UCCX 9 Wallboard

Hi everyone,
Was wondering if anyone could recommend a wallboard solution for UCCX 9 that would show realtime stats on the wallboard screen?
I  know of the Cisco Intelligence Centre but apparently it only supports  historical reports for UCCX 9 and we are after realtime agent/csq stats. I also see some suggestions for up to UCCX 8.5 but I am assuming these are not relevant to uccx 9 due to some change? (possibly why intelligence centre doesnt support realtime stats either on ver 9?)
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Nothing has changed in 9.0 from this perspective. The wallboard application is given an ODBC login to the database and has access to read two real-time tables in Informix. The BU provides guidence that the wallboard app should not query the database more than once every 10 seconds so in reality it's near realtime like CSD is.
There are two options in the compatibility matrix (Spectrum and Inova) as well as offerings from 2Ring, TASKE, VSR2, IPCC Wallboard (Sourceforge), and Aceyus in no particular order. Of course, the only ones TAC will even remotely support are those listed on the compatibility matrix.
Please remember to rate helpful responses and identify helpful or correct answers.

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  • UCCX Wallboard not displaying Agent statistics correctly

    I have  a UCCX 8.5 with the Gila-Wallboard running, the setup is perfect(after many hours) but the Agent Statistics is not displaying correctly. Sometimes it will show a logged in user but most times it doesn’t. enclosed is the wallboard.asp file. I am using the uccxhruser for the Informix login.  Is this a user issue or ASP issue? I am looking into the wrong table on the db_cra?

