Time Capsule Connectivity with Cable TV

My Time Capsule worked fine until I switched from satellite TV to cable TV.
I managed to connect to the internet but why I can't use my iPad, Apple TV,
our HP PC, or any lat top?

It is impossible to answer without more info.
What mode is the TC in and how is it connected to the TV at all? ie I do not understand what cable TV or satellite TV has to do with internet connection. Is any of these based on wifi signal.. if so, then you have signal issues?? Plug the Apple TV in by ethernet .. does that fix it?
What kind of internet do you have?
What IP does the device that does connect to the internet get?
Please give as many screenshots as you can of the TC setup and any errors showing up.

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  • How can I backup my mac on a Time Capsule (connected with ethernet), without any user logged on the mac?

    Time Machine by default does not run when no user is logged in, there's some way to let backups run without any user logged on the mac?
    I need to backup 3 iMac connected through ethernet network to a Time Capsule.
    Some hint?

    If you use eithernet for your main connection then just plug the TC bridged into the network.
    If you use wireless for your internet connection then you can use the TC isolated from the network by ethernet.. but this is really only convenient on a desktop Mac.
    The instructions I put in this thread with screenshots.. see near the bottom.
    It is a bit tricky so if you have questions ask back here.
    Just to say a USB for firewire external drive is faster and more reliable than a TC.. cheaper to buy as well.. although since you already have the TC that is not a concern.. but you can ebay the TC and buy a bigger and better external drive with the proceeds.

  • Time capsule connectivity with windows 7

    I am facing problem to connect it to my Toshiba windows 7 64bit laptop. I installed the latest version of Airport and configured the wireless network that is working perfectly fine.
    The main issue is window explorer doesn't show the time capsule all the time, if its not shown then i got to restart the computer and it comes up, some time it detects automatically in the explorer and some time doesn't. I am not able to figure out whats the exact problem.
    If someone can help me out please.

    Two main things must happen correctly:
    -- Windows 7 must make a good Wi-Fi connection to the AirPort section of the Time Capsule.
    -- Windows 7 driver must mount the drive.
    Check your connection to be sure you have a Wi-Fi connection to AirPort. If not, delete any Wi-Fi connection and create a new one.
    If the connection is working well to AirPort, see if the drive appears in Computer Management like this:
    Right-click Start, choose, "Properties", choose the Start Menu tab, click the "Customize" button, under "System Administrative Tools", click the radio button for "Display on the All Programs menu". Then go to Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Computer Management. The Time Capsule should be one of the drive volume. In the column for "File System", it should show "HFS". In the column for "Status", it should show "Healthy". If not, troubleshoot the Windows 7 HFS driver or use Disk Utility in OS X to repair Time Machine.

  • Time capsule connectivity with Apple TV

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    While something is needed to send the movie from the capsule to the ATV, ii don't think it has to be iTunes own a computer. Most apps for the iPad and iPhone that can access other drives (and i assume a time capsule) like FileBrowser can both play movie files they find and AirPlay them to your Apple TV, which in my experience is quicker than booting my mac up, logging in and starting iTunes.

  • Time Capsule & Airport with a new modem WiFi

    I have a MacBook Pro and a Time Capsule with Airport.  I have a new modem from my Comcast Internet provider that has WiFi Built into it.  If I use the modem for my WiFi, will my Time Capsule connect with my MacBook through the modem Wifi?  And how can I know which Wifi will be the stronger?

    Plug the TC into the new modem with a decent length ethernet cord.. a few meters..
    Then simply setup roaming network.. so both the TC and the new modem will reinforce each other.. the setup is easy.. Bob at least says it is.. automagically from the new v6 utility.. but it is not hard to do manually either IMHO.
    The basic rule is simple.
    TC in bridge.
    TC creates a wireless network. Same SSID.. ie wireless name Same security .. ie WPA2 AES = WPA2 Personal.. same password.
    Voila there it is. although using different channels can be helpful.. if you run into problem.
    Now you don't have to worry about which is stronger.. the MB will connect to whichever is stronger.. without human intervention.
    Ask Bob to elaborate..
    BTW the roaming network document is a help.
    The fact that you have one apple and one non-apple router here makes no difference except in terminology.

