Too much dead pixels

My MacBook Pro is infested with many many dead pixel patches. Its not like one or two its more like 20 or 30. Everywhere. What can I do about this? Is it possible for Apple to excahnge it for a new one right away or theyre gonna take mine and fix it?

My experience with Apple warranty service is that, short of a DOA machine within the first 30 days of ownership, they are going to try to fix it first before they offer any replacement. That said, my experience with AppleCare service has been repairs in as little as 4-5 days, and that included the shipping time to and from the repair facility in Texas (from Virginia).

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    iPad 4th gen., a week old.

    As many as you think you need. If you have dead pixels and it is convenient for you to return the iPad for a replacement/refund - then take it back and show it to an Apple Store employee. Take your paperwork with you ...the box, the cable ....everything that came with the iPad ... And the receipt.

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    Same thing just happened to my Mini, my wife successfully used a SanDisk Micromate adapter to download photos, but when she tried to plug in her iPhone4 the dreaded USB drawing too much power ports will be shutdown msg appeared.  I can plug in the phone on my other Mac no problem, so its the Mini's usb ports.  Help anyone? SMC reset did not work.

  • White pixels and too much contrast on new touch

    hi all!
    i got a new touch today. i allready have one but this one i won in a contest. anyway, when after having synced over alot of content i started noticing som strange things about the screen. first of all, some colors looks washed out and too bright. it has nothing to do with the settings since i allways had my old one on full brightness and it never looked like this.
    then i when i looked closer at the screen i saw alot of white pixels that disapeared and apeared depending on how i hold the touch. here is a pic of the pixels (note that the screen is not this bright, my cam just made it like that for some reason):
    so is this what people call dead pixels? would i get a new touch if i send it to apple you think? or are there anything els i could do? we dont have any official apple stores where i live. thanks alot in advance!

    Did you get this problem fixed? I have only had my ipod touch for about 30 days and it too lost it's contrast. It now looks white washed, with little contrast. There is no true black, white or gray, and the colors seemed washed out. I am considering simply taking it in for repair. What did you do? Thanks for any information you can provide.

  • Lenovo G460 - dead pixel, LCD can't be waken up from sleep/ hibernation , very hard to use Touchpad

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    after i got this laptop as a present, i'd been quite busy with work and didnt even play with it much. But when i first got my hands on this laptop, i found the touchpad is the hardest one i have ever used in my life. i dont know if it's me or the touchpad itself. Sometimes, the right click doesnt work or the pointer just stalls on the screen for a few seconds no matter how hard i try to move it. Ok, i said it to myself, fine, maybe i got too used to Dell's touchpad, this is a laptop of higher end/ bigger name and it's too hard for me to use. i could get myself an optical mouse. But the nightmare is just about to start !!!
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    Now please let me know how do i return this laptop for repair or whatever you call it, as i work on weekdays in singapore and return to malaysia only on weekends, and this laptop was bought in Malaysia. looks like i gotta take a day off just to send this laptop back to lenovo..........what a big let down.
    have had so many Dell laptopsand  never had a single tiny problem with them......

    I'm banging my head because I can't find a solution to make my arch-install detect an audio CD
    I assume that you mean the optical drive. I don't see a /dev/sr0 in /dev
    Does it show up with lsblk or parted -l?
    Looks like it's a LiteOn drive.
    You can play an audio CD.
    mplayer cdda://
    mpv cdda://track[−endtrack][:speed][/device] −−cdrom−device=PATH
    An audio CD doesn't have a mountable file system on it.

