Trouble with project settings

I am trying set up a project (tutorial) that requires DVC PRO HD 720p24. When I set up in project properties and go back to check it changes to p30. I have tried this on both my desktop & lMacbook Pro with the same results. I am using vers. 2.12. Can anyone help?

With PrE, the workaround would be to Export your Video as 1920 x 1080, and use such an HD Preset.
PrE has limited Presets, though PrE 9 did add more, and a few enterprising individuals have had pretty good success in writing their own. Programs, like PrPro, have a special Preset, the Desktop Preset, which allows one to adjust most of the parameters of a Project, or Sequence (from CS3 through CS5). That allows one to use non-standard Frame Sizes, etc.
Good luck,

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    1080p.    If you have a Mac Mini with an HDMI connector, connect direct through there. 
    Otherwise you'll need to look at either: Which Macs don't have audio over mini-Displayport connectivity, need either an
    Apogee DVI To HDMI Converter / SPDIF Optical Toslink+Coaxial Input Output if you have a mini-DVI or DVI (The left connector is DVI, and the right connector is mini-DVI) connector and it is Intel.
    Kanex iAdapt Displayport adaptor if you have a mini-Displayport ( le_MacBook.jpg/300px-Mini_DisplayPort_on_Apple_MacBook.jpg
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    Hi Ruben Gmo Lopez,
    Your issue is out of support range of VS General Question forum which mainly discusses the usage issue of Visual Studio IDE such as
    WPF & SL designer, Visual Studio Guidance Automation Toolkit, Developer Documentation and Help System
    and Visual Studio Editor.
    I am moving your question to the moderator forum ("Where is the forum for..?"). The owner of the forum will direct you to a right forum.
    The issue is on the application. YOu can consult on some development forum based on the type of you application.
    The following forums may help you.
    Windows Forms Forum:
     WPF forum:
    ASP.NET forum:
    Visual Studio Language Forums:
    Best regards,
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    Hi Ruben Gmo Lopez,
    Your issue is out of support range of VS General Question forum which mainly discusses the usage issue of Visual Studio IDE such as
    WPF & SL designer, Visual Studio Guidance Automation Toolkit, Developer Documentation and Help System
    and Visual Studio Editor.
    I am moving your question to the moderator forum ("Where is the forum for..?"). The owner of the forum will direct you to a right forum.
    The issue is on the application. YOu can consult on some development forum based on the type of you application.
    The following forums may help you.
    Windows Forms Forum:
     WPF forum:
    ASP.NET forum:
    Visual Studio Language Forums:
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    /bin/ksh: ulimit: exceeds allowable limit
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    update 10
    cat /etc/release
    Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 s10x_u10wos_17b X86
    Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Assembled 23 August 2011
    prctl -n process.max-stack-size $$
    process: 10189: /bin/ksh -i
    privileged 125TB max deny -
    system 125TB max deny -
    update 11
    cat /etc/release
    Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 s10x_u11wos_24a X86
    Copyright (c) 1983, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Assembled 17 January 2013
    prctl -n process.max-stack-size $$
    process: 24776: /bin/ksh -i
    basic 125TB - deny 24776
    privileged 125TB - deny -
    system 125TB max deny -

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    I'm using ID 8.0.1 in Mac OS 10.9.
    I get the white stripe when I place a full image covering the outer edge bleeds and abuting right against the inner edge or spine. But when I put an image across the spine and onto the other page, I get the slightly duplicated image as can be seen in the animal horn.
    When I use Salah Fadlabi's suggestion of unchecking "Use Document Bleed Settings" and then changing the "Inside" bleed to 0in while leaving Top, Bottom and Outside to 0.125in, The image looks correct when I look at a 2-up view, it doesn't get split or have the weird white line.
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    My printer (Ingramspark) has this to say about gutter margin:
    SADDLE STITCH BOOKS: no gutter margin required; items can be taken completely to the bind edge.
    PERFECT / CASE LAMINATE / DUST JACKET BOOKS : 0.125" (3 mm) gutter margin (no-ink area) required on the bind side of the interior. These are bound with glue, and the area is designated so it can adhere to all pages (see reference templates for example). Crossover spreads (images/color intended to straddle a spread) may be used as long as the gutter margin is placed in between where the images/color would normally meet.
    Blue (Bleed) Area / Overall Document Size
    To determine the final bleed size of your page use the following equation:
    Final Width = Width of book + 0.125" (3 mm) bleed on trim side. No additional bleed is added to the bind edge. Final Height = Height of book + 0.125" (3 mm) bleed on top + 0.125" (3 mm) bleed on bottom.
    For example a 6x9" (229x152mm) book will have a final interior size of 6.125" (156 mm) wide x 9.25" (235 mm) tall.
    If using a background color or image please take those elements to the edge of the bleed area.
    Pink (Safety) Area
    A 0.5" (13 mm) margin is recommended inside the trim for color book interiors. For perfect bound and hardcover titles this is in addition to the required 0.125" (3 mm) gutter margin. All headers, footers, page numbers, body text and all non-bleed images need to remain in those margins. Any elements outside of the safety areas are at risk of being trimmed.
    So that would suggest I need a non-colored area on the inside edge of the pages, so the inside edge of the PDF pages should have a white stripe. Am I reading this correctly? I've got my page setup to have a gutter of 0.125in. This  white stripe makes sense for the crossover spread, but it doesn't make sense for the image sitting only on one page.
    (This paperback book is going to be print perfect bound. I was thinking about making this a hardback book, but I'm looking at cost options - another matter altogether.)
    Here's what the overall image looks like in ID:

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    so why am I getting 88%?
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    thank ya much

    Report page also displays, number of questions present,
    answered and correct. Enable those fields on result page and check
    the values. This may give you some hints.

