Time Capsule HD turn on every 10 minutes.  Normal operation?

The hard drive in my time capsule spins up (turn on) about every 10 minutes and stays on for about 5 minutes before turning itself off. During this "power cycle" the hard drive is not doing any backup (according to the Time Machine preferences panel and menu bar icon). Rather, the hard drive just seems to be spinning up every 10 minutes, staying on for about 5 minutes, then powering itself down again. I checked the Time Machine specs and it says the program backup interval is a backup every hour. So I'm wondering why my HD powers up every 10 minutes.
This is fairly annoying hard drive behavior as A) it's not needed for backups, just seems to be extraneous hard drive spinning, and B) it's annoying as the hard drive, while quiet, is not silent. I would assume this behavior is not good for the lifespan of the disk either, but I may be wrong.
Has anyone else been seeing this hard drive cycle behavior? Any fixes to make the hard drive just spin up when needed (for the hourly backups)?

Well, to answer my own question above. I did the following:
- Return the unit for another one at the Apple store
The new TC does not stop and start every 5-10 minutes. It backs up every hour as advertised
If this is not an option for you, try the following:
- disable any anti-virus program you have (at least for initial backup). Caused a huge increase in throughput for my initial backup
- switch to 802.11N only mode (wide band) for the router settings
Those were the only two settings/changes I made with the new unit. Not sure if I had a defective initial unit, or one of the two fixes above made a difference. Good luck.

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    Hi sumitr,
    You may try resetting your device.
    Kindly follow the steps below.
    For further assistance regarding your concern, please contact the Sony offices/Sony representative offices nearest to your place of residence in Asia Pacific region http://www.sony-asia.com/countryselector.html?hpid=countryselector:AsiaPacific. Due to proximity, they are in a better position to respond to your questions or concerns.
    If my post answers your question, please mark it as "Accept as Solution"

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    The TC is faulty.. return ASAP for replacement.

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    Thanks for this thought- I have been having the same problem in my office with frequently dropped connection, and have suspected all along that it was the work of the dread time capsule!! i've heard nothing but complaints about how it works.
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    Experienced the same issue with an Apple Time Capsule 802.11n (1st Generation, warranty replacement) connected to iMac (Late 2009) running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8. This Time Capsule was configured solely as the Time Machine backup drive, no Wi-Fi (Wireless Mode: Off). The hard drive would spin up every minute or so for no apparent reason. Tried disconnecting/reconnecting Time Capsule, power off reboot of both Time Capsule and iMac to no avail. Only solution that worked was to downgrade firmware to 7.5.2 using latest Snow Leopard AirPort Utility 5.5.3.
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    - Ed
    Go to Solution.

    open control panel, go under system, hardware/system property, then go into the device manager.
    Under the wireless card property (right click on the wireless card and select property), there are settings for roaming aggressiveness, power saving and power output.
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

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    Increase "HungServerRecoverSecs"(default 300 seconds) in your iisproxy.ini.
    "TejoKiran" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi ,
    Iam using an Applet (under JRE 1.3.0).
    Iam trying to send a Http Request using URL Connection.
    It is working fine . However, if the response time of the server is more
    3 minutes ,
    the Response is not coming back to the the Applet and it is in a loop
    trying to
    read from the Server.
    I have observed that the request is sent to the server and it is processed
    Then , I tried to call this sample JSP from the Applet.
    <CODE : delay.jsp>
    <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*"%>
    out.println((new Date()).toString());
    System.out.println((new Date()).toString());
    long cTime;
    cTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long dTime = cTime;
    while(true) {
    long dif = System.currentTimeMillis() - cTime;
    if(dif > (15*60*1000))
    if((System.currentTimeMillis() - dTime) > (2*60*1000)) {
    out.println("2 Minutes");
    System.out.println("2 Minutes");
    dTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println((new Date()).toString());
    out.println((new Date()).toString());
    Because , I was flushing the data after every 2 minutes , it worked fine
    This one worked with WebLogic 5.1 when accessing the Weblogic server
    . Like
    http://IP:7001/ccls/test/applet.jsp (This JSP downloads the Applet under

  • Time Capsule not backing up every hour

    It seems that my time machine has a mind of it's own and backs up almost anytime it wants to. An example would be 4 backups in the same hour. thanks for your help!

