TREX RFC fails

Hi Gurus
I follow the Trex60 non Portal installation guide and successfully install Trex 60 SP09, however when I try to build the RFC connection in CRM system(registration mode: program id crmsrv.TREXRfcServer_03/gateway host=crmsrv/gateway service=sapgw47), it always fails as "Program crmsrv.TREXRfcServer_03 not registered/...".
The strange things I meet is:
1. There is NO imsconfig.cfg file in Trex directory, but I find TREXRfcServer.ini to determine the service "TREXRfcServer_03" instead(Note 718339 also points to this ini file)
2. There is NO ims_server_admin.exe file
3. There is NO rfc_sapretrieval.exe file, so there is no process of "rfc_sapretrieval.exe" in task manager, but I find TREXRfcServer.exe instead, and succeeded execute in cmd mode(return message is "Connected - ready),then "TREXRfcServer.exe" is in process in task manamger.
The other things like gateway service & trex_03 service are well started. remote gateway sapgw47 is also shown in SMGW.
However, the test of rfc always fails( I even tried the start mode instead, still fails).
Highly appreciated if you can give me any hint...

i think thats normal if you look at note 718339.
Shortly they are saying that the program id after sp1 must be without the host in front of the program id.

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    Hello Guru's,
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    In the file PSUPDTEC.LOG are the following error:
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    Issue solved.
    In /etc/hosts the first entry was SAPE11.
    But it must be sape11, because the instance is sape11_E11_00.
    In SM51 we could see that
    sape11_E11_00     SAPE11     Dialog Batch Update Upd2 Spool Enqueue ICM     active
    We changed the entry and restarted SAP.
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  • TREX preprocessing failed, HTTP Status Code 401

    Hello everybody!
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    Many thanks in advance
    Steffi, working on it for days...

    Hello Robert and Steffi,
    With the help of SAP support, I could solve the problem !
    Certificate for SAPLogonTickets had expired, so authentication was no longer possible. Solution : recreated the certificates with Visual Admin.
    In Visual Admin, go to "Key Storage" service, then choose "TicketKeystore" view.
    Delete SAPLogonTicketKeypair and SAPLogonTicketKeypair-cert certificates (or rename them in a first time).
    Then recreate "SAPLogonTicketKeypair" :
    - fill the Entry Name with "SAPLogonTicketKeypair",
    - fill "Common Name" with the value from the previous ticket
    - check "Store Certificate" (this will automatically create SAPLogonTicketKeypair-cert)
    - choose "DSA" as Algorithm
    and click on "Generate"
    That worked fine for us on two platforms.
    Hope that gonna help...

  • RFC failed

    RFC has failed, and i ve even checked it,.
    it showed rfc failed;
    if i need to give RFC connection,, how can i go about.. kindly tell give me steps,,,to make RFC working...

    SM58 to check the RFC Connection.
    Usually thre will be shortdump accompanying TRFC errors. The details of error message can be found in the dump and corrective actions can be taken based on that
    Message was edited by:

  • Trex: Preparation failed: index operation

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    Hi Tolga,
    please check your installation with the information mentioned by Jochen Goeeninger (long post) in the following thread Trex HTTP Server not seen in Portal
    Furthermore try to open one of the documents you are trying to index via HTTP from the TREX Server.
    With the result of that, I would suggest to open support message under
    Hope this helps,

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    Hi Guru,
    You are correct. Check the RFC for an call for screen/popup/dialog/user input etc.
    Such error occurs for the system is expecting a user input.
    Best regards,

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    Any suggestion?
    Thanks and best regards!

    Hi All,
    When go this patha <b>SysAdmin>Monitoring>IndexingMonitor</b> iam getting the error.
    Trex: Preparation failed: index operation.
    Could anybody tell me what could be the reason...i had give host name in URL generator also. 
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    Side note, all servers are in the same subnet but Solution Manager server belongs to different domain.
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    My systems are
    ERP: Windows 2003 R2 x64, SQL 2005 SP3, ERP EHP4 SP5
    BW: Windows 2003 R2 x64, SQL 2008 SP1, NW 7.0 EHP2 SP6
    Solman: Windows 2003 R2, SQL 2008 SP1, EHP1 SP7
    What am I doing wrong there?

    Are you letting the wizard create the RFC's for you?
    On the Client tab in SMSY?
    Also you assigned S_RFCACL  what about S_RFC?
    I would ask you to check the logon tab and make sure Current user is not checked.
    Also, please review this Note 128447 - Trusted/trusting systems
    This should help resolve.

  • Rfc fails to execute

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    Some additional info
    1) this is the error seen in the syslog
    SAP Basis System: Communication error, CPIC return code 002, SAP return code 679
    2) Error opening rfc connection...
       Program IGS.IB7 not registered.
       Detail tp IGS.IB7 not registered
       Component sap-gateway
    3) I checked the above program id on se38 and i got a msg that program doesent exist.
    4) However when i do a manual start of the rfc like..
    rfcexec -a pgmID -g host -x sapGateway
    with the correct params...
    then a test Connection works...
    5) When i change the programid to match the listenrfcprogramID from the igs.xml file..then the test Connection works.
    i believe its an network issue...
    Can anyone help in this regard..............any help is highly appreciated

  • Rfc fails

    Hi All
    I tried executing one rfc with remote destination 'sapcms' in a few ways but all of them failed.
    First I tried :
              USAGE          = 'AL'
              KEY            = lv_key
              FILENAME       = lv_filename
             FAILED         = 1
             OTHERS         = 2
    This function calls a function inside with destination, but it failed on pinging the destination.
    Second I tried Service Call:
              filename =  lv_filename
              key =   lv_key
              usage =   'AL'
    The method looks like:
                      VALUE 'SAPCMS'.
    the invocation - errors are always fatal !!!
           usage =                           usage
           key =                             key
           filename =                        filename
          failed =                            1.
    error handling
      CASE sy-subrc.
        WHEN  1.
          RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_wd_no_handler
              textid        = cx_wd_no_handler=>kind_old
              old_exception = `FAILED`.
    But I get the exception.
    Third I tried writing a program and submit it with parameters:
    SUBMIT zcms_copy AND RETURN WITH p_key = lv_key WITH p_file = lv_filename.
    But then I get an error : The RFC destination SAPCMS can no longer be contacted:
    If I run this program from se80  it works fine.
    Any Idea ???

