U32 to binary array causes error

I'm programming for the PCI-7833R FPGA board.
When I wire a U32 Control to the "Number to Boolean Array Function" the output is broken with the error
Arrays must be fixed size for this target... Why the error as a U32 generates a fixed 32 bit boolean array?

I assume you are developing your FPGA VI at this point. For fixed size arrays to work properly you must enable an option in the VI properties. (This option is normally enabled when you create a new VI with LabVIEW FPGA.)
Open up the VI properties and switch to the Execution options. The check box for 'Autopreallocate arrays and strings' should be checked. If you do not have this check box in the execution options page, there is an error in the installation of LabVIEW FPGA with some missing entries in the LabVIEW INI file.
Please let me know if this is the case and I can help your further.
Christian Loew, CLA
Principal Systems Engineer, National Instruments
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    How are you creating the pdf. Your comment about putting a publication together gives us nothing to go on.

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  • Oracle.jbo.NoDefException: JBO-29114 ADFContext is not setup to process messages for this exception. Use the exception stack trace and error code to investigate the root cause of this exception. Root cause error code is JBO-25058. Error message parameters

    Dear Guru's,
    I am not able to solve the above issue for last couple of days.
    I am newbie to the webservice
    My Issue...
    I am using Jdeveloper Release 2
    1. Using Jdev I built one small Web Service with two methods.
            While testing the Webservice...
                   I passed User Id as Parameter and it successfully return the values (user id, user name and description) from fnd_user table
    2. I created another application to consume the web service i created.
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                   2. Created a jsf page and drag and drop the parameter and return values to the jsf page.
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    "oracle.jbo.NoDefException: JBO-29114 ADFContext is not setup to process messages for this exception. Use the exception stack trace and error code to investigate the root cause of this exception. Root cause error code is JBO-25058. Error message parameters are {0=Attribute, 1=UserName, 2=UserName}"
    Even I know that this issue is repeated one in our forum, I was not able to solve this issue.
    Can anybody help to solve this issue.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Durai S E

    Dear Guru's,
    I am not able to solve the above issue for last couple of days.
    I am newbie to the webservice
    My Issue...
    I am using Jdeveloper Release 2
    1. Using Jdev I built one small Web Service with two methods.
            While testing the Webservice...
                   I passed User Id as Parameter and it successfully return the values (user id, user name and description) from fnd_user table
    2. I created another application to consume the web service i created.
                   1. I added the webservice SOAP and added the method.
                   2. Created a jsf page and drag and drop the parameter and return values to the jsf page.
    3. While executing the created jsf page I received the error message as below
    "oracle.jbo.NoDefException: JBO-29114 ADFContext is not setup to process messages for this exception. Use the exception stack trace and error code to investigate the root cause of this exception. Root cause error code is JBO-25058. Error message parameters are {0=Attribute, 1=UserName, 2=UserName}"
    Even I know that this issue is repeated one in our forum, I was not able to solve this issue.
    Can anybody help to solve this issue.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Durai S E

  • Installed Trend Micro Smart Surfing on new MacBook Pro and now it has caused error that won't let computer boot up.  How do I get it to a point that I can delete program?

    Installed Trend Micro Smart Surfing on new MacBook Pro and now it has caused error that won't let computer boot up.  How do I get it to a point that I can delete program?

    Try booting up in Safe mode (holding down the Shift key while booting). If the software came with an unistaller, use it to remove alll traces of the software - it's nothing that you need and, as you've experienced, can do more actual hard than good (as is the case with most software of this type). When you're booted in Safe Mode, if you can't run an uninstaller, at least check to make sure that there are no Trend Micro items that are set for automatic log in, at least.

