This is making my head hurt :)

I have a servlet MetastormECL.class
I put the class in to C:\Tomcat 6.0\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes
I then edit web.xml to include
<servlet-name> MetastormECL </servlet-name>
<servlet-class> MetastormECL </servlet-class>
</servlet> I then try to run the servlet like this http://localhost:8080/servlet/MetastormECL
and get an error
HTTP Status 404 - /servlet/MetastormECL
type Status report
message /servlet/MetastormECL
description The requested resource (/servlet/MetastormECL) is not available.
What am i doing wrong?
thanks for your help.
Message was edited by:

add this into web.xml
<servlet-name> MetastormECL </servlet-name>
<servlet-class> MetastormECL </servlet-class>
    <servlet-name> MetastormECL</servlet-name>
  </servlet-mapping>then you run
if you change

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    I've been an Apple convert for a little over a year now and I love the devices and the simplicity of the apps...  Until now.  It seems that some things just aren't a intuitive as they appear.  I was unable to find an answer to my multi-pointed question.
    I'm using an Intel iMac i3 processor (mid 2011) with a 1 TB drive and iPhoto 11.  Prior to this fiasco I had probably about 20,000-23,000 (about 150 GB?) pics imported into iPhoto.  Things were going great.
    Some background...  Skip to the break for the actual questions if you're not into reading my sob story. 
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    My hard drive started spinning like crazy.  I knew right away that my originals were being deleted off the hard drive.  I really have NO idea why that happened.  It should be pretty intuitive that only the copy of Masters should be deleted and not the original Masters which remained in the iPhoto Library.
    So there's my problem.  I've lost about 23,000 pictures and short video clips, mostly family stuff and my young daughter.
    Right away I began running File Salvage from SubRosaSoft.  It's been running for about a day now and it's been retrieving some of the photos onto my Macbook, which has been mounted as a network drive.  It's still in process and I anticipate that this will go on for a few more days.  Luckily I looked across a couple of my Apple devices and between my wife's iPad, my iPad, and our iPhones, I was able to retrieve 19,000 photos onto my Macbook (while File Savage is still spinning in the background).  There's still some missing and the ones missing aren't super important.  File Salvage retrieves the original file but not the original file name or folder directory structure, so that presents a problem for iPhoto's indexing.  Similarly the photos I'm retrieving from the iOS devices are being given sequential generic IMG_XXXX filenames which also isn't consistent with the iPhoto database, so that won't be very useful in fixing iPhoto either (at least I don't think).
    So here are my questions...
    1) In comparing some of the retrieved photos from File Salvage and the ones I lifted off the iOS devices, the iOS versions are about half the size (3MB vs. 6MB for most pictures) and the resolution is slightly less (5000 x 4000 for the originals and 4800 x 3900 for the iOS).  I'm not planning to edit these or spruce them up to be frank, so would you just call it a day and forget about wading through the thousands of File Salvage photos to pick out and put them into the appropriate folders?  Is there something about the iOS versions that a regular guy will miss and can only be found on the originals?  I'd still need to complete File Salvage to retrieve the missing videos...
    2) How do I go about re-indexing the iPhoto Library?  When I open iPhoto all the thumbnails are there but when I try to see the picture there's a big excalamation point that tells me the file is missing.  Do I need to delete the entire iPhoto Library (how do I do that?) and create a new one using the stuff I got off the iOS devices?  Is there a way to associate the current thumbnails in iPhoto with the files that I've retrieved but whose names are different and the Masters folder structure is gone?
    3) Any way to rebuild the masters from the thumbnails or from the iPod photo cache?  Aren't the iOS pictures I'm transferring now just a version of the iPod photo cache folder?
    4) What do I do about syncing through iTunes?  As far as I can tell the photo sync tab uses the iPhoto albums and events.  I'm newish to Mac, so I'm worried about starting up iTunes and having it destory all my iOS devices by wiping them clean through its auto-sync.
    My apologies for the long post.  It's kind of a complicated problem and I don't know anyone who knows how any of this stuff really works.  I sure have learned a heck of a lot about Mac in the last few days though!
    Thanks to all in advance.

