Total Physical Pages

HAVE SAME Question LIKE THIS ONE posed in september
how can i reference page number and total pages in format trigger.
function .....return char is
f_page number;
if(f_page=&<Total Physical Pages>) then
return (false);
return (true);
end if;
any suggestions

1. total physical pages can be obtained only after running the report. So it is not possible for the Oracle reports to have this value
2 Having said that you can use a logic /create a function which will check the number of records returned by the query.
( may be run the count query in the after parameter with the same where clause)
From this you can calculate how many pages are being printed.
So it might be something like this if the number of records is per page is 10 and if the query is returning 50 records then it is definitely going to have 5 pages.
This is 90% accurate.

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    It may help you to know how I add JARs
    1. I open my Project (myProject)
    2. I Mount the JAR to the FileSystem (like mypackages.jar = which includes
    3. I Mount the File to the FileSystem (like c:\..myfiles..\myProject)
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    Just for fun (and in case this wasn't done to death in the other thread), the rule posted here states:
    Most years have 365 days, but a leap year has 366 days. That adds up to 52 weeks (where each week is exactly 7 days) PLUS 1 or 2 additional days. The year 2012 has exactly 366 days.Now if the year starts on a Sunday in a non-leap year, you end up with 53 Sundays. Or if either of the first two days lands on a Sunday during a leap year, then you can also get 53 Sundays.>
    which allows a calculation like this:
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         ( select rownum + 1999 as test_year from dual
           connect by rownum <= 15 )
    select test_year
         , case
              when first_day = 'SUN'
              or ( first_day = 'SAT' and leap_year = 'Y' )
                 then 53
              else 52
           end as sundays
    from   ( select test_year
                  , to_char(to_date(d.test_year||'-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD'),'DY', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH') first_day
                  , case extract(day from last_day(to_date(d.test_year||'-02','YYYY-MM'))) when 29 then 'Y' else 'N' end as leap_year
             from   test_data d );
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          2001         52
          2002         52
          2003         52
          2004         52
          2005         52
          2006         53
          2007         52
          2008         52
          2009         52
          2010         52
          2011         52
          2012         53
          2013         52
          2014         52
    15 rows selected.

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    Create one summary column (lets say cs_pagenumber) in inner group and provide following:
    Function: Count
    Source: any field from innrer group
    Reset At: outer group
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    Source: any field from innrer group
    Reset At: outer group
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    Create a field in inner repeating frame for cs_pagenumber and create a boilerplate text (&cs_totalpages) in the same repating frame for cs_totalpages. This should solve the problem.
    Hope this helps.

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    I do not believe you can get the physical number of pages through kstat. However, you can get it through sysconf(3C). The argument SCPHYS_PAGES will return the number of pages in the system.
    See the sysconf(3C) manpage for more information.
    Sun Developer Technical Support

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    height : 11
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    VErtical Panels per page : 1
    Orientation Default
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    Report Height : 66
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    Open you QuickTime movie, go to window and select Show movie properties, select videotrack and change Transperancy (low left) and select Composition in stead of "none - allow dithering" from the drop menu. See if this helps.

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    i think u only need to say page break before on ur third repeating frame and ur problem is solve.
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    Hi robertdba,
    According to your description, you want to add a total in the page footer to sum each column’s value on each page.
    In your scenario, you can add a textbox in the page footer and specify the value expression with ReportItems collection. Please refer to our test results:
    1. Design the report like below:
    2. Preview the report.
    ReportItems Collection References (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Logical page/Physical page/Page Break

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    First problem:
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    Second problem:
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    Any ideas how to solve these problems?
    Regards, Sasa

    Hi Nguyen,
    It was pretty difficult running the report. Here are the changes I made so that the report runs sucessfully:
    1. Changed "Vertical Panels per Page" to 1. The reason: this property equates pages in your report to priter pages. Eg, a value of 2 means that each page in your report is equivalent to 2 physical printer pages. This may be needed if you design very large pages, but the dimensions of physial printer pages are smaller. We do not need this. So I changed it to 1.
    2. In Paper Layout editor, fit everything on 1 page. At runtime it can flow to more than 1 page, no problem. But we want to 'design' 1 page. It was just overflowing a little bit on to the 2nd page, I changed it so that it fits on 1st page itself.
    3. Changed "Print Object On" to First Page, instead of All pages for all frames and boilerplate text objects. Reason - page breaks here refer only to Logical pages, not to physical pages as you might have imagined. For the report, everything is 1 logical page, even though you see the output on 3-5 physical pages. Pl see Report Builder Help on this property, it explains things with graphics.
    The hardest part was step 3 - it took me a long while to figure that out.
    Now the report appears correctly with all the data. Now the only problem is to figure out how to do a page break before M37. We can figure that out, but first can you try these changes, and let me know that you are at least getting ALL DATA in your report output?