  • Premiere CC 2014.1 Blu-ray MPEG 2 export causing error in Sony DVD Architect Pro

    I've filed a Bug Report for this but wanted to post here in case it helps anyone else or on the off chance someone can give me a solution / better work around.
    Something has changed in the results of a Blu-ray MPEG2 export from Premiere 2014.1 vs those of the previous CC version. The result is that my authoring software of choice, Sony DVD Architect Pro, fails to prepare a disc image giving an error in the final stage of preparation. This workflow has been working fine for 2-3 years.
    My work around is to export to original format (mxf / XDCAM EX HQ) and then go back to Media Encoder CC rather than 2014 to produce the Blu-ray MPEG2 file, which works without problem.
    Here's a copy paste of my bug report in case anyone with a similar setup has an opportunity to replicate (I'd be very grateful to anyone able to confirm whether its a bug or something specific to me that I might be able to fix).
    Export from Premiere 2014.1 directly or via Media Encoder of MPEG 2 1080 50i Blu-ray files causes error in preparation of Blu-ray disc in Sony DVD Architect 5.2.
    This error does not occur when using the same Media Encode export preset in the previous version of Premiere Pro CC / Media Encoder.
    Steps to reproduce bug:
    1. Export Sequence from Premiere
    Export, in my case XDCAMEX 1080i HQ, using a media encoder MPEG 2 Blu-ray preset:
    Preset Name: HD 1080i 25
    Format: MPEG2 Blu-ray
    Bitrate Settings: Medium (Target 25Mbps)
    2. Create DVD Architect 5.2 project
    Set up as single movie Blu-ray project in DVD Architect:
    Disc format: Blu-ray Disc
    Resolution: 1920*1080
    Framerate: 35 interlaced
    Choose the file exported from Premiere
    3 Prepare Disc
    - Select Make Blu-ray Disc
    - Click Prepare
    - Choose Location of iso
    - click next then finish
    Around 50% - 60% through the process the following error is displayed:
    An error occurred while preparing compilation
    File name: STREAM/00000.m2ts
    Status: TSWrapper.dll::CTSWrapper::ProcThreadMain::Failed to read ES file. - The ES file may be shorter than the size described in the MUI file.
    Expected results:
    A shiny ISO ready to be burnt to disc and sent sent to eager customers.
    Its taken me a full day and a half to isolate problem - someone remind me why I fall for the software updates every time?!
    Other details:
    Windows 7 pro 64 SP1
    Intel Core i7 950 @ 3.07GHz
    RAM 24.0GB
    1279MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470

    There is a known bug in the H.264-Bluray export. I assume it has nothing to do with your issue, but perhaps it will give you something to consider.
    It appears due to a malformed xmpses file. It creates a problem on import into Encore, and I think it should do the same upon import into Architect or it would be ignored entirely. The test is to delete the xmpses file and see if that avoids the issue.

  • Changes in RPCBURZ0 causes errors in other programs

    Hello to All,
    I made changes to RPCBURZ0 in order to extend the TABLE schema function to read a custom Infotype 9001.
    I added the necessary code in RPCBURZ0 and the data definition in RPCFDCZ0.
    The code is working perfectly , but the changes are causing errors in other country specific reports
    specifically in : HINCALC0 , HCNCALC0 , and HKRCALC0 and Transports to Quality generating errors.
    Error is because the custom infotype definition is not seen in these reports.
    Generation of the users of the transported Includes                                                                                |
    Program HCNCALC0, Include RPCBURZ0: Syntax error in line 000021
    The field 'T9001' is unknown, but there is a fieldwith the similar name 'T001P'. .
    Program HINCALC0, Include RPCBURZ0: Syntax error in line 000021
    The field 'T9001' is unknown, but there is a fieldwith the similar name 'T001P'. .
    Program HKRCALC0, Include RPCBURZ0: Syntax error in line 000021
           |   The field 'T9001' is unknown, but there is a fieldwith the similar name 'T001P'. . 
    Looking at other H--CALC0 reports i could easily spot an include for RPCFDCZ0.
    include rpcfdcz0.  "customer-specific data declaration (int'l)
    I wonder why this include is not in (HINCALC0 , HCNCALC0 , and HKRCALC0) !!!
    I have two solutions in mind :
    1. Make a custom ZRPCBURZ0 and include it in the main report.
    2. Look for user exist for the three reports and add the data definition statement .
    What is the best way to fix this situation ? and is there any other possible solutions ?
    We are using :
       SAP ECC 6.0
       Payroll International Driver.

