UI Elements Attributes not corresponds to the implicit config. settings

I have a WebDynpro component with 2 applications. I created a Component configuration and for one application, a application configuration.
in the first application I want all will be exactly like in design time, but in the second one, I want the application configuration don't show one of the inputfields.
I change in the application configuration (implicit config. tab) for this inputfield the attrib. Visibility to invisible. What happens is when i need to set focus to this inputfield, I read its visibility attrib. and gets the attrib. that was set in design time.
I read the attrib. with this code:
<u><b>Attributes</b> TAB:</u>  *Declare the view global attribute
vg_vista TYPE REF TO if_wd_view
<u><b>wddomodifyview</b> METHOD:</u>   *Capture the view pointer
  <b>IF</b> first_time EQ abap_true.
  Save te ref. in a global attribute
    wd_this->vg_vista = view.
<u><b>onactionenter_altme</b> METHOD:</u>     * Sets the focus if it's visible...
  <b>DATA</b>: wle_element TYPE REF TO cl_wd_uielement.
  <b>CONSTANTS</b>: c_visible(2) VALUE 02.
  wle_element ?= wd_this->vg_vista->get_element( id = 'LENUM_1' ).
  <b>IF</b> wle_element->get_visible( ) <b>EQ</b> c_visible.
    wd_comp_controller->set_focus( vista = wd_this->vg_vista elemento = 'LENUM_1' ).
    wd_comp_controller->set_focus( vista = wd_this->vg_vista elemento = 'LGTYP_1' ).
<u>This method: <b>wle_element->get_visible( )</b> always returns the same value independently of what I set in the application configuration...</u>
Please, I don't understand this problem... if you can help I will stay very grateful.
Thanks & regards,

No changes have been made in the settings.I tested the standard SAP demo applications delivered in the  package SWDP_DEMO_TUTORIALS and in different systems other than mine.The same error is occuring.It would be better if I show you the screen shots, how the UI elements are displaying, but I cant do that here, right?

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    Hi Forum,
    I have loaded Business partner successfully with the file created in Workbench with test data.
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    "Object in import-file header does not correspond to the migration object".
    I have read that the import file should have 3 types of record
    1. Header record corrs to the structure TEMINFO
    2. Actual data records
    3. Final record for individual object.
    I am not sure where I am making a mistake
    my files header looks like
    <004F><Space><&INFO><Company><Migration Object><User><Date><Time>
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance

    I am assuming you are in transaction EMIGIMP loading a converted migration file for import, correct?
    If so, you should be able to read the company, mig. object, user name, etc. in the import file tab overview.  If conversion did not work correctly, this info will not display here. 
    It is possible you are missing some data in the header, or spacing is not correct.  Are you converting the input file with program REMIG_FILE_TRANSFORM or are you trying to create the migration file yourself?

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    Hi, thankyou for your response. Can I just confirm that you mean turning the computer on and off again, or re-booting the whole system. If it is the first I have already turned the system on and off, with no luck.

  • Error – SAML Single Logout request does not correspond to the logged-in session participant

    We are relatively new to ADFS, having set up working rp-trusts with three partners in the last few months.  Our 4th partner is proving problematic.  Single sign in works, but the ADFS
    responds the single logout request from the RP with a status of Requester.  The ADFS event log shows
    The SAML Single Logout request does not correspond to the logged-in session participant.
    Requestor: https://test-sso.rp.com/fed/sp
    Request name identifier: Format: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent, NameQualifier: http://fs.idp.com/adfs/services/trust SPNameQualifier:
    https://test-sso.rp.com/fed/sp, SPProvidedId: 
    Logged-in session participants:
    Count: 1, [Issuer: https://test-sso.crmondemand.com/fed/sp, NameID: (Format: , NameQualifier: 
    SPNameQualifier: , SPProvidedId: )] 
    This request failed.
    User Action
    Verify that the claim provider trust or the relying party trust configuration is up to date. If the name identifier in the request is different from the name identifier
    in the session only by NameQualifier or SPNameQualifier, check and correct the name identifier policy issuance rule using the AD FS 2.0 Management snap-in.
    The LogoutRequest looks like this
    <samlp:LogoutRequest xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"
    . . . cert, etc. omitted . . .
    <saml:NameID xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"
    The session index and the username in NameID matches the Response we got from our AuthRequest.  I don't know how to figure out what ADFS thinks does not match. 
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    For completeness sake, the Response to AuthRequest looked like this.
                <SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer">
                    <SubjectConfirmationData NotOnOrAfter="2013-01-14T13:28:52.199Z"
            <Conditions NotBefore="2013-01-14T13:23:52.183Z"
            <AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="2013-01-14T13:10:43.826Z"

