TS1292 Error, invalid code

I'm trying to redeem my Itunes certificate and when the code is enetered it says ERROR invalid code.Every member in the family tried it and it doesn't work.Help. Copy, paste or entered by hand same outcome.

There are two common issues that may cause this problem for you.  This error can be caused if you remove columns from the template that you are using.  The other has to do with multi-currency and dates.  Please see these to SAP Notes on the SAP PartnerEdge Portal ...

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    Can anybody help me on this issue,I have tried with all possible combination like saving the file as txt,or csv but not able to solve the problem
    I have also gone to SDK Help center and tried to check whether at_Revenues exists or not I gathered the following info on at_Revenues and at_Expenses
    Member Description
    at_Revenues  Sets account as revenues account.  0 
    at_Expenses  Sets account as expenses account  1 
    at_Other  Set to accounts that are neither expenses nor revenues.  2 
    Plz help me .
    shailesh m
    [email protected]

    There are two common issues that may cause this problem for you.  This error can be caused if you remove columns from the template that you are using.  The other has to do with multi-currency and dates.  Please see these to SAP Notes on the SAP PartnerEdge Portal ...

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    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact
    Note: iTunes Gift Cards are only Valid in Country of issue

  • Adobe Print Form Error - Invalid Response Code: (401) Unauthorized

    Hi, I've just configured ADS on Netweaver 2004s. I've run through the config guide and everything works ok including the form generation test report FP_TEST_00 which outputs PDF without issue. I have two problems:
    -When I run a "test connection" on the RFC destination 'ADS' using the ADSUSER for the login details, I get a 403 not authorized error. Changing this user to J2EE_ADMIN resolves the issue and I get a 302 redirect. I've tried adding other permissions to the ADSUSER without any luck.
    -Running a report on the Portal under e.g. Executive Reporting and attempting to just right-click and hit "Print Version" results in a 401 error for request "http://hostXX:portXX/AdobeDocumentServices/Config?style=document" exactly as per this thread: Re: Adobe Form Creation Error - Invalid Response Code: (401) Unauthorized. However, I've double-checked all user details in Visual Administrator (ADS_AGENT) and on the ABAP stack side in su01 and sm59. I also tried changing the users to dialog with no effect. If I go directly to that URL and log in with ADSUSER I get a 403 not authorised error (using J2EE_ADMIN is again successful). I've noticed that in the http access log the HTTP protocol used is 1.1 when using the web browser and 1.0 when using the sm59 connection test. I've heard of problems with using HTTP/1.1, but when I change the options on IE8 to use HTTP/1.0, it changes for all other requests except the request for "http://hostXX:portXX/AdobeDocumentServices/Config?style=document", which is still submitted as HTTP/1.1. Conversely, in sm59 if I specify that it should use HTTP/1.1 under Special Options, I can see from the access log that it is in fact still using HTTP/1.0. Could this be related to the 401 error code that I'm seeing?
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,

    I think I've ruled out the HTTP protocol version as being an issue here. However I may have found more useful information on the actual issue.
    In the security log under usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGS00\j2ee\cluster\server0\log\system I see a different message for the unsuccessful report PDF generation attempt to that of a direct query to the same URL with the same web browser, as below. The unsuccessful attempt appears to forget the ADSUSER credentials and resort to the default J2EE_GUEST which has no authorisations and therefore fails. The direct query doesn't lose the ADSUSER credentials and I think this is because it prompts for the user/password when needed. Does anyone know why this happens for a direct query to this URL but not for the PDF generation attempt?
    Resulting logs from unsuccessful PDF generation attempt:
    #1.5 #005056AF1EB300750000002D0000142000048B4D2208F055#1279063306899#/System/Security/WS/SecurityProtocol#sap.com/irj#com.sap.security.core.client.ws.AuthenticationContext.setDestination#AICL0001#622##<host>_<sid>_3576650#AICL0001#4c1a62608ed511dfbe2a005056af1eb3#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_5##0#0#Info#1#com.sap.security.core.client.ws.AuthenticationContext#Java###An destination was set with the following properties:
    #1.5 #005056AF1EB30072000000250000142000048B4D220A12ED#1279063306977#/System/Security/Authentication##com.sap.engine.services.security.authentication.logincontext#J2EE_GUEST#0##<host>_<sid>_3576650#Guest#4c1a62608ed511dfbe2a005056af1eb3#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_24##0#0#Info#1#com.sap.engine.services.security.authentication.logincontext#Plain###LOGIN.FAILED
    User: N/A
    Authentication Stack: com.adobe/AdobeDocumentServices*AdobeDocumentServices_Config
    Login Module                                                               Flag        Initialize  Login      Commit     Abort      Details
    1. com.sap.engine.services.security.server.jaas.BasicPasswordLoginModule   SUFFICIENT  ok          exception             true       Authentication did not succeed.#
    Successful direct access of URL http://<host>:50000/AdobeDocumentServices/Config?style=document (click on rpData test and manually log in as ADSUSER):
    #1.5 #005056AF1EB30070000000250000142000048B4D3E260016#1279063778670#/System/Security/Authentication##com.sap.engine.services.security.authentication.logincontext#ADSUSER#675##<host>_<sid>_3576650#Guest#812f72008ed611dfa62d005056af1eb3#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_14##0#0#Info#1#com.sap.engine.services.security.authentication.logincontext#Plain###LOGIN.OK
    User: ADSUSER
    Authentication Stack: com.adobe/AdobeDocumentServices*AdobeDocumentServices_Config
    Login Module                                                               Flag        Initialize  Login      Commit     Abort      Details
    1. com.sap.engine.services.security.server.jaas.BasicPasswordLoginModule   SUFFICIENT  ok          true       true                 
    Central Checks                                                                                true                  #
    #1.5 #005056AF1EB30070000000260000142000048B4D3E2666A6#1279063778702#/System/Security/Audit/J2EE##com.sap.engine.services.security.roles.audit#ADSUSER#675##<host>_<sid>_3576650#ADSUSER#812f72008ed611dfa62d005056af1eb3#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_14##0#0#Info#1#com.sap.engine.services.security.roles.audit#Java###{0}: Authorization check for caller assignment to J2EE security role [{1} : {2}].#3#ACCESS.OK#SAP-J2EE-Engine#all#