    Alex Gorly and Matt Sullivan solved one of my issues above:
    Message: Attribute 'prod' is not declared for element 'prodname'
    I'm still stumpled on the other one:
    Message: Not enough elements to match content model  '(prodname,vrmlist,((brand|component|featnum|platform|prognum|series) )*)'
    As stated above, I've even removed everything from the general rule of <prodinfo> except prodname and I'm still getting the same error. I've searched everywhere for this general rule and <prodinfo> is the only place I can find it.
    What I really want is: (prodname), (vrmlist)?, (brand | component | featnum | platform | prognum | series)*
    so that vrmlist is optional.
    No matter what I do, unless I include a vrmlist, I get the above message. Currently, our CMS can't handle vrmlist but I don't want to remove it altogether because we may be replacing our CMS.
    Help please!

  • Code 91 - Caused Error: (Object variable or With block variable not set)

    We are using FDM 9.3.1. We have enabled batch processing.
    We are having following process being followed
    - Batch Loader script will pull the data from dwh table for each entity, scenario, year and period
    - Batch processing is set to serial and processlevel set to Up-To-Check
    - We had following five files created for Location - EMAFF100
    i. 1_EMAFF100_ACT_May-2011_RR.txt
    ii. 1_EMAFF100_ACT_Jun-2011_RR.txt
    iii. 1_EMAFF100_ACT_Jul-2011_RR.txt
    iv. 1_EMAFF100_ACT_Aug-2011_RR.txt
    v. 1_EMAFF100_ACT_Sep-2011_RR.txt
    Batch loader process completed the processing for May - 2011, Jul - 2011, Aug-2011, Sep-2011.
    But for Jun 2011 it has given the following error in the 'tbatchinformation' table and failed at import stage.
    40751.6239236111 1_EMAFF100_ACT_JUN-2011_RR.TXT 2 2 91-Object variable or With block variable not set
    When we checked the view error log from tool menu we found following
    ** Begin FDM Runtime Error Log Entry [2011-07-27-14:58:29] **
    Code......................................... 91
    Description.................................. File [1_EMAFF100_ACT_Jun-2011_RR.txt] Caused Error: (Object variable or With block variable not set)
    Procedure.................................... clsBatchLoader.mFileCollectionProcess
    Component.................................... upsWBatchLoaderDM
    Version...................................... 931
    Thread....................................... 5600
    User......................................... ncreighton
    Computer Name................................ HYAPSDEV1
    App Name..................................... EMATTEST
    Client App................................... WebClient
    Provider..................................... ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    Data Server..................................
    Database Name................................ hydev_serv
    Trusted Connect.............................. False
    Connect Status.. Connection Open
    Location..................................... EMAFF100
    Location ID.................................. 762
    Location Seg................................. 16
    Category..................................... ACT
    Category ID.................................. 13
    Period....................................... Jun - 2011
    Period ID.................................... 30/06/2011
    POV Local.................................... False
    Language..................................... 1033
    User Level................................... 1
    All Partitions............................... False
    Is Auditor................................... False
    We then re submitted data for Jun period and saw batch process got successfully completed and June data got imported successfully and also rest other processes got through.
    Can any one provide exact cause for this error? As we have automated the data load from DWH to FDM And then to HFM. Hence when such error comes it disturbs lot of processing there on. Appreciate your early response.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi SAP collegues,
    At my site, BPC Excel created this problem too "Object Variable or With Block Variable not set" .
    It turned out that this is symptom of a a dys-functioning BPC COM Plug-in in XL2007 or XL2010!
    This is a consequence that your Excel recently crashed while using BPC. And it relates to an Excel Add-in becoming disabled when the applications crashes.  Please check the following.
    Note before doing the following, close all other open Excel and BPC sessions.
    Within Excel go to File à Options
    Select the Add-Ins option on the left
    Select the <<COM Add-ins >> option in the Manage drop down, and click Go
    Make sure that the Planning and Consolidation option is selected.  If not, mark this box and click OK.
    If you do not see anything listed, return to the Add-in screen and select the Disabled Items option, and see if Planning and Consolidation is listed there.
    Let me know if you have any queries,
    Kind Regards,
    robert ten bosch