    Okay, here are the relevant SAML messages.
    The <AuthnRequest>
    <samlp:AuthnRequest ID="_ced78e65-14d2-4c4d-8417-51f664a9e2e3"
        <Issuer xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">http://fs.timken.com/adfs/services/trust</Issuer>
        <Conditions xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">
    </samlp:AuthnRequest>The AuthnRequest Response<samlp:Response ID="_890f3128-6cae-414e-8272-30cde3bda94a"                Version="2.0"                IssueInstant="2013-02-04T13:29:29.748Z"                Destination="https://test-sso.salesdemand.com/fed/sp/authnResponse20"                Consent="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:consent:unspecified"                xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"                >    <Issuer xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">http://fs.timken.com/adfs/services/trust</Issuer>    <samlp:Status>        <samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success" />    </samlp:Status>    <Assertion ID="_82f82c5c-2653-4e18-9308-349ebeb67743"               IssueInstant="2013-02-04T13:29:29.748Z"               Version="2.0"               xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"               >        <Issuer>http://fs.timken.com/adfs/services/trust</Issuer>        <ds:Signature xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">            <ds:SignedInfo>                <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#" />                <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1" />                <ds:Reference URI="#_82f82c5c-2653-4e18-9308-349ebeb67743">                    <ds:Transforms>                        <ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature" />                        <ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#" />                    </ds:Transforms>                    <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1" />                    <ds:DigestValue>RxZZLlbdh5eD6Ht4+aVna3Rtbnc=</ds:DigestValue>                </ds:Reference>            </ds:SignedInfo>            <ds:SignatureValue>Es8LAN9noqGIJEbgZe/...XW8LAv5Mgr3tOXpHRlcsJNss/A==</ds:SignatureValue>            <KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">                <ds:X509Data>                    <ds:X509Certificate>MIIFDDCCA/SgAwIB...</ds:X509Certificate>                </ds:X509Data>            </KeyInfo>        </ds:Signature>        <Subject>            <NameID>mooreta</NameID>            <SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer">                <SubjectConfirmationData NotOnOrAfter="2013-02-04T13:34:29.748Z"                                         Recipient="https://test-sso.salesdemand.com/fed/sp/authnResponse20"                                         />            </SubjectConfirmation>        </Subject>        <Conditions NotBefore="2013-02-04T13:29:29.732Z"                    NotOnOrAfter="2013-02-04T14:29:29.732Z"                    >            <AudienceRestriction>                <Audience>https://test-sso.salesdemand.com/fed/sp</Audience>            </AudienceRestriction>        </Conditions>        <AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="2013-02-04T13:29:29.545Z"                        SessionIndex="_82f82c5c-2653-4e18-9308-349ebeb67743"                        >            <AuthnContext>                <AuthnContextClassRef>urn:federation:authentication:windows</AuthnContextClassRef>            </AuthnContext>        </AuthnStatement>    </Assertion></samlp:Response>The LogoutRequest<samlp:LogoutRequest xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"                     Destination="https://fs.timken.com/adfs/ls/"                     ID="id-uvoTioVCLdMycE88o-6CU5RrSNM-"                     IssueInstant="2013-02-04T13:29:57Z"                     