UCCX 8.5 Historical report sql queries

Hi All
I am looking for the sql queries to use that would produce the data for default historical reports.
I would also need to understand wich columns I would need, and how to interpret the values returned e.g.
How would I get an outgoing call for our Q2, or an abandoned call for Q1

did it ever work?
If you try to create a report within that month (let's say, first week of that month), does it work?

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    Hi, is there a limit on the number of historical report users for UCCX 7.x?

    Yes. It depends on the MCS hardware and other sizing metrics. If you are a partner, you should run through the config/sizing tool to understand what value is acceptable. If not, ask your partner to do this before changing the value within System Parameters. HRC takes a significant toll on the server and setting this value carelessly can result in call processing interruptions.

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    Even in compatability mode, the application fails with a message that it is not supported and that it has to be installed on Server 2000, Windows XP or Windows 7.
    UCCX Version 7 worked on this exact server without issues.
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    Are you referring to Cisco Historical Reporting Client (HRC)?
    a) This is client (supervisor/manager) application and should be installed on their PC/laptop which is most likely running XP / 7
    b) Are you aware of the availability of CUIC in UCCX v9 onwards? That is something to explore and it will automatically elimate any OS dependencies since its web based

  • UCCX 10.5 Historical Reporting

    All - has the Historical Reporting download been removed from UCCX 10.5, and been replaced with Cisco Unified Intelligence Center?  If so, how do I go about configuring supervisors to access reports?

    Yes, the historical reporting client has been depreciated in favor of CUIC. You will need to configure each supervisor with access to reporting just as before.
    The URL for CUIC is: https://uccx:8444/cuic/
    You may also access it via the menu: Tools --> Historical Reporting --> Reporting Configuration
    Tanner Ezell