    Here is the whole .asp.  The only part that isn't populating is the Agent specific stats.  Queue stats are rolling.  The agents I can see look like this:
    Christina Smith
    Logged Out
    Unavailable for Call
    //******************************START AGENT STATS MODULE********************************//
    //   Module:   Agent Stats                //
    //   PURPOSE:  Retrieves Agent Sumary stats & team names and formats them for display. //
      sqlGetAgentstats = "SELECT x.resourceName, x.resourceType, t.eventType, t.reasonCode, x.resourceGroupID, x.datetime FROM (SELECT t1.resourceID, t1.resourceType, t1.resourceName, t1.resourceGroupID, MAX(t2.eventDateTime) AS datetime FROM Resource AS t1 INNER JOIN AgentStateDetail AS t2 ON t2.agentID = t1.resourceID and t1.dateInactive is null GROUP BY t1.resourceID, t1.resourceType, t1.resourceName, t1.resourceGroupID ) AS x INNER JOIN AgentStateDetail AS t ON t.agentID = x.resourceID AND t.eventDateTime = x.datetime WHERE x.resourceGroupID = '4' ORDER BY t.eventType, x.resourceName"
    Set rs3 = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
    Set cm3 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
        cm3.ActiveConnection = cn
        cm3.commandtext = sqlGetAgentstats
    Set rs3 = cm3.execute
      teamID = rs3("Partner Services")
    Sub getTeamName (teamID)
      sqlGetTeamName = "SELECT teamName from Team where teamID = "'& teamID &'"
    Set rs4 = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
    Set cm4 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
        cm4.ActiveConnection = cn
        cm4.commandtext = sqlGetTeamName
    Set rs4 = cm4.execute
      teamName = rs4("teamName")
    End Sub
    Sub getReasonCodeText (reasonCode)
      Select Case reasonCode
    'System Codes
     Case 33
      strReasonCode = sysReasonCode33Text
     Case 32755
      strReasonCode = sysReasonCode32755Text
     Case 32757
      strReasonCode = sysReasonCode32757Text
     Case 32758
      strReasonCode = sysReasonCode32758Text
     Case 32759
      strReasonCode = sysReasonCode32759Text
     Case 32760
      strReasonCode = sysReasonCode32760Text
     Case 32761
      strReasonCode = sysReasonCode32761Text
     Case 32762
      strReasonCode = sysReasonCode32762Text
     Case 32763
      strReasonCode = sysReasonCode32763Text
     Case 32766
      strReasonCode = sysReasonCode32766Text
    'User Codes
     Case udReasonCode1ID
      strReasonCode = udReasonCode1Text
     Case udReasonCode2ID
      strReasonCode = udReasonCode2Text
     Case udReasonCode3ID
      strReasonCode = udReasonCode3Text
     Case udReasonCode4ID
      strReasonCode = udReasonCode4Text
     Case udReasonCode5ID
      strReasonCode = udReasonCode5Text
     Case udReasonCode6ID
      strReasonCode = udReasonCode6Text
     Case udReasonCode7ID
      strReasonCode = udReasonCode7Text
    'Catch all
     Case Else
      strReasonCode = udReasonCodeUndefined
      End Select
    End Sub
    Sub getAgentStatus (eventType)
      Select Case eventType
     Case 7
       Call getReasonCodeText(rs3("reasonCode"))
       strAgentStatus = strStatusCode7
       TextColor = TextColor_AgentStats_LoggedOut
     Case 6
          strAgentStatus = strStatusCode6
       strReasonCode = udReasonCodeWorking
          TextColor = TextColor_AgentStats_Working
     Case 5
          strAgentStatus = strStatusCode5
       strReasonCode = udReasonCodeTalking
          TextColor = TextColor_AgentStats_Talking
     Case 4
          strAgentStatus = strStatusCode4
       strReasonCode = udReasonCodeReserved
          TextColor = TextColor_AgentStats_Reserved
     Case 3
          strAgentStatus = strStatusCode3
       strReasonCode = udReasonCodeReady
          TextColor = TextColor_AgentStats_Ready
     Case Else
      Call getReasonCodeText(rs3("reasonCode"))
      If rs3("reasonCode") = 32761 or rs3("reasonCode") = 32762 Then
       strAgentStatus = strStatusCode8
           TextColor = TextColor_AgentStats_NonACDCall
           strAgentStatus = strStatusCode2
           TextColor = TextColor_AgentStats_NotReady
      End If
      End Select
    End Sub
    <!-- ##### Agent Statistics Table ##### -->
    <td width="65%">
    <table width=100% cellpadding="0" table align="left">
     <tr bgcolor="#E5E5E5">
      <td align="center">
      <a><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>'><strong><%= TableColumnHeader_AgentStats_Column1 %></strong></font></a>
      <td align="center">
       <a><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>'><strong><%= TableColumnHeader_AgentStats_Column2 %></strong></font></a>
      <td align="center">
       <a><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>'><strong><%= TableColumnHeader_AgentStats_Column3 %></strong></font></a>
      <td align="center">
       <a><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>'><strong><%= TableColumnHeader_AgentStats_Column4 %></strong></font></a>
      <td colspan=4>
       <hr colspan=4>
      While Not rs3.EOF
     Call getAgentStatus (rs3("eventType"))
        Call CalculateStatusTime (rs3("datetime"))
        Call CheckAgentStatusBlinking
    <% If rs3("ResourceType") = 2 Then %>
    <% If intAgentStatsMaxDays = 0 Then %>
     <td><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= rs3("resourceName") %></strong></font></i></td>
           <td align='center'><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strAgentStatus %></strong></font></i></td>
          <td align='center'><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strStatusDays & " days / " & strStatusHours & ":" & strStatusMinutes & ":" & strStatusSeconds %></strong></font></i></td>
