TS3276 ICloud email down?

What's up with ICloud mail?   Has anyone received an answer from Apple?

I'm on Mountain Lion. I've already tried Snow Leopard as well as Lion (my MacBook Pro orginally came with Snow Leopard, upgraded to Lion when it was released.) The problem with iCloud is only the email part. I can access the iCloud website/Find My iPhone/etc. on the website as well as all my devices. The only problem lies with the email. I get the spinning then "Cannot Load Mail" on the iCloud site/Email portion, and on iPhone "Username/Password may be incorrect," but everything is correct.
I've read A LOT of people having the same problem, but theirs seem to get resolved within several days. It's been over 2 weeks for mine.

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    Working for me, also iCloud system status shows everything is working right now: http://www.apple.com/support/icloud/systemstatus/.  Not sure why yours isn't working but you may want to get a free gmail account to use until you can figure it out: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp.

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    I would suggest you try opening "Mail">click on "Mailboxes" in the Menu Bar> and select "Rebuild" from the list.  That may solve it.

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    Getting right to it:
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    Hello, johnplano. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    Looking at the date and time of your post and our system status site, it does look like there was an issue with iCloud mail and has since been corrected. 
    Monday, May 5, 2014
    iCloud Mail - 0.05% of users were affected
    Mail may have been slow or unavailable. When Mail became available, affected users may have experienced delays with incoming messages.
    If you ever experience an issue in the future, you can check the system status of Apple Services via the link below.
    Apple Services, Stores, and iCloud
    Jason H. 

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    If this doesn't help there is a link for iCloud support at the end.
    Mail Troubleshooting

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    Exact same problem for me today. All of a sudden too.
    When I came to the Apple support site and tried to login using my password it wouldn't work so I used the password reset.
    I went back to my Mail with that new password and was able to get 'online' for mail.

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    Try both actions in '''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe_mode safe mode with Networking]'''. This loads only the very basics needed to start your computer while enabling an Internet connection. Click on your operating system for instructions on how to start in safe mode: [http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-8/windows-startup-settings-including-safe-mode Windows 8], [http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/start-computer-safe-mode#start-computer-safe-mode=windows-7 Windows 7], [http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/start-computer-safe-mode#start-computer-safe-mode=windows-vista Windows Vista], [http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/boot_failsafe.mspx?mfr=true" Windows XP], [http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1564 OSX]
    ; If safe mode for the operating system fixes the issue, there's other software in your computer that's causing problems. Possibilities include but not limited to: AV scanning, virus/malware, background downloads such as program updates.

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    Send your feedback to Apple at http://www.apple.com/feedback/icloud.html
    These forums are user to user support so you are only complaining to other in the same boat as yourself here.

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    If I set up an auto response to use my alternate email or forward mac mail to another address
    will this help until they work it out?
    Definitely unhappy I'm paying Apple for premium experience and getting no answers from support.
    Hoping they figure it out today.  This is now affecting my income.

    I've noticed this as well since about 10:30 EST.  I used to have emails forwarding from another address and when I switched that off the other address is receiving emails instantly so it's definitely a problem on Apple's end.  It's good to see that at least one other person is reporting the problem here, but it would be even better if Apple would update the status page.  I can be very patient if I know it's a known issue for them, but hate seeing that all is up and running normally from their point of view when it isn't. 

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    Please remedy this issue ASAP.

    Send your feedback to Apple at http://www.apple.com/feedback/icloud.html
    These forums are user to user support so you are only complaining to other in the same boat as yourself here.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    In order to change your Apple ID or password for your iCloud account on your iOS device, you need to delete the account from your iOS device first, then add it back using your updated details. (Settings > iCloud, scroll down and hit "Delete Account")

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