  • Lab Manager 3 reports - SQL Queries - looking for some help

    Hi Everyone
    Our management has asked for metrics on the use of Lab Manager so I started looking around and noticed that none of the 3rd party tools support Lab Manager. I started to poke around the SQL database and managed to extract some info however my SQL knowledge is very limited. I am wondering if anyone out there has written their own queries or can help me sort some things out.
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    This first query gives you the usernames and deploys in order
    SELECT *
    FROM Jobs
    WHERE (starttime > '02/01/2007') AND (object NOT LIKE 'VirtualRouter%') AND (operation LIKE 'JOB_Deploy') AND (object_type_full = 'Virtual Machine') and (status <> 3)
    This query gives you the daily deployments per organization
    SELECT convert(char(10), starttime, 101) as MonthYear, count(operation) as Deployments, bucket_name AS Organization
    FROM Jobs
    WHERE (operation LIKE 'JOB_Deploy')AND starttime BETWEEN '12/01/2006' AND '12/01/2009' AND (status <>3)
    GROUP BY convert(char(10), starttime, 101),bucket_name
    ORDER BY MonthYear
    This last query shows total deployments listed by username (someone helped me with this)
    SELECT U.username, COUNT(J.job_id) AS Deploys
                         Usr U ON J.user_id = U.user_id
    WHERE (J.object_type_full = 'Virtual Machine') AND (J.operation = 'JOB_Deploy') AND (starttime BETWEEN '12/01/2006' AND '12/01/2009')
    GROUP BY U.username
    I would like to know how to get some of the following:
    Top 10 Users (Query 3 lists the total deployments per user but i don't know how to have it display this)
    number of images created monthly (VM Templates / Workspace Configurations)
    number of images captured to the library monthly
    Biggest VMs
    Number of logins daily (to Lab Manager)
    Top 10 images checked out
    Images not used in x days
    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Troubleshooting Queries for Lab Manager 4
    I always had the need to map the VM IDs in vSphere Client and public IPs to the actual user and organisation. Also, LUN and ESX relations I need from time to time.
    SQL file to show all deployed VMs in all configurations
    use LabManager
      right('000000' + convert(varchar,bvs.dir_id),6) + '-' + left(bvs.name,15) as "Name in VCeneter",
      left(bko.name,12) as "Organization",
      left(bkw.name,8) as "Workspace",
      left(us.fullname,20) as "User",
      left(cfg.name,25) as "Configuration",
      dir.chain_length as "Chain Length",
      left(ds.display_name,15) as "LUN",
      left(ms.display_name,26) as "ESX Server",
      rii.ip_addr as "Internal IP",
      rie.ip_addr as "External IP",
      left(bvs.vm_tools_version,7) as "VM Tools",
      bvs.vcpu_count "CPU Count",
      left(bvs.mem,5) as "Memeory",
      convert(varchar(19), bvs.date_created, 120) as "Created",
      convert(varchar(19), dvs.date_deployed, 120) as "Deloyed"
    from BucketVirtualServer bvs
      inner join Bucket bko on bko.bucket_id=bvs.OrganizationBucketId
      inner join Bucket bkw on bkw.bucket_id=bvs.bucket_id
      inner join ConfigurationView cfg on bvs.sg_id=cfg.sg_id
      inner join Usr us on us.user_id=bvs.user_id
      inner join FsDir dir on dir.dir_id=bvs.dir_id
      inner join Datastore ds on ds.datastore_id=dir.datastore_id
      inner join NetworkInterface ni on bvs.vs_id=ni.vs_id
      inner join ReservedIPAddress rii on rii.address_id=ni.ip_address_id
      left join ReservedIPAddress rie on rie.address_id=ni.ext_address_id
      inner join DeployedVirtualServer dvs on dvs.vs_id=bvs.vs_id
      inner join ManagedServer ms on ms.ms_id=dvs.ms_id
    where bvs.is_vrouter=0
    order by bvs.dir_id
    Batch file
    osql -S localhost\LABMANAGER -E -i vmlist.sql -o vmlist.txt -w 1024 -n
    start notepad vmlist.txt
    SQL file to show all VMs in all configurations
    use LabManager
    right('000000' + convert(varchar,bvs.dir_id),6) + '-' + left(bvs.name,15) as "Name in VCeneter",
    left(bko.name,12) as "Organization",
    left(bkw.name,8) as "Workspace",
    left(us.fullname,20) as "User",
    left(cfg.name,25) as "Configuration",
    dir.chain_length as "Chain Length",
    left(ds.display_name,15) as "LUN",
    left(ms.display_name,26) as "ESX Server",
    rii.ip_addr as "Internal IP",
    rie.ip_addr as "External IP",
    left(bvs.vm_tools_version,7) as "VM Tools",
    bvs.vcpu_count "CPU Count",
    left(bvs.mem,5) as "Memeory",
    convert(varchar(19), bvs.date_created, 120) as "Created",
    convert(varchar(19), dvs.date_deployed, 120) as "Deloyed"
    from BucketVirtualServer bvs
      inner join Bucket bko on bko.bucket_id=bvs.OrganizationBucketId
      inner join Bucket bkw on bkw.bucket_id=bvs.bucket_id
      inner join ConfigurationView cfg on bvs.sg_id=cfg.sg_id
      inner join Usr us on us.user_id=bvs.user_id
      inner join FsDir dir on dir.dir_id=bvs.dir_id
      inner join Datastore ds on ds.datastore_id=dir.datastore_id
      inner join NetworkInterface ni on bvs.vs_id=ni.vs_id
      inner join ReservedIPAddress rii on rii.address_id=ni.ip_address_id
      left  join ReservedIPAddress rie on rie.address_id=ni.ext_address_id
      left  join DeployedVirtualServer dvs on dvs.vs_id=bvs.vs_id
      left  join ManagedServer ms on ms.ms_id=dvs.ms_id
    /* where bvs.is_vrouter=0 */
    order by bvs.dir_id
    Batch file
    osql -S localhost\LABMANAGER -E -i vmlist_all.sql -o vmlist_all.txt -w 1024 -n
    start notepad vmlist_all.txt

  • UCCX 8.5 - Historical Reports - Traffic Analysis report and Application Performance Analysis report different calls presented

    Please Advice.
    When I compare Traffic Analysis report and Application report, Calls presented are not same. Please Help !
    Also attached herwith the reports

    It is common, in many of the Cisco Express 8.5 environments we have looked at, for the Total Incoming Calls given on a Traffic Analysis report to be a higher number than an Application Report.
    The Traffic Analysis Report counts every unique sessionID (unique call) that is inbound (contact type of 1).  The Application Reports do a similar thing but qualify (filter) only the records that have an application assigned.
    There are simply times where inbound calls have been directed to an "agent" without having an applicaiton assigned.
    The best thing the reporting user can do is to run a query on his or her database such as: 
         select * from ContactCallDetail where contactType=1and startDateTime > '2012-11-16 10:00:00' and startDateTime < '2012-11-16 11:00:00';
    Usually when an application is not assigned to the record in the ContactCallDetail table it is because the destination type is equal to 1, which is an 'Agent' instead of a 'route point'.
    So if you modify your select statement to filter by destinationType, you can quickly find the records that don't have the application assigned. 
    Example:  select * from ContactCallDetail where contactType = 1 and destinationType = 1 and startDateTime > '2012-11-16 10:00:00 and startDateTime < 2012-11-16 11:00:00';
    When you look at these records, you will see the agent that took the call from the destinationID field.  The number in that field should match up with the field called 'resourceID' in a table called 'resouce';
         Example:  select * from resource where resouce=6011; where 6011 was the number you found in the destinationID field.
    If there is still confusion about the source of the call - then talk to that agent and find out what is was.
    Good Luck and let me know if you need further help.
    Ron Reif
    [email protected]

