.1000008     20.49
    13/04/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
    27/10/2010     1171.549344     12     1.1000009     97.63 -- THIS!
    13/10/2010     1171.549344     12     1.1000009     97.63
    06/09/2010     1171.549344     12     1.1000009     97.63
    02/08/2010     1048.825056     12     1.1000009     87.4
    28/07/2010     754.8     12     1.1000009     62.9
    27/07/2010     614.04     12     1.1000009     51.17
    21/06/2010     954.84     12     1.1000009     79.57
    27/05/2010     614.04     12     1.1000009     51.17
    07/07/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
    28/03/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
    27/10/2008     1744.644672     12     1.1000010     145.39
    01/07/2008     1690.12224     12     1.1000010     140.84
    07/07/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26             --THIS!
    28/03/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
    27/10/2008     1744.644672     12     1.1000010     145.39
    01/07/2008     1690.12224     12     1.1000010     140.84
    07/07/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
    28/03/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
    27/10/2008     1744.644672     12     1.1000010     145.39
    01/07/2008     1690.12224     12     1.1000010     140.84

  • How to make textfield to take only numbers, & it wont allow us to enter any other characters

    make textfield to take only numbers, & it wont allow us to enter any other characters

    Clean up the code a little (credit goes to Sakthivel
    var oInput = new sap.ui.commons.TextField();
    oInput.onAfterRendering = function() {
      if (sap.ui.commons.TextField.prototype.onAfterRendering) {
        sap.ui.commons.TextField.prototype.onAfterRendering.apply(this, arguments);
      this.$().keydown(function(event) {
        var ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
        var altKey = event.altKey;
        var shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
        var key = event.keyCode;
        return (
          ctrlKey ||
          altKey  ||
          ( 47 < key && key < 58 && shiftKey === false) ||
          ( 95 < key && key < 106 ) ||
          ( key === 8) || (key === 9) ||  
          ( key > 34 && key < 40) ||
          ( key === 46)

  • Can Still Pictures takes only 1 frame

    hi guys
    we want to make a still motion ad (you know like old school when we take one pic at a time and then combine them together)
    the problem is that the imported photos takes more than 1 frame and we have like 100 pic for each 3 second of animation so shrink them amnually to 1 frame will be very mony/time consuming
    my question is there an optin in premiere that makes the each of the imported images take only 1 frame each??
    thank you all in advance

    A great enhancement, if you ask me.
    I do agree. How many times have I cursed, when I Imported 100 PSD's into PrPro 2.0, only to realize that either I forgot to set Edit>Preferences, or forgot to set it "back." Oh well, at my advanced age, having to Import 100 stills, is not the end of the world - however, I wonder how many "good years" I have left... ?
    PS - I do not hear many here (on earlier versions) complain that much. On the PrE forum, they scream like stuck pigs, at the prospect of having to do a re-Import with the proper Duration settings.

  • Can I configure file sender to take only 1 file per time?

    Can I configure file sender to take only 1 file per time?
    I have scenario from file to ECC.
    The poll interval is 300 seconds.
    I want that the sender channel will take only 1 file per time.
    Thank you

    Definely there will be some specific reason for doing this. If your purpose of doing this is to read the files one after another then there are other alternatives for that like using QoS as EOIO and then putting a delay of 30 sec in your message mapping so that each message will be process after 30 sec.
    If you describe more than probably someone can give his/her best opinion.

  • To take only first 12 chars doing SELECT

    Dear ABAPers
    I am doing
    SELECT single * from TAB
        where A = MYKEY.
    if SY-SUBRC=0.
      MYKEY2 = TAB-A.
    The question is u2013 I need to take(analyse) only first 12 chars of A .
    Say, A is 20 chars, MYKEY is 12 chars.
    Is that possible to catch only first 12 chars of A in u201Cselectu201D statement?
    If yes, provide the code please.

    Try something like this,
    data: var type string.
    concatenate MYKEY '%' into var.
    SELECT single * from TAB
    where A like var.
    if SY-SUBRC=0.
    MYKEY2 = TAB-A.

