Templates and different page heights

I am finishing up a site. This is my first attempt at moving from print to web design so I'll do my best with terminology. I have used a template I created to make all the pages for the site. All of the pages have the same height except for 1 page which has a much greater height. If I increase the value of the editable region it does not work because the container is still set to the original template size. If I change the container height on that specific one page it works but it changes it on all my other pages too. I do I achieve this?

As John said, we can't begin to guess what you have going on.  You'll need to upload your page to a test folder on your remote server and post a URL for us to see.
In a nutshell, height property is a restriction in all browsers except IE.  Height values should not be used in content areas that may fluctuate across site pages.
If needed to reveal a backround image, for example, use the min-height property instead of height.
#div {
min-height: 300px;
Nancy O.
Alt-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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  • How to create a template and child pages using mockup designed in Fireworks

    I have created a website in Fireworks, and exported it to use in Dreamweaver.  How do I use the Master page in Fireworks as my template page in Dreamweaver?  When I bring in the .htm files from fireworks, it tries to bring in the entire page.  I have taken 25 hours of online training for Fireworks and Dreamweaver through Lynda.com, but there is not a specific video that tells you how to get your website from Fireworks into Dreamweaver if you want to utilize the Template and child page features.

    Use Fireworks to crop, slice and optimize images only.  DO NOT allow any graphics app to generate your HTML code for you.  This results in poorly formed code and rigid layouts that invariably fall apart when you attempt to edit them in DW.  Fireworks / Photoshop generated pages are for quick prototypes or design comps to show the client.  They do not work well on production sites.
    Taking a Fireworks comp to a CSS Layout in DW
    Part 1 - Initial Design
    Part 2 - Markup preparation
    Part 3 - Layout and CSS
    DWT Template Basics -
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

  • Template and child pages do not match

    Hi, there are several issues here and I'm pretty sure they're linked so I'll tell you them all. I was recently editing my website and I was changing the title of a page a created. I noticed that after I changed the name, when I clicked off it it just went back to the default title in the template. I then looked up how to sort and I think I changed a few bit of coding (I can't remember what though, sorry. It seemed to work. Then I decided to add another page which I listed in the navbar... when I got round to pressing save on the template, this happened....
    I'm sorry to sound so vague but I can't really remember what I did. Anyway, it says this for nearly every page when you save the template. I've noticed some of the coding on the template and the child pages do not match. This is the code on the template.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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    and this is the coding for another page. The index for example.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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    <!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/template.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/template.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --><head>
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    <meta name="description" content="The Mowhay Radio is a new radio station. Tune in every Friday night from 7:30pm (GMT) to hear your favourite tracks played and maybe even some you haven't heard before!" />
    <meta name="Keywords" content="The Mowhay Radio, Mowhay, Radio, Cornwall, Gabriel Lucas-Green, Music, Listen, Online, Station, Request, Fun, Games, Take Part, Songs, Tracks, Secret Sound, Celebrity Voice, Random Stuff, mowhayradio.co.uk, mowhayradio, mohay" />
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        <p>The Mowhay Radio is a new amateur radio station hosted by Gabriel Lucas-Green and based in Cornwall which   broadcasts a variety of musical genres. Tune in <strong>every Friday night from    7:30pm (GMT)</strong> to hear your favourite tracks played and maybe even some you haven't heard before!</p>
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    Is there any way I can just create a new template to match the pages already created?
    Sorry if I sound silly but this is my first post on these forums and I'm not really sure what you need to know.

    You can do everything, (and I mean absolutely EVERYTHING) in a regular HTML page that you can do in a DWT, and you don't have any of the parent/child/editable/non-editable/nested/nesting region problems that you will get with DWT's until you are very highly proficient at coding HTML and know exactly how to lay one out from the start so these things don't happen.
    DWT's are good for putting together a "mockup" to show a client, and have a good idea of the layout you will eventually use. They are also good for a teaching tool (the only time I ever created one was part of a class). If you have a group of people working on a site together, they are helpful too, but if none of the above apply, just make a plain HTML page and "Save As" when you need to make additional pages from it.

