Two questions when upgrade SG500X-24P switch Firmware

Below is my switch detail information,
System Description:  24-Port Gigabit PoE with 4-Port 10-Gigabit Stackable Managed Switch
Firmware Version (Active Image):
Firmware Version (Non-active):
Boot Version:
Q1: upgrade FW to sx500_fw-12944.ros  and active image-2 then reboot switch.
      after switch reboot, GUI still show Active Image is
Q2. when try to upgrade  FW:Sx500_FW_1.3.0.62.ros. GUI show FW format error.
I have try to upgrade from HTTP/HTTPS and TFTP, but got same result.

Hello Joshua Roeder,
of course, I click Apply before rebooting.
and the firmware info after rebooting is:
             Firmware Version (Active Image):
             Firmware Version (Non-active):
one thing i don't understand is  i have to set my default password again when login to GUI after reboot.
error messgae for my Q2:
Upgrade/Backup Firmware/Language
Bytes Transferred:
Copy failed
Error Message:
Copy: Illegal software format
thanks again.

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    Hello and welcome to the forum,
    Please open Advanced Interaction view (F9). You'll see an overview of all scored objects, the total score and what is in that total score. In CP4 you can edit in this view. Those scored objects (can be click boxes, buttons or Text Entry Boxes) that did get a score and you do not want to include in the total score can be edited there: uncheck 'Include in score' and 'Add to Total'. You can even set those scores to 0. Sorry, only have 5/5.5 on this system, perhaps terminology is slightly different.

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    Last edited by tony5429 (2015-03-02 23:25:58)

    tony5429 wrote:I discovered that the open-source b43 firmware recently added support for the chip.
    It's not firmware that added support, it's the driver.
    driver = code that runs in the kernel
    firmware = code that runs on the device itself
    tony5429 wrote:1. With b43, would I still need to rebuild/reinstall the package every time the kernel is upgraded?
    Nope, the firmware isn't tied to a particular kernel.
    tony5429 wrote:2. Is there any way to know if the linux kernel will integrate b43 some day?
    The kernel does have b43 integrated. What the package installs isn't the driver, it's the firmware that gets uploaded onto the wifi card.
    A lot of firmware is distributed in the linux-firmware package. However this requires that the firmware is released under a license that allows redistribution. But the b43 firmware isn't redistributable, that's why you need to get it from AUR.
    Last edited by Gusar (2015-02-08 21:22:33)

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    Download the firmware 1.45.10 for BEFW11S4 V3.0 and you should be able to upgrade the firmware successfully.

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    If you mean restoring OS X, that won't necessarily have any effect on speed.
    Not enough free space on the startup disk can slow your Mac down.
    Click your Apple menu  top left in your screen. From the drop down menu click About This Mac > More Info > Storage
    Make sure there's at least 15% free disk space.
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    Yes, theres a chance to have a complete image from the actual state of your operating system including all programs etc....
    There are several solutions:
    1. The Commercial One:
    2. Another commercial one:
    3. The Free one:
    (but more complicated and you need in all cases a external data storage, there are some tools on this ToolsCD which are free and do almost the same like acronis or ghostimage)
    I guess there are still thousands of cloning programs but I tried to give you the most important and most reliable tools.
    If I were you, I would check the UBCD4Win, burn it to a CD, buy an external HDD, start the UBCD4WIn and clone your drive to the external one. So you can perform incremental backups of your HDD and if something happens, you must only do the whole process like you perform the backup just reverse.
    Hope I could help you..

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    I am sure no one here will recommend that you upgrade to a specific IOS unless you really need to. Even more, no one will also recommend an upgrade without testing the firmware in a test environment.
    I will not be able to answer your question but I will urge you to take it upon yourself to test the firmware and/or read the release notes for any potential pitfalls you might encounter.
    You can also do some research through Cisco's Software Advisory and Bug Traq.