  • Help: Selecting * from view takes minutes, query in view takes only seconds

    I have a view that i created that compiles ok and the query inside of the view only takes 2 seconds to return all the records. But if i try to select * from the view it takes 4-5 minutes to return the results. The explain plan is exactly the same, whether i select * from the view or run the query from within the view. Explain plan listed at bottom of post. Any ideas on where i might be going wrong? Thanks in advance.
    The below query returns ~400 rows. If i limit the rows returned to ~200 with this additional line at the very end:
    the query runs in just a few seconds. So the rows returned is not the problem here.
           P.ASK_AMT NEXT_ASK,
             WHEN TOPA.SHORT_DESC <> ' ' THEN
           END TOPA,
           entity E,
           entity E1,
           assignment ASSI,
           prospect PR,
           (select p.proposal_id, p.prospect_id, p.ask_amt, p.anticipated_amt
              from proposal p
             where p.active_ind = 'Y'
               AND (p.stop_date IS NULL OR p.stop_date > sysdate)) P,
               AND pc.prospect_category_code = 'TOP') TOPS,
               AND pc.prospect_category_code = 'TFP') TOPA,
           (SELECT ID,
                   CASE WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) >= 1 THEN MAX(DECODE(CT, 1, TEAM_CAT)) ELSE ' ' END
                   || CASE WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) >= 2 THEN ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 2, TEAM_CAT)) ELSE ' ' END
                   || CASE WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) >= 3 THEN ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 3, TEAM_CAT)) ELSE ' ' END
                   || CASE WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) >= 4 THEN ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 4, TEAM_CAT)) ELSE ' ' END
                   || CASE WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) >= 5 THEN ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 5, TEAM_CAT)) ELSE ' ' END
                   || CASE WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) >= 6 THEN ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 6, TEAM_CAT)) ELSE ' ' END
                           TP.SHORT_DESC TEAM_CAT
                       AND PC.PROSPECT_CATEGORY_CODE NOT IN ('TOP', 'TFP'))
             GROUP BY ID) TEAM
       AND NP.spouse_id = E.id_number(+)
       AND NP.prospect_id = PR.prospect_id
       AND NP.prospect_id = TOPA.ID(+)
       AND ASSI.ASSIGNMENT_TYPE(+) = 'PM';Explain plan:
    SELECT STATEMENT, GOAL = CHOOSE                              346     1     369          346
    HASH JOIN OUTER                                   346     1     369          346
      HASH JOIN OUTER                                   332     1     330          332
       NESTED LOOPS OUTER                                   326     1     190          326
        NESTED LOOPS OUTER                                   325     1     171          325
         NESTED LOOPS OUTER                                   323     1     152          323
          NESTED LOOPS OUTER                              322     1     119          322
           NESTED LOOPS                                   320     1     90          320
            NESTED LOOPS                                   319     1     67          319
             NESTED LOOPS                                   319     484568     24712968          319
              INDEX UNIQUE SCAN     ADVANCE     ZZ_ADV_TABLE_KEY0          1     1     8          1
              TABLE ACCESS FULL     ADVANCE_NU     NWU_PROSPECT          318     484568     20836424          318
             TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     ADVANCE     PROSPECT_CATEGORY     1     16          
              INDEX RANGE SCAN     ADVANCE     PROSPECT_CATEGORY_KEY2          1               
            TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     ADVANCE     PROSPECT          1     1     23          1
             INDEX UNIQUE SCAN     ADVANCE     PROSPECT_KEY0               1               
           VIEW PUSHED PREDICATE     RPT_ACEPONIS                    2     1     29          
            NESTED LOOPS                                   2     1     40          2
             TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     ADVANCE     ZZ_ADV_TABLE          2     1     24          2
              INDEX UNIQUE SCAN     ADVANCE     ZZ_ADV_TABLE_KEY0          1     1               1
             TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     ADVANCE     PROSPECT_CATEGORY     1     16          
              INDEX RANGE SCAN     ADVANCE     PROSPECT_CATEGORY_KEY2          1               
          TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     ADVANCE     ENTITY               1     1     33          1
           INDEX UNIQUE SCAN     ADVANCE     ENTITY_KEY0               1               
         TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     ADVANCE     ASSIGNMENT          2     1     19          2
          INDEX RANGE SCAN     ADVANCE     ASSIGN_PROSPECT_KEY0               1     3               1
        TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     ADVANCE     ENTITY                    1     1     19          1
         INDEX UNIQUE SCAN     ADVANCE     ENTITY_KEY0                    1               
       VIEW     RPT_ACEPONIS                                   5     1     140          
        SORT GROUP BY                                   5     1     48          5
         VIEW     RPT_ACEPONIS                              5     1     48          
          WINDOW SORT                                   5     1     40          5
           NESTED LOOPS                                   2     1     40          2
            TABLE ACCESS FULL     ADVANCE     PROSPECT_CATEGORY          2     1     16          2
            TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     ADVANCE     ZZ_ADV_TABLE          1     24          
             INDEX UNIQUE SCAN     ADVANCE     ZZ_ADV_TABLE_KEY0          1               
      VIEW     RPT_ACEPONIS                                   13     170     6630          
       SORT UNIQUE                                        13     170     32980          7
         TABLE ACCESS FULL     ADVANCE     PROPOSAL                    3     125     24250          3
         TABLE ACCESS FULL     ADVANCE     PROPOSAL                    3     45     8730          3Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    I'm no expert. Hopefully, someone else will chime in.
    A couple points though:
    1) (select p.*
    from proposal p
    where p.active_ind = 'Y'
    AND p.stop_date > sysdate
    select p.*
    from proposal p
    where p.active_ind = 'Y'
    AND p.stop_date is null) P,
    is using UNION. It should probably be a UNION ALL, or even better:
    (select p.*
    from proposal p
    where p.active_ind = 'Y'
    AND (p.stop_date IS NULL OR p.stop_date > sysdate)
    2) select p.*
    Do not use * in a VIEW. In fact, never use it outside EXISTS, COUNT(*) and ad hoc queries.
    Use a COLUMN-list instead. Always use a COLUMN-list.
    The CASE statement has no ELSE, and is redundant.
         WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) = 1 THEN MAX(DECODE(CT, 1, TEAM_CAT))
         WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) = 2 THEN MAX(DECODE(CT, 1, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 2, TEAM_CAT))
         WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) = 3 THEN MAX(DECODE(CT, 1, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 2, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 3, TEAM_CAT))
         WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) = 4 THEN MAX(DECODE(CT, 1, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 2, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 3, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 4, TEAM_CAT))
         WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) = 5 THEN MAX(DECODE(CT, 1, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 2, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 3, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 4, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 5, TEAM_CAT))
         WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) = 6 THEN MAX(DECODE(CT, 1, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 2, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 3, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 4, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 5, TEAM_CAT)) || ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 6, TEAM_CAT))
    How about something like:
         || CASE WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) >= 2 THEN ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 2, TEAM_CAT)) ELSE ' ' END
         || CASE WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) >= 3 THEN ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 3, TEAM_CAT)) ELSE ' ' END
         || CASE WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) >= 4 THEN ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 4, TEAM_CAT)) ELSE ' ' END
         || CASE WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) >= 5 THEN ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 5, TEAM_CAT)) ELSE ' ' END
         || CASE WHEN count(TEAM_CAT) >= 6 THEN ', ' || MAX(DECODE(CT, 6, TEAM_CAT)) ELSE ' ' END
    4) I have to ask. Have you run statistics lately?
    5) Did you really alias a TABLE as "***"? Please tell me that is a formatting error.
    6) Are you sure you need all those outer joins?

