Trying to save space...

I assume that once I import my iphoto library to Aperture, I can move the iphoto library to the trash? I think I have multiple copies of images in various places on my hard drive...

blake65 wrote:
I assume they were being copied... I got a warning saying the import would require xxx amount of space?
When it comes to your photo library do you really want to assume anything?
To make sure that the images are really in the Aperture library before deleting the iPhoto library you should do a search in the Aperture library looking for referenced or missing masters. If they come up empty then your images were imported into Aperture and you can delete the iPhoto library.

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    Hi everyone. I have the latest vers. of Itunes and just got a Tera byte I thought it'd be better to save space and put all my "itunes" folders on my Tera. I realized that was wrong and now I have a folder with all types of old Itunes libraries some from years ago and Itunes folders. Does anyone know the layout of what it should be clean? i.e. hardrive/music/itunes/itunesmusic ? I want to trash what I don't need. Also when I download an album I tend to trash the album thinkink it would be ok because I've already imported it into itunes. well now Itunes can't find alot of my songs. Do I really need to keep a copy of every cd I have on my drive for itunes? and if so where should they be kept? last one I promise..... can I combine all these old libraries I have?

    Thanks Donald!
    Bit ? Remins. My workflow is; Import fr.o.m. Camera to iphoto. Delete bad photos. I nerver Edit in iphoto. Move the best by drag and drop to Aperture in the dock, and do all editing there. Then printing (Epson 2880). Intill now Only jpeg.
    But now i want to insreas quality and start working raw. So import raw and jpeg to iphoto. Drag end drop good raws to Aperture. Are the originals in Aperture libraries then,so i can delete it in iphoto libraries, or beter keep it there Also?
    What to chose in iphoto preferences; use raw for extern editing? Keep Edith pictures in 16 bit tiff???
    And another question. Wien in jpeg, is shoot With My 16 mp camera. Filés are according to iphoto info Around 5mp.
    When i export to desktop as "jpeg original size" filés are much Bigger,Around 15 mp.does that mean that the original filé in iphoto is that big and that the fileinfo in iphoto Only showa à preview or à trumbnail??
    Apologien My spelling, but My iPad has à verk strong Will, and prefere to "do it My Way".
    Kind reglars
    Dick waller

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    Yes, you can delete the original files.
    But if you're running short of space, consider getting a larger HD for your Mac.  

  • Versions and Masters, size and trying to save space

    I am looking at my Library and trying to get rid of duplicates - In a List view I see an image and then its Version2. The image master is 9.58 mb; the version is also. I thought versions were supposed to be just the tweaks of the masters and not themselves all that large? I'd like to delete the original and keep the version but know I can't do thatt; if you delete a Master it deletes a version so you can't convert the Version into a new Master
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    Message was edited by: Victoria Herring

    What William said +
    You can turn off auto preview generation for new projects, you can turn off "maintain previews" for existing or old projects, you can delete all of the previews and then just generate them for your rated images.
    You can also take a some of your images either by project or by any other criteria and then use move masters to an external drive.
    More here:
    [Aperture previews| s>
    [Aperture file management|>

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    I am trying to get space on an external hard drive which has some old time machine back up files that I do not need but can not eliminate, even by going into the time machine, clicking on the backup file to be eliminated and using the drop down menu with the gear box symbol to eliminate

    I cannot find this 300GB "Backup" in the Finder, only in the Storage info when I check "About This Mac".
    You are probably using Time Machine to backup your MacBook Pro, right? Then the additional 300 GB could be local Time Machine snapshots.  Time Machine will write the hourly backups to the free space on your hard disk, if the backup drive is temporarily not connected. You do not see these local backups in the Finder, and MacOS will delete them, when you make a regular backup to Time Machine, or when you need the space for other data.
    See Pondini's page for more explanation:   What are Local Snapshots?
    I have restarted my computer, but the information remains the same. How do I reclaim the use of the 300GB? Why is it showing up as "Backups" when it used to indicate "Photos"? Are my photos safe on the external drive?
    You have tested the library on the external drive, and so your photos are save there.  
    The local TimeMachine snapshot probably now contains a backup of the moved library.  Try, if connecting your Time Machine drive will reduce the size of your local Time Machine snapshots.