  • An unexpected 'invalid property array index' error occured in wdbrlog

    Hi experts,
    My system is :
    SAP_BW 7.0 Path  0012
    SAP GUI Final Release Patch 24
    In my query definition, I right-click on one of the characteristics..Eg. Posting Date --> Properties --> Change 'Suppress Results Rows' option from "Never" to "Always". --> Press OK.
    Then I get this pop-up with error message:
    <u>Program Error Intercepted
    An unexpected 'invalid property array index' error occured in wdbrlog.
    1 error(s) are logged.</u>
    If I say continue, it kicks me out of BeX. I need to re-login to do the stuff.
    I find some information, but i dont know what happens.
    Did anyone get the similar error?

    <FONT FACE = "Tahoma", Font Color = "Blue">
    I am afraid you may have to re-install your SAP GUI and Business Explorer.
    <Br><Br>Hope it helps.
    <Br>* Removed

  • Why sys_extract_utc(sysdate) never causes error in pl/sql block?

    Oracle 11.2
    I cannot use
    SELECT sys_extract_utc(sysdate) FROM DUAL But I can use
    v := sys_extract_utc(sysdate)in a procedure or a trigger without causing any compile or run-time error.
    In my opinion, the return value of function sysdate doesn't contain any timezone info, so it should not be able to be used as the parameter of function sys_extract_utc, because it needs timezone info to do the conversion.
    Any clues?
    Thanks in advance.

    Kiran wrote:
    use systimestamp it will contain timezone.I know, what I don't know is why sys_extract_utc(sysdate) can be used in procedure without causing any error. It should cause error, right?

  • Reports Background Engine caused error and had to be closed

    "Reports Background Engine caused error and had to be closed"
    we are encountering this error when trying to run any report on some machines.with windows 2000.
    we tried to login (on the machines having problems) using another windows user,
    sometimes it works and sometimes not.
    we also tried to reinstall the reports runtime and it never worked.
    we have developer 6i, Oracle database 10g express edition.
    Does anyone have a solution to this random problem ?

    dear all
    you can pass parameter from form to report to close report server after close report
    add_parameter(pl_id, 'oracle_shutdown',text_parameter, 'Yes');
    then it will be ok
    good luck
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

  • Deleting iMovie files & exported movies causes errors in all of iLife

    I just went through quite an ordeal...
    In an attempt to clean up some space, I deleted a bunch of my iMovie project files and movies after backing them up (files in the default Movies folder). I have deleted iMovie projects before with no issues.
    This time, it caused errors in iDVD, iMovie, and iPhoto...it would say: "Connection failed. The server may not exist or it is not operational at this time. Check the server name or IP address and try again." It would say this over and over and over again and often completely hang up my application so that I would have to force quit. This would repeat itself over and over...
    I read about this in other forums and erased .plist files in User > Library, etc...This solved the problem for other people, but it kind of made it worse for me. Long story short, I ended up having to restore from Time Machine my entire system just to get iLife working again... I also searched for Aliases and externally referenced libraries or files, and I do not have any.
    So now I have those files again. I want to delete them again. But I'm afraid! (P.S. This may also be related to deleting the Aperture Trial Library in the Photos folder...I am also posting about that to the Aperture forum.)
    Does anyone know what the deal with this is? How come before I did not have problems but am now? How do I safely delete iMovie files without having this happen again?

    iMovie is a non-destructive editor, meaning that all original clips are maintained in the folder, even after editing. Until you render the movie to DVD, all the original files are still "in the background". Kind of hard for me to explain. Others here could give more technical details. You would have to delete your movie from the folder to regain all the hard drive space.
    If your idea is to archive your movies, a better method is to record them back to tape. Otherwise, get an external drive to store the finished movies and then delete the original files.
    One word of caution about emptying the iMovie trash. This has been known to cause problems with a work in progress and it is generally advised to leave the iMovie trash alone until your project is finished and burned to a DVD.