           <td align='center'><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strReasonCode %></strong></font></i></td>
       <td colspan=4>
        <hr colspan=4>
    <% End If %>
    <% If intAgentStatsMaxDays = 1 And intStatusDays < intAgentStatsMaxDays And intStatusHours < intAgentStatsMaxHours Then %>
    <% If AgentStatusBlink = 1 And strAgentStatus = strStatusCode2 then %>
              <td><BLINK speed="1000"><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= rs3("resourceName") %></strong></font></i></BLINK></td>
              <td align='center'><BLINK speed="1000"><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strAgentStatus %></strong></font></i></BLINK></td>
              <td align='center'><BLINK speed="1000"><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strStatusHours & ":" & strStatusMinutes & ":" & strStatusSeconds %></strong></font></i></BLINK></td>
        <td align='center'><BLINK speed="1000"><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strReasonCode %></strong></font></i></BLINK></td>
        <% Else %>
              <td><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= rs3("resourceName") %></strong></font></i></td>
              <td align='center'><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strAgentStatus %></strong></font></i></td>
              <td align='center'><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strStatusHours & ":" & strStatusMinutes & ":" & strStatusSeconds %></strong></font></i></td>
              <td align='center'><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strReasonCode %></strong></font></i></td>
       <% End If %>
       <td colspan=4>
        <hr colspan=4>
    <% End If %>
    <% If intAgentStatsMaxDays > 1 And intStatusDays < intAgentStatsMaxDays Then %>
             <td><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= rs3("resourceName") %></strong></font></i></td>
             <td align='center'><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strAgentStatus %></strong></font></i></td>
             <td align='center'><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strStatusDays & " days / " & strStatusHours & ":" & strStatusMinutes & ":" & strStatusSeconds %></strong></font></i></td>
            <td align='center'><i><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strReasonCode %></strong></font></i></td>
       <td colspan=4>
        <hr colspan=4>
    <% End If %>
    <% Else %>
    <% If intAgentStatsMaxDays = 0 Then %>
      <td><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= rs3("resourceName") %></strong></font></td>
           <td align='center'><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strAgentStatus %></strong></font></td>
          <td align='center'><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strStatusDays & " days / " & strStatusHours & ":" & strStatusMinutes & ":" & strStatusSeconds %></strong></font></td>
           <td align='center'><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strReasonCode %></strong></font></td>
       <td colspan=4>
        <hr colspan=4>
    <% End If %>
    <% If intAgentStatsMaxDays = 1 And intStatusDays < intAgentStatsMaxDays And intStatusHours < intAgentStatsMaxHours Then %>
    <% If AgentStatusBlink = 1 And strAgentStatus = strStatusCode2 then %>
              <td><BLINK speed="1000"><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= rs3("resourceName") %></strong></font></BLINK></td>
              <td align='center'><BLINK speed="1000"><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strAgentStatus %></strong></font></BLINK></td>
              <td align='center'><BLINK speed="1000"><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strStatusHours & ":" & strStatusMinutes & ":" & strStatusSeconds %></strong></font></BLINK></td>
        <td align='center'><BLINK speed="1000"><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strReasonCode %></strong></font></BLINK></td>
        <% Else %>
              <td><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= rs3("resourceName") %></strong></font></td>
              <td align='center'><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strAgentStatus %></strong></font></td>
              <td align='center'><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strStatusHours & ":" & strStatusMinutes & ":" & strStatusSeconds %></strong></font></td>
              <td align='center'><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strReasonCode %></strong></font></td>
       <% End If %>
       <td colspan=4>
        <hr colspan=4>
    <% End If %>
    <% If intAgentStatsMaxDays > 1 And intStatusDays < intAgentStatsMaxDays Then %>
             <td><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= rs3("resourceName") %></strong></font></td>
             <td align='center'><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strAgentStatus %></strong></font></td>
             <td align='center'><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strStatusDays & " days / " & strStatusHours & ":" & strStatusMinutes & ":" & strStatusSeconds %></strong></font></td>
            <td align='center'><font size ='<%= TextSize_AgentStats %>' color='<%= TextColor %>'><strong><%= strReasonCode %></strong></font></td>
       <td colspan=4>
        <hr colspan=4>
    <% End If %>
    <% End If %>
    <% rs3.MoveNext %>
    <% Wend %>
    //*******************************END AGENT STATS MODULE*********************************//