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    I am trying to save memory on my iPhone 4S/ ios6.
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    1. What format is the external drive? It sounds like it's ina format that Macs can't write to. Is it a NAS or NTFS?
    2. Easiest thing: just move your iPhoto Library to the external
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.

  • "An error occurred while trying to save your photo library..."

    Installed iPhoto6.
    Started app. It said it would take a few seconds or minutes to upgrade.
    About 6 hours later after churning on thumbnails it is now claiming this error over and over with some time that goes by in between:
    "An error occurred while trying to save your photo library."
    "Some recent changes may be lost. Make sure your hard disk has enough space and that iPhoto is able to access the iPhoto Library folder."
    It says I have 22,759 photos in Library. The Library was a subset of my images, named "iPhoto Library 2005" and it was intentionally kept below the 25,000 limit of iPhoto5.
    Since Steve claims iPhoto6 can easily handle 250,000 photos, I clicked on the upgrade button with confidence. This now appears to be a mistake. Last night I was working on an iDVD for the local school and the majority of that work has simply vanished. There were 320 photos. I spent hours adding keywords, ranking, adjusting temperature, focus, exposure, etc.
    Of the 320, only 16 photos survived. They are 16 in a row from the middle of the roll near the end but not at the end. The roll name was lost. The name is now just "Roll 226" and none of the photos have keywords. I know at least one of the 16 should have the keyword "DUPE" and the ranking 2 STARS since it precedes a double that I ranked 2 during a slideshow, sorted by ranking, and dragged to the DUPE keyword. All 16 should have the ACROCK keyword which I initially assigned to all photos.
    Again, 304 of 320 have vanished and the 16 that remain have no keywords or rankings.
    I watched the slide show in iPhoto5 three times with different music candidates so I know the keywording and rankings evaporated in iPhoto6. I also clicked ACROCK and option clicked DUPE and POOR so that all of the music program photos except dupes and poor images would vanish. I only deleted one photo so there were not a lot of changes to the library in terms of photos in it. I cannot think of any reason why the 16 chosen survived. Only two were placed in a DVD dropzone and they are scattered amongst the 16 survivors.
    Also, the ACROCK and DUPE keywords are also gone while the POOR keyword added in August is in the keyword table just fine.
    I exported these 320 photos last night to iDVD and tried almost all of the different themes and I dragged about 10 different photos to the dropzones, hit play, hit motion, etc.
    It seems very strange that 16 photos from the middle of the pack would survive.
    It seems extra odd that iPhoto5 and iDVD treated these as "established" photos, not photos hanging in the wings somewhere ready to vanish in an upgrade.
    I gracefully saved and quit iDVD and iPhoto5 and there were no crashes and nothing strange happened while making the DVD. I was hoping today to try out the new themes and maybe find one that is just right for the kids. Instead, about 300 of 320 photos of the kids went bye-bye along with all the work on the photos!
    I'm nervous that many more photos are missing but I will need to do a ton of checking to see what else has been deleted by the upgrade.
    The user message that iPhoto6 presents is nearly useless and strange. It offers little if anything to go on in terms of a repair procedure. After saying an error has occurred, it says some recent changes could be lost but doesn't expand at all on what they may be or why.
    From my experience, recently added photos, keywords, keyword assignments, rankings and maybe more can all be lost. To compound matters, before the upgrade it says that you cannot go back to the prior (working!) library in iPhoto5. Beware!
    It finishes by suggesting two vague steps to take. The first is to make sure your disk has "enough" space. How much is "enough"? It doesn't say something like X GB available, Y GB needed. A user would have no clue about how much space to free up. I have over 17 GB and assumed that would be enough. I sure hope it doesn't require double the space of the existing library. I would hope it has a smarter algorithm than that since 23,000 photos at about 3 MB each maps to about 70 GB. That's a lot of "temporary" space to require to perform an upgrade. Since the upgrade/error message provide no details (unlike package installers which supposedly tell you how much space you need), users like me would have no clue if 70 GB is plenty or not enough.
    I found 24 GB secretly used by iPhoto 5 for an iPod Photo Cache and a tech bulletin saying this just grows and grows without control and it can be deleted SO I wouldn't put huge hidden disk usage past iPhoto6.
    The last none-to-helpful suggestion is that a user make sure that iPhoto is able to access the iPhoto Library folder. Huh?!??!?
    Wouldn't this be a great thing to confirm via software before setting about on 6+ hours of work, especially if there is an error message hard-coded in the software confirming that Apple knows the result may be losing valuable customer photos and hours of work on enhancing, keywording, creating DVDs, etc.?