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    I now wish to add a second Airport extreme but am considering a hard wire connection with 100 ft of cat 6 cable from the Time capsule to the second Airport extreme.
    Excellent plan.
    Can my network operate properly to extend the network with both a wireless and wired extend functionallity?
    Yes, but don't get confused about the second AirPort Extreme, as it would not be configured to "extend" a wireless network.....it would be configured to "create a wireless network" using the same wireless network name, security settings and password as the Time Capsule network. Configure the second Extreme in Bridge Mode.
    This Apple support document will show you how to hookup and configure the second AirPort Extreme:

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    Hi CJR
    I'm not sure how Time Capsule can be replicated onto your external drive but there is a USB port on the back of TC that can be hooked up to any recent external drive.
    Another thing to think about , besides a Time Capsule failure, is the theft of your Time Capsule, so it might be a good idea to consider separating any redundant back-up from your Time Capsule or both my be stolen.
    TC will back up until full and then begin deleting the oldest back-ups.  Mine is a 2TB Time capsule.
    My back-up plan is as follows:
    1.  Macbook Air back-up on Time Capsule though Time Machine backs up everything - I think it's about every 30 min or so.
    2.  Contacts, reminders, appointments, notes, email are backed up through iCloud.
    3.  iTunes and non-itunes purchased music is on iMatch (and no need to back-up) and any non-iTunes music is backed up on an HP external drive (in case Time Capsule dies)
    4.  Photos are on my MacBook Air and are backed up on my HP external drive.
    5.  Office documents (Excel, Powerpoint, Access etc) are stored in a Skydrive app (like iCloud) and Skydrive syncs these docuemnts with the MS  cloud and my old PC and does not alter their native format like storing in iCloud would do.

  • Time Capsule Hangs with USB Drive Connected after installing 10.5.6 update

    The 10.5.6 update basically made my External USB Disk connected to the Time Capsule unusable. I've repaired the permissions as suggested in other posts - this did not fix the problem.
    I was unable to perform any incremental backups initially after the 10.5.6 update, so I archived my sparsebundle and created a new one by doing a full fresh backup - which completed successfully. However, after the backup, I was unable to connect to the Time Capsule or the USB drive connected to the Time Capsule via Finder - when trying to connect, my computer hangs and I'm forced to do a hard restart of BOTH my computer AND the Time Capsule, if I just restart one or the other the problem persists. If I let the connection attempt run long enough I get an "Error Code: -8072" message and still have to do a hard restart. After the hard restart of my computer and Time Capsule I'm able to connect to the Time Capsule and the USB drive connected to Time Capsule just fine. However, once the Time Machine backup runs again - the same problem returns, I can no longer access the Time Capsule or the USB drive connected to Time Capsule via Finder and have to do a hard restart of BOTH my computer AND Time Capsule. This 10.5.6 update has been havoc, anyone have the same troubles or ideas for resolving this? Before updating to 10.5.6 my system was working flawlessly with Time Capsule and the connected USB drive.
    UPDATE: I've just verified that this problem only occurs with my external LaCie Hard Drive connected to Time Capsule via USB. If I disconnect my LaCie Hard Drive from the Time Capsule and restart the Time Capsule everything works fine (backups, access to Time Capsule Disk from Finder). If I connect the LaCie Hard Drive via USB to the Time Capsule, I am able to access the LaCie Hard Drive in Finder UNTIL the next Time Machine backup. After the first Time Machine backup with the USB drive connected, I can no longer access the USB drive from Finder - Finder hangs and eventually produces "Error Code: -8072". If I disconnect the USB drive, then plug it back in - Finder no longer hangs and I can access the drive connected to Time Capsule until the next backup occurs.
    Anybody have ANY ideas? This worked fine before the 10.5.6 update!

    I am having a similar problem. Never tried it before installing 10.5.6, but have a Time Capsule (500GB) with a 1TB WD MyBook Essential Edition connected via USB. Hardware is password protected by authorized users of network and needs separate login to access. When I initially set it up, it worked fine (though too difficult to set up). The WD storage drive showed up in Finder window as a subset of the Time Capsule after clicking on the Time Capsule icon. I had an "-8072" error message yesterday that I ignored, but then the file contents of the WD storage drive took forever to be viewed in Finder (though video files could be accessed wirelessly). Today started having a problem... coincidentally?... after a Time Machine backup, and got the message: "The operation could not be completed. An unexpected error occurred (error code -8072)." Now I am unable to get into the WD drive when I click on "Connect As" on the Time Capsule icon in the Finder menu... I just get the -8072 error. I no longer even see the Time Capsule disk as a subset of the Time Capsule icon in the Finder Toolbar.
    What is going on???

