To all MSI gx660 and gx640 or gx740 users / starcraft 2 performance

I got my gx660 a month ago, first game i installed was starcraft 2. I was pretty shocked with the performance, the gx660 can't handle the game at all. I'm forced to play on low and the frames drop in 1v1 maxed out army battles below 20. I have no idea if it's just me or if this notebook just can't handle this game.
I'd be thankfull for some feedback from other users and for some ideas how to solve this problem.

Quote from: deathroll on 05-July-11, 08:15:51
I tried reinstalling multiple times, I even formatted and reinstalled windows.
Making a video out of the issue won't really help, I was hoping i could get some feedback from people playing sc2 on gx660, gx640 or gx740.
Maybe, the gx660 i5-480m version is just unable to handle a game such as starcraft 2, which leads me to think that calling it the gaming version isn't the fairest thing to do.
Do you use any AV software?
Have you tried to clear current VGA drivers in "Safe Mode" with >>Driver Sweeper<<
then to install VGA drivers from MSI web for your notebook:
and to retest?
Also have you tried it without Turbo? If yes does the issue persist
Making a video out of the issue won't really help
It would help to see what's your exact issue.
Maybe, the gx660 i5-480m version is just unable to handle a game such as starcraft 2, which leads me to think that calling it the gaming version isn't the fairest thing to do.
It's run just fine as you can see:

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    Quote from: Stu on 07-January-11, 02:40:00
    You can delete all partitions and use the whole disk if you want, its up to you.
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    1.I see RAM memory is 2x2 GB DDR3 1333Mhz
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    WEI is pretty useless, the two ratings you refer to are supposed to be seperate.
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    I believe these only come on when you disable the touchpad, try it.

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    Quote from: Bas on 03-March-11, 02:24:11
    Did you install SP1 yesterday?
    I don't know did SP1 but I install some new updates yesterday.
    This is the problem?

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    Try the following steps:
    1. Go to Microsoft website to fix install and Unistall problems. Click "Run now" from Fix it to remove all iTunes & related installer files:
    Be aware that Windows Installer CleanUp Utility will not remove the actual program from your computer. However, it will remove the installation files so that you can start the installation, upgrade, or uninstall over.
    2. You should remove all instances of iTunes and the rest of the components listed below:
    it may be necessary to remove all traces of iTunes, QuickTime, and related software components from your computer before reinstalling iTunes.
    Use the Control Panel to uninstall iTunes and related software components in the following order:
    Apple Software Update
    Apple Mobile Device Support
    Apple Application Support (iTunes 9 or later)
    Follow the instructions from Apple article listed here: to remove all components
    3. Reboot your computer. Next, download iTunes from here: and install from scratch

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    missing file to download itunes 10.6 - .msi. file and installation package

    Try to follow this guide to uninstall iTunes and all of its components:, then reinstall the latest version of iTunes.  You must follow this guide for this to be successful (uninstalling all components in the order specified).  This will not touch your iTunes library or data.

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    You could go get the latest nVidia Detonator4 Drivers from the nVidia Website.  Then you can delete the file msicpl.dll from your Windows directory.
    For the extra features:
    Use notepad to make a new file and put in it what I quoted below and then save it with the .reg extension.
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    Double Click on it and it will make an entry into your registry.
    That will open all the extra options in the Detonator4 Drivers including the Core and RAM Speeds for your GF4.
    Take Care,

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    As you are going to look inside, please give all possible PC specs includding P.Su. brand and how much AMPS. it gives to 3.3v. 5v. and 12v. Most possible is a very cheap P.Su. and this can lead you to big problems.

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    Please Help
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    I Have a P4 20 gig
    512 2100 ddr ram
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    Email me or post please!!!
    Thank you ?(

    Download and install the latest  nVidia ForceWare Drivers
    Delete the file msicpl.dll from your Windows Directory and the problem will go away.
    If you want to be able to have the hidden functions, create a file with notepad and put this in it.
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    Save it as agpsetting.reg to your desktop or anywhere you like. Then run it and it will give you all the hidden options from nVidia which include extra Resolution settings for your desktop and overclocking for both the memory and core.
    Take Care,

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