  • How to visualize relationship between templates and instanciated pages?

    Dear all,
    I built about one year ago a complex site using DW CS3 templates and nested templates (currently using CS4).
    I would now like to modify this site, but cannot remember the nested structure I defined between my various levels of nested templates, nor what instantiates pages derive from what nested template.
    This is probably obvious, but I cannot seem to find a way to visualize the relationship between the nested templates:
    - what templates is the parent of what nested template?
    - what page derives from what nested template?
    I have already spent two hours reading various help pages... nothing... How can this be done?
    Thank you in advance,

    The easiest way that I know of is this:
    Go to a page that is based on a template
    In Code View, select the beginning of the Template call code at the top of the Head, e.g. <!-- InstanceBegin template="/ (use only this fragment to get a list of the entire site pages that are based on templates)
    Search (Ctrl-F) Entire Current Local Site, Source Code, Find All
    The Results Panel will then display all pages that carries that code
    To save this list as a file, click the disk icon that appears two down from the flippy triangle on the left side of the Results Panel
    This will give you a list of all pages based on Templates, and will also indicate...in the "Matched Text" column of the Results, the Template that is in use for each page.
    You will notice that the files are listed out in alpha order, root folder top level first, then successive folders, including the Templates folder. Listings of the Templates folder show the Nested Templates and, to the right, the Templates they are based on.
    This is not a one-button solution, but should serve.
    A suggestion for your future Templates and Nested Templates is to be very explicit when you name them, for instance, "masterTemplate", "indexTemplate.dwt", "innerTemplate.dwt", "galleryTemplate.dwt", as suits your site.
    When I prepared a site for use with Contribute, every page was slightly different, and I controlled variations by making different Nested Templates. I ended up with practically one Template per html page, but it was easier to control the client's Contribut-ions that way.

  • Different page heights

    I have a website whose pages are pretty much the same height, however, I have 3 pages that are considerably longer than the others.  It uses an accordion spry that has about 15 tabbed panels.  When I expand some of the content areas of the spry panels, the lower panels extend below the footer.  I want to change the page height of just those pages that use the accordion spry to make it larger.

    You shouldn't be expressing height values on any containers with text in them.  Height is determined by content and that varies by page and the text-size people use in their browsers.   Explicit height values actually limit how much content your containers can hold which can be very bad for usability reasons.   If you need to reveal a background image, use the min-height property instead of height.
    Nancy O.

  • Fail to create PDF from 2 templates with different page sizes

    Hi,<br /><br />I am having problems to create a PDF with multiple page sizes and using 2 templates.<br /><br />I have to create a PDF using two dynamic templates. The second template has multiple pages, some A4 some A3, which I select through subforms (A3 specific subforms are on an A3 page).<br /><br />So:<br />^job <mdf1> -zOut.pdf<br /><fields><br />^form <mdf2>.mdf<br />^page 2<br />^group G_heading_A3<br /><fields><br /><br />The templates on their own are ok, but when I combine them the second is always A4, even if a) the subforms are on A3 (heading_A3) and if b) the page is A3 (page 2).<br /><br />I couldn't find anything on the web nor in the documentation. Does anyone have a clue?<br /><br />Thanks, Edward

    The build booklet feature is for very basic booklets, not something like this.
    Sorry, but you’ll need to make everything full size and then do the cutting.