  • Time Capsule Connection Help Needed (Flashing Amber)

    I've been trying to troubleshoot my Time Capsule connection for a week now and I have had zero luck. 
    I have a Imac with OSX 10.6.8  that uses AirPort v 5.6.1.  I have a Cat-5 (ethernet cable) plugged from my Time Capsule port (looks like this <-->) into an available port in my cable mode/router.  My Imac is also plugged into this router.  The two cat-5 (ethernet) cables are side by side.
    Every time I plug in the Time Capsule I get the following prompt via AirPort.
    AirPort Utility found a Time Capsule 802.11n (4th Generation) that is
    reporting problems.
    Time Capsule's Name :  My Capsule
              IP Address:
              Versino: 7.6.1
              AirPort ID: 12:88:93:CC:FF:72
    If this is not the AirPort wireless devise you want to setup you can select another from the list on the left. If you don't see it make sure.... Blah blah blah....
    To make a long story tollerable I do see my Time Capsule on the left at the top. Its the only one and its selected by default.  So I do the next logical thing right?  I click "Continue" and AirPort reads the Time Capsule's configuration.... and then...... I get the error
    An error occurred while reading the configuration.
    Make sure your Apple Wi-Fi base station is plugged
    in and in range of your computer or connected via
    Ethernet and try again. (-6753)
    Can anyone help me understand why I can grab the Time Capsule's IP Address but AirPort can not read the hardware's (Time Capsule) config?
    I'm at a loss.
    Could my ethernet cable be the issue?

    Thanks man... Yes, I plugged it into the circle symbol with no joy.  I also went to Wal Mart and baught a new seven foot cat-5 for $10.  Again I still have the flashing amber light.
    After plugging in the ethernet cable into the circle icon port AirPort returns the following prompt.
    I reset the TC (ball point pen to the reset hole untill fast blinking amber light occurs) and entered the needed params and it returns this error.
    An error occured close the configuation window and try again.
    It must be a config parameter that I'm setting incorrectly. There's a bunch so who knows what I'm doing wrong. 
    I just need the to talk to my Imac so i can get a backup executed. A wireless connection will take too long.
    FYI: The cat-5 is brand new and is 100% functional (green light on the TC and router.)

  • Time Capsule DHCP (with Netgear DGN3500)

    I have tried, inconsistently for months, to figure out the best setup for my home network.
    1. I'll try to describe what I have at the moment:
    i. A Netgear DGN3500 which acts as a modem (connects to adsl phone socket in wall), and a wire/less router. The netgear broadcasts a wireless network (SSID: "712 2.4GHz") and is also connected to my Time Capsule via ethernet cable. The netgear acts as a DHCP server, providing address from - The netgear has a static lan ip address of
    ii. My Time Capsule (connected to the internet via netgear modem via ethernet) is currently in "DHCP only" mode. The TC has a static IP address of and provides via DHCP a range of addresses from - The TC also broacasts 2 wireless networks, one in 2.4GHz mode (SSID: "712 2.4GHz") and another in 5GHz mode (SSID: "712 5GHz"). Radio mode and channels are all set to "Automatic".
    2. Ok. Let me explain what I've tried to achieve here.
    I want to roam around my home without having to worry about wireless signal or ip addresses etc. So the idea is that I can be in my bedroom (closest to the netgear) and surf the web on my iphone/macbook pro using an ip address provided by the netgear's DHCP server, then walk into my living room (closer to the TC) and swicth to an IP address provided by the TC's DHCP server and continue surfing the web on my iphone/macbook pro without losing signal strength.
    3. My problem is this:
    When swicthing between routers/wlans/ip adrresses/etc. from my living room to my bedroom (ie. when swicthing between the TC and the netgear), the process is almost seamless. However, when I switch the other way around, from the netgear near my bedroom to the TC in my living room, it takes more than a few minutes for the correct IP address to be served to the iphone/macbook pro and I find that I can't connect to the internet (except via 3G on my iphone) until it sorts itself out, after clicking the "Renew DHCP lease" a hundred times, or disabling and enabling wireless on my iphone/macbook pro a hundred times. It's baffling to me why it works (quickly) in one direction but not the other.
    4. What I have done, that also didn't work:
    Most forum posts have suggested that the TC should simply be left in "bridge mode". I did this too. It worked (or rather didn't) in exactly the same way as I described above. The only difference, unless I'm mistaken, was that the netgear was the exclusive DHCP sever and provided the full range of IP addresses. It did indeed do this via the TC (via ethernet) as well, but also just as slowly.