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    where to set page size in report designer?
    after seting paper size in report designer can i readjust in print dialogue box?
    which is will be effected?
    please explain

    A logical page can contain several physical pages. Assume you want to create a format which is larger then your printer is able to print, then you can define a logical size, which contains n pages horizontally and m pages vertically.
    To set the page size for your report have a look at the properties in the main section of your paper layout.

  • Physical page size in reports 9i

    Greetings all.
    I am trying to create a report to print on multiform dot matrix epson printer. The height of the pre-printed form is 5.5".
    Is it possible in graphics (bitmap) mode to define a custom size? Or is it only possible to do the same in charater mode?
    I am able to do the settings on the printer control panel but the program settings always override and there is no custom size available in the page setup.
    Please help!!
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Mahesh
    You need to perform three task to design your report:
    1. In Reports property palette, change the Unit of
    dimesion. You can design the report in any of
    different units i.e characters (charcater and bitmap
    mode), points (bitmap), inches (bitmap) and centimeter.
    2. Set the Dimension. Report can have any length and any
    width. Because printer pages may be smaller or larger
    then report, the concept of physical pages versus
    logical pages are used in Reports. A logical page is
    the size of one page of your actual report. You need
    to set this ratio in reports properties.
    3. Set the required page size in Reports section
    properties. There are three sections: header,
    body/margin and Reports trailer.
    Hope this helps!
    The Oracle Reports Team

  • Margins with Logical / Physical page layouts

    Dear all,
    We have created an Oracle 6i report with 2 horizontal panels as we couldn't fit in all the fields into one page. It’s the first time I have worked with is and I am little unsure of what i am doing.
    The layout contains many repeating frames so on some cases when we preview the report it my go onto a third page but as its not all cases I don't want to create a 3rd panel.
    The problem I have is that when the 3rd page is created the text appears in the middle of the page and I don't know how to tell it to print say 10 lines from the top.
    Any ideas.
    I apologies in advance if this is simple and offends anyone; I just couldn't come up with the answer.

    Danny, good try but that's not the problem. Margins and so forth apply to physical pages, and we get the margins we want.
    But we have a logical page that spans 2 physical pages, and there is no way I know of to force a page break at the end of the first physical page.
    Let's say you have 9 inches of vertical usable space on each physical page, after taking away the margins.
    You define your logical page to span 2 physical pages, so it has 18" to work with. And it treats those 18" as a single continuous area. So if a line of text that renders as starting at 8.95" down, and finishing at 9.08" down, you'll get the top half the bits for each character on the first sheet of paper and the other half on the next.
    Everything's nice if you use character mode, or if you have 1 logical page for every physical page. However, there should be some way to control layout on the physical pages when the logical page spans them. If there is, I've never found it.
    -- jim

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    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • Total Logical Pages

    I search in many forum, i saw many questions than this, but no respond...
    How i can have the total logical pages in a program as the current page:
    function M_bas_PageFormatTrigger return boolean is
    page_num number ;
    SRW.GET_PAGE_NUM (page_num);
    if page_num = page_total then -- TROUVER ICI LE TOTAL DE PAGES DU PO.
    return (TRUE);
    return (FALSE);
    END IF;
    Thank in advance.

    Each data cache requires some extra memory for overhead.  The amount of overhead will vary based on (at least) the number of partitions (aka cachelets), with the overhead increasing as you increase the number of partitions/cachelets.
    You have a few options:
    - increase max memory
    - decrease the size of your cache
    - reduce the number of partitions for this cache (either explicitly via the sp_cacheconfig stored proc, or implicitly by changing the configuration option 'global cache partition number')
    sp_helpcache can be run to show cache name, size and overhead

  • Line Totalling and page totalling in smartforms?

    Any ideas about displaying line totals and page/grand totals in smartform. Answers would be appreciated.

    in TABLE you will have one tab called CALCULATIONS..
    in that select the type as TOTAL and give the field name for which u want to find out the total. and give the resultant field into which u want the total to be stored !! and select AFTER LOOP in the next list box...
    in the footer you just write this field name. u will get the cumulative total for each .. i mean for second page the total of ( the first page and second page) will get printed !!
    if u want the total for each page then u need to write a program line for the table.. to clear the total field for each page !!
    reward if it helps u,
    sai ramesh

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