Ufsdump to windows nfs share directory

Hello all,
I want to do ufsdump my sun solaris (root) file system to windows server nfs directory..please tell me the exact command to do that.
I am using following command in single user mod
->ufsdump 0f / 192.xx.xx.xx:/D/ufsdump.
when i tried use this i am getting broken pipe error ..please tell me the exact command
nfs directory share is /D/ufsdump and server name Backups(192.xx.xx.xx)

vk_sun wrote:
I am using following command in single user mod
->ufsdump 0f / 192.xx.xx.xx:/D/ufsdump.#1 Your arguments are backward. With the options '0f', the next argument needs to be the device you are dumping to, not the device you are backing up. So the order is wrong
#2 192.xx.xx.xx:/D/ufsdump isn't a valid filename (at least not for you). You must first mount the remote filesystem to a spot on your local filesystem. Then you send the data to a file within that mount.

Similar Messages

  • New files and folders on a Linux client mounting a Windows 2012 Server for NFS share do not inherit Owner and Group when SetGID bit set

    Problem statement
    When I mount a Windows NFS service file share using UUUA and set the Owner and Group, and set the SetGID bit on the parent folder in a hierarchy. New Files and folders inside and underneath the parent folder do not inherit the Owner and Group permissions
    of the parent.
    I am given to understand from this Microsoft KnowledgeBase article (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/951716/en-gb) the problem is due to the Windows implmentation of NFS Services not supporting the Solaris SystemV or BSD grpid "Semantics"
    However the article says the same functionality can acheived by using ACE Inheritance in conjunction with changing the Registry setting for "KeepInheritance" to enable Inheritance propagation of the Permissions by the Windows NFS Services.
    1. The Precise location of the "KeepInheritance" DWORD key appears to have "moved" in  Windows Server 2012 from a Services path to a Software path, is this documented somewhere? And after enabling it, (or creating it in the previous
    location) the feature seems non-functional. Is there a method to file a Bug with Microsoft for this Feature?
    2. All of the references on demonstrating how to set an ACE to achieve the same result "currently" either lead to broken links on Microsoft technical websites, or are not explicit they are vague or circumreferential. There are no plain Examples.
    Can an Example be provided?
    3. Is UUUA compatible with the method of setting ACE to acheive this result, or must the Linux client mount be "Mapped" using an Authentication source. And could that be with the new Flat File passwd and group files in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
    and is there an Example available.
    Windows Server 2012 Standard
    File Server (Role)
    +- Server for NFS (Role) << -- installed
    General --
    Folder path: F:\Shares\raid-6-array
    Remote path: fs4:/raid-6-array
    Protocol: NFS
    Authentication --
    No server authentication
    +- No server authentication (AUTH_SYS)
    ++- Enable unmapped user access
    +++- Allow unmapped user access by UID/GID
    Share Permissions --
    Name: linux_nfs_client.host.edu
    Permissions: Read/Write
    Root Access: Allowed
    Encoding: ANSI
    NTFS Permissions --
    Type: Allow
    Principal: BUILTIN\Administrators
    Access: Full Control
    Applies to: This folder only
    Type: Allow
    Access: Full Control
    Applies to: This folder only
    -- John Willis, Facebook: John-Willis, Skype: john.willis7416