  • Two questions, maybe stupid ones

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    The first one may be irrelevant depending on the answer to the second.
    By way of background,I organised my digital photos on previous computers into a directory by year, this has been on PCs until now.
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    C:\photos\2008\Paul's wedding\worked images\printed images\weddingprint1.jpg
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    So now I am on a MacBook Pro and have copied everything over which as gone without a hitch. I have imported the images into iPhoto and left the original copies on the MacBook Pro HD.
    I like the directory structure that I use and want to keep it because it fits with previous backups, I can navigate if I share the drive over a network and so on.
    However iPhoto copies the photos into its own structure, it organises everything by year as I do, but then if you look in terminal there is only one level of subdirectory. So I have, for example
    With no idea which each refers to unless I go into iPhoto.
    This is a pain in the neck for wanting to move the photos at a later date.
    So I am currently keeping all the photos in my original structure and letting iPhoto keep its own. This doubles the amount of disk space needed.
    So, that was a bit of a long story.
    Here are the two questions.
    1. Is there a way to get iPhoto to work with my directory structure?
    2. Is there any way to get iPhoto to "watch" a directory, day one called "digital photos" and all its subdirectories and add any new photos to the iPhoto library. Picassa on the PC does this. It means that all I have to do is copy photos from my camera and iPhoto will automatically update.

    Terence Devlin wrote:
    However, there are a number of potential pitfalls using this system.
    1. Import and deleting pics are more complex procedures
    I am not sure how it is more complex. Granted, importing from your camera to iPhoto directly is a "one step" process, but dragging and dropping your photos from your desktop (or a folder) into iPhoto after importing them from the camera is not what I would call complex.
    Deleting seems straight forward as well. Pick the photo in iPhoto and delete it. However, my situation is probably different than most people. Since I don't use iPhoto as my main organization and storage for my photos, anything I add to iPhoto are what is left after I have already sorted and erased the bad ones out of my camera. I don't usually have a need to remove much from iPhoto.
    Terence Devlin wrote:
    2. You cannot move or rename the files on your system or iPhoto will lose track of them on systems prior to 10.5 and iPhoto 08. Even with the later versions issues can still arise if you move the referenced files to new volumes or between volumes.
    I never used iPhoto much on previous versions because I hated the way it organized stuff and didn't like that you HAD to copy your stuff to the iPhoto library files. I recently upgraded to my OS 10.5 iMac from my old OS 10.4 eMac and decided to play with iPhoto again. When I discovered I could use it with my EXISTING library folder structure without having to copy everything into iPhoto, I have been using it more these past couple weeks that I had the past five years of having a version of iPhoto available to me.
    Terence Devlin wrote:
    3. Most importantly, migrating to a new disk or computer can be much more complex.
    Terence Devlin wrote:
    Always allowing for personal preference, I've yet to see a good reason to run iPhoto in referenced mode unless you're using two photo organisers.
    Well I think there is the big difference between us. It sounds like you use iPhoto as your primary photo tool for importing and organizing your library. I do mine manually and use iPhoto as an accessory for other secondary stuff so I don't depend on iPhoto to be able to find stuff or when moving from one system (new computer, new hard drive, new operating system, etc.) to another.
    Terence Devlin wrote:
    Remember that it you edit the pics via iPhoto (either with iPhoto itself or with another editor) it will store the edited version within the Library Package. And if you edit the pics via any other method the edits will not be available in iPhoto.
    Yep, that I am aware of. My personal preference is to NEVER alter the original files from my cameras at all. Always work on copies. So I do find iPhoto fun to make quick edits to photos I add to it like cropping knowing that I am not actually altering the original in any way.
    Likewise, if I do any editing outside of iPhoto it will again be on a copy for a specific reason, so I won't need those edits to be back flushed into iPhoto. If I do I will just add the new edited version back to iPhoto.
    Of course shouldn't we really be more concerned with the secret government agencies tracking our photos via the face identification feature of iPhoto? {reference to another user's post in a different thread Terence and I both commented on}

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    The tech informed me to go ahead with the upgrade and said a senior tech would call me a few hours later. The call never came, and when I called back I was told I would need to restore my computer back to vista again! and update the driver then upgrade back to 7. Needless to say I was upset, and I don't believe I need to do all that again. My keyboard is working fine now but I'm afraid it might stop working like it did last time.
    Basically, I just need to know if I should listen to the techs, who got it wrong the first time, and redo the horribly long process, if I should update sometime now, or if I should just wait and see.
    I have a dv-4 Pavilion Entertainment PC. Thanks.

    I did upgrade the quick launch buttons online before I upgraded. I went to check and the most current one is already installed on my computer. But even with installing that the error message still came up.
    My question is should this be something I should be concerned about in case the same problem happens again? Like I said, everything works fine now but the problems with the mouse and keyboard didn't happen until 2 weeks after I upgraded.
    I just don't want to go ahead and reinstall all my programs and files now if I'm just going to have to restore my computer, upgrade again, and have to redo that process.