    Of course. This appears negligent. To know that customer file loss will likely result but not checking these things out in advance before taking that risk seems like putting the cart before the horse at customers' expense & pain and certain loss of irreplaceable family photos (for the, say, 80%+ of iPhoto users that "plan" to get a backup routine established?).
    I got burned in the iPhoto5 upgrade as well, losing photos, so I was sure to have a backup so it wouldn't happen again. Most I fear won't be so fortunate so be advised of the risk and work with copies of your photos only.
    Also, why would iPhoto5 have all the permissions it needs to store, edit, tag and otherwise work with 320 photos added last night? Why would version 5 have plenty of permissions to use the folders and the photos in them. Why would iPhoto 6 suddenly lose those permissions or not have enough? This hardly makes any sense. The only way the permissions were set, the iPhoto libraries got created and the albums got created was by dragging a folder of images onto the albums pane in iPhoto5. So, iPhoto5 set all the permissions, everything is under one user account and there should be no surprise permissions for iPhoto6 to deal with.
    It seems unbelievable that iPhoto 6 couldn't do what iPhoto 5 was doing. I never changed permissions and never touched files in the iPhoto 5 structure.
    I can only guess that recently added keywords, recently added photos and recently added rankings and keyword taggings linger in some at-risk staging area that a version 6 upgrade doesn't know how to deal with. This seems like a lame way to code this app so I don't consider this a good guess but what else could it be?
    Anyone else have a better hunch at a root cause?
    Anyone else have an idea of a cure?
    Anyone else run into this?
    It sure doesn't look like there was a test case for having near 25,000 photos (an iPhoto 5 documented requirement), working with the latest roll and then doing a version 6 upgrade because it failed miserably--user data loss--without any special effort to find defects. In a former life I tested software and released software was much more difficult to break than this.
    I would appreciate any other user experiences/solutions related to this problem. I am reluctant to import another 22,000 photos from iPhoto Library 2004 only to find more photos go poof without any rhyme or reason.
    Thanks in advance for your help and I hope this alerts others to a potential for valuable photo loss (i.e., back up before you upgrade, verify iPhoto Library permissions--whatever that means--and have scads of disk space available assuming there's any truth to the error message!).
    G5 Dual 2.7 GHz 2 GB DDR SDRAM   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    I'll check if I have copies of copies of copies. This could take a while due to the number of files.
    I picked up a brand new 300 GB Western Digital hard drive thinking 20GB or so was not enough for temp files for upgrading and/or importing.
    I formatted it as a mac os extended, journaled drive, not case sensitive, one full-size partition. I started iPhoto6 with the option key. I had a CF in my other WD 300 GB (with media reader). iPhoto6 asked about the photos on the card. I told it not to download those (again). Because I was holding the option key down, iPhoto6 asked if I wanted to select a different library or create one. I created one on the brand new, 100% empty 300 GB drive. I'm not sure if/where iPhoto6 creates temporary/cache files (like iPhoto iPod Cache folder) as it sets up a new library. I was hoping the empty 300 GB drive would give it ample room to load an existing iPhoto5 library.
    When I dragged an old iPhoto5 Library onto the new iPhoto6 Library Album pane. I saw the "Importing..." start and it went on and on and on and... I let it run for HOURS and HOURS. When I checked around midnight, it had crashed. When I started it again, it said it had run across some huge number of stray photos.
    I have no idea why iPhoto6 would have trouble importing an iPhoto5 library that was below the 25,000 photo mark for 5. This is especially bizarre since iPhoto6 claims it supports 250,000 photos!
    I'll be trying to figure out if these stray photos got imported as dupes, if they lost iPhoto5 keywords, etc. I fear something different but equally bad happened since the number of photos it came up with was like 79,000--again many stray photos that didn't make it into the first import for no known reason. Since libraries in iPhoto5 were around 25,000 or less, I'm not sure what's happening.
    Maybe there's a cache or temp file still created on Macintosh HD and not on the empty new 300GB drive and a bug exists for imports when space on Mac HD is "low" (i.e., under 3.5 GB). Maybe it's seeing thumbs as files it should import? Maybe it's seeing Orig and Modified images as worthy of reimporting?
    I had told it not to import dupes but who knows if it goes by file name, checksum, byte-for-byte comparison, etc.
    I'm not sure if I can even pull up iPhoto5 and 6 at the same time now to scroll through the libraries to see if dupes, thumbs, original/modifies/etc. are showing up to boost the count from under 25K to 79K!
    Ideas? At least I know I'm not the only G5 dual user with this problem!
    G5 Dual 2.7 GHz 2 GB DDR SDRAM Mac OS X (10.4.4)
    G5 Dual 2.7 GHz 2 GB DDR SDRAM Mac OS X (10.4.4)

