Tried to insert a simcard and it is blocked i am unable to pullit out

I tried to insert a simcard and some how it is blocked in side.
iam unable to pull it out

No, you should have installed the latest full release version - 3.6.13 - instead of the Firefox 4.0 beta.

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    Try this Technote
    Try step 4 here



    The Basic Troubleshooting Steps are:
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    Restart / Reset
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    Hello there, drewlotr.
    In some cases when other users have had this issue, following the steps in this Knowledge Base article for applications not performing as expected has helped:
    iOS: Understanding multitasking
    If an app doesn't respond to your input, or doesn't perform as expected, do the following, testing after each step:
    Check for app updates.
    Force the app to close.
    Restart your device.
    Update your iOS device.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    Try holding down the option/alt key during a restart and see if you can see/select your boot drive there.

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    I suggest trying the update again after an hour or two.  Sometimes, the notice that an update is available comes an hour or two before the developers actually sends the revised app out to be downloaded.

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    Log out of the account, then go back in. Should work fine then.

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    This worked for me...i did a restore on my computer to take it to a date prior to the last update i did on itunes and now it works just fine.  Everytime i do a backup it syncs my Outlook! When a request comes up saying there's a new version of itunes click here to download the latest one DON'T do it.
    Here's how to do a restore on your computer:
    Create a restore point
    A restore point is a representation of a stored state of your computer's system files. You can use a restore point to restore your computer's system files to an earlier point in time. Restore points are automatically created by System Restore weekly and when System Restore detects the beginning of a change to your computer, such as when you install a program or a driver.
    System image backups stored on hard disks can also be used for System Restore, just like the restore points created by system protection. Even though system image backups contain both your system files and personal data, your data files won't be affected by System Restore. For more information about system images, see What is a system image? You can create a restore point manually at any time by following the steps below.
    Go to the Windows website to watch the video. (1:08)
      Click to open System. 
    In the left pane, click System protection. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
    Click the System Protection tab, and then click Create.
    In the System Protection dialog box, type a description, and then click Create.
    For more information about System Restore, see What is System Restore?

  • Fatal Internal Error: "image.cpp", line 13192 when trying to insert a cursor to graph

    NOTE:  This IS a duplicate post from the Breakpoint.  Text slightly changed.  The post in Breakpoint can be deleted.  All comments should be placed in this thread.
    I resolved the "Fatal Internal Error: "image.cpp", line 13192 when trying to insert a cursor to graph", but would like to share to find out if others have seen this and to determine whether this is a bug, or if it's time to redo my PC, or buy a new one..  
    I have an existing graphs (qt 6) which originally had 2 cursors.  This occurred while trying to add the third cursor. 
    Up until attempting to add the last cursor, the program worked great, and I had been running tests for a while.  However, I do recall seeing this problem when creating the original cursors, but not to this extent.  Plus I don't remember the original error message from that time.
    I needed to add one more cursor to the existing graphs.  As soon as I add a new cursor and set it's properties, I get a nasty error message and without warning LV8.2 simply closes itself (well, the only warning was the error message.  Tried it 3 times, same result.
    Here are the steps:
    Shut down the PC, went for a coffee, rebooted the PC.  Opened the LV project, opened the VI.  Immediately went to the graph properties to add the new cursor by doing the following steps: 
    Right click graph indicator icon on block diagram.
    Select Properties.
    Click on cursor tab.
    Click on Add
    Select Cursor 2 (3rd one, newly created)
    Change color
    Select cursor as a line
    Remove checkmark for "show cursor"
    Click OK
    I need to do this to 3 other graphs, same steps.  And as soon as I get to the step before clicking OK, I get the error message. 
    I managed to get an additional one done, by immediately saving after each step (yep going in & out of the properties).  But I've had this problem before when creating the first two cursors.
    Is it a bug?  Anyone else seen this?  Using LV8.2.  And the message is right about LOOSING ALL unsaved work!!!! 
    Here are more observations:
    Tried creating a new one on the second graph.  As soon as I clicked on the color, it crashed!
    See the error explanation below.  It is really clear, now anyone can solve it    LOL!!...  According to the error log, there's a bad image out there  
    .\manager\image.cpp(13192) : DAbort: bad image in ValidateImage
    $Id: //labview/branches/Europa/dev/source/manager/image.cpp#47 $
    0x007A81E8 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x007A7BDB - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x00829D74 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x008546CD - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x00C054E6 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x0081B9C8 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x0081EB9A - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x0084D9D4 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x00854663 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x00C054E6 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x0085F7A1 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x00BBACDD - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x00C06A2F - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x0085AA46 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    0x00C06A2F - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
    I observed the title bar after making changes to the properties.  I noticed that 3 out of 4 times, while changing the properties of the graphs to include the cursor, and saving after each & every step, that there were no stars appearing on the title bar to indicate "unsaved changes".  Saving was also much slower than usual.  I suspect, the program never got to placing the star before saving occurred.  However, I am noting everything.
    After creating the cursors, saving was and is normal, and the program runs well..   I have run tests without problems.
    Does anyone have a clue at what causes this?   Has anyone seen this before?

    Hi Donovan,
    I can't remember seeing this elsewhere.  When I get a chance, I'll create a new (blank) vi with new graphs and will repeat the steps. 
    I will let you know if I see this in the new vi.

  • Inserting or embed and image into cfmail output from a database-stored path to an actual image.

