UI hints is not displaying display attributes

Hello all,
I am new in ADF but i need your assistance in creating a LIST OF VALUES on a particular attribute e.g jobID to show job_title instead of the job_id in employee object.
my headache is thus: Display attributes is not show when configuring the UI Hints in create lists of values. thereby i will not be able to select the attribute i was to show on the jspx page.
i am using jdeveloper 11gR2  and the DB is oracle xe on windows XP.
what can the issue be, kindly assist.

which jdev version ur using ?
Have you created the View Accessor on JobsView ??
below link may be helpful for u
Oracle ADF 11g and Java/J2EE Application Developer: Oracle ADF 11g Creating Dependent LOV's

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    With Kind Regards,

    Hi Shreem,
    If you want attributes of any master objects in navigational attributes section, you have make them navigational attributes while defining base info object.
    Please follow the below steps.
    1) goto RSA1, search for 0SOLD_TO & 0SHIP_TO info objects and open them
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    No. Not yet. I think it is a bug. You should create an OSS message to SAP and ask them to pay special attention to the following code block:
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    Hi Ram
    no error as such, the report displays the attribute as "not assigned" ... this image shows the query and the RSRT output

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    Thanks for your response Muthukumaran.
    I did not know about this default measure property of the SSAS cube, it would be nice if you could also tell me how to check which is the default measure for a cube.
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    I would like to share the way i resolved this issue:
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    Suvrat Rai

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    I set up a very simple case where some of the input data is in attributes. It works fine for the element content--firstname, however it does not display the attribute requested. What can be wrong? Please help!
    Thanks, regards
    The XML instance (people.xml):
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="c:\XSL\people.xsl"?>
    <person born="1912" died="1948">
    The corresponding stylesheet (people.xsl):
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:template match="person">
    <person born="{born}" />

    Are you opening "people.xml" directly in a web browser?
    If so, I think you need to transform to HTML for a proper display.
    For example :
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="file://c:/XSL/people.xsl"?>
    <person born="1912" died="1948">
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:template match="person">
        <p><xsl:text>First name = </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="name/firstname"/></p>
        <p><xsl:text>Born = </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="@born"/></p>
        <p><xsl:text>Died = </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="@died"/></p>
    </xsl:stylesheet>Otherwise, you could use any XSLT processor to perform the transformation.

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      set [_Prod.Manufacturer2]  as '[Prod.Manufacturer].Generations(2).members'
      set [_Product6]  as 'Filter(Descendants([Product], 8), (([Product].CurrentMember.MEMBER_Name = "P3336" OR [Product].CurrentMember.MEMBER_ALIAS = "P3336")))'
      { [Measure].[Volume] } on columns,
      NON EMPTY {crossjoin({[_Prod.Manufacturer2]},{[_Product6]})} properties MEMBER_NAME, GEN_NUMBER, [Prod.Manufacturer].[MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME], [Prod.Manufacturer].[Memnor], [Product].[MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME], [Product].[Memnor], [Product].[Alias_table_1] on rows
    from [APP.DB]
    while I am interested in achieving following - where attribute Prod.Manufacturer is displayed as property of Product dimension and not as separate attribute
      set [_Axis1Set] as '{Filter(Descendants([Product], 8), (([Product].CurrentMember.MEMBER_Name = "P3336" OR [Product].CurrentMember.MEMBER_ALIAS = "P3336")))}'
      {[Measure].[Volume]} on columns, {[_Axis1Set]} properties [Product].[Prod.Manufacturer],MEMBER_NAME, GEN_NUMBER, [Product].[Memnor], [Product].[Alias_table_1]  on rows
    from [APP.DB]
    OBIEE generates expected syntax for Alias tables, is same possible with attributes?
    How ?

    Thanks heaps for your answer, Vladim!
    That's funny, huh? As mentioned, in respect to the Workstatus control, SAP made that functionality available for the Owner property of the Entity dimension (i.e. more than one user can be declared as an owner of a e.g. Cost Center and could hence change a particular Work Status).
    Any ideas for a workaround ?
    Have a good weekend...

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    Hi All
    Being new to windows mobile, I am still struggling to set up my new treo pro
    Palm OS just seemed to make more sense!
    The fonts are two small, the lists too long etc.
    My current problem is viewing the MP3's on my SD card.
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    As a result the name is not display fully, which is problematic if the track has a long name and you have several tracks by the same artist.
    I tried finding on option for customizing the view but could not
    Help anyone?
    Post relates to: Treo Pro T850U (Unlocked)

    I looked for a setting for that but cannot find one.
    You may want to try the program in the following link.
    For reference purpopses click on the following link for the support page for your device on the kb.palm.com webpage.
    There are links on the page to the user guide, troubleshooting, how to's, downloads, etc.
    Post relates to: Palm i705

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    Thanks in advance.

    Dear Les
    For 0VENDOR, Set Property as Key & Text, try once again.
    Yes, you can copy the standard query very well.
    Open the Standard query & using SAVE AS, you can copy to "Z" queries.
    Hope, now you will get some idea

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    I chkd the Bussiness Explorer settings..every thing is ok...
    My question is why the "display attribute" infoobject  is not showing when we rigt click and see the display data.

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    I have created a view for  Zcomponent. In the wizard i have mentioned some model attributes for BTADMINH and completed the Wizard.
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    Please guide me to get all the attributes of BTADMINH to display.

    Not sure on your version but right click the member and select "View member properties", it should display a property window and attributes will be in there.
    There is also the atrribute viewer

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