    Reset Time Machine as follows:
    Open System Preferences and open Time Machine
    Click Change Disk
    Click your Time Capsule to highlight it
    Click Use for Backups
    Normally backups will start up again automatically after 30-60 minutes. If not, click the clock shaped Time Capsule icon at the top of your screen to manually start backups again.
    See if that helps. Do you have any applications like Entourage, Aperture, VM Fusion or Parallels on your computer? These and other files like them have a "monolithic" file structure. What this means is that any change made to the program will result in the entire database being backed up.
    For example, if you are using Entourage and make only one small change to an email, the entire database will be backed up. This takes up a lot of space on your backup drive, not to mention time.

  • Time Machine cannot find Time Capsule after turning auto backups off

    2010 macbook 7,1 OSX 10.6.8.  Brand new rev.4 Time Capsule 2TB (MD032LL/A) just bought yesterday. 
    Everything set up just fine and wireless is working.  Backups are working.
    Issue is that as soon as I turn the Time Machine slider to Off (I can turn it back to On at this point, doesn't matter once it's been in the Off position) in TIme Machine preferences, then try and Enter Time Machine or do a backup, it cannot find the Time Capsule (says cannot find backup volume or such).  I have to reselect the drive even though it's icon is showing right on the preferences screen.  A reboot will enable it to find the Time Capsule without my input.
    If I leave Time Machine turned on, the backups run fine and I can enter the Time Machine.  It is turning off Time Machine that triggers the issue.
    Tried the following:
      -Rebooted Time Capsule
      -Made sure Time Capsule name is less than 27 characters (it is 19)
      -Firewall is off
      -Filevaullt is off
      -Booted into Safe Mode
      -Repaired permissions
      -Trashed TIme Machine plist
      -Updated OSX
    At this point I called Applecare and they had me send them a capture of my TIme Machine data and will get back to me Monday.
    Oddly, my 10.5.8 iMac G5 2ghz is working fine with Time Machine and does not have this issue.  I can turn Time Machine off and on all I want and it can find the Time Capsule with no problem.
    Thanks for any help.

    Apple is still working on the issue but I have now noticed that I cannot VNC into my work PC anymore.  I get a "Could not connect to server, connection refused:5900"
    I am using Chicken of the VNC and it worked fine until I got the Time Capsule.  I know that 5900 is the port used for something and this sounds like it is related to the Time Capsule.
    I can't help but think this is also related to the "Cannot find backup disk" message from Time Machine.  This all sounds like the Time Capsule goofed up the works here.
    Also, I now have tons of reports in the console of it not being able to count items in a file at system/library/StartupItems.  That folder is NOT there. Which is why I assume the errors.  I have seen a few other reports and people are just restoring the file from Time Machine or making it via command line with admin.  When I go back far enough in Time Machine, the file IS there but has nothing in it.
    I asked Apple about that too and they checked a 10.6.8 computer and it had the file so not sure what is up there.  Not sure if it was 10.6.8 update or the bunch of iTunes, etc that I did after that.
    Have not restored that file yet, will wait to see what they say about the Time Capsule mess.
    Any ideas on restoring my VNC connection?

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    i updated my IPAD  bought in october 2013 to IOS 8.02.
    Now the IPAD only goes to the apple logo, every few minutes it blinks blue and starts over. I tried doing the home plus switch thing and it doesnt work.
    Itunes does not recognize the device either.
    Do you have any solution to this issue?

    Hi Guillermo ..
    Folllow the instructions for recovery mode here >  iOS: Unable to update or restore

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    Connecting the TC to my iMac via LAN cable works well and backups can be made.