  • After Effects Ram Preview Drops Frames , Using Strangely Too Much Ram

    System Specs :
         CPU : Core i7 4770k
         Memory : 16 GB DDRIII
         Graphic Card : GTX 770 4GB RAM
         Storage : 256 GB SSD + 2 TB HDD
         OS : Windows 7 SP1
         Using After Effects CC
    Hi there
    As you Already Don't know I'm an After effects Specialist Using it for quite long time . There is an Ancient Problem with CS6 CC versions . I have a short Small size 1080p Video , about 8 MB , I drag it into project panel and then put it into timeline hence it creates a sequence . There are no Effects and nothing added to timeline , just a small simple video . The Strange Problem is when I click "0" for ram preview , The video starts playing and the green bar above timeline starts to fill . When Ram preview Finishes and plays the video from beginning I See there are several frames Between which are not being loaded to Ram ! The video plays RGB color bar instead of main video and when I check the Green bar above Timeline I see that those frames are being dropped and there is no Green bar above them !
    I have had this problem several times before but this time it is too important and the problem should be solved . What is obvious is that some frames are not being rendered or are being deleted after render !
    Another Strange problem is that when I open Task manager , It shows AE uses around 10 GB ! of RAM when I press "0" for Ram previewing this video !
    So there is a Logical explanation here , Somehow when I do ram preview this video it uses extra ordinary too much ram so AE is unable to load the full video (8 MB) into Ram and hence deletes some of frames .
    most of my videos have not this problem and use acceptable amount of ram .I've had this issue with some of my videos till now .
    Listen carefully : "This has nothing to do with AE preferences or low memory or plugins . because there is nothing wrong with any individual components of may hardware or software . I have far more than enough RAM for a 8MB video . My Memory has no hardware or software problem . I tested them and if there was any problem with memory or other hardware that should have affected other applications . I have the most recent AE version . I have the most Recent windows updates and drivers . I have a Clean virus free system , and as a computer engineer this strange AE problem is rarely caused by viruses , trust me . I have not any hardware instead of ones a normal PC has . I have not any problem with my whole entire system configuration because I have benchmarked my PC with several up to date softwares . I have tested my PC with almost any STRESS TESTING solutions available for really long period of time , 3 days by IDA64 . Not any driver conflict , dll missing , registry problem have been discovered , as I know perfectly how to solve them ."
    I asked some of my friend whom are expert in AE . I handed them my videos and Watched ALL OF THEM HAD THE SAME ISSUE ! So the problem isn't related to my Local PC . What i believe is that there is some malfunctioning or miss coded part in AE source code that decides to reserve such a huge strange amount of ram for such a tiny 8MB video . The point is that the AE works fine , no crash or any problem report . So the AE it Self decides to allocate such huge amount of ram and thinks it is correct ! So I think this is a work around that AE developers in adobe are using to bypass a problem or conflict ! by Using more amount of RAM . I think that there might be some miss understanding between the AE and my installed codec . I installed MEGA CODEC PACK on my PC to enable some new codec supports , and so are some of Windows default de/encoders changed to new ones . I think there shouldn't be any problem But there is something wrong between AE and de/encoder modules !
    Please any one with any suggestion , I really appreciate your advices .

    Well thank you guys for your patience ...
    as you considered I forgot to mention the codec itself and other stuff ...
    The video is in 1080p , 35 sec long , it is a green screen shot , this video is directly downloaded from YouTube and plays perfectly on all tested PCs . here are detailed info :
    Format                                   : MPEG-4
    Format profile                          : Base Media
    File size                                 : 8.55 MiB
    Duration                                 : 34s 993ms
    Overall bit rate mode                : Variable
    Overall bit rate                         : 2 050 Kbps
    VideoFormat                            : AVC
    Format/Info                              : Advanced Video Codec
    Format profile                           : [email protected]
    Codec ID                                 : avc1
    Codec ID/Info                            : Advanced Video Coding
    Bit rate                                    : 1 927 Kbps
    Width                                      : 1 920 pixels
    Height                                     : 1 080 pixels
    Frame rate mode                      : Constant
    Frame rate                               : 30.000 fps
    Color space                              : YUV
    Chroma subsampling                 : 4:2:0
    Bit depth                                  : 8 bits
    Scan type                                 : Progressive
    NOTICE : This video is just for testing the lighting and etc , and so the Sampling and other specs are not considered for broadcast .
    I think you hit the point ! Thats K-lite codec pack installed on every machine which the video is tested on ! The point is whats wrong with it ?! I have had never ever any problem with this codec pack !!!
    The deadly question : So what are the alternative ways to work with codecs that AE doesn't support ?! because installing codec looks simple and sufficient !