    I'm making some "major" progress on this problem.
    1. Apparently the "semantics" issue to honor SGID or grpid in NFS on the server side or the client side has been debated for some time. It also existed as of 2009 between Solaris nfs server and Linux nfs clients. The Linux community defaulted to declaring
    it a "Server" side issue to avoid "Race" conditions between simultaneous access users and the local file system daemons. The client would have to "check" for the SGID and reformulate its CREATE request to specify the Secondary group it would have to "notice"
    by which time it could have changed on the server. SUN declined to fix it.. even though there were reports it did not behave the same between nfs3 vs nfs4 daemons.. which might be because nfs4 servers have local ACL or ACE entries to process.. and a new local/nfs
    "inheritance" scheme to worry about honoring.. that could place it in conflict with remote access.. and push the responsibility "outwards" to the nfs client.. introducing a race condition, necessitating "locking" semantics.
    This article covers that discovery and no resolution - http://thr3ads.net/zfs-discuss/2009/10/569334-CR6894234-improved-sgid-directory-compatibility-with-non-Solaris-NFS-clients
    2. A much Older Microsoft Knowledge Based article had explicit examples of using Windows ACEs and Inheritance to "mitigate" the issue.. basically the nfs client "cannot" update an ACE to make it "Inheritable" [-but-] a Windows side Admin or Windows User
    [-can-] update or promote an existing ACE to "Inheritable"
    Here are the pertinent statements -
    "In Windows Services for UNIX 2.3, you can use the KeepInheritance registry value to set inheritable ACEs and to make sure that these ACEs apply to newly created files and folders on NFS shares."
    "Note About the Permissions That Are Set by NFS Clients
    The KeepInheritance option only applies ACEs that have inheritance enabled. Any permissions that are set by an NFS client will
    only apply to that file or folder, so the resulting ACEs created by an NFS client will
    not have inheritance set."
    If you want a folder's permissions to be inherited to new subfolders and files, you must set its permissions from the Windows NFS server because the permissions that are set by NFS clients only apply to the folder itself."
    3. I have set up a Windows 2008r2 NFS server and mounted it with a Redhat Enteprise Linux 5 release 10 x86_64 server [Oct 31, 2013] and so far this does appear to be the case.
    4. In order to mount and then switch user to a non-root user to create subdirectories and files, I had to mount the NFS share (after enabling Anonymous AUTH_SYS mapping) this is not a good thing, but it was because I have been using UUUA - Unmapped Unix
    User Access Mapping, which makes no attempt to "map" a Unix UID/GID set by the NFS client to a Windows User account.
    To verify the Inheritance of additional ACEs on new subdirectories and files created by a non-root Unix user, on the Windows NFS server I used the right click properties, security tab context menu, then Advanced to list all the ACEs and looked at the far
    Column reflecting if it applied to [This folder only, or This folder and Subdirectories, or This folder and subdirectories and files]
    5. All new Subdirectories and files createdby the non-root user had a [Non-Inheritance] ACE created for them.
    6. I turned a [Non-Inheritance] ACE into an [Inheritance] ACE by selecting it then clicking [Edit] and using the Drop down to select [This folder, subdirs and files] then I went back to the NFS client and created more subdirs and files. Then back to the
    Windows NFS server and checked the new subdirs and folders and they did Inherit the Windows NFS server ACE! - However the UID/GID of the subdirs and folders remained unchanged, they did not reflect the new "Effective" ownership or group membership.
    7. I "believe" because I was using UUUA and working "behind" the UID/GID presentation layer for the NFS client, it did not update that presentation layer. It might do that "if" I were using a Mapping mechanism and mapped UID/GID to Windows User SIDs and
    Group SIDs. Windows 2008r2 no longer has a "simple" Mapping server, it does not accept flat text files and requires a Schema extension to Active Directory just to MAP a windows account to a UID/GID.. a lot of overhead. Windows Server 2012 accepts flat text
    files like /etc/passwd and /etc/group to perform this function and is next on my list of things to see if that will update the UID/GID based on the Windows ACE entries. Since the Local ACE take precedence "over" Inherited ACEs there could be a problem. The
    Inheritance appears to be intended [only] to retain Administrative rights over user created subdirs and files by adding an additional ACE at the time of creation.
    8. I did verify from the NFS client side in Linux that "Even though" the UID/GID seem to reflect the local non-root user should not have the ability to traverse or create new files, the "phantom" NFS Server ACEs are in place and do permit the function..
    reconciling the "view" with "reality" appears problematic, unless the User Mapping will update "effective" rights and ownership in the "view"
    -- John Willis, Facebook: John-Willis, Skype: john.willis7416