    This could be the computer and not the TC at all.. If you upgrade installed Yosemite onto the computer then wireless issues are not uncommon.
    Factory reset the TC and redo the setup.
    Use all very short names.. eg TCgenx base station name. (x can be the actual base station Gen number.. eg latest one is 5).
    Wireless please use different names for both bands.. so TC24ghz and TC5ghz.
    Start with no security at all and run a test.. connect the computer to one band wireless name and then the other and see if the TM will pick up again.
    You should of course reset TM and reset its target disk.. it will say it needs to restart the backup but in fact will discover the old one when it starts and continue.
    Once you determine that everything runs right.. or at least works on one band or the other.. please use WPA2 Personal security with a 8-20 character password.. pure alphanumeric mix of case and numbers.

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    i am using yahoo messenger last version and when i invite someone to see my camera the camera stops broadcasting every 3 minute, do you have any idea how to fix this problem

  • My mouse becomes impaired when time capsule starts backing up (every hour); anyone hav a remedy?

    My mouse beccoommmmes impaired when time capsssule starts backing up (eevery hour). Is there a remedy for this?

    I think I've found a solution.... Though I'm a bit reluctant to post it already because I'd really like to see if it works over time... Anyway, here is the interesting post I found by Mr. Caliostro:
    ... sure, go into your Airport Utility application, inside Utilities inside Applications. Click on Manual Setup when your TC appears in the window. Click on the Wireless tab. You will find a pulldown menu there called Channel. Select your channel & Update your TC settings. I set mine to channel 1 to try it, & it made a tiny improvement. How close is your TC to your mac? Does the interference reduce if you ove further away? Perhaps swapping from 802.11g/n to 802.11n or vice-versa, may help? (depending if your setup can work on 11n-only). Perhaps switching from 2.5ghz to 5ghz or vice-versa may help? both 11n & 11g can work at 5ghz as well as 2.5ghz... Let me know how you go!
    I set the 5GHz channel to 48 and the 2.4GHz to 1. Of course I changed these settings completely randomly since I don't know anything about these things but it actually seems to work pretty fine! No more sluggish mouse during Time Capsule back ups!

  • Time Capsule Wifi Turns off

    I have noticed the last two weeks that when I get up that my wifi from my time capsule is off. I have to restart it by unplugging it. After I do that they are working just fine.
    Any suggestions?