  • Macbook Pro Out of box DEAD pixels

    Yea, want to get a general consensus, Should i be mad that my 3200$ laptop came with Dead Pixels? I think the general state i should be in is angry.
    I will be contacting Apple for a replacement, I don't think thats too much to ask at this point.
    Message was edited by: Nemockulous

    You're taking this much further than what it actually is.
    Grudge? I don't think so. I don't even work in "the industry." I said I've helped set up and deploy hundreds of laptops (And also desktops, all LCD monitors). I'm at the same end as yourself, but on a larger scale. I work at in a school district in the IT department. So, once again, grudge? I think not.
    No. I didn't imply that about LCD screens. I implied that on ANY LCD screen there CAN (Meaning the possibility of an occurrence) be dead pixels. I had dead pixels on my new iPod touch. I'm just sending it in for repair.
    Natural reaction? Yeah, I don't think so. I don't think everyone who gets a problem with a new laptop is going to go off cussing left and right. I know I wouldn't. Matter of fact, I bought a new MBP three weeks ago and I suspect that it may have a bad battery. I'm not cursing apple and swearing all about it. That's a rather pointless reaction that gets your no where.
    Constructive advice? You can't get very constructive here, since, you have three simple options. Repair. Replace. Money back.
    That's great. I'm glad you've got some large nice screen that hasn't had any issues. Guess what, I have 3 LCD screens (MBP, some no name 19" LCD, and a 17" Apple Studio Display), and none of them have had any dead or stuck pixels either. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
    Oh I should take back that there's only three options. One slight other one. You can try "fixing" the pixels.
    There's one for 10.5. Basically just drop the color square over the dead pixel and have it flash it for five or so minutes. That's really the only software way of attempting to fix it. If it fails then it's a repair/replacement.
    Also, unlike the others, I would not suggest getting a replacement.But, this is only if you're sure that everything else on the laptop is absolutely 100%. Then why would you get a replacement? If you're sure everything else work why not just get it repaired? If you get a replacement you're risking having new issues with the MBP that could be more serious than dead pixels.
    One thing to do in making sure everything else is good is a hardware diagnostics test. You can try running a hardware diagnostics test (One of the first things I did on my new MBP I got 3 weeks ago) by putting in the first apple installer CD and then booting up while holding D.

  • Dead pixels on 2014 refreshed 15" Retina MacBook Pros

    I am a long time Apple user and I own a few Apple products including a White MacBook. Recently, I ordered a top of the line refreshed retina MacBook Pro through the education store and it appeared to have a few dead pixels. Sure the defect was very minor. Not noticeable for most people. But I am extremely sensitive to such anomalies. When I drop $3.5K+ on the absolute maximum configuration (15" rMBP, 2.8GHz, 1TB disk) that Apple has to offer on these notebooks, I expect ZERO defects. Anyway, I returned the rMBP to Apple and ordered a new one. It too had a few dead pixels. I returned that too. I was very frustrated. I thought about this for a while and suspect that it's because I bought the notebooks at a discounted rate from the Apple Education store that they are selling these "A" grade screens rather than the A+ grade ones. I have ordered a third notebook not from the education store. I'll see what quality display I get with it.
    FYI, the first notebook had a LG display while the second one had a samsung. Both had very similar pixel anomalies. I would gladly pay full retail if I get a flawless screen as I'll be spending over 14 hours staring at it. For someone whose going to drop $3.5K on a notebook, $300 don't matter much.

    I am a long time Apple user and I own a few Apple products including a White MacBook. Recently, I ordered a top of the line refreshed retina MacBook Pro through the education store and it appeared to have a few dead pixels. Sure the defect was very minor. Not noticeable for most people. But I am extremely sensitive to such anomalies. When I drop $3.5K+ on the absolute maximum configuration (15" rMBP, 2.8GHz, 1TB disk) that Apple has to offer on these notebooks, I expect ZERO defects. Anyway, I returned the rMBP to Apple and ordered a new one. It too had a few dead pixels. I returned that too. I was very frustrated. I thought about this for a while and suspect that it's because I bought the notebooks at a discounted rate from the Apple Education store that they are selling these "A" grade screens rather than the A+ grade ones. I have ordered a third notebook not from the education store. I'll see what quality display I get with it.
    FYI, the first notebook had a LG display while the second one had a samsung. Both had very similar pixel anomalies. I would gladly pay full retail if I get a flawless screen as I'll be spending over 14 hours staring at it. For someone whose going to drop $3.5K on a notebook, $300 don't matter much.

