U00CCnterpret fields komp-evrwr and komp-fareg  in Java for komp-fareg

I have the following formula in R/3 and i need to convert it to Java in routine PricingUserExits but i dont know how to interpret the fields evrwr, fareg in Java
  sy-subrc = 4.
  if komp-kposn ne 0.
    check: komp-evrwr = 'X'.
    check: komp-fareg na '45'.
  sy-subrc = 0.
Stefanos Tambaris

Please login to the server where IPC is installed. In the IPC folder u find libs folder  or search for docs in IPC folder. There it is dealt how ABAP routines are mapped to  user exits in java coding

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    Hello everyone,
    how do i get the value of the field 'KOMP-NETWR' in the purchase order.

    Try this code similarly for komp
    REFRESH i_komv.
    CLEAR i_komv.
      LIVERY        =
    LOOP AT i_ekpo INTO wa_ekpo.
      wa_taxcom-bukrs = wa_ekko-bukrs.
      wa_taxcom-budat = wa_ekko-bedat.
      wa_taxcom-bldat = wa_ekko-bedat.
      wa_taxcom-waers = wa_ekko-waers.
      wa_taxcom-hwaer = wa_ekko-waers.
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      wa_taxcom-xmwst = 'X'.
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      wa_taxcom-ekorg = wa_ekko-ekorg.
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      wa_taxcom-mtart = wa_ekpo-mtart.
      wa_taxcom-land1 = wa_ekko-lands.
      wa_taxcom-ebeln = wa_ekpo-ebeln.
      wa_taxcom-ebelp = wa_ekpo-ebelp.
          i_taxcom                  = wa_taxcom
          e_taxcom                  = wa_taxcom
          t_xkomv                   = i_komv
         mwskz_not_defined         = 1
         mwskz_not_found           = 2
         mwskz_not_valid           = 3
         steuerbetrag_falsch       = 4
         country_not_found         = 5
         OTHERS                    = 6
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    clear wa_taxcom.
    LOOP AT i_komv INTO wa_komv.
      CASE wa_komv-kschl.
        WHEN 'JMOP'.
          v_jmop = v_jmop + wa_komv-kwert.
    Hope this might be of some use.

  • Field KOMP-ZZPRCTR1 is not known for condition accesses"

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    You need to add the new field  ZZPRCTR1 in the KOMP structure using SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS
    Please check the system modifications for this

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                     I need some information regarding maximum number of fields in infocube and DSO?
         According to my knowledge, in Infocube - characteristics --248
                                                    In DSO - key fields - 16
                                                                  Data fields -749
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    Thanks in Advance
    Jani Sk.

           In cube , table consists of 255 columns, in which 6 are internally used by SAP,16 for dimensions and the remaining 233 are for Key figures. Each dimension key connected to 248 master data tables at max through dimension and SID tables.So, We can analyse the data at 16*248 dimensions.
    ODS/DSO  is a two dimensional flat structure.It consists of total 1024 columns, out of which 16 are used for Key fields and remaining 1000  are for data fields.

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    shaikh Khalid.

    Hi Shaikh
    First of all Thread is not closed seconldy as a good practice if you have resolved your issue kindly document it here so that it may help someone in future

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    As you are trying to use the standard fields, so you can read the F1 help for these fields.
    Also check in which table and program, the fields are used.
    Read the F1 help and find the table and program by using this document How to find Table name for a Field which is shown structure name on press F1.
    After reading this, If these fields are suitable for your requirement, then you can continue.

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    Best regards,
    Karsten Mathiasen

    Hi Kaushik,
    You can make use of APPCC class of your FPM application enhance your appcc class and write your logic to the post exit method. There you will have IO_OVP instance and this interface have all the method which can hide tabs from your application on runtime.
    But for the field hide you need to dynamically prepare your screen in your feeder class.
    For using APPCC you can refer http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw74/helpdata/en/3e/741ac912a143368cded7cc418a4bc8/content.htm?frameset=/en/f5/823cdb32254707aec436de005e0ada/frameset.htm.
    Praveen Gupta

  • Assign master data fields of assets and equipment

    i want to include vehicle licence number in field assignments between FI-Asset accounting and Plant Management.
    How do i implement the enhancement to that effect.
    path spro .... AssetAccounting->Master Data -> Automatic Creation of Equipment Master Records->Develop Enhancement ..
    Step by Step please...
    But any suggestion is welcome
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Apr 10, 2008 12:40 PM

    below documentation from enhancement AIST0002
    1.  Create structure CI_ANLU in the ABAP Dictionary, and define the
         fields that you want to have in the asset master record in addition
         to the standard fields. The master record data of these fields will
         later be stored in the separate table ANLU.
    2.  Create include ZXAISU03 in function group XAIS. Enter program code
         there in order to transfer the asset master data to global
         variables. The asset master data referred to here is the data that
         is transferred using function module EXIT_SAPLAIST_002, and which
         you need later for checking the field contents of the fields that
         you have defined. At the least, you should transfer the values
         transferred in parameter I_ANLU to a global structure.
    3.  In function group XAIS, define one or more subscreens that you want
         to integrate into the maintenance interface of the asset master
         record. On these subscreens, you can either
    reward points if helpful
    best regards,darek