    I agree with Bob.. the problem is the TC is setup not in bridge not in router.. it is in fairy land.. it has to be bridge or router to work properly.. otherwise the Netgear as the primary router has no idea what IP address the device is that wirelessly connects to the TC.. and the TC cannot route the connection correctly because it isn't a router. (watch the arp table if available in the netgear or list of clients and in the TC from a computer open the advanced, log, wireless clients, in a computer, then as you roam you will see where the iphone is showing up.)
    A few points.. again what Bob says about sticking with Apple products is probably true.. Apple wireless provides some details PC world doesn't.. eg country. It is also roaming which will never work as well in mixed product environment.
    Are there spaces in the SSID? That is again a no no in the PC world. Even if you don't use PC's the Netgear is not designed primarily for Macs.
    I would set SSID, and all the names of devices.. short.. straight alphanumeric.. no spaces.
    I would also lock channels on at least one device.. two routers set to auto channel leads to chaos.. but I would lock both.. for 2.4ghz there are only three non-overlapping channels, 1, 6 and 11.
    Use as much space as possible.. so 1 on the netgear and 11 on the TC.
    Solution might also be to buy a Airport Extreme or Express and plug it into the netgear and turn off its wireless. Stick with Apple on Apple.. it does work better.

  • Time Capsule + Mountain Lion + Cable Modem = Unhappy

    I have a frustrating networking issue that I *think* is related to Mountain Lion, but I'm not sure.  Here is the situation.
    I have a cable modem connected to my Time Capsule.  It has been connected for more than 1 year with the same configuration and cables, and worked just fine.  I use the Time Capsule to connect my MacBook Air, iMac, a couple of iPhones/iPads, and several other wireless and wired network devices to the internet.
    This week, I installed the Mountain Lion upgrade on my two macs.  I was able to download and install the update on both computers, but immediately after that, my Time Capsule and my Cable Modem will not connect to each other.
    When I plug my MacBook Air directly into the Cable Modem it works fine.
    When I plug the Time Capsule into the modem, it initially lets me connect to the internet for anywhere from few seconds to a minute or two, then I lose the internet.
    Troubleshooting steps I've taken:
    Power cycled the cable modem multiple times.
    Power cycled the Time Capsule multiple times.
    Reset Time Capsule to factory defaults and set it up from scratch as a new Time Capsule
    Replaced ethernet cable between the two.
    Tried OpenDNS servers instead of my cable provider DNS servers
    Tried requesting new DHCP lease on Time Capsule, and it doesn't appear that anything changes.
    Disconnected all other devices from the network, just the Time Capsule and the MacBook are connected
    I've talked with my cable modem support.  They say everything with the cable modem is fine, it is the Time Capsule that is bad.
    I've talked with Apple, and they say the Time Capsule is fine it is the cable modem that is bad.
    Neither have been able to fix it!
    I'm not 100% sure this is realated to the Mountain Lion upgrade.  Prior to the upgrade, I had noted my internet connection speeds had been erratic over the last couple of weeks.  I can't remember for sure, but think the Time Capsule did get a firmware upgrade a week or two ago.  I can't remember if that was when it started to act up or not.
    Any Time Capsule/Network gurus out there who can help?  Have other Mountain Lion updaters had similar problems?

    Update: I think I've pinpointed this problem to the Time Capsule.  I've replaced the Time Capsule with my Airport Express, and everything works flawlessly.  So:
    Cable Modem -> MacBook Air (via ethernet cable) = Works fine
    Cable Modem -> Airport Express -> MacBook Air = Works fine
    Cable Modem -> Time Capsule -> MacBook Air = Doesn't work
    I've reset the Time Capsule to factory defaults (holding down reset button while plugging in power) = no change
    When I first plug the Time Capsule into the Cable Modem, I can get internet for few seconds.  But eventually the "Internet" status light in Airport Utility goes yellow and I can't access the internet at all.
    It would be interesting to try a different cable modem with the Time Capsule but I don't have one.
    Time to call Apple again I think.

