Tech Spec? - Sound compatability Problems

Sorry all ........ I posted this last week but nobody answered my query .......... could someone help with some SIMPLE TECH SPEC?
When playing back any of the work which we produce in iDVD in a Home Cinema 5.1 type environment, there are soundtrack incompatibility issues and the result is DVD's made in iDVD playback clicking,spitting & at the wrong pitch!
Having done a little research with the very helpful Dolby consultants in England, I found that the audio formatt a "standard" commerciallly available movie encoded in 5.1 uses is 16 bit 48 khz ......... however, having scoured the iDVD website, I can't find definitive Audio Spec for the vob files that iDVD resolves in it's final masters. To confirm my suspicions that for some reason Mac chose to use a different standard of their own, CAN ANYONE POINT ME TO SOME DEFINITIVE AUDIO TECHNICAL SPEC?
Many thanks Richard

Hi Len
Many thanks for your input. Unfortuanately my question wasn't what "iDVD likes" .................... I'm having great trouble finding an answer to - WHAT IT MAKES ?
I'm a movie composer and have started using iDVD to compile showreels of clips from movies that I've scored. So my "source" is actually a series of Quicktime PAL DV movies which have been exported from original masters. The Quicktime files that I drop into iDVD all contain stereo 16 bit 48 khz soundtracks.
When you play any of my iDVD compiled showreels on a standard stereo DVD player (or even in the Macs own DVD player), they play absolutely fine.
A lot of production companies have 5.1 "Home Cinema" type playback systems in their offices, and I've found that when they play iDVD derived stuff back through the 5.1, the resulting soundtrack (ie. my years of hard labour!) is horrid.
I simply wonder what the DVD's we burn from within iDVD resolve as a sound format when they make the VOB files - because they use a differnent format to the one used by the companies that manufacture commercial DVD's for the worlds motion picture industry? ie. What is the Sample/Bit Rate of iDVD produced DVD's
Many thanks Richard

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    Your operating system meets the minimum system requirements to run the latest version according to this document:
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    In Reply to all fellow Apple fans: It is great that someone found a work-around to the iTunes 11.4 no syncing problem. I think that is fine for the short term. And  I am really glad that we customers have a forum to share information and experiences regarding Apple's products. However, as someone here said, we are all customers; and posting a problem here "IN HOPES THAT APPLE READS THESE POSTS" is NOT a way to resolve this issue or any issue.
    PLEASE CONTACT APPLE: Apple Service Center: 1-800-275-2273   - Once you get a ticket number then and only then is this documented and then Apple can follow-through and alert the engineers who will fix this.
    The "CWA2" work-around band-aid does several things in addition to reverting back to iTunes 11.3.1. :
    1) It ensures that Apple continues to know nothing of the problem.
    2) It ensures that the faulty code that is within 11.4 remains there and is perpetuated into future versions.
    3) It ensures that YOU can never upgrade to future versions. (If the resident faulty code remains and perpetuates)
    So once you have reverted back to 11.3.1, the problem APPEARS to have gone away (FOR YOU) but you have not solved the problem.
    Again, respectfully,
    1) Sending feedback to apple (using the "Report Bugs To Apple" menu item in Safari will get the information to someone, somewhere and add it to the pile of issues, complaints, suggestions, etc.
    2) CALLING the Apple service/support Center at  1-800-275-2273 will put you in touch with a real APPLE person who will begin the process of documenting and forwarding this issue on to those who will fix it.
    3) emailing Apple directly will make sure that they get the information.
    lets get this fixed !!!!!!!!!

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    check it out

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    I bought bluetooth headset named HBS-730.
    But, I think iOS have some problem with the compatibility about Bluetooth as follows.
    Sound streaming is delayed about 1 seconds. For instances, I got the game item in game play. After 1 seconds, The sound play. This is very unconfortable.
    Also If I listen to the music and pause the play, I hear the noisy after 1 seconds.
    I've search the similar issue in this community. and I found the follows.
    Re: IOS 6 bluetooth issues - micro cuts on music
    I think this is bluetooth 3.0 compatibility problem because backbeat headset is works well with iOS6.01
    backbact is equiped with bluetooth 2.1
    First of all, I wonder this issue is iOS's problem or headset's problem.
    Please help me. I want to escape the this delaying problem.
    I'm very unconfortable and I lost the trust about the Apple's product.
    Thank you.

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