Transparent image

I am using AWT to draw a jpeg onto a panel and then draw a bunch of lines and shapes on to the panel.
So I get a background picture with a few lines and shapes overlaying the picture.
New lines and shapes are drawn every time the user clicks on the panel � and some existing lines and shapes are removed � exposing the hidden parts of the background image.
My problem is that every time the user clicks on the panel the whole background picture has to be repainted just for a few lines and shapes that overlay the picture (I use the paint() function to redraw the background image and all the other lines and shapes on top).
Since the background image can be quite large at times (not always the same image), repainting the image can look very unattractive and annoying for the user.
What I want to do is somehow avoid repainting the background image every time the user clicks the image, but rather only repaint the images and shapes in front
Only repaint the parts of the background image that are obscured by the overlaying lines and shapes that drawn on top.
I have an internet site with an applet showing this problem at:
click demo and then click the pencil icon on the toolbar.
Any suggestions on how to solve this problem?
Danny Abraham.

I think using a layered pane for your background image might help:
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class TestBackgroundLayered extends JFrame
     public TestBackgroundLayered()
          ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon("????.jpg");
          JLabel background = new JLabel(image);
          background.setBounds(0, 0, image.getIconWidth(), image.getIconHeight());
          getLayeredPane().add(background, new Integer(Integer.MIN_VALUE));
          JPanel panel = new JPanel();
          panel.add( new JButton( "Hello" ) );
          setContentPane( panel );
     public static void main(String [] args)
          TestBackgroundLayered frame = new TestBackgroundLayered();
          frame.setSize(300, 300);

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    You need to set the transparency blending space of the page to RGB, since the default blending space is CMYK (hence the color shift).  You do this by adding a transparency group dictionary to the page's dictionary when creating the PDF.

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    I don't have Fireworks and I haven't made any Fireworks PNG files.
    I'm not sure how they work. But I believe that Fireworks PNGs can contain editable layers for Fireworks use only.
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    Thanks everyone!  That really helped.
    There were a few other things that I had to make sure of also.
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    2.8 GHz Intel Core i7
    16GB RAM
    1536MB Intel Iris videocard

    You need to make sure the image has an alpha channel.
    Images like jpeg dont have an alpha channel.
    Psd or png do and the image has to be RGB.
    Make sure the background in PS is also transparant.

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    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.

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    I simply use ImageIcon object to display the image (*.gif,*.jpg)
    JLabel l=new JLabel(new ImageIcon("file path"));
    add the label to a panel or frame or dialog
    this object no need to use the ImageBuffered Object
    It can display any animate gif whether the background is transparent or not.

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    Hi paul,
    I have issues in postscript file, the signature image is printing with white background and hiding the backdrop. I don't have issue in  PDF output, it is printing with transparant image and it is not hiding the backdrop.

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    I hear what you are saying Noel... But I came to these forums in good  faith  with a question about a tool I found useful that was no longer available. I  admit I let my frustration show in my first several postings about this because  in the other topic on this issue, one of  the staffers here even tried to say  the function did not even exist. That in  combination with the attitude that 'anyone that would use this function must have no experience' or should be  using Photoshop Elements did not strike me as either very helpful or polite. I  would never let one of my staff treat a customer who came to us seeking help to act this way. It is inexcusable and I saw from the other postings that I am not the  only one who feels this way.
    Here is a selction of a few of the things she said to me... she seems to have  confused me with someone else?
    "Dear same idiot who feels the need to use PM to continue an  ended/locked/deleted forum discussion,"
    "There  is no point in continual messaging unless you feel it is some sort of  release for your mental condition. Your message is clear. I have no problem  comprehending your words. I simply disagree with your insane  beliefs. I  understand fully who used the function and why it  was removed. I was simply stating a fact and offering an alternative that  you seemed to ignore. I don't care if the function meant something more  to you. Nothing I can  do is going to bring it back or afford you any better  people skills.  You need to get over this... and get over me"
    "I  just found the Google cache of the closed thread and realized that you   may not be the same idiot that contacted me earlier using a fresh forum   account. But that still does not make you any less of an idiot."
    "The  question posed in the forum was "How do I export transparent images in   CS5 like I did in CS4?" The question was "viable" and answers were given  by  others and myself. Just because you do not like an answer does not  mean you  have to act like a child."
    "The answer was not to beg Adobe to bring it back in a user to user  forum. If you want to communicate with Adobe, go to their feature  request form."
    "If you were a designer for 30 years, you would have known how to make a  transparent file prior to the Help function that Adobe added for a  few versions. With that Help function gone, you should now have the  intelligence to craft an action to do the same thing with the press of a  button. It  is not really a challenge. If you need assistance, bring this topic  back  to the public forum. Your rude PMs are worthless to us both."
    "I look forward to further discussion in  the public forum where you don't need to hide your personal problems in  PMs."
    I find these kind of responses by a staff member of Adobe forums to abusive  in nature. Granted after getting this kind of rude response back to my  questions, I returned in like kind. I usually do not have these kinds of  interactions online, I find them childish and a waste of time. They do nothing  for the greater good of the forums and help no one. but I don't take kindly to  being treated with disrespect.
    I hope this does not exemplify the tenor of communication here on Adobe's  forums. If so... it would be a shame, because Adobe has a great reputation in  our community. It would be a shame to let a few individuals tarnish it.
    I for one would prefer that the person is question has no further  communication with me. I think that would be best for all concerned. Thank  You.