  • Error when trying to "Save for Web"

    I, like others have the same problem in Photoshop Elements 6 editor when trying to "Save for Web". I get an error: 
    could not complete the export command because of a program error
    I've searched the forum, but it seems like no one has found a solution.
    I have a new PC with Windows 7 on it. It's Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit. i5 processor, 16GB RAM and plenty of HD space.
    I am running Photoshop Elements 6.
    When I used the same version of Photoshop Elements 6 on my old XP computer, I didn't have this problem.
    Adobe Photoshop Elements Language Version: 6.0 (6.0 (20070910.r.377499))
    Operating System: Windows Vista
    Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:9 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP
    Physical processor count: 4
    Built-in memory: 15822 MB
    Free memory: 11064 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 1621 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 55 %
    Image cache levels: 6
    Serial number: 10571087952197841429
    Application folder: D:\Program Files\Adobe Photoshop Elements\
    Temporary file path: C:\Users\Roger\AppData\Local\Temp\
    Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
    Scratch volume(s):
      C:\, 111.7G, 76.2G free
    Primary Plug-ins folder: D:\Program Files\Adobe Photoshop Elements\Plug-Ins\
    Additional Plug-ins folder: not set
    Installed plug-ins:
       3D Transform 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Accented Edges 9.0
       Angled Strokes 9.0
       Auto Divide (6.0 (20070910.r.377499))
       Average 10.0 (10.0x001)
       BMP 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Bas Relief 9.0
       Camera Raw 4.2
       Chalk & Charcoal 9.0
       Charcoal 9.0
       Chrome 9.0
       Clouds 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Color Halftone 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Color Variations 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Colored Pencil 9.0
       CompuServe GIF 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Conditional Mode Change 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Conté Crayon 9.0
       Correct Camera Distortion 9.0
       Craquelure 9.0
       Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Crosshatch 9.0
       Crystallize 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Cutout 9.0
       Dark Strokes 9.0
       De-Interlace 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Difference Clouds 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Diffuse Glow 9.0
       Displace 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Dry Brush 9.0
       Extrude 10.0 (10.0x001)
       FastCore Routines 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Fibers 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Film Grain 9.0
       Filmstrip 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Filter Gallery 9.0
       Frame From Video 6.0
       Fresco 9.0
       Generic EPS 10.0
       Glass 9.0
       Glowing Edges 9.0
       Grain 9.0
       Graphic Pen 9.0
       Halftone Pattern 9.0
       Ink Outlines 9.0
       JPEG 2000 2.0
       Lens Flare 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Lighting Effects 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Liquify 7.0
       MMXCore Routines 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Magic Extractor 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Matlab Operation 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Mezzotint 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Mosaic Tiles 9.0
       Multiprocessor Support 10.0 (10.0x001)
       NTSC Colors 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Neon Glow 9.0
       Note Paper 9.0
       Ocean Ripple 9.0
       OnEdge 1, 0, 0, 1
       PCX 10.0 (10.0x001)
       PNG 10.0 (10.0x001)
       PNG Icons 1.22x1
       Paint Daubs 9.0
       Palette Knife 9.0
       Patchwork 9.0
       Photocopy 9.0
       PhotomergeUI 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Picture Package Filter 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Pinch 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Pixar 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Plaster 9.0
       Plastic Wrap 9.0
       Pointillize 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Polar Coordinates 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Poster Edges 9.0
       Radial Blur 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Read Watermark 1.70.19
       Reticulation 9.0
       Ripple 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Rough Pastels 9.0
       Save for Web 3.0
       ScriptingSupport 10.0
       Shear 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Smart Blur 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Smudge Stick 9.0
       Solarize 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Spatter 9.0
       Spherize 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Sponge 9.0
       Sprayed Strokes 9.0
       Stained Glass 9.0
       Stamp 9.0
       Straighten Image 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Straighten and Crop Image 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Sumi-e 9.0
       Targa 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Texture Fill 10.0 (10.0x001)
       TextureSelect 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Texturizer 9.0
       Tiles 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Torn Edges 9.0
       Twain Acquire 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Twain Select 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Twirl 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Underpainting 9.0
       WIA Support 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Water Paper 9.0
       Watercolor 9.0
       Wave 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Wind 10.0 (10.0x001)
       Wireless Bitmap 10.0 (10.0x001)
       ZigZag 10.0 (10.0x001)
    Plug-ins that failed to load: NONE
    Installed TWAIN devices:
       WIA-HP Scanjet 4800 series