  • UCCX 8 Wallboard to use REST API

    I would like to find out how to use UCCX 8 REST API to get DB Master and let the wallboard script to automatically point to the Master DB.
    I can get True or False from http://<UCCX 8 IP>/uccx/isDBMaster
    I use a simple asp file to display Queue stats like call waiting, Ready, Not Ready, and Abandoned for each queue.
    Just not sure how to integrate the returned value from the REST API into the wallboard.
    Anyone has used this API for your Wallboard?

    Hi Chris,
    lastUpdatedAt or "Date Modified" fields don't change when the contact is sent an email, but rather, when ANY field is modified on the contact record. You can certainly query for and export contacts that had their data touched in some way since a specified time, but it won't be on a per-field basis. There is effectively no field level change history or tracking. You can work around this with extra logic. First, you can get a snapshot of what the values were in the specific fields you want to track across your entire database.
    The next time you run an export using Date Modified, it will contain more records than you might care about, but you can filter offline for the ones you do care about by comparing their before and after values for the specific 'tracked' fields.

  • IPCC (GILA) Wallboard w/ UCCX 7.01 SR5?

    We're planning a new deployment of UCCX 7.01 SR5, and wanted to confirm if anybody out there is using the GILA Wallboard?  The latest release here
    seems to be dated 2008-03-04.
    I found a previous thread about upgrade problems (https://supportforums.cisco.com/message/3062163) so just wanted to see if anybody was still using it?  Or is there a newer opensource web based wallboard?

    I am currently using it in a lab on 7.0(1) SR5 and it works without any major issues.

  • UCCX 8 wallboard Query

    I have had good luck modifying most existing wallboard and or custom report to work with 8.x  I am creating a select statement to return some needed agent data for a wallboard.  To do this I am using the informix driver and the uccxhruser.  I am able to retrieve data from the agentstatedetal and agentconnectiondetail tables. Unfortunately I am not able to retrieve data from the resource table.  I believe I should have read access to this table with the uccxhruser correct?  This is the error from my visual studio.
    In order to make my statement work I need data from resourceid, resourcetype, resourcename, and assignedteamid.  Is there another database user that would have read access to this table?
    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    I'm real new to this but I was able to use the uccxhruser to access the resource table. I am using the IBM Informix Client-SDK 3.50. I have attached photos of the setup. Also I am using IBM Data Studio 2.2 Stand-alone (free) and this is also using the same uccxhruser. Hope this helps! I'm running UCCX version 8.0.2.

  • GILA Wallboard w/ UCCX 7.01

    Hi Team,
    My client using free Gila Wallboard version 1.0. I found the following issue:
    " The Wall Borad display getting black intermittanly (In High Traffic) "
    I have observed and found that the display is getting blank only when there is too many calls in Queue for long time.
    Can any one help me to fix the issue.
    You quick response will be highly appreciated.

    I am currently using it in a lab on 7.0(1) SR5 and it works without any major issues.

  • Using CUIC to Show Calls Waiting on UCCX 9.0.2

    I am about to deploy UCCX 9 for a customer, and they want to use CUIC to replace their existing wallboard.  This appears to be fine with the exception that none of the existing or available report definitions show calls waiting (as they are based on the Historical Reports Package). 
    Can anyone offer any advice, or share a report definition that would allow me to show this?

    Hi Tony
    I've not played with CUIC properly myself, but basically you need to get a Lab or NFR kit for CUIC Premium; with that you can created customised reports and import those to the UCCX system.

  • What Service Restarts the Data Calculations for Cisco Supervisor Desktop and Wallboards

    Hello All,
    UCCX version
    UCCX is running in HA mode.
    Yesterday we believe our UCCX Servers failed over due to a network outage between the Publisher and the Subscriber.
    So last night I restarted the "CCX Engine" to fail-back the servers, which worked just fine.
    Now today the database that our Wallboard uses is not showing any data. So I ran some SQL statements on both Servers' CLI and the Database db_cra is showing old data on the Subscriber and the Publisher is showing all Zeros. But after just looking at the Real-Time Reporting page on the Web GUI, that "seems" to be working but I'm not positive because I have nothing to compare the numbers to...
    When I try to run Supervisor Desktop, I can open the Program, sign-in, and then when I choose the "team" and then try clicking on a CSQ Name, Supervisor freezes and I get a "Not Responding" message. I thought it was just my PC but this is happening for 2 other people as well, on 2 completely different PCs so I can rule out that its the computer that is killing Supervisor.
    Is there another service that needs to be restarted in order to get this working? I tried restarting the service for "Cisco Desktop Recording and Statistics Service" and I was nervous about restarting anything else because we are currently open and our CallCenter is taking calls.
    Any thoughts would be much appreciated!
    Thanks in Advance,

    Has your problem cleared up?  Did you do anything, such as a reboot or open a TAC case?
    Anthony Holloway
    Please use the star ratings to help drive great content to the top of searches.