  • Stuck pixel or dead pixel?

    I have a question I'm hoping someone can help me with. I recently purchased a macbook off of craigslist. It was purchased by the original owner in February so is still under warranty. A few days ago I noticed a single dead/stuck pixel in the lower left part of the screen. Not sure if it has always been there and I just didn't notice it or if it just popped up. On a white screen it appears slightly reddish, on a red screen it's not visible, on a blue screen it's not visible, and on a green screen it's black. My first question is whether this would be a stuck pixel or a dead pixel? And secondly, do I have any chance at all of this being fixed under the warranty? I don't have a Apple store in my area or I would take it in there to get looked at, so I'm relying on you guys for support. I've tried using the various "stuck pixel fixer" images on the net that flash colors, nothing seems to work. I tried lightly massaging the pixel, but am not really crazy about putting too much pressure on the display.

    That's an odd combination of appearances. If it's not visible on red or blue then I would assume it's a stuck pixel rather than a dead one (which should appear 'off'/black on every background colour), although it should only disappear in sympathy with the colour on which it is stuck (i.e. either red or blue, not both).
    You can phone Applecare and ask them about it, but I think you'll find they'll only do something about it if you have a certain number of 'pixel anomalies'.
    See here:
    Best of luck with it.

  • MBPRD 15" - Dead Pixels, Loud Fan, Overheating...

    "Hello there!
    Have been a devout user of your products since my early years! Never had an issue (dodgy disc drive here and there, but nothing to write home about!)
    Last year I purchased my first PRO product, in the form of the brand spanking new Retina Display 15" Macbook Pro. Was delighted when it arrived FCPX (I even followed you there no questions asked, unlike much of the film industry) would render faster than I could work, the new version of OSX was flawless. I was as happy as could be, especially appreciating viewing my videos in high quality for the first time in edit!
    I am currently travelling around the world, mac in bag seeing all the sights, I am not putting my macbook through copious amounts of work, some browsing here, a film there, a dabble of iPhoto, no biggie for a machine of this cal ire right? WRONG!
    1) The noises this new fantastical fan designed to be more efficient and less noisy make are terrifying! It sometimes sounds as if it is about to blow up!
    2) Overheating - it burns to rest my hand on the palmrest sometimes.
    3) Overheating part 2 - I often get alerts that the internals are overheating operating sometimes at well over 90 degrees
    4) Overheating part 3 - The one that prompted me to write this message, I just burnt my hand on the magsafe charger, not a wimpy burn a, "holy jesus Batman! I have a blister on my hand from my magsafe" burn!
    5) Slowing down - Sure I understand this happens from time to time, but less than a year after i bought my new top op the range mac!
    6) Dead Pixels - Boy oh Boy! isn't that retina display glorious! 5 million pixels all to myself! HD filmmaking and photography has never been so fun! except for about 100 of them are now dead, and ever increasing every day!
    Now that is it on the technical faults for today, onto the customer service! I have tried to talk to an apple representative about these issues; why the worlds leading technology supplier does not have an email is beyond me! Why can i go into store or talk to somebody on the phone! Why not email said person on the phone? or have a live chat function? This does not bother me too much and has not ever been an issue with me as i usually am in London.
    The fact of the matter now though is I am in Malaysia, by the time I am home the warranty is expired (I am afraid at this point it will be a case of "sorry bro can't help you, we have just released the new MBPRD though want to buy one") I have tried countless emails to random emails found online, even Tim Cooks apparent email address (although I know that was a long shot). I have also tried going into stores in Asia, granted there is a language barrier but it seems as though they are not interested in helping, I am also not in one particular area long enough to be able to get a repair service if need be (I assume it takes at least one week).
    So this is my last hope, after all my failed emails, store visits. What should i do?! This machine is so close to being great! But has so many faults, most of which actually conflict with my work!
    A reply would be nice!
    James Davey"
    Thanks for any help anybody can offer!

    Sorry, only other users here and your problem appears to be a hardware issue we can't resolve.