  • UCCX 5 HA Historical Reports: Footer message

    We have some users complaining thta they are shown this message on their reports:
    "This report might not include complete data for calls received after [date] [time]."
    All reports for the day after the date/time shown, display this message.
    According to the documentation we should just wait a few minutes and it will go away. It does not.
    I cannot find any problem with the database sync and the users are pointing the reporting client at the Publisher.
    Any ideas?

    I have the exact same issue. But only when the user generate the reports for the current day.
    The message displays "This report might not include complete data for calls received after" with yesterday's date/time.
    I can understand that we have two servers and the data needs to be replicated. But why this happens at a specific time each day. Is there a way we can change this scheduled replication time?

  • UCCX 7.0 historical report for afterhours callcenter

    We have a UCCX7.0 deployment with a CallCenter that closes at 6:00 PM and open the next day at 7:00AM. Customer wants to get a report of how many calls are they getting after business hours. I know I can get this report in a daily base but is any way to get this info for a whole month instead of running the report 30 times individually?

    The three ways I can think of getting this would be:
    1) Assuming that you are not sending your out-of-hours calls to the CSQs, you could run the 'Application Performance Analysis' report for the month, then run one of the 'Contact Service Queue' reports to see how many calls go to the queue. The number of calls presented to the application minus the number presented to the CSQ would be the number of calls that are out of hours (assuming there are no other branches the call may go down which result in calls not reaching the CSQ).
    2) Run a detailed call-by-call ccdr report for the entire period;  export to Excel and then use Excel or Access to filter out the  dates/times that you aren't interested in.
    3) Write a custom report/stored procedure based on the canned reports that filters out the in-hours times.
    Please rate helpful posts..

  • UCCX 7.01 Historical Reporting

    Need a little help on formatting HR reports. My customer exports the icd_agent_state_detail_chart_en_us and the agents names are all overlapping and jumbled up. How can I fix this.

    You'll need the Crystal Reports XI Developer suite (you can get a 30 day free trial). Once you have it you can modify the .rpt files to adjust spacing as desired.

  • Historical Reporting UCCX 8.5 (1)

                       Help Help Help !!!!! Urgent
    we have meeting with client who is running UCCX7.0 and needs to upgrade UCCX8.5 (1). The question he migh ask about historical reporting. If they backup the current UCCX 7.0 historic reports data on sql 7 , How we restore to new UCCX 8.5 ?? How reporting in UCCX 8.5 (1) works ? What sort of reports store on UCCX historix reporting section? How it is true that historical reporting stores inside UCCX 8.5 (1) box ?? Please provide little introduction about reporting in related to above scenario. Thanks

    HI Hafiz,
    UCCX 7.0 uses SQL databases to save the historcal data, and UCCX 8.x versions use Informix DB to save the historical data.
    When you perform the UCCX 7.0(1)_SR5 upgrade to UCCX 8.5(1), using Windows to Linux upgrade (or W1 upgrade) it takes the backup of the entire UCCX 7.0(1)_SR5 box using PUT (Pre Upgrade Tool) including your historical data.
    As part of the restore, you need to install the UCCX 8.5 freshly, and restore the earlier backed up data which will restore your Historical data as well.
    Please refer the below upgrade link for the step by step procedure of this upgrade path,
    Please note that you need to upgrade the HRCclient (by uninstalling the older version and installing it newly from the UCCX 8.5 system) to view the HRC reports in UCCX 8.5 version.
    Hope it helps.
    Please rate the helpful posts by clicking on the stars below the right answers !!

  • UCCX 8 Historical Reporting export

    I am currently running UCCX 5 and using the MS SQL data export feature to dump the historical reporting tables to an external MS SQL database nightly.  I am planning an upgrade to UCCX 8, but because 8 now uses the Informix database the historical database export does not seem to be an option anymore.
    Is there an AXL script or some other mechanisim that can be used to run this export?