  • Custom NFS share point directory showing up on all network machines

    I'm in the process of migrating our 10.4 PowerMac server to a Mac Pro (running 10.5). I've been trying to recreate our 10.4 server setup as much as possible and so far I've only come across one annoying issue.
    We have fink installed on the server and under our 10.4 setup the /sw directory was set up as an NFS automounted share point with a custom mount point of '/sw'. I.e. users logging into client machines saw a /sw directory and could work with that. This made it easier to add fink packages as I only needed to do this on one machine (the server). This setup worked very well under 10.4 and had been working stably for the last couple of years.
    As we now have (for another month or two at least) a mix of intel and Power PC machines, I don't want to share out the (intel) server version of fink to all clients. In Server Admin, I have chosen to set the NFS protocol options to specify the IP address of just one client (an intel machine). I am only using NFS to share this directory. The plan is to add more client IP addresses as we get more intel machines.
    This works for the one intel client machine. Logging in via the GUI or via ssh allows you to run programs located under the /sw directory. The problem is that a phantom /sw directory appears on all client machines, even though their IP addresses are not specified in Server Admin. The /sw directory has root/wheel permissions (for user/group) and attempting to list its contents returns 'Operation not permitted' (even with 'sudo ls /sw').
    If I use Directory Utility to remove the connection to the Directory server on our main server, then the /sw directory becomes owned by root/admin and I can remove it (it appears empty). Reconnecting to the Directory Server changes the permissions back to root/wheel. It is also worth noting that when I first installed fink on the server (in /sw) the act of making this a share point also changed the permissions on /sw to root/wheel meaning that I couldn't access the fink programs that I had only just installed (this forced me to reinstall fink in /Volumes/Data/fink).
    Has anyone else noticed this behavior? It almost seems like Server Admin is not honoring the list of IP addresses that are being listed as targets for client machines. I had planned to install fink locally on the PowerPC clients until we upgrade them to intel machines. However, I would then also have to install fink somewhere other than /sw as I can't write to that directory. I would presume that this behavior should happen on any NFS share point that is trying to automount to a custom mount point on a client. Can anyone else verify this?

    As a footnote. I have now removed my shared fink installation. It is no longer listed as an NFS sharepoint in Server Admin and running the 'showmount -e' command does not list it. However, a /sw directory is still being created on the server and on the client machines on our network.
    This is perplexing and frustrating. There is no sharepoint any more. I rebooted the server but it makes no difference. I removed the /sw directory (on the server) by booting the machine in target firewire mode and removing it by using a 2nd machine. But following the restart, it appeared again.
    This suggests that once you make any custom mountpoint (using NFS sharing) then you will forever be stuck with a directory at the root level of all your clients which you can not remove.

  • Windows 2012 R2 - Access problems to NFS shares via IPv6

    we setup some NFS shares on HNAS storage box. The connection to this storage is only possible over IPv6 network.
    My server with Windows 2012 R2 has the feature 'Client for NFS' installed and a 'showmount -e servername/or IPv6 address' works. I can see all shares when i try to open the storagebox in Windows Explorer with the command "\\servername" or "\\IPv6
    address", too. 
    My problem is, when I try to mount the share via "Map network drive" or "mount \\servername\sharename *" I get Error 53 - Network path not found.
    The share is configured that every server in the IPv6 subnet could access it and it works on Unix machines, but not on Windows. 
    It does not matter if i set some option parameters for the "mount" command like sec=sys or anon, everytime error 53.
    I don't know, if the share needs special options for Windows. I hope somebody can help.
    Kind regards

    here is the output of your 2 commands:
    PS C:\Users\admin> get-SmbConnection
    PS C:\Users\admin> get-SmbServerConfiguration
    AnnounceServer                  : False
    AsynchronousCredits             : 64
    AutoShareServer                 : True
    AutoShareWorkstation            : True
    CachedOpenLimit                 : 0
    AnnounceComment                 :
    EnableDownlevelTimewarp         : False
    EnableLeasing                   : True
    EnableMultiChannel              : True
    EnableStrictNameChecking        : True
    AutoDisconnectTimeout           : 0
    DurableHandleV2TimeoutInSeconds : 30
    EnableAuthenticateUserSharing   : False
    EnableForcedLogoff              : True
    EnableOplocks                   : True
    EnableSecuritySignature         : True
    ServerHidden                    : True
    IrpStackSize                    : 15
    KeepAliveTime                   : 2
    MaxChannelPerSession            : 32
    MaxMpxCount                     : 50
    MaxSessionPerConnection         : 16384
    MaxThreadsPerQueue              : 20
    MaxWorkItems                    : 1
    NullSessionPipes                : HydraLsPipe
    NullSessionShares               :
    OplockBreakWait                 : 35
    PendingClientTimeoutInSeconds   : 120
    RequireSecuritySignature        : False
    EnableSMB1Protocol              : True
    EnableSMB2Protocol              : False
    Smb2CreditsMax                  : 2048
    Smb2CreditsMin                  : 128
    SmbServerNameHardeningLevel     : 0
    TreatHostAsStableStorage        : False
    ValidateAliasNotCircular        : True
    ValidateShareScope              : True
    ValidateShareScopeNotAliased    : True
    ValidateTargetName              : True
    EncryptData                     : False
    RejectUnencryptedAccess         : True
    I try to access the file share with Windows Explorer. When I enter \\fe08--babe-face-cafe-dead.ipv6-literal.net (just example), I can see all shares on the storage box. When I double-click the share, I want to access, where an access is definitely allowed,
    it takes a while and then the error "\\fe08--babe-face-cafe-dead.ipv6-literal.net\share is not accessable. You might not have permission to use this network resource. ..." appears.  Of this action a recorded the trace.
    Another way I tried is to open command line an type "mount \\fe08--babe-face-cafe-dead.ipv6-literal.net\share *". After this an error 53 occurs immediately without any wait time.