  • Default value in LOV field in Create and Update page in OAF

    Hi All,
    I am unable to default LOV field in Create and Update page in OAF.
    I tried in below way :
    OAMessageLovInputBean lovBean1 = (OAMessageLovInputBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("AAA");
    But I am getting developer mode exception, so please guide me how i can set the default value for create and update page instead of using code in process request method in controller.

    1) In case of create, you can default the value either in EOImpl or in AM while initializing the row:
    //in EOImpl
    public void create(AttributeList attributeList)
    //in AM, VO new row initialization :-
    VOImpl VO = getVO1();
    VORowImpl row = (VORowImpl)VO.createRow();
    2) In case of update, execute the VO (also set the where clause if required) in PR method of update page.

  • New flex field in "Gender and Marital Status"

    Hi Experts,
    Please Let me Know whether we would be able to add New Flex Field in "Gender and Marital Status" in Manage Person Page,.
    Prasanna Kesavan

    It sounds like you are trying to add a new value of "Significant Other" to the Marital Status drop down.  If that is what you are trying to do, the list is controlled through the MAR_STATUS lookup.  That Lookup is extensible so you can add new values if you like.
    To update the Lookup, navigate to Setup and Maintenance and query the Manage Common Lookups task.
    Then query the Lookup Type = MAR_STATUS
    From there you will be able to see all of the values available for different countries.
    If the options are greyed out, then you will not be able to alter them because they are delivered with the product.
    However, you have the option to add new values of your own here.
    If you only want to see the value for particular countries, you can add a value in the "Tag" column with the Country Code where the value should be visible (i.e. if the code is only applicable in the US then you would add "+US" in the tags, if the code is applicable everywhere except the US then you could add the tag "-US").
    Hope that is helpful,

  • Adding new field in PO and PR screen

    Dear Friends,
    Kindly sugest the solution to add new custom field to PR and PO screen at item level in SOURCE OF SUPPLY TAB.

    Check the exit MEREQ001 for PR & MM06E005 for PO.
    Hope the above helps.

  • Custom field in 'Notes and Attachment" tab of shopping cart

    Hi All,
    I am working in SRM 7.0 classic scenario and i have requirement in which i need to add custom field in 'Notes and Attachment" tab of the shopping cart portal.
    I have added those fields in structure --- INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF and INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_SC.
    Also implemented the BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI in while i am populating the custom field value.
    I have created custom field as INPUT FIELD in webdynpro component /SAPSRM/WDC_DODC_NA and view : V_DODC_MAIN_VIEW.
    Now I can see the custom field value in table BBP_PDISC, but i am not getting the value in Shopping cart "Notes and Attachments" tab.( I am able to see the field but not the value of it).
    The value is getting populated in ITEM DATA tab instead.
    Please suggest if i am missing anything in the process and how to achieve this.
    Thank you in advance.

    You have done everything.. well.. except that you did not set the attribute of the input field to this value.
    When you have value u just need to bind it using set_attribute method of the element.
    Use  ctr+f7 to generate the wizard .. select in set mode.. click on context and select the attribute that you have created in the context.
    Hope this helps.

  • Name of the table where can get the two fields Valid-From and Valid-to for

    Hi gurus
    I want name of the table where I can get the two fields Valid-From and Valid-To and their relation ship with the header table in BOM

    You can only get the Valid from date from the table STKO.
    To get the valid to date, you have to take one day less than the valid-from date of the next record for the same BOM.
    Alternatively use the Function module:
    It will give both valid from and valid to dates in the tables parameter: T_STKO
    Edited by: Ravi Kanth Talagana on Jul 2, 2008 4:37 PM

  • Need to Add field EKET-EINDT and EKET-SLFDT to ME2M Report output in ALV

    Hi All,
    I need to add fields EKET-EINDT and EKET-SLFDT to the output of program ME2M Transaction.
    I have appended the structure MEREP_OUTTAB_PURCHDOC with these fields. and it is coming in the ALV output field catalog.
    I need these fields output only for ALV display only.
    Please let me know which enhancement i need to write code to enhance the output with these filed values added to the ALV internal table
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi All,
    I am able to get the field EINDT and SLFDT into the structure using Append structure and is also getting displayed in the output in ALV.
    But i need to know how to add code for filling these fields and passing into ALV. I need to know the Enhancement spot.
    Please let me know how to achieve this scenario

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