  • UCCX 5 SQL Dbase Query Issues - Slow Returns

    For several months it seemed to me that our UCCX 5 system was beginning to have trouble. At first it appeared as a problem with our wallboard system being unable to display the real-time data properly. I had deduced that queries to the db_cra database were taking 4 - 5 minutes to return data.
    At first I called on the vendor for our wallboard, but they were unable to help stating that it was a UCCX database issue - and I agreed. I then went to Cisco TAC and fed them all my information and asked them for help. They also were unable to help figure out what was happening, but they could see that the SQL queries that used to take 2 seconds were now taking several minutes. Since the wallboard system queried the database every 10 seconds, it was over-taxing the database.
    This began to cause little anomalies in things like call-distribution, dropped calls, slow to no Historical reports returns, and this ultimately began to cause failovers to our backup node. I could not go a day without a failover and I had to reboot the servers almost every night.
    I felt there was no solution and was afraid we needed to replace our system.
    After talking to all the engineers around the world, my solution came from our very own SQL administrator. Within 5 minutes he was able to resolve all our issues.
    The root of our problem was that the indexing of the db_cra database was extremely fragmented.
    He wrote a SQL sript that he had me run against the database and he told me that this would correct any indexing issues.
    It worked like a charm.
    The system stopped behaving poorly immediately. This resolved many of our problems that I had been living with for a long time. It made the Admin page work so much faster, call distribution issues halted, the wallboard is running faster than ever with real-time data, and the list goes on. This resolved so many smaller issues that I cannot even list them all.
    I would advise anyone using a SQL database, whether it be a Cisco product or not, to always keep their database 'defragmented'.
    My SQL admin also setup the script to run automatically, on a schedule to keep our database running like a Ferrari. It has been sweet ever since.

    I was equally shocked that there was no escalation, as was my boss and my Cisco rep. They let me go with no resolution and hung-up the phone leaving me with instructions to have some-one else take a look at the database. It was very unexpected, especially considering how close they were to the point when we were trouble-shooting.
    The TAC SR # 611904619 - IPCC Database Not Returning Query Data.
    With this resolution, it also raised to my mind the issue of Informix. We are using CUCM 6.1.2 and are concerned about the same issue happening there and we would like to determine if this can happen there also, and if there is a re-indexing tool available for Informix.

  • UCCX 8.5 Abandoned Calls Notification

    Hi Team!!!
    I have a UCCX cluster version 8.5, and I'm interested in notify to agents the abandoned calls, sending a e-mail or by other way.
    Can some one help?
    Thank you

    Do you have a wallboard ? If yes, you can display this parameter along with other parameters on the wallboard.
    Also you can check for free of charge wallboard as discussed in the below thread.
    Hope it helps.
    Please rate helpful posts !!

  • UCCX 7 URL For Queue Status?

    We have agents using the CAD, but they would like to be able to have a view of what is going on in the queues.  Our type of calls are medical and technical in nature and could be handled differently if we know there are calls in the queue.  (Such as hurry through or call them back)  The goal is to not have anyone waiting in the queue if possible.  So, in using the IP Phone agent in testing, I noticed that the phone agent shows the CSQs on the phone.  Is there a URL on the UCCX server that will show me that view that my agents could view using a web browser?  Thanks in advance.

    CAD tool itself has real time reporting capability for the CSQ which the agent belongs to.
    Please check the section "Agent Real Time Display" section in the link below
    Also you can explore the options of wallboards which can show real time statistics of all the CSQ's
    Hope this helps

  • Wall Boards for UCCX 7.0

    Any recommendations for a Wall Board for UCCX 7.0?

    To avoid compatibility issues please check the compatibility guide.  TAC will not be able to assist with wallboard issues that fall outside the compatibility of the CCX environment.
    Hope this helps.

  • CCX Wallboard - Determining If Agent Is On Phone

    Using uccxhruser on CCX 8, my wallboard is set up.  It is pulling agent eventType and reasonCode from the AgentStateDetail table.  Works great.
    I need to know if there is a way to determine if an agent is in an outbound call, regardless of their state in the AgentStateDetail database table.  Is there another table/value I can probe to get this information?
    For instance, when an agent is in status code 3 (Ready), and they initiate an outdial on their phone, Cisco automatically places them in 2 (Not Ready) with a reason code 32762 (Out Call).  This is reflected in the AgentStateDetail table.  But if they are in status code 2 (Not Ready) and initiate an outdial, AgentStateDetail remains in whatever reason code they manually set, rather than switch to Out Call.

