Troubles hidding check box's

I'm working with Forms Versión and I have a problem...
I have a block with 20 records. I need to display the check box only if the query
has returned records. For example, if the query returns two records, I need to display two check box's. I tried to use set_item_instance property but this can't hide the check box.. How can I do this ?

Thanks Simon!,
--How many check boxes are there in each record (1 or 20 )...???
Only 1 check box
--How do you fetch records...??? By execute_query(forms built-in procedure) or by cursor...????
--Is the datablock a database block or control block...????
Is a database block and we fetch records by execute_query, the max number of records in the block are 20 but we fetch only 3 (Ex.).. I wanna display only 3 check's and hide the rest of the checks, can i change the max number of records of the block in the POST-QUERY to set it to 3 or 4 if i only have 4 matches ?
Thanks!, and sorry for my bad English

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    Hi Stefan,
    You mention "+im having a problem with the label of that hidden checkbox+". Is the problem that the checkbox is hidden but it's associated label is still being displayed? Have you tried creating a dynamic action to hide that particular checkbox option? I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, it will result in the checkbox & label being hidden. As you've said, you've checked the page source, so you know the ID of the checkbox option you wish to hide. For example, your page source may look as follows:
    <input type="checkbox" id="P20_CHECKBOX_4" name="p_v11" value="50"   /><label for="P20_CHECKBOX_4">50</label></td><td>Now, to hide this option of a checkbox, you could create a Standard Dynamic Action, specifying the event to fire action e.g. Page Load. Then in the True Action, set the Action to Hide, set the Affected Elements 'Selection Type' to jQuery Selector, and in the jQuery Selector text field you'd enter the following: #P20_CHECKBOX_4. Now when you run the page, the checkbox option & its associated label are hidden.
    I hope this helps.

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    you can use the write statement in the print_top_of_page event of oo alv.

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    Steps to implements,
    "The columns will not show when the results tab is selected. I do not find nay errors in the nqquery.log or nqserver.log. Any ideas?"
    1) for the above issues, its know bug and its fixed in obiee11. make sure your version.
    FYI:bug ref
    2) by workaroun way in obiee11. and version --> remove the existing view and re-create the view it will bring up newly added coulmn. otherwise when ever you just want to add new columns in your exsiting analysis view just edit and go to the result tab and you can find the required SA presentaion table columns in left side -->select it required columns and double click it then its will get displayed in result view.

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    As mentioned in the specified thread
    You can enhance the Webdynpro component: HRESS_C_LEA_TEAM_CALENDAR
    To remove the color in the calender enhance the method BIND_CALENDAR_DATA_NEW
    delete the record from "wd_this->gt_new_cal_entries" where  legend id  = "TRAVEL"
    To remove the legend color enhance the method PARSE_XML
    delete the record from "wd_this->gt_new_legends" where  legend id  = "TRAVEL"
    Or  Deactivate the BADI implementation HRMSS_TEAMCALE_TRAVEL_IMPL  in SPRO
    Employee Self-Service (Web Dynpro ABAP) -> Service-Specific Settings ->Team Calendar ->BAdI: Team Calendar Enhancement with Additional Information

  • Check box column trouble

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    I am new with java server faces.
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    <rich:extendedDataTable .... >
    <rich:column width="8%" styleClass="checkBoxColumn">
    <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="true" />
    </rich:extendedDataTable .... >

    cezarini wrote:
    The trouble is that i could not syncronize my check box selection with onRowClick event of table, an example
    could be when i deselect a table row the check box still remain selected.
    Basicly what this is what i did:
    <rich:extendedDataTable .... >
    <rich:column width="8%" styleClass="checkBoxColumn">
    <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="true" />
    </rich:extendedDataTable .... >
    By default the value attribute of h:selectBooleanCheckbox tag is true i.e.
    <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="true" />I would suggest you use a4j:support tag. For more information about this tag please visit the following URL:

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    Thanks and best regards,
    Arun prabhu S

    Hi Arun,
    If you are talking about the very first check box, then that is not related to OCI. Use of check box is to anable multiple item selection which can be used adding the records in the workflow, for comparison etc.
    Jitesh Talreja

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    Hi Pradeep,
    1. Create a Pushbutton or set a PF status.
    2. u can create input fields without a subscreen.
    3. u can code to hide the input fields by using
         LOOP at Screen.
            case screen-fieldname.
               when <fieldname1> or <fieldname2>..
                  Screen-Invisible = 1.
                  Screen-active = 0.
    4. when u press the button.
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    ii. Unhide the input fields.
         LOOP at Screen.
            case screen-fieldname.
               when <fieldname1> or <fieldname2>..
                  Screen-Invisible = 0.
                  Screen-active = 1.