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    I tried previewing a test course I made about a year ago. I was able to request access to the course, went into Course Manager and approved it, but hours later it still says awaiting approval on my iPad.
    Any ideas as to what could be going on, aside from a cruel April Fool's joke?

    How about trying to sign out of your account on the iPad, restart the iPad, sign back into the account and then try again?
    Settings>Store>Apple ID - tap on your ID and sign out - restart - go back - sign in.
    Other than going through the support article - if you haven't already done so - the only other thing I can think of is to reset/reboot the iPad. That can clear the memory and it does help solve a lot of "hinky" issues.
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.

  • Keep getting an error message when trying to send some texts to valid numbers, "Error Invalid Number. Please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number or valid short code.

    Does anyone know why I keep getting an error  message, "Error invalid number. Please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number or valid short code.  The numbers I'm texting to, are valid numbers.

    Did you ever get resolution to this problem?
    My coworker has the identical issue, including the number (+1 (1)(216)116-11) in the error reply.

  • Error: Tax code v8 in procedure TAXINJ is invalid (message no. FICORE704)

    Hello Friends,
      Hello Friends,
       When i am doing the Production Order Settlement, their i have maintained the Production Order No., Posting period, settlement period and executed.Then after execution System is throwing the error,"Tax code V8 in procedure TAXINJ is invalid.(Message No. FICORE704).
      Can you guys help me in solving this error..
    Moderator: Thread locked due to crossposting

    go to ftxp choose tax code v8
    here in first input field give 00 or the value u want
    then select that field and click on gl acct tab
    here mention a gl or go to ob40 and mention gl for the acct key of that field
    try finding
    Tax code country IN does not exist in procedure TAXINN
    on SDN u will get many threads
    Tax code XX country IN does not exist in procedure TAXINN (MIRO Error)
    conclusion is u must get acct for at least one condition in the tax code
    award if helpful

  • ERROR IMS-9000: Invalid code signing viewer.app/viewer

    Hi Mark
    I found 4 items of error on uplaod app.
    1. Apple's web service operaation was not successful
    2. Unable to authenticate the package:875829473.itmsp
    3. Error ITMS-9000:"Invalid code signing: The exutable " viewer.app/viewer
    4. Could not start delivery: all tranports failed diagonostic
    5. Warning ITM-9000 versiion mismatch Neither CFBundler version nor ...
    Pls.advise me.
    Thank you.
    Supawan Lee

    I think we're missing the full error in point 3 but it looks very similar to this thread: 'Re: error itms-9000 invalid code signing viewer.app/viewer'

  • Error "Security Code is invalid"

    I keep getting the error code when I put in my credit card information to make a purchase does anyone know why? Error "Security Code is invalid" when in fact the code is not invalid.

    Try Settings > Store Sign out and then sign back in.
    Else... http://www.apple.com/support/appleid/

  • I'm trying to create a list using CustomSchemalXml property in ListCreationInformation object in CSOM. But, the code throws an error "Invalid List Schema".

    I'm trying to create a list using CustomSchemalXml  property in ListCreationInformation object in CSOM. But, the code throws an error "Invalid List Schema". Any pointers on how to set the CustomSchemalXml property?

    Hi Lakshmanan,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I checked this post and there was no solution to the problem there. I undersand we cannot create a list based on custom template in CSOM, but what I'm looking for is how of form xml and set it to CustomSchemalXml
     property, so that everytime when I want to create a list with similar content types and stuff, I can just set the
    CustomSchemalXml  property. 