    I also tried the alt/ctrl/shift buttons when clicking Editor in the Photoshop welcome screen. It did ask if I wanted to reset the preferences. I chose yes. I still get the same error message when trying to save for web.
    Below....showing I don't have a "save for web" folder on my C drive.
    And below, showing the same error after pressing alt/shift/ctrl when clicking on editor and clearing the preferences.
    I don't have a 'Save for Web' folder anywhere on my C: drive. I searched and came up with no folder with the text "save for web" in it.
    I did find a "save for web" folder on my D: drive and deleted that.. but now when I start up Photoshop, the option for Save for Web is grayed out...not able to select it.

  • How can I "archive" mails in Mail App to another internal drive/partition to save space but still have it searchable in spotlight (and preferably visible, searchable, draggable in Mail App)?

    How can I "archive" mails in Mail App to another internal drive/partition to save space but still have it searchable in spotlight (and preferably visible, searchable, draggable in Mail App)?
    I am using Mountain Lion and Mail App and running out of space on my small primary SSD drive (where I keep OS, apps, key user preferences/data and mail for speed). The mail data is the big variable (many GBs) and I want to "archive"/move some of the old mail to my 2nd drive inside the Mac. But I still want it searchable inside spotlight and preferably even inside Mail too. And I'd like to be able to still drag and drop old mails into this archive folder.
    What I've tried that seems to work:
    This seemed to work:
    1. Move the archive folder/mailbox to the 2nd drive/partition/folder (don't delete anything inside Mail App)
    2. Create a symbolic link from its new location to the original/old location
    This seems to work, it looks as "normal" and as if nothing happened inside Mail App but the folder now resides elsewhere and seems searchable etc. But I'm not sure that once caches refresh or over time with updates etc if stuff will break horribly or corrupt.
    Is that the right way to "archive" mails in Mail App to another internal drive/partition to save space but still have it searchable in spotlight and visible, searchable, draggable in Mail App?
    Thanks in advance!

    I'm having a similar but slightly different problem. My company just migrated to Gmail, and it's saving mail drafts every 30 seconds into my Trash folder.
    I unchecked the "Show in IMAP" preference in the Gmail settings, but my Drafts folder completely disappeared. I went back and checked it and the folder reappeared (with my drafts still in there).
    I like the idea if starting an email on my laptop and having the option of finishing it on my iPhone or iPad, so only saving Drafts locally would not be ideal.