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    but I don't know how to pass it to through.
    here is the code I have for my form now.
    function checkForm():Boolean {
    // this checks whether required fields have been filled in
    // initialize missing flag on assumption everything OK
    var missing:Boolean = false;
    // clear all error text fields
    error1_txt.text = error2_txt.text=error3_txt.text="";
    // check each field
    // if problem is encountered, display message
    // and set missing flag to true
    if (text_field_1.text == "") {
    error1_txt.text = "Please enter your name";
    missing = true;
    if (text_field_2.text.indexOf("@") == -1) {
    error2_txt.text = "Please enter a valid email address";
    missing = true;
    if (text_field_5.text == "") {
    error3_txt.text = "You have not entered any comments";
    missing = true;
    // if missing is true, return false
    // otherwise return true
    return missing ? false : true;
    function sendMessage():Void {
    // check whether form has been correctly filled in
    var formOK:Boolean = checkForm();
    // if no problems, process the form and send variables to
    PHP script
    if (formOK) {
    // Form processing goes here
    message.from = text_field_1.text; = text_field_2.text;
    message.comments = text_field_5.text;
    message.sendAndLoad("feedback.php?ck="+ new
    Date().getTime(), messageSent);
    // display message informing user that email is being sent
    function backToForm():Void {
    // send playhead back to the main form
    // create and apply text format for date
    var dateDisplay:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    dateDisplay.font = "Georgia,Times,_serif";
    theDate_txt.autoSize = "left";
    // create LoadVars instance to retrieve date from PHP script
    var getDate:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    // initialize LoadVars to send form data
    // and receive response from the PHP script
    var message:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    var messageSent:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    // load date from PHP
    // assign theDate property of the LoadVars instance to text
    getDate.onLoad = function() {
    theDate_txt.text = this.theDate;
    messageSent.onLoad = function() {
    if (this.sent == "OK") {
    } else {
    failure_txt.text = this.reason;
    any help would be greatly appreciated.

    if by check box you mean a radio button, you can add the
    following to your code:

  • Hide Command Box through Sap ECC 6.0

    Hi, SAP GURU's
    How is it possible to globally hide command box in a Sap ECC 6.0. or hide it only from Enterprise Portal.
    Sumeet Sharma

    Hello Sumeet Sharma
    Hiding the command box in SAPgui for windows is not possible.
    Disabling it would probably mean you have to rewrite the SAPgui interface (not feasible).
    Restricting your users from accessing content they are not supposed to access is based on authorizations, if you give everyone all rights you are bound to heading for trouble and issues restricting where they are going. Also when you get an audit they will surely flag this point as being dangerous.
    You can check with SAP by opening a customer message.
    Kind regards

  • Reset radiobutton list when check box unchecked

    I have a static PDF registration form that I am working on using LiveCycle Designer 8.2. I would like to learn how to have a radiobutton list reset when a particular check box is unchecked.
    When registering for the event, users have the option of attending 1 of the 4 optional afternoon workshop sessions. I have successfully made the workshop radiobuttons hidden until the check box is checked using the following code:
    (check box is named "Reg4" -- this is where they say "yes" I'm going to attend 1 of the 4 workshops,
    radiobutton list of the 4 workshops is named "RadioButtonList3")
          topmostSubform.Page1.Reg4::change - (JavaScript, client)
         if (this.rawValue == "0") {
           this.resolveNode("RadioButtonList3").presence = "hidden";
    When the user unchecks the "Reg4" checkbox after they have selected 1 of the 4 workshops, that radiobutton is still checked.
    What I'm looking for is to have the radiobutton list reset (or again hidden) when the Reg4 button is unchecked (after previously being checked).
    I hope my description is clear. Is this possible?

    Thank you again, Jono, for your reply. I was worried that the Static PDF was the trouble but I just couldn't take no for an answer!
    If you're willing, I'd be happy to send you my file but am unable to post publicly.
    In an earlier version the RadioButtonList3 is hidden when first viewing the file. It was done using FormCalc. (I know you said don't mix the languages but, hey, it worked!) Also, I found a post you had last year in the discussion "Prompt User to click checkbox (radio button)" where you described a message box using Java. I snagged that and put it on the enter event of the Reg4 field.
    When I preview the PDF, this is what I now have:
    Upon first view, RadioButtonList3 is hidden and am unable to select (perfect)
    When I check the Reg4 box, I get the "You will be registered for a..." warning message (perfect)
    I can now make a selection in the RadioButtonList3 (perfect)
    If I uncheck the Reg4 box without making a selection on RadioButtonList3, the RadioButtonList3 again hides (perfect)
    If I check the Reg4, then make a selection on RadioButtonList3, and then uncheck the Reg4 box, the RadioButtonList3 is reset (perfect)
    BUT the RadioButtonList3 is still visible and a selection can now be made (not perfect because the Reg4 box is now unchecked and the user will only be registered for the event if Reg4 is checked)
    #1 RadioButtonList3 will hide only if it has not been selected and reset first.
    #2 The warning message only appears the first time Reg4 is checked.
    These 2 items somehow seem related. Is there something that tells it "use this code when you first open the document but act differently once you've started checking boxes" so it only acts as I intend on the first go-around?
    Here's all of my code:
      topmostSubform.Page1.RadioButtonList3::calculate - (FormCalc, client)
    if (Reg4 == "0") then
              RadioButtonList3.access = "readOnly"
              RadioButtonList3.access = "open"
    topmostSubform.Page1.Reg4::change - (JavaScript, client)
    if (this.rawValue == 1) {
      RadioButtonList3.presence = "visible";
    else {
              RadioButtonList3.rawValue = "";
      RadioButtonList3.presence = "hidden";
    topmostSubform.Page1.Reg4::enter - (JavaScript, client)
    if (RadioButtonList3.rawValue == "") {"You will be registered for an Optional Workshop ONLY if this box is checked. Don't forget to tell us which workshop you will be attending.");
         this.rawValue == null;
    So sorry for the lengthy post. I'm open to any ideas that anyone may have.
    This certainly is a learning experience!