  • Printing multiple copies of output for A template with different page Heade

    Hi Vetri,
    I am trying for a similar requirement as explained in the link below
    I am facing two problems with 80% of the work done.
    I mailed the template and xml to your id.
    Please help in solving the problem
    Best Regards,

    I found the issue with my report. I gave the syntax wrong when ending for-each for group. Using Variables no longer gives error and the issue is resolved with syntax as below.
    Header Information
    <?for-each-group@section: /yyy/LIST_G_xxx/xxx; COPIES?>
    <?end for-each?>
    <?end for-each-group?>
    Here goes the body
    <?start:last-page:body?> <?end body?>
    I inserted a page break here through word tools
    Here goes special instructions which only prints on last page
    <?end body?>
    But... I am still working on a related issue to print the Copy Number on the Header. For example if the Copy being printed is 1 it should print Set#1 on header, for 2nd Copy Set#2 and etc.
    I saw in some post that the variable can not be used out of Loop. Can someone help how to accomplish this.

  • IE (6 and 8) and different page template Body problem

    Hi - is that normal that IE don't recognize page template body? I have a structure like this:
    page template body 1:
    column 1 | column 2
    page template body 2:
    column 1
    everything work fine in firefox and chrome (I'll check also safari and opera) but not in IE.
    In IE (6 or 8) I have page template body 2 on the right of page template body 1 (not bottom the region).
    Anyone know how to fix this? of course in the easiest way :)

    I have had this issue often, and I finally figured out a workaround:
    You have to place a hidden REGION right where the breaking/newline (or whatever is happening with the in the template) isn't occuring properly.
    This will force a break.
    So I created a new region:
    Type: HTMLText
    Template: Button Region without Title
    Region Source:
    & nbsp ;(or something similar)
    Condition (optional): Client Browser is Internet Explorer
    See this post for more details:
    Problems displaying regions in desired Template positions

  • Spry Menu Bars, Templates and Current Page Indicators

    If you have a spry menu bar in your design, then create a template, how do you then go about making the menu bar have a current page indicator on each page created from the template?

    Can I send you on a different path? This solution will only be required in a non-editable area of the DWT.
    First we write a function to initialse the page
    function InitPage(){
    Spry.$$('#MenuBar1 li').forEach(function(node){
        var a=node.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; // finds all a elements inside the li, but we only want the first so [0]
        if(a.href == window.location){
    The function compares the URL of the page with the link in the menubar and if they are both the same, it will add an 'activeMenuItem, class to the menuitem.
    Next we nee a trigger to activate the function. This is done with a load listener as per
    Now we need to ensure that our active menuitem looks different, by assigning a couple of style rules as in the following. The !important needs to be there to override the JS.
    .activeMenuItem a {
        background:#a59a84 !important;
        color:#ffffff !important;
    And lastly we need to add SpryDOMUtils.js as the JS script that we based our JS scripts on
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryDOMUtils.js"></script>
    The whole thing will look like
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet">
    .activeMenuItem a {
        background:#a59a84 !important;
        color:#ffffff !important;
    <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
      <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Item 1</a>
          <li><a href="#">Item 1.1</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Item 1.2</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Item 1.3</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Item 2</a></li>
      <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Item 3</a>
          <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Item 3.1</a>
              <li><a href="#">Item 3.1.1</a></li>
              <li><a href="#">Item 3.1.2</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Item 3.2</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Item 3.3</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Item 4</a></li>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryDOMUtils.js"></script>
    function InitPage(){
    Spry.$$('#MenuBar1 li').forEach(function(node){
        var a=node.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; // finds all a elements inside the li, but we only want the first so [0]
        if(a.href == window.location){
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});
    Or see it live here http://shoguncarco.com.au/index.php where the function has been externalised in http://shoguncarco.com.au/js/plugins.js

  • Sub templates and blank pages

    Hi All,
    I wondering if anyone has solved this issue. I have one base template call template A and mulitple subtemplates let say b,c. Now A can call b or c based on a particular condition if the condition is satisifed. This works very well. However, Since A has these section breaks (cont) for B and C if the condition is not met I get a blank page. Is there any way to suppress this page if the condition is not met? I have made sure that there is no space after the calls to the subtemplates and work with the various breaks on the template A. Any pointers would be most appreciated...

    One thing I forgot to add is template A's section before the call has two columns. The calls to the subtemplates B and C only contain 1 column. So, there need to be a section break between A and B/C else the format of the dual column in A is lost.