    Hi Geoff,
    Please do not use the historical reporting tables in wallboards. This causes system instability.
    CSCtw47138: "Customers experience reliability and stability issues on CCX server" + "Caused by customers using historical tables in wallboard queries which is not supported." This is a doc bug which states that this data should be added to the Admin Guide, so don't look for a version in which it is "resolved".
    Admin Guide page 483: "For details about the information written to the RtCSQsSummary and RtICDStatistics database tables, see the Cisco Unified CCX Database Schema Guide. Only the RtCSQsSummary and RtICDStatistics statistics tables can be used in wallboard queries. Use of historical reporting tables in wallboard queries is not supported."
    The historical reporting tables are not designed to be accessed in a real-time manner; that's why we have
    RtCSQsSummary and RtICDStatistics. Accessing them through a wallboard will definitely cause system instability. We have seen a number of TAC cases raised this way.
    That being said, here's more information on the historical reporting tables.
    You will probably have seen the HR Admin & Dev Guide; page 57 states that code 5 for ASD.eventType is the "Talking" state. Here's sample data from my lab system, for an agent taking an ICD call:
    > select eventdatetime,eventtype,reasoncode from agentstatedetail where agentid = 38;
    eventdatetime           eventtype reasoncode
    2013-04-05 02:44:30.194         1          0     //Agent is logged-in.
    2013-04-05 02:44:30.196         2      32760  //Agent goes into not-ready state 2 ms later. Not Ready reason code 32760 states that this is because s/he logged in.
    2013-04-05 02:44:37.754         3          0     //Agent goes into ready state.
    2013-04-05 02:45:01.993         4          0     //Agent is in reserved state: an ACD call is incoming.
    2013-04-05 02:45:05.044         5          0     //After 4 s, the agent is in talking state.
    2013-04-05 02:45:11.213         6          0     //The agent then goes to work state.
    6 row(s) retrieved.
    If the agent went on an outbound campaign call / a non-ACD call (whether inbound or outbound), the flow would be different; however, the eventType would change similarly. This is how historical reporting is able to see for how long agents talk, whether on ACD or non-ACD calls.
    You can prepend "run uccx sql db_cra" to your SQL queries from the admin CLI, to see what kind of data you will get.
    Finally, all the guides can be accessed from here.

  • CUIC UCCX 9.0.2 w/Prem Agent

    Can I use CUIC as a wallboard.  I just saw a brief demo and it appears that the real-time CUIC reports can show real-time wallboard data that can be used within the CAD integrated browser window.  Can anyone confirm this?

    I was told that I would need the CUIC/Premium upgrade for UCCX in order to create a real-time dashboard that has both the CSQ stats(CSQ:Sales, Support...etc) and the the individual Agent Name / Status(Ready, Not Ready...etc) with both on one dashboard.

  • UCCX 9.01 Database Access For a Third Party Application

    Hello Folks,
    I'm starting with Cisco UCCX (and Cisco Collaboration too) soo an old customer ask me for help in develop an Web Application to collect specific data from queues, agents... in the Cisco UCCX, until now everything is OK, no problem. This request was based because our customer has not adapted with the format of the data submitted for monitoring queues and agents presented by UCCX.  When we tried to collect those data from UCCX Server, we seen that UCCX have an internal Database and for collect data from this one is not possible by default by a Third Party Application. For this kind of solution, we'll need our UCCX server connecting directly with external Database (Like SQL, Oracle..) and a specific license is needed (Unified IP IVR or Unified CCX Premium). Then, our Application would collect data from this DB.
    is that right?
    Please feel free to share any suggestion and experience about.
    Best Regards,
    Rodolpho Pereira

    Hi Rodolpho,
    You need a PREMIUM license, in case you wish to integrate to an external DB (SQL, Oracle, etc). This is used in case of reading values from an external DB or writing values to the same using the DB Read and DB write steps.
    From my understanding, your customer needs to have a reporting capability through their third party application. This is generally termed as Wallboard.
    For more information on how to how to configure Wallboard, please check the Administrator guide for UCCX:
    Basically, the UCCX has a uccxwallboard user whose password can be changed from the UCCX admin page to be used to integrate with the third party software. This user has access to the Real Time Statistics tables on the UCCX and can be used to pull out the necessary data.
    Hope this helps!

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