  • Hiding text box based on check box checking

    I have a jsp in which based on whether the check box is checked or unchecked I want to hide or show a text box. I am including the text box in a div tag & calling a javascript function to set the style of the div to hidden or shown based on whether the check box is checked or not. although i am getting the correct values in the alerts the text box is not getting hidden.
       <td class="label"><label for="chk1"><gbms:message key="lblSearchforDeletedCustomer"/>:</label></td><td class="input">
                  <html-el:checkbox property="chk1" value="N" tabindex="3" onclick="javascript:checkboxClicked(document.forms['formCustomerOrVehicleMaintenance'])" onfocus="fnShowError(document.formCustomerOrVehicleMaintenance.chk1);"></html-el:checkbox> <gbms:message key="chek"/> 
                                 <div id="delDateDiv" style:hidden>
                            <td class="label"><label for="txtDeleteDate"><gbms:message key="lblDeletedAsOf"/>:</label></td><td class="input">
                 <html-el:text property="txtDeleteDate" size="6" maxlength="40" tabindex="3" onchange="fnChanged()" onfocus="fnShowError(document.formCustomerVehicleMaintenanceDelete.txtDeleteDate);"></html-el:text> <a href="#" onclick="[0].txtDeleteDate,'anchor1xx','MMddyy'); return false;" name="anchor1xx"><img src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/css/common/calendar.gif" border="0" style="cursor: hand"></a><gbms:help jsp="customerVehicleMaintenanceDelete" module="admin" languageCode="<%=request.getLocale().getLanguage()%>" field="DeletedAsOf"/>
                        </td></div>javascript function being called..
    function checkboxClicked(aThis)
                        var aform = document.forms['formCustomerOrVehicleMaintenance'];
                        var aDiv = document.getElementById('delDateDiv');
                        if(aThis.chk1.value == true)
                             aform.txtDeleteDate.value = '';
                             aform.txtDeleteDate.disabled = false;
                    = 'visible';
                             aform.txtDeleteDate.value = '';
                             aform.txtDeleteDate.disabled = true;
                    = 'hidden';

    in my javascript function the value returned is true when checkbox is checked & false when it is unchecked. visibility is also giving correct value in the alert. but still field is not hiding
              function checkboxClicked()
                        var aform = document.forms['formCustomerOrVehicleMaintenance'];
                        var aDiv = document.getElementById('delDateDiv');
                             aform.txtDeleteDate.value = '';
                             aform.txtDeleteDate.disabled = false;
                    = 'visible';
                             alert("inside if");
                             aform.txtDeleteDate.value = '';
                             aform.txtDeleteDate.disabled = true;
                    = 'hidden';
                             alert("inside else");

  • How to disable check box (row selector) in a tabular APEX report

    I have a tabular report with check boxes that gets populated by a SQL query.  For certain rows, I want to disable (or not render) the check box, depending on the value of one of the columns for that particular row (if the value of a column defined as Date is less than sysdate, I don't want to display the check box for that row).  I tried using the Conditional Display in the Column Attribute section of the check box, but I am unable to access this Date column which is being selected from a view in the source SQL.  I used variable such as :name-of_column, V(':name-of_column'), but always get a NULL value for this Date column in the SQL that I am trying to code in the Conditional Display section.  For this reason, my condition does not work correctly.
    What am I doing wrong?  Is my approach above correct?

    Hi Ajay,
    I don't think you can handle this with a conditional display, as that works on column level rather than row level.
    The way I see it, there are two things you can do:
    1) an sql approach, where youo render the checkbox as part of your query using apex_item.checkbox, check the oracle docs for detailed info on the usage APEX_ITEM
    You'll end up with a query like
    select case when YOUR_DATE_COLUMN < sysdate
                      then null
                      else  apex_item.checkbox2( p_idx => 1
                                                               , p_value => YOUR_DATE_COLUMN
    ,      <rest of your query here>
    from YOUR_TABLE
    2) an JavaScript approach in which you create a dynamic action that check your tabular form date column and, when necessary hides and disables the checkbox for that row.
    First option is more robust, but will require a bit more work. Second option is faster to develop, but might have different effect across various browsers and browser versions.

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    If I select photos and then go to my tool bar and press share. the option of photo stream is not available.
    I also can't accept any shared photo stream from other and view it in my iphoto. I can only access it via web.
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    You turn on Photo Stream in iPhoto's Photo Stream preference pane:
    Check the box "Automatic Upload" to add every photo imported into the library to the Photo Stream.  Or leave it unchecked and manually add just selected photos to the stream by dragging them onto the Photo Stream heading in the left hand pane.

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