  • Question about upgrading iTunes multiple computers with shared library

    I have a question about upgrading to the current version of iTunes.
    Currently, my household uses 3 Mac computers (2 Powerbook 17in laptops and a Mack Mini). We are all (currently) on system 10.4.11 (with iTunes 9.2.1). Between the 3 computers we have a shared iTunes music and video library on a networked high capacity hard drive.
    We recently purchased an iPad. In order to make it easy for updates and to use media from our iTunes shared library I decided that we should upgrade the systems on our home computers to Snow Leopard. I have ensured that all the computers have at lease 2 Gb of RAM and adequate hard drive space.
    The only possible problem I see is that one of the Powerbook laptops uses the old Motorola processor. (This is one of the last Powerbooks to use that processor.) I don’t think this computer can be upgraded to Snow Leopard.
    My question is, if I upgrade 2 of the computers (and iTunes in the process), will I still be able to access the shared iTunes library using the older computer with the older system and iTunes? Will the upgrade process change the iTunes library in such a way that the one older computer will no longer be able to properly access that library?
    Are there any other problems I might encounter having a mixed system/iTunes environment?
    Thank you,

    iantoole wrote:
    Just a thought. Should I somehow open iTunes on MBP2 using MBP1's Library file??
    both Macs can access the same library file, however, only one at a time !
    to do that, you would ideally have the entire iTunes folder (not just the iTunes music folder) on the external. then, on one Mac after the other, launch iTunes while holding the option key, click on +choose library+ when prompted, and select the iTunes folder on the external.
    or, you could have two separate libraries and keep those in sync using third party tools such as Syncopation, TuneRanger or SuperSync.
    for purchases from the iTunes store, you could set up _*Home Sharing*_ - it can be configured to automatically transfer new purchases to home shared libraries.
    Can I create a script to have MBP1 always save the iTunes Library file on the shared hard drive?
    no need.

  • Two questions, name change and orientation

    Two questions,
    1. How do I get the name on my phone changed? All the billing information on the account is my mom's, but it's my phone. When I use it, it calls me Diane. How can I fix this?
    2. I'm going to need the scientific calculator on my phone soon, so was playing around with it. In order to access it, the orientation has to be unlocked, but then it goes into landscape when I don't want it to and the VoiceOver jestures I'm used to no longer work. How can I have all features available without the phone changing the orientation randomly on me? Where it is especially annoying is if I'm in music listening to a song. I'll be in portrait, and all of a sudden it will go into landscape.

    In your first question, since you say it's calling you Diane, I assume it's a 4S and you're talking about the name Siri is calling you.  You can change it by going to Settings>General>Siri>My Info, then choose your contact.  (You could also say to Siri "Call me ____ ), but that would put the nickname on your mother's contact so it isn't the best solution.
    On your second question the phone shouldn't be changing orientation randomly.  It should only switch to landscape when you turn it.  If it persists you might want to have the Apple Store look at it.  If it's a 4S it will still be under warranty.

  • Two

    Hi all,
    I have two questions about folders in Finder.
    In finder when you when you want to move a file or folder, the only option is to copy the folder and paste it in the desired location, but the original file remains in the original place too, so you have to delete it, this is fine; but it becomes anoying when I have 20 files to put in 20 different locations. Is there any option to do this easily and quickly?
    The other question is, can you configure your files and folder to open just with 1 click? like in the PC if you click once in the icon, the foler opens.
    Thank you,
    P.S. I'm using a iBook G4 with OS X 10.4.8

    For the first question, you can adjust the behavior of drag/dropping folders by holding the Option or Cmd keys.
    The default behavior when moving a file between locations on the same volume is to move them. If you hold Option after you begin dragging and before you drop, a green plus sign will appear to indicate the file will be copied. If you hold both Option and Cmd, an arrow will appear to indicate that an alias will be created.
    When going across volumes, the default is to copy as indicated by the presence of the green plus sign. Holding Cmd will change the action to a move. Holding both Option and Cmd will again switch to alias creation.
    For the second question, I don't think so if you are using Icon view. I prefer Column view since it is the easiest way to navigate through folders, though.

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