    I am trying to insert or embed and image into cfmail from a database-stored path to an actual image. The actual JPEG image is stored in a folder called "images_personnel". The path to the image under the column titled photopath is stored in my database table as "/file/images_personnel/28.jpg". Displaying the image on the screen renders without a problem, embedding the same image as part of a cfloop query does not insert/embed the image into an email. All of the other output of the same cfloop displays and emails just fine. However none of the photos of each personelle show up. What an I doing wrong?
    My code is below:
    <cfquery name="Staffreport" datasource="master">
    Select staffreport.*, name.personnelid,, name.last, name.noiid, stafflt, CONCAT(name.fname,' ',name.middle,' (',name.last,')') AS teammember, CONCAT(name.fname,' ',name.middle) AS teammember2, concat(name.photopath,'', hisphoto, stafflt.*, trim(concat(ltfname,' ',ltmiddle)) as LT from Staffreport, name, stafflt
    where 0=0
    and stalt = '#Session.user_id#'
    and ltid = '#session.user_id#'
    and staweekbegin = <cfqueryparam value="#form.staweekbegin#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" />
    AND staweekend = <cfqueryparam value="#form.staweekend#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" />
    AND stapersonnelid = personnelID
    <!---AND ltid = stalt--->
    AND CITY = 'richmond'
    AND STATUS <> 'd'
    AND STATUS <> 'T'
    AND type = 'personnel'
    Group by personnelid
    Order by teammember
    <cfloop query="staffreport"><br />
    <table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" align="left">
        <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="cccccc"><strong><font color="black"><cfif #staffreport.last# eq ".">#Ucase(Staffreport.teammember2)# <cfelse>#Ucase(Staffreport.teammember)#</cfif> - ID: <cfoutput>#Staffreport.noiid#</cfoutput></font></strong></td>
        <td align="left" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#000000">Name:</td>
        <td bgcolor="E6E1FD">Photo:</td>
        <td bgcolor="EBEBEB">
    <img src="#staffreport.hisphoto#" alt="Photo" width="98" height="98">
        <td bgcolor="E6E1FD">Email:</td>
        <td bgcolor="EBEBEB"></td>

    You'll need to provide a full URL link to the image ("http://mywebserver/file/images_personnel/28.jpg"), not just a relative path.  Remember, the email client that is used to view the email content knows nothing of the internals of your web server - it can only follow a complete URL to get images and other resources.
    -Carl V.

  • Problem Inserting Euro Symbol and few others

    We are using java application with oracle 8.1.6 as the db with the charset as WE8ISO8859P15. ALl the forms are using multipart request. We cannot do away without that. When trying to insert euro symbol and few other western european characters, they get converted to something else before getting stored in the db and so we are not able to display them properly on retrieval.
    Can anyone please help in this direction?

    Just set the in classpath and then try to insert into db.I think it might not be a problem with database.(note. if u insert euro character it will be reside in db, as some format but u retrive it and stream it thru servlet it will be displayed in the browser properly, if u write using printwriter then it might give "?" / "O" in browser. refer

  • I am trying to insert rows for alert_id 22 with diff abc_id and xyz_id

    I am trying to insert rows for alert_id 22 with diff abc_id and xyz_id
    these inserts will store in two tables that I have to join in the cursor.
    I have written cursor without passing cursor parameters. but here i need to pass acb_id and xyz_id along with alert_id.
    then if these are saticified with alert_id 22 then I want to stop the loop run, else i need to continue the loop. bcause the abc_id and xyz_id are diff for alert_id 22
    This is the issue I am facing!
    Please let me know if you have any idea. Let me know how to use cursor parameters here and in loop.
    Sample proc like this::
    need to check first abc_id,xyz_id is already exist with alert_id 22
    if this set of records already exists then
    exit from the loop
    continue with
    here coming the insert statements with different condition getting from first two cursors.(this part is ok for me)
    end loop
    end if
    Please write the logic if any idea on this.

    I want to stop if already alert_id is exist!

  • Trying to Install Windows 7 onto MBP Mid-2010 but I get this "No bootable device -- Insert boot disk and press any key". What do I do?

    I'm trying to install Windows 7 onto my MacBook Pro Mid-2010 (MacBookPro6,2) from a USB drive, since my Super Drive no longer will burn DVDs or CDs. I did the XCODE trick to allow me to make the bootable USB. But when it reboots after partitioning I get this, "No bootable device -- Insert boot disk and press any key" message. When I press a key after reinserting the USB it still won't boot after pressing a key. I unplugged anything connected to it and it still doesn't work. Is there any way I can get it to be recongized or do I just need to get an external disc drive and burn a disc that way? 

    If your computer came with an inetrnal optical drive, you must use that to install Windows.

  • I have OS X 10.5.8 on my iMac, I'm trying to install Snow Leopard. When I insert the disk and click install it will start to install, then once it gets about 1/4 of the way done my computer restarts and it spits the disk back out.

    I have OS X 10.5.8 on my iMac, I'm trying to install Snow Leopard. When I insert the disk and click install it starts, but when its about 1/4 of the way done the computer restarts and my disk spits back out. When I look to see if it installed it still says 10.5.8. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

      Model Name: iMac
      Model Identifier: iMac6.1
      Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
    I bought the Mac OS X Snow Leopard Install DVD from the Apple Store.

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