  • Permission Denied on Solaris 10 NFS share, shared trough Windows Server 2008R2

    We have a NFS share on Windows Server 2008 R2 setup the following way, 
    NTFS permissions for ANONYMOUS LOGON and Everyone groups are set to Full control.
    When mounting this share on our Solaris workstation, it mounts and we can view files in that mount but cannot edit or write to it.
    mount -f nfs /test
    permissions are set as:
    drwxrwxrwx 2 nobody nobody 4096 Mar 4 08:57 test/
    when in test direcorie, trying to copy a file gives this error:
    cp gp.txt gp_1.txt
    cp: cannot create gp_1.txt: Permission denied
    Please help,

    Is there any error message in the Event Log on Windows Server 2008 R2? Please try to install the hotfix in the KB article below.
    "Permission Denied" error when a UNIX user accesses files on an NFS share in Windows Server 2008 R2
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • "Network Error - 53" while trying to mount NFS share in Windows Server 2008 client

    CentOS | Windows 2008
    I've got a CentOS 5.5 server running nfsd. On the Windows side, I'm running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise. I have the "Files Services" server role enabled and both Client for NFS and Server for NFS are on.
    I'm able to successfully connect/mount to the CentOS NFS share from other linux systems but am experiencing errors connecting to it from Windows. When I try to connect, I get the following:
    C:\Users\fooadmin>mount -o anon z:
    Network Error - 53
    Type 'NET HELPMSG 53' for more information.
    (IP and share name have been changed to protect the innocent :-) )
    Additional information:
    I've verified low-level network connectivity between the Windows client and the NFS server with telnet (to the NFS on TCP/2049) so I know the port is open. I've further confirmed that inbound and outbound firewall ports are present and enabled.
    I came across a
    Microsoft tech note that suggested changing the "Provider Order" so "NFS Network" is above other items like Microsoft Windows Network. I changed this and restarted the NFS client - no luck.
    I've confirmed that the share folder on the NFS server is readable/writable by all (777)
    I've tried other variations of the mount command like: mount z: and
    mount z: and mount -o anon mtype=hard \\ * No luck.
    As per the command output, I tried typing NET HELPMSG 53 but that doesn't tell me much. Just "The network path was not found".
    I'm lost on how to proceed with troubleshooting. Any ideas?

    There are usully two aspect that come to mind:
    1. Syntax of mount command
    2. Mismatch of NFS versions
    Third reason is here

  • IOMeter hangs when running to a NFS share from Windows Storage Server 2012

    I am trying to measure performance of NFS share coming from Windows Storage Server 2012 using IOMeter also running on windows Server 2012. I can create the share on WSS2012. Windows 2012 client does see the share. IOmeter does see the share, and I can start
    running. But fairly quick IOMeter gets an error, and stops. After that NFS share on the client is not visible to IOMeter anymore. This happen every time. 
    I have used IOMeter to SMB shares a lot with no problem..
    Thanks in advance,

    I am trying to measure performance of NFS share coming from Windows Storage Server 2012 using IOMeter also running on windows Server 2012. I can create the share on WSS2012. Windows 2012 client does see the share. IOmeter does see the share, and I can start
    running. But fairly quick IOMeter gets an error, and stops. After that NFS share on the client is not visible to IOMeter anymore. This happen every time. 
    I have used IOMeter to SMB shares a lot with no problem..
    1) Can you use NFS share with NFS clients normally? I mean is it I/O Meter who has issues with streaming or do other apps have similar problems? Say normal copy to / from NFS share?
    2) What error exactly is popped up? Do you happen to have a screenshot?
    StarWind VSAN [Virtual SAN] clusters Hyper-V without SAS, Fibre Channel, SMB 3.0 or iSCSI, uses Ethernet to mirror internally mounted SATA disks between hosts.