    Restarted it 2 times today. Here is the log file I pulled from the last restart
    Apr 28 20:59:16
    Initialized (firmware 7.6.3).
    Apr 28 20:59:26
    Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 3).
    Apr 28 20:59:26
    Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 2).
    Apr 28 20:59:26
    Rotated TKIP group key.
    Apr 28 20:59:27
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:27
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:27
    Disk sd2 (WD My Book 1140 1003) plugged in.
    Apr 28 20:59:28
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:28
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:28
    Internet configuration leased [IPv4] -- host <> gateway <> dns <> wins <> lease <86400> domain <gateway.2wire.net>
    Apr 28 20:59:28
    Disk sd3 (WD My Book 1110 1030) plugged in.
    Apr 28 20:59:28
    Disk sd4 (Initio INIC-1610P 2.02) plugged in.
    Apr 28 20:59:30
    Connection accepted from [::ffff:]:49250.
    Apr 28 20:59:30
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:30
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:30
    Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 3).
    Apr 28 20:59:30
    Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 2).
    Apr 28 20:59:30
    Rotated TKIP group key.
    Apr 28 20:59:32
    Associated with station 00:1f:5b:c8:ed:f7
    Apr 28 20:59:32
    Installed unicast CCMP key for supplicant 00:1f:5b:c8:ed:f7
    Apr 28 20:59:33
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:33
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:34
    (WAN) link state is Up.
    Apr 28 20:59:34
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:34
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:34
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:34
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:34
    Internet configuration leased [IPv4] -- host <> gateway <> dns <> wins <> lease <86400> domain <gateway.2wire.net>
    Apr 28 20:59:35
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:35
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 20:59:38
    Associated with station 00:1e:c2:bf:5e:04
    Apr 28 20:59:38
    Installed unicast CCMP key for supplicant 00:1e:c2:bf:5e:04
    Apr 28 20:59:40
    Associated with station 44:4c:0c:b7:7c:8e
    Apr 28 20:59:40
    Installed unicast CCMP key for supplicant 44:4c:0c:b7:7c:8e
    Apr 28 20:59:40
    Associated with station 58:55:ca:4c:44:e1
    Apr 28 20:59:40
    Installed unicast CCMP key for supplicant 58:55:ca:4c:44:e1
    Apr 28 20:59:42
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49294.
    Apr 28 20:59:42
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49295.
    Apr 28 20:59:42
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49296.
    Apr 28 20:59:47
    Clock synchronized to network time server time.apple.com (adjusted +4 seconds).
    Apr 28 20:59:48
    Associated with station 28:e7:cf:5f:5e:24
    Apr 28 20:59:48
    Installed unicast CCMP key for supplicant 28:e7:cf:5f:5e:24
    Apr 28 20:59:56
    Associated with station fc:25:3f:cc:4a:f8
    Apr 28 20:59:56
    Installed unicast CCMP key for supplicant fc:25:3f:cc:4a:f8
    Apr 28 21:00:10
    Associated with station 14:10:9f:ea:d3:74
    Apr 28 21:00:10
    Installed unicast CCMP key for supplicant 14:10:9f:ea:d3:74
    Apr 28 21:00:16
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 21:00:16
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 7200
    Apr 28 21:00:27
    AFP login OK from Len [email protected].
    Apr 28 21:01:36
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49357.
    Apr 28 21:01:36
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49358.
    Apr 28 21:01:36
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49359.
    Apr 28 21:01:45
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49360.
    Apr 28 21:01:45
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49361.
    Apr 28 21:01:45
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49362.
    Apr 28 21:02:03
    Associated with station 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:02:03
    Installed unicast CCMP key for supplicant 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:02:34
    Disassociated with station 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:02:35
    Rotated TKIP group key.
    Apr 28 21:10:06
    AFP session from Len [email protected] closing.
    Apr 28 21:11:48
    Associated with station 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:11:48
    Installed unicast CCMP key for supplicant 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:12:33
    Disassociated with station 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:12:34
    Rotated TKIP group key.
    Apr 28 21:17:04
    Binding added for tcp, to with lifetime 3600
    Apr 28 21:17:04
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 3600
    Apr 28 21:18:32
    Binding added for tcp, to with lifetime 3600
    Apr 28 21:18:32
    Binding added for udp, to with lifetime 3600
    Apr 28 21:21:28
    Associated with station 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:21:28
    Installed unicast CCMP key for supplicant 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:22:04
    Disassociated with station 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:22:04
    Rotated TKIP group key.
    Apr 28 21:23:53
    Associated with station 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:23:53
    Installed unicast CCMP key for supplicant 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:24:29
    Disassociated with station 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:24:29
    Rotated TKIP group key.
    Apr 28 21:26:15
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49551.
    Apr 28 21:26:17
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49554.
    Apr 28 21:26:18
    Associated with station d8:6b:f7:24:3c:0b
    Apr 28 21:26:18
    Installed unicast CCMP key for supplicant d8:6b:f7:24:3c:0b
    Apr 28 21:26:29
    Disassociated with station d8:6b:f7:24:3c:0b
    Apr 28 21:26:30
    Rotated TKIP group key.
    Apr 28 21:27:54
    AFP login OK from Len [email protected].
    Apr 28 21:31:08
    Associated with station 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:31:08
    Installed unicast CCMP key for supplicant 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:31:49
    Disassociated with station 44:4c:0c:b6:60:09
    Apr 28 21:31:49
    Rotated TKIP group key.
    Apr 28 21:32:23
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49639.
    Apr 28 21:32:24
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49642.
    Apr 28 21:32:24
    Connection accepted from [fe80::21f:5bff:feec:6fdc%bridge0]:49643.

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