Version="2.0"                     >    <saml:Issuer xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"                 Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity"                 >https://test-sso.salesdemand.com/fed/sp</saml:Issuer>    <dsig:Signature xmlns:dsig="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">        <dsig:SignedInfo>            <dsig:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#" />            <dsig:SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1" />            <dsig:Reference URI="#id-uvoTioVCLdMycE88o-6CU5RrSNM-">                <dsig:Transforms>                    <dsig:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature" />                    <dsig:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#" />                </dsig:Transforms>                <dsig:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1" />                <dsig:DigestValue>ZT0yQqiaL2dD2a7rt6ywJ9EoM1I=</dsig:DigestValue>            </dsig:Reference>        </dsig:SignedInfo>        <dsig:SignatureValue>Z7F7zYS31y1K48FbUHevJT86+txOlPM9awlHiMNj1TiMxRAEVz1rOj2uG0oVMd7NkblkneCrE8aVtJuebdUY4Q0DAcXR8lSTuNEFocT2R6eCIwQb48xQqQMs8ZE6siPsPFMS+QAhpgDom/IY61L/.../NNxVg==</dsig:SignatureValue>        <dsig:KeyInfo>            <dsig:X509Data>                <dsig:X509Certificate>MIIFxTCCBK2gAwIBAgIQAN+.../G6p95pNm1ZAqroUjufLeHO4q34Mx3xNyw0tmyjmWgkxY11Pa+M0gCeLOdLzxafIOXUFXOhKfOUg4Jp4S+/sCVcd9fBDPvfEHSr8uMmQC2IdQaRE7IvZdRF0OUP+l1MpRBkMsy98hPXTBK6n1ivklOxzmWie88jav8gzjWhwQC5Ia2/JNYxVBkPsNkRw86n8KBnlsumU9EV0dAeXTOaehKtG+RNnD1Gt4Y34TQccaIbf7OTLisY4kMkjZbRu3sJnX9KjM=</dsig:X509Certificate>            </dsig:X509Data>        </dsig:KeyInfo>    </dsig:Signature>    <saml:NameID xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"                 Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent"                 NameQualifier="http://fs.timken.com/adfs/services/trust"                 SPNameQualifier="https://test-sso.salesdemand.com/fed/sp"                 >mooreta</saml:NameID>    <samlp:SessionIndex>_82f82c5c-2653-4e18-9308-349ebeb67743</samlp:SessionIndex></samlp:LogoutRequest>The LogoutRequest Response<samlp:LogoutResponse ID="_bf7199a8-3248-4201-9ca4-609bec5404d6"                      Version="2.0"                      IssueInstant="2013-02-04T13:29:59.076Z"                      Destination="https://test-sso.salesdemand.com/fed/sp/samlv20"                      Consent="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:consent:unspecified"                      InResponseTo="id-uvoTioVCLdMycE88o-6CU5RrSNM-"                      xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"                      >    <Issuer xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">http://fs.timken.com/adfs/services/trust</Issuer>    <samlp:Status>        <samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Requester" />    </samlp:Status></samlp:LogoutResponse>The ADFS Error Log EntryThe SAML Single Logout request does not correspond to the logged-in session participant. Requestor: https://test-sso.salesdemand.com/fed/sp Request name identifier: Format: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent, NameQualifier: http://fs.timken.com/adfs/services/trust SPNameQualifier: https://test-sso.salesdemand.com/fed/sp, SPProvidedId:  Logged-in session participants: Count: 1, [Issuer: https://test-sso.salesdemand.com/fed/sp, NameID: (Format: , NameQualifier:  SPNameQualifier: , SPProvidedId: )]  This request failed. User Action Verify that the claim provider trust or the relying party trust configuration is up to date. If the name identifier in the request is different from the name identifier in the session only by NameQualifier or SPNameQualifier, check and correct the name identifier policy issuance rule using the AD FS 2.0 Management snap-in.