  • CM Repository for NFS share

    We are on EP 7.0 sp14 (windows) and currently have several CM repositories pointing to external Windows File shares.
    Is it possible to point CM Repository to NFS share?
    Edited by: Alex Trosman on Jan 13, 2009 10:14 PM

    Hi Ramalakshmi,
    you are using a CM Repository in FSDB Mode. Am I right? If so, check the following:
    1. Did you configure your Network Path? The specified user should have full access to the resource.
    2. Did you configure the Root Directory? Note: The Root Directory in your Repository Manager mustn't point to the same directory of your network path!!
    3. Did you configure the Root Directory for Versions? Note: The Root Directory for Versions mustn't be a subfolder of your Root Directory!! Must point to a folder which contains the subfolders "versions, workingresources, workspaces, wastebasket"!
    4. Persistence Mode must be set to "FSDB"
    5. Windows Landscape System must be the same as your Network Path.
    Hope this helps and will solve your issue.
    Best regards,

  • [SOLVED] MPD through mounted NFS Share

    Hi all. I am using MPD paired with Ncmpcpp, and in my configuration (for both mpd & ncmpcpp) I have the music directory set to /mnt/Shares/Music which is where I am mounting a NFS share located on the local network.
    However ncmpcpp seems to be only partially reading the directory. In the server directory I have two subdirectories (mp3 and ogg) but my music player seems to only be reading the mp3 directory. I have tried updating the database through ncmpcpp, restarting the computer, restarting mpd through systemctl, and even tried using symlinks within the directory (and having "follow internal" and "follow external" symlinks set to "yes" in /etc/mpd.conf).
    None of these seem to work in making mpd read the ogg directory.
    Edit: Mounting through NFS automatically chowns the share to the local user, so not only did I have to sudo chown -R <user>:users the music share directory on the host I also had to reconfigure my MPD settings to run as a local user as well in order to have proper permissions for the NFS share. Prior to that it was running system wide as the MPD user. This has solved the problem completely.
    Last edited by felixculpa (2012-12-26 05:24:19)

    WonderWoofy wrote:
    Awesome, don't forget to mark your thread as [Solved] by editing your first posts.  Sorry I couldn't have been of better help to you.  Glad you solved it though.
    Edit: I did think it kind of odd (and unlikely) that ogg would not be an automatically supported format, but the source told me otherwise... strange.
    Thanks. The Arch community is awesome and I appreciate the help I get in the forums. I am currently updating the database but it is taking quiet some time, so I am not 100% I have fixed the problem. After it is done, and if it works I will update the thread as [Solved].
    Thanks again.
    Edit: I forgot to mention that I was mistaken in the not reading ogg files part. It was reading only some files from both directories; it just wasn't reading the files it didn't have permission for I'm guessing.
    Last edited by felixculpa (2012-12-26 03:47:46)

  • Files in NFS share not visable

    I'm trying to install Solaris 10u4 from a Netra T1-200 install server. The client is a Sun Enterprise 5000, it boots fine during the network install but gives the error "The directory you specified doen not contain a valid Solaris OS image".
    If I mount the same NFS share from a Linux box I can see all the files in the Boot directory but there are no files visable in the Tools or Solaris_10 directory. I've verified that they exist on the Netra but the are not visable in the share.
    Any help in resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated.

    OK, i can replicate it by doing the following on the server:
    # touch test\ file\ one.txt
    # touch test\ file\ one\ two.txt
    # touch test\ file\ one\ two\ three.txt
    # touch test\ file\ one\ two\ three\ four.txt
    # touch test\ file\ one\ two\ three\ four\ five.txt
    the last two files (ending in four and five) do not appear in finder.
    It seems that if there are 5 or more spaces in a filename the file will not appear.
    This seems like a bug doesn't it? how would I go about reporting it to apple?

  • Windows samba share shows "zero KB" for file size....

    Upgraded, clean install, to leopard and now I see "Zero KB" for file size on my Windows Home Server samba shares. Before the upgrade all that info was displayed but afterwards that info is gone. The only changed on my network was upgrading to Leopard. My linux samba server still works perfectly with 10.5 but the windows samba shares are not. I can browse, mount and copy files to and from the windows samba shares but the file size info isn't displayed. The file size isn't even displayed when I "Get Info" on a file. Previously using 10.4 all was working perfectly and all info was displayed and or was available if I wanted it. Not sure if it is something to do with how Windows Home Server handles samba or if it is how Leopard handles windows samba shares. No settings were changed on my network from when I was running 10.4. The only change on my home network/hardware has been upgrading to Leopard! No other changes were made to any servers or computers that were previously working perfectly with 10.4. Other than this "Zero KB" issue all has gone quite smoothly.