  • New iMAC 27" dead pixels

    i got delivery of my first mac, iMac 27" high spec machine and it had three dead pixels.. one phone call to apple and ivw got to say, there service is second to none.. straight away they arranged a second one to be made and delivered, and the first one picked up. i got my second iMAC within two weeks of the phone call.
    then the second one had specs of dust under the glass!!! Again, exceptional after sales and im sitting here waiting for my third iMAC to be delivered..
    half of me thinking am i being too fussy, but for the £2500 ive spent i expect perfection and apple agree.
    anyone who has these issues, if your patient like me, apple have made my problems simply stress free, and im praying the third one is perfect..
    my question.. am i being to fussy? three dead pixels , then dust under glass... i mainly do photographic tweaking on the imac so i hope you dont think so??

    hi mark wania, i dont think you are fussy. you have the right to ask for replacement because you pay everything for it. i dont see anything wrong. i have similar problem with dead pixels.
    do you know how much i have to spend for an iMac in Malaysia? you times the figure with 3.6. and that is about a month salary for a regular executive.
    i have spoke to JUDE on this issue. it is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE that apple support set a number of tolerable defect to them. they mentioned about at least 11 pixels to enable me to get a replacement. I am talking about product defect. it does not matter to me whether it is 11 pixels, 100 pixels or even 1. I pay for the price and I am expecting a good product and kind service.
    to me, apple should addressed this manufacturing or delivery issue properly.
    I have done what the support team asked me to do yesterday and it seems that this is nothing to do with software, drivers or even operating system. I am going to call for a replacement or repair tomorrow as i need to check other thing as well like iSight camera. it sounds like more and more people having defect items. those comments make me feels bad that I might have chosen the wrong computer manufacturer.

  • Have you exchanged a MacBook with dead pixels?

    Everything was going smooth with my MacBook - too smooth...
    My MacBook is developing dead pixels. I've had it for about 18 days and initially the display was perfect but now it seems that fabled mythical beast, the dead pixel monster, is eating my pixels.
    Does anyone know what the official policy is for dead bright pixels? Has anyone actually exchanged a MacBook with dead pixels? If you did get yours exchanged how many dead pixels did it have?
    Do you think I am better off to keep the MacBook for a while (wait untill the supply catches up a bit) and then return it - or do I need to deal with the issue within the first 30 days?

    things were going smooth with my machine until the screen went black. not a doubt in my mind that the inverter was faulty. so that's a mfg. defect right.
    the problem is that apple (like so many companies these days) does not want you bringing a dead/faulty product into their store to just "swap it out."
    they're going to want you to send it in and all that fun stuff. normally i wouldn't care so much, but i'm now waiting on a technician to call me back and tell me what to do with the machine - and i'm traveling on friday. mbpro was supposed to be coming with me as it's loaded with all my work for a project. grrrrrr.

  • 1 dead pixel on Iphone6 screen

    Hi all, I  picked up my iphone 6 from New Zealand Apple web store this Monday and noticed one dead pixel located near top of the screen. While it isn't instantly obvious, it shows up on white backgrounds and you'll probably have to hunt a little to pick it up. Would I be able to exchange my phone for a new one or is this problem too insignificant?
    As picture shows you.Very obvious here!

    Yes thats what I was thinking. Like I said im not to bothered about it and I can hardly see it, but might give them a call and see what they say. Its not acually to bad. I have dead pixels on other things before and they have been much worse. It must be because of the resolution of the screen or something.
    I have to say, the one thing I hate the most and is the most annoying thing out of all technology for me is a dead pixel, esspecially when its right in the middle of the screen. This one is just at the top where the program menu bar is, so its not to obvious. Infact, its probably the best place it could have happend really, if it were to happen at all.

  • What should do if I got many dead pixels?

    I just got my new iMac 24" 2.8GHz for 2 days, and I got around 18 dead pixels if my eyes are not bad. I'm not sure they are appeared because of glass or not. What should I do, should I go to Apple store immediately with my iMac, right? Do I have to make any appointments with them or not? Thanks in advance.

    Hi and welcome to Discussions,
    18 deads are too much.
    I would call the Store, explain the situation and ask for an exchange of the Mac.
    Making an appointment might be neccessary but they will say if or if not.

Maybe you are looking for