ULTIMATIVER BUG CC2014: Farbmanagement in Acrobat XI kaputt

Der Irrsinn hat einen Namen: Adobe!
Folgendes Problem:
In InDesign ein rotes Kästchen erstellt, C:0 M:100 Y:100 K:0 - ein knallrotes Kästchen. Dieses knallrote Kästchen mit der Standard-Export-Einstellung "Qualitativ hochwertiger Druck" exportiert und PDF gleich anzeigen lassen. Irgendwie sieht dieses Rot doch anders aus? Schnell einmal in die <Druckproduktion>Werkzeuge und <Ausgabevorschau> und tatsächlich: C:0 M:96 Y:87 K:0 !
Klarer Fall: da hat's was mit dem Farbmanagement! Also schnell in Acrobat nachgeschaut und entdeckt "nicht synchronisiert" (obwohl die Einstellungen selbst 100%ig der Einstellungen des synchronisierten Zustands entsprechen). Das kann man ja leicht beheben: Rein in Adobe Bridge, die Schaltfläche <Anwenden> war auch anklickbar (wenn alles synchron ist, dann ist diese ausgegraut). Also auf <Anwenden> geklickt, zurück in Acrobat -> dort steht "synchronisiert".
Jetzt noch checken, ob es eh' passt: <Datei öffnen>"meinexport.pdf". Resultat: C:0 M:100 Y:00 K:0 -> Juhuu - so soll's ja sein!
Und jetzt aufgepasst: Ich habe den selben Export noch einmal durchgeführt mit der Option, dass das PDF im Anschluss "gezeigt" wird -> und schon wieder falsch! Wie kann das sein? Wieder ins Acrobat-Farbmanagement und siehe da: wieder "nicht synchronisiert".
Nach 100 weiteren Exporten, alles mögliche ausprobieren und hin- und her sch... habe ich folgendes reproduzierbares Verhalten festgestellt:
Status: Acrobat ist über Bridge synchronisiert. Wenn Acrobat als Programm geöffnet wird und dann eine Datei über <Datei öffnen" geladen wird, ist alles in Ordnung. Wird allerdings Acrobat über einen Doppelklick auf das PDF gestartet, so geht die Synchronisierung verloren.
Ich arbeite seit über 10 Jahren mit der Creative Suite und hatte dieses Problem nicht. Ich kann es nur in Zusammenhang mit dem Update auf 2014 bringen, denn davor gab es dieses Problem niemals.
Ich habe dann auch noch Acrobat vollständig deinstalliert (inkl. der Voreinstellungen) und neu installiert -> das Verhalten war exakt das gleiche.
Kleine Anmerkung: es gibt zwar Indesign CC 2014 und Illustrator CC 2014 und Photoshop CC 2014, aber KEIN BRIDGE CC 2014 und auch KEIN ACROBAT CC 2014. Und es gibt anscheinend einen Zusammenhang mit dem Update auf die CC 2014-Versionen. Und Bridge ist die "Brücke" zwischen allen Programmen insbesondere beim Farbmanagement. Die hat aber eine andere Versionsnummer. Und Acrobat fällt überhaupt aus diesem CC-Versions-Rahmen. Und dort manifestiert sich das Problem.

