TS1468 The reasons given here really come across as lame.

I can insert a single CD into my computer for upload and have the songs put under three or four albums in my iTunes library.  It may be that the songs have varying album titles as they are encoded on the CD, but so what?  The problem is epidemic among the CDs!!  Message to Apple:  your approach to identification of album names is unreliable.  The problem is fixable if you'd just write a few extra lines of code (which is what we pay you for, speaking as an owner of $7000 worth of Macs, iPhones, and iPods).  In my CD upload case, software could recognize that the songs are coming from a single CD folder.  For download purchases, you could use fuzzy logic to recognize the possibility that you already have an album in the library that has approximately the same name.  If the difference was more than something like a capital letter or an extra space, you could check the album contents at Gracenote and if the song is in the album.  You can fix this problem with one percent of the resourcefulness used in a simple Google search.  DO IT.  You're better than this.

The normal reason for multiple covers is that the album has a number of guest artists & each combination of artists is listed separately. This can be fixed either by moving all the guest artist info. into the track title & changing Artist to AlbumArtist for each track, or by setting the Sort Artist value to Album Artist for each track. I take it that's not the problem in this instance...
The fact that all 11 tracks appear whichever cover you turn over suggests each has the same album title, so the culprit is more likely to be the values in the Artist field. I've just been playing with a similar problem where 12 tracks by Emilie Autumn had her name listed with some weird accent for the initial E. (Like an accute accent appearing inside the top left corner of the letter.)Easily missed in iTunes, which grouped the albums as expected, on the iPod I had three Emilie Autumns listed with identical spellings. Even selecting all the tracks & retyping "Emilie Autumn" as the artist failed to change the values. I assume iTunes is comparing the values after having filtered out accents, decides nothing has changed & so doesn't update the tag. I had to set the artist to "milie Autumn" first & then to "Emilie Autumn" to force the change. Having fixed the data in iTunes however when I updated the iPod the problem remained. Once again some "optimisation" must be deciding that nothing has really changed so it won't bother updating. I had to remove all the affected tracks & reload in order to finally get it fixed.
Try changing the artist values for every track on the album to smething else, e.g "Temp", now change back to the correct value. Uncheck all the tracks & sync the iPod to remove them, then recheck & resync. Hopefully this will sort out your problem.

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    Hello Kiran,
    Here are some of the errors that come across...
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    -> Error when starting the extraction program
    -> The process step locked by another changerun
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    By opening the cover, you have just voided your warranty by the way.
    Ishaan Ideapad Y560(i3 330m), Hp Elitebook 8460p!(i5-2520M) Hp Pavilion n208tx(i5-4200u)
    If you think a post helped you, then you can give Kudos to the post by pressing the Star on the left of the post. If you think a post solved your problem, then mark it as a solution so that others having the same problem can refer to it.

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    Catherina-CL wrote:
    The box for the product does not list WindowsXP 64-bit support, so this is not false advertising.
    The contact numbers for Customer Support are in the manual on the installation CD. The details Customer Support have for planned driver support are in the chart/matrix on the website.
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    Nevertheless, here is the latest chart from the Windows XP Professional x64 Edition - Driver Availability Chart, as of my posting now:
    Product Plan
    WebCam Live! Driver Available
    WebCam Live! Ultra Notebook Quarter 3 2006
    WebCam Live! Ultra Quarter 3 2006
    WebCam Live! Pro Quarter 2 2006
    WebCam Live! Motion Quarter 2 2006
    WebCam Live! Effects Quarter 3 2006
    WebCam Vista/NX No development planned
    WebCam Instant Driver Available
    Further, when entering x64 in the CL Knowledge Base Search, both MS Vista and Windows XP Pro x64 are the top two entries in the search return and, again, TBA is marked for Vista, but drivers for XP Pro x64 promised on CL website stating Q4-2005, Q-2006, Q2-2006, and now Q3-2006. In fact, the last time I called support, and then E-mailed both CL Support and the Driver team and asked about such and then complained to CL about the empty promise, the driver posting was changed within a week of my complaint to Q3-2006. Therefore, you see Catherina-CL, your response, which BTW, IMO is extremely insulting, will not hold water.
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    Hi Rodruff,
    As you see by my specs below I am running 1066mhz memory, I went for the cheap stuff Kingston Hypre PC8500 and Am running it at 1060mhz. I can not overclock it but I can recommend your bios settings for you as I went through quite a bit of testing.
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    Lastly there are some settings to disable in the bios as to not mess with your overclocking -
    Advanced settings/CPU settings -
    Disable Speed step
    Disable C1E something?
    Disable Visualisation
    Cell Menu -
    Disable Spread spectrum
    Disable PCI clk
    Let us know how you get on - Remember that if the board doen't like your overclock it goes into a no dosplay/reboot cycle. Power down and press the power button twice to reset bad setting. That fails press the bios reset switch located in the front left  hand corner of the board.
    Good Luck

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    I have Final Cut Studio V1 - the PPC/Intel V5/5.1 cross-grade version, which would suit your requirements perfectly. (I have it for sale at present down here).
    If you keep looking, you're sure to find a similar second hand copy in your area, without the need to upgrade your graphics card.
    I'd go for Final Cut Pro as above over any version of Express. FCP has the full version of LiveType - not the truncated version that was released later on.

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    1. Radio widget from WU: http://radiotuner.wuersch.net/
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    2. Transmit (very user friendly FTP)
    3. Macjanitor (keeps the system tidy)
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    honorable mention for Appzapper, SuperDuper, google earth and firefox.
    hehe, mactheripper made me giggle - great name..

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    Have you looked at the previous discussions listed on the right side of this page under the heading "More Like This"?
    BTW this is the iPod touch forum

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    Rectory wrote:
    Please can someone tell me how  I can change this so when I send a mail from my phone and from the IPad that it reads from me.
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    iDVD is not involved in the process at all.
    What you want to do is create a data disk on a DVD.  That's done by inserting a blank DVD disc in the optical drive, Option+drag the files you want to backup onto the disc icon on the desktop and then drag that icon to the Trash bin in the dock which turns into the Burn feature. 
    Try that (the Option+drag and see if you can get your files to burn.

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