  • GROUP BY with parameter - cause error -ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression

    I generate a query via PreparedStatement. For example:
    SELECT when, value FROM test GROUP BY ?;
    PrepState.toString(1, "when");
    That causing error: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
    My application using query like:
    SELECT to_char(data,1), SUM(vlue) as sum FROM test GROUP BY to_char(data, 2);
    PrepState.toString(1, "YYYY-MM");
    PrepState.toString(2, "YYYY-MM");

    Ah. Reproduced in the first chunk of PL/SQL below.
    The second chunk is a workaround.
    Basically, SQL is parsed by the syntax engine and optimizer to get an execution plan. Then you can have a sequence of "bind, execute, fetch, fetch, fetch..., bind, execute..."
    Since you can have multiple binds for a single SQL parse, then the fact that the first set of binds all happen to have the same value doesn't mean the next set will.
    The optimizer needs to be 100% sure that the value in the select must always be the same as the value in the group by, so you can't have two separate (and therefore potentially different) bind variable mappings. [Given the right circumstances, the optimizer might do all sorts of tricks, such as using materialized views and function-based indexes.]
    Misleadingly, it actually fails on the 'EXECUTE' step of DBMS_SQL rather than the PARSE.
      v_sql varchar2(1000) :=
        'select to_char(created,:b1), count(*) '||
        ' from user_objects u '||
        ' group by to_char(created,:b2) '||
        ' order by to_char(created,:b3)';
      v_fmt varchar2(10) := 'YYYY';
      v_cur number;
      v_ret_str varchar2(10);
      v_ret_num number;
      v_ret number;
      v_cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
      dbms_sql.parse(v_cur, v_sql, dbms_sql.native );
      dbms_sql.define_column_char (v_cur, 1, v_ret_str, 10);
      dbms_sql.define_column (v_cur, 2, v_ret_num);
      dbms_sql.bind_variable( v_cur, ':b1', v_fmt );
      dbms_sql.bind_variable( v_cur, ':b2', v_fmt );
      dbms_sql.bind_variable( v_cur, ':b3', v_fmt );
      v_ret := dbms_sql.execute( v_cur );
      WHILE ( dbms_sql.fetch_rows(v_cur) > 0 ) LOOP
        dbms_sql.column_value_char (v_cur, 1, v_ret_str );
        dbms_sql.column_value (v_cur, 2, v_ret_num );
      END LOOP;
      v_sql varchar2(1000) :=
        'select to_char(created,f.fmt), count(*) '||
        ' from user_objects u, (select :b1 fmt from dual) f '||
        ' group by to_char(created,f.fmt) '||
        ' order by to_char(created,f.fmt)';
      v_fmt varchar2(10) := 'YYYY';
      v_cur number;
      v_ret_str varchar2(10);
      v_ret_num number;
      v_ret number;
      v_cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
      dbms_sql.parse(v_cur, v_sql, dbms_sql.native );
      dbms_sql.define_column_char (v_cur, 1, v_ret_str, 10);
      dbms_sql.define_column (v_cur, 2, v_ret_num);
      dbms_sql.bind_variable( v_cur, ':b1', v_fmt );
      v_ret := dbms_sql.execute( v_cur );
      WHILE ( dbms_sql.fetch_rows(v_cur) > 0 ) LOOP
        dbms_sql.column_value_char (v_cur, 1, v_ret_str );
        dbms_sql.column_value (v_cur, 2, v_ret_num );
      END LOOP;

  • Document store access caused errors in the SAP Correction System

    Hi Gurus,
    I have this user who is trying to make changes to a workbook in DEV which is published to a folder with some users who are assigned to role. This user is the only user with Developer 2 role. When the user make changes and try to save the workbook to her role or favorites so that the changes are transported to BWP, the user is getting "Document store access caused errors in the SAP Correction System".
    Do we have any suggestions/solutions, I would really appreciate any help on this.I would also assign full points for the most helpful answer.

    I have exactly the same problem with the user who is trying to save the workbook, where he made minor change.
    Any clues?
    Thank you.

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