    Hi Michael,
    I think the AXL interface is provided only for CUCM (CallManager) and not for UCCX at this moment. In case of UCCX8 it would be nice to have such a powerful tool to get and set configuration settings or initiate SQL queries against UCCX database like in case of CUCM.
    Maybe an insider from Cisco knows the answer to the question will be implemented in a later version of UCCX the connectivity trough AXL like for CUCM.
    Regarding your problem you can connect to Informix database of UCCX8 trough ODBC.
    A small target application that connects to both databases could do dump for you needed data.
    I hope this help you...

  • UCCX Historical Reporting - Transferred Calls

    Hi All,
    I've hit a brick wall in a UCCX script I'm currently working on. My client has requested stats on where agents are transferring calls. It's an operator-type position and it's fairly important to the client that she be able to guage the call volume to particular extensions.
    I've gone through the majority of the standard report templates in UCCX Historical Reporting but haven't found anything suitable. I did notice that the "Agent Call Summary" report states the number of transferred called by a particular agent but not the extension the call were transferred to.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
    As always, thanks in advance.

    What you want is essentially a custom cradle to grave report. I'm sure there are reporting packages that can do this but they are quite spendy.
    You basically want to tie a UCCX session to the CDR records from the CUCM; if you are familiar with SQL that shouldn't be too much of a challenge. The trick is automating it.

  • Historical Reports UCCX 7.0

    When I run a query with CCX Historical Report, for example on the activity by CSQ, I see all the CSQ and the CSQ removed.
    This problem also exists for the agents. I found all the device that have been deleted.
    Is this normal ?
    How to completely remove these elements ?
    I encounter this problem with two UCCX 7.0.
    Anyhow, any help would be appriciated.

    Hi Romuald,
    The only way to remove the CSQ's as you suggest is to remove the "appearance" in the filter list of the historical report generator.  Then you will have to use the Filters when creating the report.  The CSQ's are perminent in the database and removing them manually is not supported nor is it advised.  But by changing the query in the reporting template you can remove the CSQ appearances in the historical reporting client.  Note, this is done on the HRC Client machine, not on the Server...
    I have done this before for application names.  So for instance, the ICD_Application_Summary_en_us.xml file which is located under c:\program files\Cisco CCX Historical Reporting\Report Templates\en_US has a SELECT query that appears like the following:
    SELECT distinct applicationname FROM db_cra.dbo.contactcalldetail where applicationname not in ('')
    If I wanted to change the appearance of what is displayed in the filter list I would change this in the following way:
    SELECT distinct applicationname FROM db_cra.dbo.contactcalldetail where applicationname not in ('') and applicationname not in ('Advertising_Acct_Main') and applicationname not in ('Advertising_Accounting_CustSVC')
    So for your issue, to remove CSQ appearances you will likely have to do the same thing but in something like the ICD_Detailed_Call_CSQ_Agent_en_us.xml or if the reports you are running are using a different template you will need to edit those.  In that file you will find the SQL select statement:
    SELECT distinct csqname FROM db_cra.dbo.contactservicequeue
    So you would need to change that to something like the following:
    SELECT distinct csqname FROM db_cra.dbo.contactservicequeue where csqname not in ('') and csqname not in ('CSQ1') and csqname not in ('CSQ2')
    In this way you will exclude the CSQ's from showing up in the filter list.  Someone can run the reports and select all the CSQ's in the filter list and this should exclude the ones you do not want on the report.
    Please let me know if you have any questions about this and if this has been helpful please rate the post.

  • UCCX 7.0 Additional Historical Reports?

    Running UCCX 7.0 with Historical report clien 6.6.
    I have heard that there are additional historical reports that can be downloaded. The current reports do not seem real adequate. I can't seem to find a report that has a agent + team summary of calls. Does anyone know how I can get my hands on additional reports, create custom reports or maybe know of a specific report that provides agent summary with team totals? Thanks for the assistance.

    I do not know of any additional reports that are available.
    I am developing custom reports for UCCX 7.0.  In order to create custom reports, you need to have Crystal XI, and be able to do some SQL and XML work.  Let me know if you have any specific questions about the development process.  Chapter 6 of the UCCX HR Administrator and Developer Guide covers custom report development.  There are some errors in it, but those are well documented in this forum.

  • UCCX Historical Reports

    Do any of you know whether custom reports/queries configured using the Historical Reporting plugin with UCCX can be saved when you upgrade from IPCX 4.x to UCCX 5.x? We are finalizing the SoW for Compass Group and that is one of their questions. The Supervisors want to know if their custom queries will work after the upgrade. I'm assuming they will have to download the new Historical Report plugin after the upgrade?

    You will have to re-install the new version of HR, if they have altered their list
    of standard reports you'll have to save the .xml file and load it back into the new version.

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