    Hi Thomas/Nitsun,
    We are using FM 'ALINK_DOCUMENTS_GET_CLIENT' to download the PDF to user directory. The FM fails when a call is made to SCMS_CLTFC_FILE_GET which is a RFC to system SAPCMS.
    The error message is 'GetStream failed (1)'.
    I see that there is no exception being raised.
    I searched the forum and found that there were posts mentioning ADS and Java Startup Failure (J2EE Engine) but I could not make the relevance.
    Do you have any idea on this?
    Thank you.

  • XI - EP integration using the TREX RFC Connction

    Hi Experts,
    Is there a document on XI - TREX integration using the RFC connection. I need to build an application in EP where I would search for messages in the XI box based on certain input parameters. The search would happen using the TREX engine which in turn has indexes of all XI messages.

    Hi Shobhit,
    In addition, check the following lings... might be helps to you...
    /thread/143082 [original link is broken]
    /thread/126493 [original link is broken]
    <b>** REward Points if found useful **</b>

  • TREX Preparation Failed exception

    Hello All,
    I am facing an issue with TREX wherein the documents not being indexed properly.
    The TREX monitor shows all status as green but when I check the 'Display Queue Entries' from
    System Admin -> Monitoring -> Knowledge Management -> TREX Monitor, I see a message as:
    Return Code = 6500
    Return Message = HTTP Status Code 500: Internal Server Error
    Document status = Preparation failed.
    Please guide me to resolve this.
    Awaiting Reply.

    Hello Martin,
    Please excuse me for my late reply.
    I created a test repository, created an index for it called Test_Index, attached it with a KM Data Source, uploaded 3 .txt files. All these txt files have size within 10 KB.
    1. When I search using this Test_Index, it does not return any txt file. There are few indexes, so I selected my index to search.
    I could successfully open the text file on the browser.
    2. Checked DefaultTrace logs and found exception related to another index. Details are:
    TaxonomyNamespaceManager.getChildren: Error because the index with name Rama_test1 is not available. Probably you have to delete old taxonomy data in the taxdata repository - com.sapportals.wcm.WcmException: index with index id Rama_test1 doesn't exist!
    But 'Rama_test1' index does exist. It is available when I click on 'Show Options -> Search Scope'
    on Search page.
    3. We also have an index which is connected to 'Livelink' system.
    I get an exception for this, saying - the repository returned no root collection (null): livelink
    4. com.sapportals.wcm.repository.IOErrorException: sending PROPFIND to remote server
         at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.ResourceException.fillInStackTrace(
    5. Lastly, I see an exception with severity=fatal saying:
    exc: /SalesManual - com.sapportals.wcm.repository.InvalidUriException: Invalid RID: No repository manager found for prefix: /SalesManual
    *     at com.sapportals.wcm.repository.ResourceException.fillInStackTrace(*
    Location:  com.sapportals.wcm.service.reporting.walker.HierarchyWalker
    Any ideas on these?
    Awaiting Reply.

  • Source system RFC fails after transport

    Hi all
    in our QA system any transport containing a process chain causes the RFC connection to the source ECC6 system to fail after too many logon attempts.
    This doesn't happen when we send the same transport to production.
    Any ideas?

    thanks, but I had already checked out this note.  This refers to the post processing of the transport on BW of client 000 logging onto the BW client to carry out changes, not the RFC connection to the BW ECC source system. 
    The transport goes through ok, and the process chain can be activated, however at this point we always notice that the ECC source system connection fails with an RFC error, as soon as we get the password reset and changed in SM59 it works ok.

  • RFC fail to connect to CI from DI

    Hi All,
    During sm59 RFC test from the DIs to the CI, it failed. In t-code smgw, all entries which are connecting to the CI are stated as "connecting" instead of connected. When drill in to the entry, it stated that the connection is pointing to
    How come the IP address is connecting to LOCL ? Our service file, host file are all stating the correct IP. The connection is working fine all the while , only recently we discover this weird problem. Does anyone has any idea ?

    Dear Lauran,
    it is hard to tell what is really going on there. Sometimes there is a problem if the connection between two gateways gets into an inconsistent state. You can run transaction SMGW, the Goto, Remote Gatewas and delete the connection to the CI. If this does not help, you will have to check the entry in SM59 carefully (especially if there are gateway options set).
    Best Regards,

  • RFC fail to reach existing BI system

    I have a RFC conenction error. We have setup the BIA and run the The system tried to create a connection but failed to reach the BI server. We have created the user from the BI system but it was not able to reach. Can you advise what need to be done to get connected. Thanks.
    Veiter soo

    Hello Veiter,
    have you checked that the BI system is reachable? ( ping, telnet on BI Port 32<System Nr> )
    Call the TREXADMIN standalone tool at /usr/sap/<SID>/TRX<Instance Nr>
    - check the connection and logon data under Landscape -> Connectivity
    - check if all services are running, especially the rfc service
    - check the rfcservice trace and rfc trace on BI site
    Please post the error messages that we can help you.
    Normally the RFC connection were created by the initial install script, why did you use the manually?
    Best Regards,

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