    My guess is that it all went wrong here:
    I opened the Dolly Drive Sync folder and the iPhoto Library folder and copied the folder into Dolly Drive Sync.
    My guess is that you didn't copy but moved. It's the only thing that makes sense.
    In comparing some of the retrieved photos from File Salvage and the ones I lifted off the iOS devices, the iOS versions are about half the size (3MB vs. 6MB for most pictures) and the resolution is slightly less (5000 x 4000 for the originals and 4800 x 3900 for the iOS).
    Sounds like you're gettting previews rather than the originals.
    I'm not planning to edit these or spruce them up to be frank, so would you just call it a day and forget about wading through the thousands of File Salvage photos to pick out and put them into the appropriate folders?
    I'm afraid only you can answer that. How important is that information to you? Me? I would, but I'm like that... On the other hand, once they're back in iPhoto you can do there, you don't have to do it first.
    2) How do I go about re-indexing the iPhoto Library?  When I open iPhoto all the thumbnails are there but when I try to see the picture there's a big excalamation point that tells me the file is missing.  Do I need to delete the entire iPhoto Library (how do I do that?) and create a new one using the stuff I got off the iOS devices?  Is there a way to associate the current thumbnails in iPhoto with the files that I've retrieved but whose names are different and the Masters folder structure is gone?
    That library is toast. Forget about it. To fix it you'd need to rename each file exactly right and put in a folder named exactly right (for the date and time of import)... you're in a 'start over situation'...
    To delete a Library: Go to your Pictures Folder and find the iPhoto Library there. Drag it to the trash on the Dock.
    3) Any way to rebuild the masters from the thumbnails or from the iPod photo cache?  Aren't the iOS pictures I'm transferring now just a version of the iPod photo cache folder?
    No and No.
    I'd ask on the forum for your iOS devices for information on the Syncing.

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    I have been doing research and have drawn some of my own conclusions but some input from those more experienced than myself would be gratefully received.
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    Opinions on best workflow going forwards would be gratefully received, my head hurts.
    John E

    Hey John
    XDCAM HD is a fully supported FCP native camera codec, no need to fear it at all ... if you like you can edit it directly in to a ProRes timeline and get full quality realtime previews, or you can edit it native and set rendering to ProRes for faster results with better potential quality if doing a lot of effects work, or you can just edit and render native ... its all very easy and has been since around FCP 5.1.2. When you've locked edit you can export as Uncompressed, ProRes or whatever other delivery codec you prefer (including XDCAM HD although that would be an odd choice).
    I will be hiring a XDCam reader (probably D1) so I can transfer the files.
    Not a good idea as the D1 is SD only I think ... get a U1 if you can, or rent a player "deck" like the PDW-F30 or better.
    Q1/ Do I/Can I transcode straight to Prores using Log and Transfer or do I have to do this using Compressor afterwards?
    No need whatsoever to do it all (see above). But if you did want to do it anyway then you would have to do it post import ... no direct to ProRes transcode on ingest with XDCAM HD (XDCAM EX yes, XDCAM HD no).
    Q2/ Is it worth transcoding to Prores as this is a stand alone interview and shouldn't need to be mixed with any other footage?
    Not worth it at all unless your goal is to hoover up disc space and man hours unnecessarily.
    Q3/ We are going to have the situation more and more where crews say "sorry no Digibeta" or "that'll cost you more". I can see my HD footage coming to be in all flavors (but hopefully 1080/25p).
    Due to this I see Prores as our most likely way forward ...
    ProRes as intermediate is fine. As for hiring decks, if you are imagining your future needs then you should really be assuming tapeless ingest/workflows rather than anything tape based, that said an AJA Io HD (not AJA Io) would be a great device to have on hand as would Matrox MXO2 and other I/O devices ... and no, I think you have misinterpreted that frame rate restriction, its not the case at all.
    Hope it helps

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    This is a user Forum, No one here works for Apple.
    If you can be a bit more clear with what your problem is, maybe someone here can help you find a solution.

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    To add to what Chris said, It isn't guarenteed that it will or won't damage your device. 
    If you are dead set on not buying a new charger, you can always check and make sure that the charger doesn't exceed 5 Watts. If it does you will damage your device.
    For the record, I do reccomned just getting a new charger if you are unsure. 

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    Hello, Please make sure to get a fresh copy of Firefox from
    Have a nice day

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    I keep getting the "Something went wrong" message on my Droid Razr HD also. I looked in my Settings, and I don't have a Cloud app - I have a Cloud Print app with nothing cached.  This is making it nearly impossible to use the phone - please help!  So far, this website has only made things more difficult.

    The details you're providing are very helpful, Maj_Dad. With airplane mode enabled,
    there would be no message because that disables celluar data. I would recommend
    tying that mode with WiFi to see if it still happens. It sounds like this issue
    has something to do with one of the applications on the device.
    Follow us on Twitter

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    Just being able to view billing history on my iPhone is hard to find. Is this apple making it hard for their customers ?