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    I can get the file to export if I check rasterize the images in the export dialog box. Just for added information, I did change the transparent png into a gif file and tried exporting that but I received the same error message. If you want to see the file it is located here
    It is the spiral image that causes the problem. Any ideas why this is happening?
    P.S. It looks like nothing is happening while the file is loading because I do not know how to add a pre-loader (my other problem).
    One more thing, any idea why the file does NOT center is the html container page?
    Thank you for your help,

    Sounds strange, I have used a lots of transparent images in INDD layouts and exported them as SWF succesfully. Have you tried to use Photoshop PSD-format? And you could also create a new layer for that spiral...
    If you want to get your book centered and equipped with preloader, go to Adobe Marketplace and download eDocker: 7503&marketplaceid=1
    You may use it for couple of days free of charge!
    If you have your SWF exported and ready, it takes only about 20 seconds to build a version with preloader and many other cool stuff too, like zooming...

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    I import my .png or .gif image and convert it to a symbol.
    I drag the symbol on my layer but as soon as i add a keyframe, the product image background turns white and loses it's transparency!
    A newbie as you can tell :-)
    Thanks in advance

    you select a timeline/layer/frame and you drag a library symbol from the library to the stage.  at that point, what do you see?

  • Layering a series of Transparent images onto a JPanel or JLayeredPane

    Hello all -
    I am working on creating a viewfinder type component for a game engine I am developing. Currently, I am loading a BackBuffered image from an array and displaying it in a JPanel. This image essentially serves as the "background" of the viewfinder.
    What I would like to do is go one step further and after the background image is determined, load a series of transparent images and place those on top of the background, BEFORE the repaint() method is called. An example of this would be loading the background image, and then loading walls (or other sprites), firing the repaint() method, resulting in the rendering all the images at one time.
    I have looked into JLayeredPane, but am uncertain as to whether this is the correct avenue to pursue. Does anyone have any experience with this?
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    JLayeredPane is not the way to go. Just draw your images on a panel. If you want/need to do all the drawing before repainting, use a back buffer. See BufferedImage

  • Firefox wont show transparent images as transparent

    Firefox worked perfectly until a week or so ago it wouldnt open. So I switched to Google Chrome for awhile and missed firefox. haha. So I uninstalled and reinstalled the latest version.
    But now, Firefox will not display transparent images correctly, they all have a white background now. Am I missing a plug-in or update? Or is there something I need to turn on somewhere? Thanks for any answers.

    Do you have website colors enabled?
    Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors: Colors > [X] "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above"
    Your above posted system details show outdated plugin(s) with known security and stability risks.
    # Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32
    # Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_17 for Mozilla browsers
    Update the [[Java]] plugin to the latest version.
    * (Java Platform: Download JRE)
    Update the [[Managing the Flash plugin|Flash]] plugin to the latest version.

  • Illustrator wrongly handels transparent image imported from photoshop

    image with transparent background, opened in photoshop
    that object insert in illustrator.
    while saving/printing to pdf :
    Everything looks ok at first glance, but you can see the image border in the picture, there is a jump of 1 a 2 px over the whole border of the transparent image.(transparency is more than 100px that transaprency works ok)
    file can be found here:
    I have added a pdf to proof and show
    the jump is visible in print and on pdf.
    on the attached pdf there is a remarks icon where the jump occurs.
    When selecting the image you can see it easily
    pleas advise.
    Its important.
    thx a lot for every tip

    The new link on own hostingn no account needed.
    il post the ai file in about 10 hours
    @Mike Gondek no drop shadows, no border , no effects what so ever, thats the strange thing.
    just transparent for the whole background, i hope you can see it in the pdf.
    The effect is not visable in the illustrator artbord work enviremetn.
    Wel visable in print, pdf, different pdf, print to pdf, save to adobe pdf.
    gonne try tiff and some others to night.
    @ MikeWenzloff : i used pdfx-1 due to printer request.
    ill try 4 tonight
    thx for your time

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