  • Templates and child pages

    Im working on building my first website in dreamweaver (new at this), i was working on this at school but decided to continue at home so i emailed  my root folder to my computer at at home. when i opened my template page  and changed it, it does not update all my child pages! what am i doing wrong?

    Did you define a local site folder in DW?
    Templates won't work if your site isn't defined.
    Nancy O.

  • Page Template and regions.

    Is it possible to put a Messages component in a page template and then to access it from pages which are using that template and from page fragments used in those pages? If so, how?
    Edited by: Deniz Gulmez on 03.Kas.2009 04:00

    We do that by:
    Having a base managed bean that we bind template component:
    private HtmlMessages messages;
    public void setMessages(HtmlMessages messages) {
    this.messages = messages;
    public HtmlMessages getMessages() {
    return messages;
    then for the page or fragment managed bean we extend it from base managed bean.
    then we can access messages by supper.getMessages()

  • Link to spry css broken in template or child pages

    on the following pages the spry menu is not displaying properly.  I did notice that in the template pages the link ref was missing ../ at the beginning.  Having added this and updated the templates and child pages (these were also uploaded to the server) I thought that would solve the problem.  But it doesn't look as though the change in the link ref has updated correctly.
    Any pointers, would be great.
    Second url: 
    This one appears not to be linking properly to the template?  At leats, I think that's the problem.  The template is in the correct folder and uploaded to the server.
    I have noticed on this site that when I make a new page based on any of the site templates, when I look at the coding in DW, there are references to the local site 'root' folder.
    Have I messed up the links to templates etc on site-wide basis?  Do I need to go into 'Manage Sites' to sort this out?

    No, just a reoccurring problem, for someone who constantly struggles witht the vagaries of html.

  • Difference between Next Set and Next Page

    does anyone know what is the difference between Next Set Template and Next Page Template in a Report Template?

    When you have a report with say 15 pages you can split it into a set like:
    page 1 -5 , 6 - 10, 11 -15
    When you select the next set HTML DB wil go from
    1,2,3,4,5 [next set] to 6,7,8,9,10 [next set]
    When you go to the next page is just shows the next page. You can go from page 5 to 6 with the next page and still end up on the next set :-).

  • Updating template based XSLT page

    I have the following setup: a template and a few HTML pages
    based on it plus a few XSLT(.xsl) pages based on that template.
    Whenever I change the template, the HTML pages are automatically
    updated, but not the XSLT ones, even tough they appear in the list
    from the "update pages" dialog. If I load the XSLT page and choose
    from the menu Modify>Templates>Update Current Page, the page
    gets updated. If I choose Modify>Templates>Update Pages, it
    doesn't work.
    This is happening only in Dreamweaver CS4, it was working in
    Recreating site cache doesn't solve the problem.
    Is there any option to enable so that all the pages based on
    a template (not only the HTML ones gets updated?

    Here's my stock answer for this question -
    Here are seven common mistakes that will result in changes not propagating from Template to child -
    1.  Rename the Templates folder
    2.  Move the Templates folder to some other folder level in the site other than root level
    3.  Move a template out of the Templates folder.
    4.  Make changes to an editable region of the Template (which will not propagate)
    5.  Assume that Template changes will be effected by just uploading the changed Template file to the server without also uploading the changed local files
    6.  Corrupt the site cache so that the link between Template and child page is broken
    7.  Improperly create your child pages by simply opening the Template, adding page specific content, and resaving the Template with an *.html extension rather thanits *.dwt extension. (you can tell if this is the case by looking at the code on a child page - if you see anything like <!-- TemplateBeginEditable... then this is what you have done).  If you *have done this*, then recreate the child pages (in DW) using FILE | New > Page from Template, select the Template and click CREATE.
    The 6th problem can be repaired by using SITE | Advanced > Recreate Site Cache, and the six others can be fixed by just not doing them.  Have you done any of those?
    Or, read this -

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