  • Lost All My Photos! "Error occurred while trying to save .."

    Hi. I'm in total panic mode right now as it appears I have lost all my photos.
    I did a quick search here and came across a couple of threads, but I'm not sure if the info contained in them is going to help me.
    I was using iPhoto and double clicked on a photo to enlarge it to show it to a friend and then I got the following message: "An error has occurred while trying to save your photo library. Some recent changes may be lost. Make sure your hard disk has enough space & that iPhoto is able to access the iPhoto Library". After this, all my photos in all the events & albums disappeared ... no status bar indicating anything was being processed ... nothing.
    I have my iPhoto Library on my 1TB Western Digital Hard Drive and the drive kept whirring as if processing something (this sound is common but it just kept going). I quit iPhoto, put the iMac to sleep & a minute later woke it up. The HD started whirring again & I opened up iPhoto ... still no photos. I dragged the external HD to the trash to eject it & unplugged it. I then re-connected it & still nothing. I have two "my book" icons in the left panel when I open up my Mac HD and one of them I can't get rid of as it says the volume can't be found. I'm guessing this is from when I tried to eject the HD. I am going to try re-starting my Mac. I also right clicked on the iPhoto icon to check the properties & even though I have no photos, it spent a couple of minutes (like it usually does) trying to calculate the size of the library ... so I'm hoping that the photos are somewhere.
    I have 16gb left on my iMac HD & 476gb on the external HD. I have no clue what happened and I had over 160gb in my iPhoto Library.
    Where should I look to try and find the photos if they have just been hidden (I hope) or am I totally out of luck? I have backups of some of the photos but not everything ...
    If anyone can offer some suggestions I'd be very grateful.
    Thanks for your time.
    Take care,

    You’re having two problems there, I think. One is with the disk. You’re not going anywhere with the other until you can get that to mount.
    Assuming you can, it sounds like the database has been damaged:
    Try these in order - from best option on down...
    1. Do you have an up-to-date back up? If so, try copy the library6.iphoto file from the back up to the iPhoto Library (Right Click -> Show Package Contents) allowing it to overwrite the damaged file.
    2. Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.
    3. If neither of these work then you'll need to create and populate a new library.
    To create and populate a new *iPhoto 08* library:
    Note this will give you a working library with the same Events and pictures as before, however, you will lose your albums, keywords, modified versions, books, calendars etc.
    In the iPhoto Preferences -> Events Uncheck the box at 'Imported Items from the Finder'
    Move the iPhoto Library to the desktop
    Launch iPhoto. It will ask if you wish to create a new Library. Say Yes.
    Go into the iPhoto Library (Right Click -> Show Package Contents) on your desktop and find the Originals folder. From the Originals folder drag the individual Event Folders to the iPhoto Window and it will recreate them in the new library.
    When you're sure all is well you can delete the iPhoto Library on your desktop.
    In the future, in addition to your usual back up routine, you might like to make a copy of the library6.iPhoto file whenever you have made changes to the library as protection against database corruption.

  • Permissions issue: An error occurred while trying to save your photo librar

    I recently upgraded from a Mac mini running OS X 10.4.10 (iPhoto 08) to an iMac Core2Duo (2.4ghz) running Leopard (and also iPhoto 08).
    My iPhoto library resided on an external Firewire drive when running on the Mac mini, but now that the iMac has such a large hard disk (750gb), I wanted to move my library there. I copied the library over to the Pictures folder in my user folder on the iMac and started up iPhoto, and everything seemed fine.
    When iPhoto is running for any length of time, I get the following error:
    *An error occurred while trying to save your photo library.*
    *Some recent changes may be lost. Make sure your hard disk has enough space and that iPhoto is able to access the iPhoto Library.*
    (I have over 300gb available on the disk and my library folder is approximately 40gb.)
    I've repaired the permissions on the library using iPhoto's built-in mechanism (command-option while booting iPhoto) and Disk Utility. Additionally, I've used BatchMod to give my user and group full read/write/delete permissions (as posted elsewhere in the forums), but I still get the error.
    Searching the forums yields other users w/ the same issues. What's the scoop? TIA!