  • Setting Up Time Capsule Via Ethernet Cable only no wireless involved.

    I've just got TC to act just as a hard drive for my PowerBook(its got all the latest softwear)
    It seams like all the setup details are in relation to a wireless net works. I don't want it to have anything to do with my wireless net work, that sounds like a accident waiting to happen.
    All I want to do is copy my Itunes library on to it via a ethernet cable. I was assured I would be able to do this very easily at the Apple store, well after they stopped trying to sell me a new computer that is.
    Any advise would be greatly appreciated, as it just sate there with a flashing amber light on it now.
    there was me expecting/hoping it would be as easy as plugging in a new Ipod.
    Cheers ..

    I also have my time capsule connected via ethernet cable to my i-Mac the ethernet cable from my dsl modem goes into the WAN port. The gurus on the site may correct me but I don't think that you will ever get a green light unless your internet is plugged into the WAN port. Even with the flashing amber light the time capsule should function as a backup drive if everything else is setup right.

  • Just installed a new time capsule and i want to use my airport express to extend my wireless range....time capsule working with existing devices at this time...but i am not able to get airport utility to recognize the airport express.....????

    just installed a new time capsule and i want to use my airport express to extend my wireless range....time capsule working with existing devices at this time...but i am not able to get airport utility to recognize the airport express.....????

    Temporarily connecting your AirPort Express to one of the Time Capsule's Etherent LAN <-> ports...as LaPastenagure suggests....is always a good way to setup and configure other network devices.
    If you want to configure the Express using wireless, remember that the Express broadcasts a default wireless signal with a name like Apple Network xxxxxx. You must log on to this network first....no password is required....then open AirPort Utility to "see" the AirPort Express.

  • Will the airport devices and time capsule work with telstras mobile hotspot (Sierra Wireless AirCard 753S Mobile Hotspot)??

    will the airport devices and time capsule work with telstras mobile hotspot (Sierra Wireless AirCard® 753S Mobile Hotspot)??

    Yes. There are 2 ways you could use these devices:
    Wirelessly 'join' the network. This would be slower and doesn't offer extending functionality.
    Use an Ethernet cable (through Powerline if you can't run a cable). This is faster and offers extending functionality. I would recommend using Bridge Mode if possible.

  • Time Capsule: Connection Failed on Mavericks

    Hi Everyone,
    After updating to OS X Mavericks Time Capsule has started working very unusual.
    When Macbook goes to sleep and when you wake it up after hour or a bit more I can't access to Time Capsule's drive: Connection Failed.
    If you try reconnect to TC it doesn't help at all. Only the restart of TC helps to solve it.
    Meanwhile if you try to connect TC drive with FileBrowser on iPad / iPhone there is no issue.
    You can connect at anytime without problems.
    Please help me with that question, it make me crazy
    MBA 11'' (2013) with OS X Mavericks
    Time Capsule 2TB (2013) FW: v. 7.7.1
    Thank you in advance!
    Kind regards,

    Try resetting the Time Capsule. I have done a reset and a full reset (page 28) many times and it has always straightened out the Time Capsule.
    Time Capsule Manual
    28 Chapter 3 Tips and Troubleshooting
    If Your Time Capsule Isn’t Responding
    Try unplugging it and plugging it back in.
    If your Time Capsule stops responding completely, you may need to reset it to the
    factory default settings.
    Important: Resetting your Time Capsule to factory default settings erases all of the
    current settings and resets them to the settings that came with your Time Capsule.
    To return your Time Capsule to the factory settings:
    mm Use something pointed (such as a ballpoint pen) to press down and hold the reset
    button until the status light flashes quickly (about 5 seconds).
    Your Time Capsule resets with the following settings:
    ÂÂYour Time Capsule receives its IP address using DHCP.
    ÂÂ The network name is reset to Apple Network XXXXXX (where XXXXXX is replaced
    with the last six digits of the AirPort ID).
    ÂÂ The Time Capsule password is reset to public.
    If your Time Capsule still isn’t responding, try the following:
    1 Unplug your Time Capsule.
    2 Use something pointed to press and hold down the reset button while you plug in
    your Time Capsule.

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