  • Formerly I could download YouTube videos by double clicking the largest size page element in the Safari activity window address column. Now in V 5.0.5 page elements are not shown, just the page title, and under that about:blank.  Suggestions? Thanks.

    Formerly I could download YouTube videos by double clicking the largest size page element in the Safari activity window address column . Now in V 5.0.5 page elements are not shown, just the page title, and under that "about:blank".  Also, the activity window used to show sequential activity and now each new page replaces the last. Thanks for any suggestions re how to restore previous activity window function.

    Not all YouTube videos are available for downloading, but:
    There is the Free  iTube Grabber which can capture almost any audio and/or video stream (it says here) but only works with Intel Macs.
    Firefox Download Helper is also supposed to work, you have to be logged into YouTube first.
    and the RealPlayer Downloader that comes with RealPlayer SP for Mac from:
    which also downloads videos from YouTube.
    There is also iTubeX which allows you to download videos (Flash, HTML5 and others), .mp3 and .swf files from almost every website as easily as possible:
    Lastly: How to download Flash videos and play them in Quicktime using Perian is explained here:
    It's the video at the bottom of the page.

  • Why am i getting the message cannot get mail or that i am not connected to the internet what settings do i need to be on

    why am i getting the message cannot get mail or that i am not connected to the internet what settings do i need to be on

    WIFi needs to enabled and you need to be connected to a network. Alternatively, you need Cellular Data to be "on". (Settings>General>Network). But it propably is a problem with your router (at least, it often is with me), provided you are using your private router. Try schutting it off and turning it on again. This usually sorts problems like this out.

  • When closing Firefox windows, I would like a warning before the last window closes. The about:config settings do nothing. There is a warning for multiple tabs..

    When closing Firefox windows, I would like a warning before the last window closes. The about:config settings do nothing. There is a warning for multiple tabs... why not for the last window? I do not use tabs... just windows... I have a mouse button programmed for that. It is really irritating to have to restart Firefox all the time and then open the history window because no warning was issued!

    This is ridiculous. I've had this problems for years now and I'm finally walking away from Firefox. I use my keyboards more than my mouse, and how many times does your finger slip and hit Command Q instead of W. How come FF can't reset something as trivial as this? So many people are having problems with this?
    Feels like FF has become too big, too slow and just not cooperative anymore. What a shame, I've been using Netscape/Firefox for 13 years. This is silly.

  • Attributes not deleted int the Connector View

    when an attribute is deleted in the data source, the corresponding attibute is not deleted in the connector view.
    For example :
    when a mailforwardingaddress attribute is deleted in the datasource entry, it remains visible in the connector view.
    Config :
    The UTC uses an attribute flow including mailforwardingaddress,
    updates are made only from datasource to CV.
    no default values, no filter.
    Thanks for any help.
    Best regards,
    Vincent MAZARD
    [email protected]

    MEtadir is not attributes owned but entries owned: to do so, you must create a new AF where the criteria is %operation% = DeleteFromCVtoMV and in flow, you choose attributes you want to see deleted
    hope it helps

  • Why pixels are not corresponding to the size I want?

    Recently I've detected a problem in my Adobe Illustrator CS6.
    I open the software, define the art board area in pixels (I checked it at Preferences > Units), but when I export my images they become bigger than they are.
    This is an image 10x10 pixels, exported at Photoshop (everything is ok here):
    This is an image 10x10 pixels, exported at Illustrator.... much bigger!
    Here it is the options chosen at preferences:
    And what appears in work area:
    Does anyone knows what is going on? What can I do to solve this?
    Please tell me something. This way is hard to work...
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,
    Inês Guilherme