    At the moment you can only view your purchase history on a computer's iTunes via the Store > View Account menu option, you stores on iOS devices don't have all the features/functions as you find on a computer's iTunes

  • When I want to play music out loud the volume bar disappears and it won't play music or any sound. This sometimes happens with head phones in aswell. How do I fix it? I have tried to reset settings and wipe all the data of it but it didn't!

    When I want to play music out loud the volume bar disappears and it won't play music or any sound. This sometimes happens with head phones in aswell. How do I fix it? I have tried to reset settings and wipe all the data of it but it didn't!     

    Although you say you have let the battery drain, was it for long enough? Since nothing else that you've tried so far has worked, I suggest that you leave the iPod unplugged for at least four days, preferably a week. That way, if something is stopping the iPod from turning the screen on, then whatever it is will drain the battrey. However, since the screen isn't on, that may take longer than if the screen was on.
    Then, after that time, plug the iPod into a power source and leave it alone for at least thirty minutes. Only after thirty minutes will it show any signs of life, but you should leave it until it is fully charged before trying to use it.
    If you get to this stage, the fact that the battery has drained will cause the iPod to reset when it springs back to life.
    Let us know how you get on.

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    Is that the only solution? This just happened to me last night and I though that maybe it was just acting up and it would be fine this morning but it wasnt..

  • Ever since I update my iPhone to ios 7 I been having so much trouble with it. I lost my contacts, my notes, I set a ringtone and it change it... What should I do?. I love iPhone but this is making me angry.

    Ever since I update my iPhone to ios 7 I been having so much trouble with it. I lost all my contacts all the time, my notes, I set a ringtone and it change it... What should I do?. I love iPhone but this is making me angry. :(

    Basic troubelshooting steps have not changed in iOS 7.  Restart, reset, restore from backup, restore as new.

  • New to this - my head hurts - a few pointers anyone, please?

    Hi all,
    I've setup the samples, converting them back to compile in VS6 etc, and all that works ok. However, I'm having difficulty getting my head round what I want to do, so...
    1. I want to draw a preview of the current image in a rectangle on my dialog box. How? I can see a DisplayPixelsProc() callback but it requires a PSPixelMap parameter - where do I get one of those from in an automation plugin?
    2. How do I retrieve the pixel dimensions of the current document? The following gives an unhelpful answer
    double width;
    DescriptorUnitID unit = unitPixels;
    error = PIUGetInfo(classDocument,
    It seems confused by the current PPI setting. If I query a document which is 300 pix wide and PPI=72 then the answer is correct. But if the document happens to be set at 360 ppi then the answer is scaled by 72/360 to 60 (at least that's what I deduce is happening).
    3. Generally I haven't quite got my head around the idea of whether I'm supposed to think in terms of callbacks, suites or COM automation.
    I'd be very appreciative if anyone can point me in the right directions.

    See the Dissolve example for using displayPixels. You have your work cut out for you because you are trying to display in an automation plug-in. See the AutomationFilter / Hidden combination for getting pixel information into an automation plug-in.
    You will need to get the resolution and width height to get the exact information. 72 ppi is assumed in many cases.

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    Hey Glitch, thanks for a kind response (most of the discussions here end up like our debt ceiling debates, crazy). I'm doing color correction in FCX with better results than I had in FC7 and Color. I'm mixing audio right in FCX. Most of the plug ins that come with Logic are already built in, so it seems to be making my life much easier and not having to export to STP. Also, you can rotate clips, it's a pretty simple process. Here are my thoughts on having both FC7 and FCX. The editing process in FCX is such a creative release. It reminds me of the days when I went to school and learned how to typeset on a prehistoric linotype. Then, cut out and mechanically set everything up on a board for press. That's what FC7 reminds me of after spending a month with FCX. The creative freedom is so vast and it saves me so much time. Audio following a clip, importing audio and not having it erase an existing clip. Being able to move the entire timeline (magnetic) and having everything follow, wow.
    Once again, I completely understand there are alot of things missing, but I am blowing through these edits like never before and if I need to go to tape, I export as prores, bring it into FC7 and export, problem solved. Maybe I'm just a big cheerleader for Apple, but I really dig this program. Hopefully, updates are soon, I'm getting a little restless with Apples secrecy and lack of updates, last I read, it was supposed to be 3 weeks ago.

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