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    Thank you!!!

    Is the "push" switch turned on for the account? If so, turn it off.
    -: DrewRead :-
    Can't find an app on Blackberry World yet? Tweet the developer and ask when they will #GetWithBB10 !!
    "Like it" if you like it.

  • Help Figuring Out Project Settings?

    I have footage from 2 different cameras. I think the cameramen just aren't too sure what they're talking about when it comes to the formats shot in, which in turn leave me a bit confused.
    I was editing with HDV 1080p 25fps settings pretty fine, until I decided to replace a clip with an AE composition, and the next day playback became choppy for me. In trying to figure out what was wrong, I realized the clips for both cameras were saying 29.9 in premiere even though my cameraman said it was shot @ 25 fps on the Sony cam. So I am taking a guess here in saying I should probably be editing with project settings to match that 29/30 FPS, right?
    Using mediainfo I am also seeing that the footage is 1080i, so should my project settings for these clips be HDV 1080i(60)? Any more info I can provide if needed, but I am already in a bind having to start this project over, but I am confused as to why I was getting playback just fine and then another day no matter what settings I used HDV playback got choppy. Currently re-installing CS4. Any help greatly appreciated as I am still new to this.

    Yeah I was told it was done at 25fps, and that the Sony camera had 25, not 24 and that is very well an option in Premiere, but I'm guessing Mediainfo is a lot better to decide what to do it in. Just finished installing premiere again (I assume that will help with my stuttering in playback) and am going with HDV 1080i30 (60i) since that gives me 29.9 fps and well, 1080i instead of p. I tend to get overly worried about these things. I hope this is the right thing to use. I appreciate your feedback.
    Not sure if this is relevant, but one camera gives me mpegs while the rest of footage is MP4.

  • I film with an iPhone and edit in PE10, what project settings would be best?

         So I'm filming a short film with my iPhone 4S, and editing in PE10. The recommended project setting for the iPhone 4S's footage is 'Flip Mino HD and Ultra HD 29_97'. However, I film using an App called FilmicPro, which allows me to customize frames per second, resolution and audio capture with some settings. In my case, I've set the app to film at 30fps and with a resolution of 1920x1080. I still use the above mentioned project setting. So my first question is:
    -If I'm filming in 1080x190 at 30fps, is there a different setting I should be using for the project?
         Now for the second part. The first part of my editing process is I start a project, select 'Flip Mino HD and Ultra HD 29_97', then I splice and string together the raw footage from FilmicPro like normal. Next I export the project with the settings:
    Quicktime (For email and playback on Mac)
    Output: 1920x1080, 29_97fps, Progressive, Quality 100 48000hz, Mono, H.264
    Source: Clip, Sequence 01,
                   1280x720 (1.0), 29_97 fps, Progressive, *insert duration*, 48000 Hz, Stereo
    Audio Codec: AAC
    Sample Rate: 48000 Hz Mono
    Video Codec: H.264
    Field Type: Progressive
    Aspect: Square Pixels (1.0)
    Render at Max. Depth: 24 bit
         After I export the project, I start another project (not changing the project settings from before), and then I import the finished project as media so I can add special FX (in this case muzzle flashes, blood, etc.). However when I add the video, PE10 states the project settings dont match, and asks if I'd like the program to choose the correct settings. I select yes. This changes the project settings to 'DSLR-1080p-DSLR 1080p30'. I edit without issues, and use the same export settings as I did for the base draft. I also notice when I view the project settings in the second project after it changes settings, that it says the editing mode is now 'Sony XDCAM EX 720p'. So my second question is:
    -Should I use the setting that PE10 switches to? Or select 'No' and still use the Flip Mino setting i used for the first draft?
         The end video still looks great (for an iphone), although of course there is still noise. I'm basically trying to get the absolute best quality possible. If this is as good as it gets, and It turns out ive been doing this right, then that's fine. But if anyone can recomend better settings to use, then please tell. Thanks.
    Forgot to mention, I'm using an unmodified MacBook Pro (2006) with Adobe Premiere Elements 10. Dont know if that info is needed, but thought I'd include it.

    Maybe I missed something. So extra post on this.
    You wrote
    Quicktime (For email and playback on Mac)
    Output: 1920x1080, 29_97fps, Progressive, Quality 100 48000hz, Mono, H.264
    Source: Clip, Sequence 01,
                   1280x720 (1.0), 29_97 fps, Progressive, *insert duration*, 48000 Hz, Stereo
    Audio Codec: AAC
    Sample Rate: 48000 Hz Mono
    Video Codec: H.264
    Field Type: Progressive
    Aspect: Square Pixels (1.0)
    Render at Max. Depth: 24 bit
    Why? Where did the 720p30 come from?
    If you have 720p30 footage, you should be using
    AVCHD LITE 720p30
    If that is what you have, do you really want to export that as 1920 x 1080 or 1280 x 720?
    If an export of 1280 x 720, please look at
    Presets = MP4 - H.264 1920 x 1080 p30
    and change the settings under the Advanced Button/Video Tab to look like
    Please check out the export settings adjustments that you can make under Advanced Button/Video Tab and Audio Tab for the preset that you select.

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