    I removed the . (and moved the directory to match) but I still have the same issue.
    Here's the smbd.log after a rebooting and then restarting samba:
    [2010/05/04 07:25:41.262266, 0] smbd/server.c:500(smbd_open_one_socket)
    smbd_open_once_socket: open_socket_in: Address already in use
    [2010/05/04 07:25:41.266578, 0] smbd/server.c:500(smbd_open_one_socket)
    smbd_open_once_socket: open_socket_in: Address already in use
    [2010/05/04 07:26:01.041577, 1] smbd/server.c:267(remove_child_pid)
    Scheduled cleanup of brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
    [2010/05/04 07:26:21.051370, 1] smbd/server.c:240(cleanup_timeout_fn)
    Cleaning up brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
    [2010/05/04 07:26:45.716653, 1] smbd/server.c:267(remove_child_pid)
    Scheduled cleanup of brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
    [2010/05/04 07:36:46.016675, 0] smbd/server.c:500(smbd_open_one_socket)
    smbd_open_once_socket: open_socket_in: Address already in use
    [2010/05/04 07:36:46.017386, 0] smbd/server.c:500(smbd_open_one_socket)
    smbd_open_once_socket: open_socket_in: Address already in use
    And log.nmbd:
    [2010/05/04 07:25:41, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:857(main)
    nmbd version 3.5.2 started.
    Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2010
    [2010/05/04 07:26:48.718046, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:71(terminate)
    Got SIGTERM: going down...
    [2010/05/04 07:27:26, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:857(main)
    nmbd version 3.5.2 started.
    Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2010
    [2010/05/04 07:27:26.544934, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:696(open_sockets)
    [2010/05/04 07:36:46, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:857(main)
    nmbd version 3.5.2 started.
    Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2010

  • 10.4 Automounting NFS shares at startup - can't stop it!!

    I am seeing two processes trying to mount a NFS share at startup from a NFS server that nolonger exists - however I cannot find out what is causing these to try to mount - hence I cannot stop them. At the moment I have to kill the two processes for the startup to complete normally. The processes show thus:
    dom-forrests-computer:~ marty$ ps -ax | grep nas1
    208 ?? S 0:00.00 /sbin/mount -t nfs -o noautomounted -o browse -o suid -o dev nas1:/mnt/array1/mac /Volumes/nas1
    209 ?? S 0:00.00 /sbin/mount_nfs -o noautomounted -o browse -o suid -o dev nas1 /mnt/array1/mac
    If I look in finders "Connect to server" they are not listed. I cannot see them in netinfo and fstab appears to be a dummy file. Can anyone suggest where I need to look to stop these connecting?

    Hi Dom_f, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Check System Preferences>Accounts>Login Items window to see if it or something unknown is listed.
    Also look in...
    Or try a Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), to see if they still mount.

  • Pcnfsd authetication in NFS share

    I have a G5 10.4.8 serving a NFS share. The one client is a Win95 box running NFS Maestro . It has worked before but in rebuilding it, I'm stuck. The client requires pcnfsd authentication but inetd.conf states that (rpc.) pcnfsd is not yet implemented in OS X. NFS Manager has nothing as well. Is there a way to fix this?
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Not OSX Server