  • How to textfield take only 20 character

    give me idea about how to take textfield only 20character
    not more than

    Sure. Read the JTextField API. You will find a link to the Swing tutorial on "How to Use Text Fields". Once there you will find a like on "Text Component Features" which has a working example of how to use a DocumentFilter.
    Or, you could also use a JFormattedTextField, which is also described in the tutorial.

  • I discrete mfg , gr should takes only after confoormation by co11n

    pl informe  me  where i have to activate for goods recipt  (MIGO -101 MVT TYPE)should not takes place with out conformation by co11n.
    after conformation  by co11n only .  Goode recipt should  done.
    thanks and regards

    i agreed with u all , but iam doing goods recipt by MIGO WITH RESPECT TO ORDER BY MOVEMENT TYPE 101. i have tochange in controle key like pp01 , pp02,pp03 , in this control key i have to change as to conformation is required.
    my  reuirement is goods recipt by MIGO 101 with respect to order  system should allow after operation conformation by co11n  .befor conformation by co11n , system should not allow to goods recipt.
    so pl tell me where i have to change in controle  key .
    thanks and regards

  • F110 - Need to take only the down payments

    We want to consider in F110 only the down payment request lines to be paid. We have configured the special gl in the "All Company Code" data of F110.
    System is still taking the normal invoices also. How to control it?

    Go to F110 and tab "Free Selection"
    Here in field name select "special G/L indicator" and in the value field give the special gl indicator of down payment.
    Then system will select only the down payments.

  • Work Center  takes only 6  activity types

    I    have   6  types of labor  activity type  ( L1 to  L6 )  ,  1  machine and  1 set up.  Total  8  activity  types.
    Now   if   the  planned  labor  is  eg  L1,  the  actual  may  be  L6.  But    I  cannot  assign     all   6  labor  type in the  work center.    Work center  allows  only  upto  6  activity types.
    I   checked  in  HR  module,  where  in   CAT2  we  can   record  ACTUAL  activity type  /  order  / employee data.  This can be moved to  controlling.      But  when  it  is  planning,  then  I  dont  know.
    How  can  I   accomodate  all  6  labor  type in the  work center.

    Hi Kamala
    If you are in a production order scenario -
    You will have to create 2 work centers... One for Labor and another for Machine/Set up... there by you will have 2 operations in routnig
    If you are in a process order scenario -
    You can do with one single work center... This will accomodate 6 act types..
    Apart from work center, there is a concept of "Secondary Resource" in Process order scenario, which can accomodate your other 2 act types...
    Ajay M

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