    I just had the very same problem when I was messing with permissions and reset my unknown group to staff. I lost all write permissions in my nome folder. Here's how you can reset it for your pictures folder:
    In the Terminal type in "sudo chmod -R -N " (there's a space after the N) and drag the Pictures folder into the Terminal window. Then hit the enter key. It should chug along for a couple of seconds and return a new prompt. Give iPhoto another try after that.
    I had to do that for my entire home folder and it fixed the problem.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • IPhoto: An error occurred while trying to save your photo library.

    "An error occurred while trying to save your photo library.
    Some recent changes may be lost. Make sure your hard disk has enough space and that iPhoto is able to access the iPhoto Library."
    Basically, the same issues as this thread:
    I have tried the BatchMod with no luck. If it matters, this is on an external hard drive and I am the only user on this computer. Looking at the info of the library file, I have read/write/execute permissions and my group has read permissions only. I thought BatchMod would change these permissions but it doesn't seem to work.
    Actually, I restarted my computer and it works now. But I am still worried it might happen again. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. If it's working now it could have been a one time hiccup. Do you backup your library on a regular basis? If not you definitely should.
    If the library gets damaged/corrupted you won't lose your photos but can lose all of your organizational effort that you put into the library. If the external HD crashes then you will lose all.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier versions) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. There are versions that are compatible with iPhoto 5, 6, 7 and 8 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    NOTE: The new rebuild option in iPhoto 09 (v. 8.0.2), Rebuild the iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup" makes this tip obsolete.

  • "An error occurred while trying to save..." Library

    Perhaps it's something minor, but I had this message out of the blue with iPhoto:
    "An error occurred while trying to save your photo library. Some recent changes may be lost. Make sure your hard disk has enough space and that iPhoto is able to access the iPhoto Library".
    After that message I closed iPhoto, and just restarted my Mac. The message hasn't displayed again. So far I haven't found any error or "lost changes" in my library. Those two recommendations from the message are checked and OK. There's plenty of space, I can access my photos and everything seems OK.
    I keep iPhoto running all the time even when my Mac is sleeping. It runs from an external HD.
    Should I rebuild my library just in case, before my next full back up? I have a current backup of the dB Library (I use OT's Automator action). Should I restore it as well? Or just ignore that unusual warning? Ever since I use a managed library, it's the first time an error seems to occur.

    Thanks. I have already purchased Library Manager from some time ago. I'll give it a try to its rebuilding funtion, even though it's a big copy to be made (my library is about 90GB).
    Before that huge task, I'd like to point out some comments I've found in the iPLM help. It mentions a possible corruption of the AlbumData.xml file regarding keywords (invisible "null" characters on any keyword), and I have LOTS of keywords. I use Keyword Manager, by the way. That, and other considerations are listed for possible sources of an error.
    Also, I found this thread regarding the same issue:
    The link to arbysoft doesn't seem to work, by the way.
    In that thread this was used as an alternative after unsuccessfully rebuilding with iPLM. Maybe can I try this easier-at-a-glance option first?

  • Error Message: "An error occurred while trying to save your photo library."

    I am all of the sudden getting this error message while in iPhoto, seems to come up after I try to delete some photos:
    "*An error occurred while trying to save your photo library.* Some recent changes may be lost. Make sure your hard disk has enough space and that iPhoto is able to access the iPhoto Library."
    I have 83 GB of hard disk space available. Any help?

    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.

  • Get msg disk is full when trying to save a PDF file

    Running windows 7 and latest version of Adobe Reader.  I get the following message when I try to save a PDF file to disk.
    The disk you were saving to or the disk used for temporary files is full.  Free some space on this disk & try again or save to a different disk.  The disk I am trying to save the file to has over 200gb of free sapce!!

    I found a workaround online, here's the a link
    I was having the same issue with Adobe Reader 11.0.2 plugin for Internet Explorer.  So the directions in the above link are slightly different for Reader 11.
    Edit > Preferences > Security (Enhanced)
    Uncheck the box for "Enable Protected Mode at startup".
    I have no idea if there are any negative consequences with turning this option off.

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