    Maybe, just guessing here, the resolution set for the photoshop doc was 72 and the one for illustrator 300?
    No, no, no. There is no "resolution" setting for a native Illlustrator file like that for a raster image.
    When uisng a program like Illustrator, FORGET PROGRAMS LIKE PHOTOSHOP. They are entirely different things and you're just confusing yourself.
    In a program like Illustrator, the page rulers refer to real-world units of measure when the document is printed. A pixel is NOT a real-world unit of measure. Ask yourself 'How big is a pixel?' or 'How many pixels is it from Earth to its moon?' Those are nonsensical questions. A pixel can be any size, because a pixel is nothing but a color value. Thinking of pixels as distance is like thinking of colors as distance. How many colors is it from where you live to New York City?
    When you work in a program like Photoshop, you are basically working within a SINGLE RASTER IMAGE. That single raster image has a fixed number of pixels. That's why Photoshop's rulers can make sense when they are set to pixels; they are not using pixels as a measure of distance; they are using pixels as a COUNT of pixels.
    But when you work in a program like Illustrator, you are NOT working in a single raster image. You are working within a model of a region of physical measure (a page) which can contain vector-based paths (which have no pixels), vector-based text (which has no pixels) and any number of MULTIPLE raster images.
    Each of those MULTIPLE raster images on the page has its own independent number of pixels, and its own independent scale, AND its own independent position (which doesn't even have to correspond to any whole increment of the rulers; the sides of those raster images on the page may be positioned BETWEEN the "pixels" indicated on the rulers).
    So in a program like Illustrator, you can have an image which contains 225 pixels across (or any other number, and another image which contains 25 pixels across (or any other number). Both of those images may be scaled on the page to the same UNIT OF MEASURE dimension. For example, both of those images may be scaled to one inch in width. The rulers, if set to "Pixels" would indicate that they both "measure" 72 "Pixels" across. But they would still contain different numbers of pixels, regardless of how many "Pixels" Illustrator's rulers indicate they "measure".
    Now given those very basic differences between what you're actually doing in a program like Photoshop and what you're doing in a program like Illustrator, what can the page rulers in Illustrator possibly mean when they are set to "Pixels"? Illustrator's rulers ALWAYS refer to a real unit of MEASURE, not to a mere COUNT of "Pixels." So when Illustrator's rulers are labeled "Pixels" they still have to ACTUALLY correspond to some unit of real-world measure.
    And they do: When you set Illustrator's rulers to "Pixels" you are really setting them to "Points". A point is 1/72 of an inch.
    So when you have your rulers in Illustrator set to "Pixels" and you draw your 10 x 10 "pixel" square, you are really drawing a 10 x 10 POINT square. And assuming you drew it as a path, it has no pixels whatsoever. It doesn't become rasterized until you either invoke the Rasterize command, or until you export it to a raster format. When you export it as a raster image, the only way the resulting image will actually contain 10 x 10 pixels is if you export it at a resolution of 72 pixels per inch.
    In other words, because Illustrator's rulers ALWAYS assume a scale of 72 pixels per inch when it uses "Pixels" as a bogus unit of measure, then you have to specify 72 PPI at the time of export if you want the number of pixels in the resulting raster image to correspond to the bogus "number of pixels" indicated by Illustrator's rulers.

  • Keyfigure display attribute not visible in the report

    I am facing a problem. I have <b>keyfigures as display attributes</b> in my master infoobject. Earlier I was able to see those <b>display keyfigure attributes</b> in my query and was able to use them in it. After that, few changes were done to the master infoobject (addition of few attributes and deletion of few - but none of them were what I was using). Now after the change, when I open the query in design mode, it gives me error saying that it can't access those attributes (only keyfigure display attributes) and repairs the query (removes those attributes). All the other attributes are visible.
    I have already tried rsrv for the master infoobject (corrected the error) and rsrt for the query. After that also it doesn't solve the problem.
    What could be the reason? Any pointers would be highly appreciated.

    Display keyfigure attributes are visible in the reports because I was using and running them in the reports before the change in that particular master infoobject. Only, keyfigures maintained as attributes can't be made navigational (hence can't be used for drilldown). Its only after the change, there is this error.
    I had also checked the authorization for Keyfigure earlier, which I have. Therefore its not the problem.
    Thanks for the help anyways! Any more pointers? Btw, I am working on BW3.5.

  • Why are the text and graphic elements are not showing on the iPad

    I have a slideshow of pictures full bleed on my inDesign document with text and graphics on top of the pictures (not part of the slideshow).
    When I preview on the iPad all I can see is the gallery of images?
    Is it not possible to put text on top of a slideshow?
    Here it is as it appears on InDesign...
    ...and here as it appears on the iPad...
    Any ideas? I'm pretty new at this, but I couldnt find anything in the forums
    Many thanks for reading

    They're called overlays for a reason. You'll need to change the text to an MSO as well.
    Select it, create a new MSO, set it to play once no delay, no crossfade.
    Other choice would be to put the text into each state of the MSO.

