TV out - Widescreen format 16:9

N900 doesn´t allow us to set the TV out to 4:3 or 16:9.
My N900 always display the videos in TV on 4:3 format.
Is there anyway to change this? I remember that my old Nokia N93 had this parameter.
For example: All the screens menus are always shown in 4:3 format, and also the videos. Even those videos that were recordered in 16:9 format, and also all the films and series that I´ve downloaded.
If you put your TV in widescreen mode, you can see that the image is stretched, and if you change it for 4:3, the image is shown perfect.
Haven´t you noticed that?
P.S: I´m not talking about the bug that have been found in PR 1.2, ok? Did you understand my question?

Only possible with a DVB-T tuner internal or external and is MCE compatable

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    "The simple, fast way to save disk space"
    OmniDiskSweeper is now free!
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    For a PPC computer, I recommend a firewire drive.
    Has everything interface:
    FireWire 800/400 + USB2, + eSATA 'Quad Interface'
    save a little money interface:
    FireWire 400 + USB 2.0
    This web page lists both external harddrive types. You may need to scroll to the right to see both.
    Buy a flash card.

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    The vendor data controls it, it can be maintained via front-end via a user assigned with the Administrator role.
    Kind regards,

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    Go to Solution.

    You can edit the pictures and crop them to achieve your desired aspect ratio.
    640K Should be enough for everybody
    El_Loco Nokia Video Blog

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    The usual drill is to set the project preset to match the properties of your source media so that the program is directed to set up the right space in the Edit area monitor for editing purposes. So, if you have 4:3 format, then your project preset would probably be NTSC DV Standard or it PAL counterpart.
    But, under the circumstances, look at this idea....
    Open your Premiere Elements 12 project to the Expert workspace and make sure that the project preset is the default 1080i30
    Full HD1080i30
    or its PAL counterpart
    Import your 4:3 video into the project with Add Media/Files and Folders/Project Assets from where you drag your video to the Expert workspace Timeline.
    Click on the screen so that you see a bounding box around the image there and drag on the bounding box handles to scale the image just to display in the screen with no black borders.
    Publish+Share/Social Websites/YouTube with preset = High Definition Video for YouTube 1920 x 1080.
    What does that look like once it is uploaded to YouTube 16:9?
    The idea goes against the grain if you are starting with 720 x 480 (or PAL counterpart 720 x 576) and taking it to 1920 x 1080. But see if you can get away with it.
    In your scheme of things, are black borders acceptable. What I am asking you to try ends up with 16:9 with no black borders. But I am not too comfortable with the SD to HD.
    Please review and then let us know the outcome.
    In questions such as these, please give properties of the source media.

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    The usual drill is to set the project preset to match the properties of your source media so that the program is directed to set up the right space in the Edit area monitor for editing purposes. So, if you have 4:3 format, then your project preset would probably be NTSC DV Standard or it PAL counterpart.
    But, under the circumstances, look at this idea....
    Open your Premiere Elements 12 project to the Expert workspace and make sure that the project preset is the default 1080i30
    Full HD1080i30
    or its PAL counterpart
    Import your 4:3 video into the project with Add Media/Files and Folders/Project Assets from where you drag your video to the Expert workspace Timeline.
    Click on the screen so that you see a bounding box around the image there and drag on the bounding box handles to scale the image just to display in the screen with no black borders.
    Publish+Share/Social Websites/YouTube with preset = High Definition Video for YouTube 1920 x 1080.
    What does that look like once it is uploaded to YouTube 16:9?
    The idea goes against the grain if you are starting with 720 x 480 (or PAL counterpart 720 x 576) and taking it to 1920 x 1080. But see if you can get away with it.
    In your scheme of things, are black borders acceptable. What I am asking you to try ends up with 16:9 with no black borders. But I am not too comfortable with the SD to HD.
    Please review and then let us know the outcome.
    In questions such as these, please give properties of the source media.

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