    This is frustrating!.. I've managed to get that working but i have a different issue now ..here is what i have done in details:
    Server: MAC OSX 10.6.8.
    Server was standalone and then I bounded to the AD then promoted to Open Directory Master without kerberos realm - as it is the AD is the one that holds the accounts.. that's how it should be correct ?
    Disk utility: I mounted the NFS share and in WGM i enabled file sharing on the NFS share via AFP, and now it shows under WGM - Home tab as: afp://xserve.mydomain.com/homes
    - for the clients, I bounded them to OD first for MCX and then to AD.
    Directory Utility: settings for both "client & server"
    *Create mobile account at login - false
    *Force local home directory on startup disk - false
    *Une UNC path - True with AFP protocol.
    Server Admin:
    * AFP is enabled on the NFS share "homes" and its auto-mounted.
    * Open Directory Master:
    - LDAP Server is running
    - Password Server is running.
    - Kerberos is stopped.
    Workgroup Manager:
    * I selected the test user "adtest" and assigned the home folder which is:
    Home URL: afp://xserve.domain.com/homes/adtest
    Full Path: /Network/Servers/xserve.domain.com/homes/adtest
    and when i click on Create Home Now, it did create the user home directory under the NFS share which is auto-mounted
    Active Directory Server:
    under the adtest user - profile tab, i see: \\xserve.domain.com\homes\adtest
    - when i try to login with adtest user from the client, i get the error message:
    "You are unable to login in o the user account "adtest" at this time - logging in to the account failed because an error occurred."
    1- logged in with local admin account and typed id adtest in terminal.. it shows all user attributes and groups, which means the machine is bound correctly to both AD & OD
    2- when I change the home for the user to the the default "/Users".. i can login just fine with the adtest account.. does that look like its a permissions issue ?
    Thanks again for your help.

  • Error -43 when copying to an NFS share

    I am using an NFS share. Whenever I try to copy something to it via Finder, I get an error -43 (some object could not be found). When I do a "cp something /path/to/nfs/share" in the terminal, it works fine though. What does the error mean and how do I get rid of it?

    One more piece of information: When I try to copy something /out of/ the share, I get an error "insufficient rights". However, doing the cp out of the directory in the terminal, it works. So it seems that Finder somehow completely misinterprets the access rights, wheres apps in the terminal, like cp, mkdir, or mv seem to work just fine!
    Please help, since this is totally frustrating. I did not find any error messages in the Console either...

  • Can't mount NFS share via GUI

    Mac OS X 10.8.2
    I've recently upgraded to OS X 10.8.2 and am having great difficulty in mounting my NFS shares via the OSX GUI. This worked fine at OS X 10.6.
    My aim is to provide an automount type of setup so that less experienced users don't have to worry about the command line.
    Can someone please point me in the right direction here?
    This is what I've tried to date.
    My NFS service is hosted on my Debian server. It supports NFS v4. The service is working and stable and is used routinely with Ubuntu clients. It has also worked with OS X 10.6 clients in the past, but not with OS X 10.7 clients.
    To date I have tried the following options:
    Mount via finder: Connect to server option using syntax: nfs://<user>@<server>/<share>
    setting up autofs using the instructions from pmbuko
    using the command line to mount the share.
    The first option failed repeatedly.  I did find that it would eventually work, though only after I'd manually mounted the share at the command line.
    I have not been able to get the second option to work.
    I initiate autofs using the command 'automount -vc' and see that the connection is recognised
    when I attempt to cd into a directory below the mount point, I eventually get the message 'Connection Refused'. 
    when I check my Debian logs, I find that the NFS service had actually received an authenticated mount request from the Mac.
    when I check my Mac Console logs, I see an error:kernel: nfs_connect: socket error 61 for <server>/<share>
    I was able to get the third option working, but only after using the '-o resvport' option.
    'Something' does appear to be broken with OS X 10.8.2  as an NFS client.
    Any thoughts?

    I have found a work around that meets my imediate needs, though it doesn't allow me to use autofs functionality.
    The work around uses the traditional Unix/Linux approach of automatically mounting a file system or NFS share via fstab at boot time. OS X 10.8 still supports fstab, even though the file is not included in the default installation.
    Once mounted, the NFS share appears as if it is part of the normal file system.
    The following is only intended for people confident in Unix or Linux systems administration and in using a shell environment via the command line. Do not attempt this if you do not have these skills.
    To set up for fstab, do the following within a terminal session:
    create an empty directory in your file system that you can use as your mount point for your NFS share:
    sudo mkdir /data/share
    sudo chown root:wheel /data/share
    using your favourite editor, create the fstab file (in a terminal type 'man fstab' for details)
    sudo vi /etc/fstab
    add similar to the following to /etc/fstab and then save and exit, substituting your own values where appropriate
    # My NFS share
    <your-server>:/<your-share> /data/share nfs  resvport,rw,hard,intr 0 0
    sudo chown root:wheel /etc/fstab
    Please note: you may not need the resvport option in the fstab line above. It will depend on your NFS server's requirements.
    Once you have done this, reboot your Mac and your NFS share should be mounted at the mount point that you defined.
    If not, check your logs to see what went wrong.

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