  • Dimension Attribute not related to the key directly or indirectly.

    I am running into an issue when trying to relate two fact tables to a dimension using two different attributes.  Due to the design of the tables I must join from my fact tables to intermediate tables in order to join to the dimension table.  The
    problem is the fact tables use different intermediate tables to join to the final dimension table.
    For example: FactTable1-->IT1-->DimensionTable<--IT2<--FactTable2
    The  intermediate value from the first table is a foreign key to the dimension table and the intermediate value from the second table is also it's own foreign key to the dimension table.
    Below is some test code to put my problem into SQL.  It's simple enough to join them together but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to properly set up the relationships between attributes in SSAS.
    CREATE TABLE dbo.FactTest1(
    FactTest1Id Int Identity,
    IT1Id INT)
    DimId1 INT)
    CREATE TABLE dbo.Dim(
    DimId1 INT,
    DimId2 INT,
    Description VARCHAR(50))
    DimId2 INT)
    CREATE TABLE dbo.FactTest2(
    FactTest2Id Int Identity,
    IT2Id INT)
    INSERT dbo.FactTest1
    SELECT 1
    SELECT 2
    SELECT 3
    INSERT dbo.IT1
    SELECT 10
    SELECT 20
    SELECT 30
    INSERT dbo.FactTest2
    SELECT 1
    SELECT 2
    SELECT 3
    INSERT dbo.IT2
    SELECT 40
    SELECT 50
    SELECT 60
    INSERT dbo.Dim
    SELECT 10,40, 'Atrribute1'
    SELECT 20,50, 'Attribute2'
    SELECT 30,60, 'Atrribute3'
    SELECT *
    FROM dbo.FactTest1 ft
    JOIN dbo.IT1 it
    ON ft.IT1Id = it.IT1Id
    JOIN dbo.Dim dim
    ON it.DimId1 = dim.DimId1
    SELECT *
    FROM dbo.FactTest2 ft
    JOIN dbo.IT2 it
    ON ft.IT2Id = it.IT2Id
    JOIN dbo.Dim dim
    ON it.DimId2 = dim.DimId2

    It depends on the cardinality between the two Fact Tables and intermediate tables. If they are 1 to 1  relationships then you can simply create a view of the fact and intermediate table and then create a direct relationship to the dimension. A more
    efficient solution would be to alter your ETL to just insert the appropriate dimension key directly into the fact table instead of using the intermediate ID.
    You can join fact tables to dimensions at different levels of granularity. eg you could join one fact table to a date dimension at the day level and another at the month level. You just have to consider what you want to happen to the monthly data when viewed
    at a daily level, you can either repeat the monthly value or display a blank or look at overriding the value with some sort of calculation.
    If the relationship between the facts and intermediate tables is many to many then there is an excellent white paper called the "Many to Many Revolution" which shows all the different ways in which many to many relationships can be used in SSAS.
    http://darren.gosbell.com - please mark correct answers

  • UWL - not picking up the XML config

    Hi All,
    we have a UWL Application in the UWL Adminstration for the configuration Purpose i need to upload the XML Configuration file. it not picking up the XML Configuration
    can any one reslove this Please.
    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: Dileep P on Feb 12, 2008 5:59 PM

    Whenever you upload a new configuration, you will need to clear out UWL cache.
    Please go to "System Administration - > System Configuration -> Universal Work list & Workflow -> Universal Workflow Administration -> Click on cache administration page -> Choose system -> Click "Clear Cache" button.

  • The proxy settings supplied by my work's IT dept. don't work with Firefox on my Nexus. I have entered them in the about:config settings list but to no avail.

    I have tried to change the config settings in line with a lsited posting, and these are:
    network.proxy.type =1
    network.proxy.http = setting from IT dept.
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    Are you experiencing this issue with another browser?

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