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    What does this mean and how do I fix it? Error ITMS-9000 "Invalid Code Signing The executable ´viwer.app/ viewer´ must be signed with the certificate that is contained in the provisioning profile"

    If you had Firefox save your Yahoo password, first try deleting that here:
    orange Firefox button ''or'' classic Tools menu > Options > Security > "Saved Passwords"
    The "signed out" message seems to be related to how Yahoo authenticates you. Some users have reported that disabling automatic proxy detection solves the problem, and it also resolves an issue of getting logged out every few minutes, if you have ever experienced that.
    To make the change:
    orange Firefox button ''or'' classic Tools menu > Options > Advanced
    On the "Network" mini-tab, click the "Settings" button, then choose "No Proxy" and OK your way back out.
    If your work connection requires you to use a proxy server, try the "Use system settings" option instead.
    Does that help?

  • Error Invalid Number, re-send using a 10 digit number when texting a certain number, but when I put the area code in it still sends to the 7 digit number

    About a month ago I added a friends number without the area code. I was in an area that I couldn't send texts from.  Two days ago he texted me and I tried to reply, but when I did I got the error message "Error Invalid Number. Please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number or valid short code."
    So, I put in the area code in front of the number and when I sent it, the phone dropped the area code and just sent it to the 7 digit number.  I went ahead and deleted all of his contact information and text messages to him and re-entered the with the area code and saved him as a new contact.  I tried to text the number and it still sent it to only the 7 digit number!!!
    I have tried everything there is to try, but there seems to be a part of the phone that is remembering this number even after I've deleted it and everything associated with it.
    Does anybody have a solution for this??  I have called Apple and they told me they have never heard of this problem before.

    The fix for this problem is easy and is set out here: http://edctips.blogspot.com/2014/09/fixing-iphone-texting-problem.html

  • Error Invalid Number. Please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number or valid short code

    Hey, so my friend got a Galaxy s6 edge yesterday and gave me his new number. When I tried texting it I received this immediately after:
    Error Invalid Number. Please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number or valid short code. Hey
    I can receive messages from this number as well as calls. I've become aggravated and am not sure what to do. Please help, thanks!

    Hi there
    I’d be happy to help with this messaging error! This will be due to the device storing the number incorrectly. Please do the following to resolve the issue:
    Delete texts from both old number and new
    Delete any call logs including these numbers
    Delete old number from contacts
    Delete new number from contacts
    Restart device
    Send text to the new number directly (do not save as contact)
    Once the text sends successfully, you can then save as a new contact
    I hope this helps!

  • TS2755 I recently upgraded my IPhone and for 1 person I began receiving this "7233375 Error Invalid Number. Please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number or valid short code". I receive text from this person but cannot send. Please help. Thank you.

    I recently upgraded my IPhone and for 1 person I began receiving this "7233375 Error Invalid Number. Please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number or valid short code". I receive text from this person but cannot send. Please help. Thank you.

    Hi there
    I’d be happy to help with this messaging error! This will be due to the device storing the number incorrectly. Please do the following to resolve the issue:
    Delete texts from both old number and new
    Delete any call logs including these numbers
    Delete old number from contacts
    Delete new number from contacts
    Restart device
    Send text to the new number directly (do not save as contact)
    Once the text sends successfully, you can then save as a new contact
    I hope this helps!

  • Error "907 invalid COD" occurs when trying to upgrade my Blackberry App World.

    Hi there. My name is Molopi Mashinini and I'm using a Blackberry Bold Touch 9900. My problem is that I'm struggling to upgrade my Blackberry App World, before it downloads the application, it gives me a message saying that there's a module that already exists on my phone and that its going to be replaced. When the downloading process get to the end at 3137kb, it gives me an error message that says 907 invalid COD. Now I don't know what to do because even the Blackberry Application icon doesn't give me an option to delete it. Please help me because I can't even download or upgrade the applications on my phone.

    timmyKLB wrote:
    I'm still getting the same error message when I try to download the application and I still can't delete the application from my phone because it doesn't give me an option to delete it.
    Yes, I think we've discussed that more than once.
    timmyKLB wrote:
    I tried all the step you gave me. Nothing seems to be working.
    And I still cannot tell exactly what that means (refer to the first half of post 6 above).
    timmyKLB wrote:
    My main problem is that under the application list, I can't find the delete option for the application on the menu button.
    Yes, we've discussed that as well a few times. Yet you have left me completely in the dark regarding how the use of the Desktop Software worked out.
    timmyKLB wrote:
    I'm even thinking of giving up because I followed all the steps but I just can't seem to delete the application.
    That would be a choice only you can make. It would so greatly help me to help you if I could understand your situation better, most especially the precise results of the things I ask you to try. But, your responses continue to be so very general and vague, with multiple interpretations possible from your words, that I cannot understand how those things work out. Consequently, I am at a loss as to how to help you. I need to understand in order to help you, yet your words do not help me to understand, no matter how many times I seem to ask you for clarification. So I am even more lost than you are.
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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