Danke für die Antwort, leider keine Lösung dabei.
1. "Bridge hat außer der Kompatibilität mit CC2014 keine neuen Funktionen hinzubekommen". -> Vielleicht hängt es ja gerade mit dem Update bezüglich der Kompatibilität zu CC 2014 zusammen? Das ist ja genau meine Vermutung, dass hier geschlampt wurde. Denn die "globale" (für ALLE CS-Produkte) Einstellung zur Synchronisierung funktioniert zwar, wird aber "ausgehebelt" - wie von mir beschrieben. Keine Ahnung, ob hier Bridge verantwortlich ist oder Acrobat oder der InDesign-Export. Ich stelle nur fest, dass verschiedene Programme der Creative Cloud zum gleichen Zeitpunkt in unterschiedlichen Versionen existieren. Gleichzeitig aber alle Programme "miteinander" funktionieren müssen. Und im vorliegenden Fall ist das eben nicht so.
2. Siehe Punkt 1. Das mag' ja genau das Problem sein und genau das kritisiere ich. Nach meinem Verständnis ist Acrobat einer der wesentlichsten Player in einer Grafik-Umgebung. Schließlich mündet fast alles irgendwie in einem PDF. Und PDF ist nunmal das Austauschformat schlechthin. In jedem Fall ist das PDF die Schnittstelle zu "außer Haus", deshalb muss man sich 100%ig darauf verlassen können.
Und dass Acrobat ein unterschiedliches Verhalten zeigt zwischen <zuerst Programm öffnen und dann Datei öffnen> und <Programm über Doppelklick via Datei> ist einfach nicht in Ordnung und ist ein eindeutiger und absolut reproduzierbarer Bug.
3. Es ist WURSCHT, welche Standardvorgabe verwendet wird. Ich habe nur "qualitativ hochwertiger Druck" gepostet, aber habe natürlich ALLE Export-Funktionen durchprobiert. Typischerweise verwende ich meine eigenen Vorgaben, die mit meinen Druckereien abgestimmt sind und oftmals wird noch gerne PDF-X3 verwendet.
Der Unterschied hinsichtlich Farbmanagement ist bei den verschiedenen PDF-X-Standards bzw. zwischen den "Acrobats-Kompatibilitäts-Stufen", dass Profile
> grundsätzlich eingebettet werden
> gewisse Optionen für die Einbettung bieten oder nicht
> Profile direkt über via Tags eingebettet werden können
> usw.
4. Die von mir seit 3 Jahren standardmäßig verwendeten Export-Profile sehen so aus:
> für Online-Druckereien: Standard PDF-X3:2003 (Kompatibilät Acrobat 4) / Keine Farbkonvertierung / Ausgabemethoden-Profil: Document CMYK - ISO Coated v2 300% ECI
> intern als Austauschformat: ohne Standard (Kompatibilität Acrobat 6) / Keine Farbkonvertierung / RGB CMYK Quellprofile als Tags einbetten
> Illustrator PDF (für Grafiken, die sich nur innerhalb meines Workflows bewegen, bis sie schließlich über die End-Anwendung ins jeweilige Druck-PDF exportiert werden: ohne Standard (Kompatibilität Acrobat 6) / Keine Farbkonvertierung / alle Profile einschließen
> Variante Illustrator PDF (für externe Logos, die nicht mit einem eigenen Profil in Berührung kommen sollen): ohne Standard (Kompatibilität Acrobat 6) / Keine Farbkonvertierung / keine Profile einschließen
> und natürlich für Web-Export und Variante mit Anschnitten/Passkreuzen/Bilder-Runterrechner und whatever
Deine Frage ist für mich nicht genau genug, denn wie schon gesagt, bieten manche Profile gar nicht die Möglichkeit, einen Output-Ident festzulegen.
Tatsache ist, dass ich an meinen Konfigurationen nichts geändert habe und nach dem Update auf CC 2014 zunächst einen Profil-Fehler im InDesign entdeckt habe (habe ich auch gepostet) und heute erstmals einen Profil-Fehler in Acrobat entdeckt habe. Und für dieses Problem habe ich mittlerweile 8 Stunden aufgebracht.
Der Ärger über die Adobe-Software ist mittlerweile so groß, dass ich mir vorgenommen habe, alles zu veröffentlichen, was mir so unterkommt.
Ich bin als zahlender Kunde nicht mehr bereit, alles einfach wortlos über mich ergehen zu lassen.
Nächster Schritt werden Youtube-Videos zur Dokumentation sein. Das hier gepostete Problem ist dermaßen absurd und nicht nachvollziehbar, dass man es nur glauben kann, wenn man es mit den eigenen Augen sieht. Als IT-Mensch seit C64 würde ich meinen, dass so ein Verhalten nicht möglich ist. Aber Adobe belehrt eines Besseren!

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    I have encountered possible bugs in calculate.override.
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        C.rawValue = 0;
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        C.access = "open"; // allow user to type
      C.rawValue = 0;
      C.calculate.override = "disabled"; // disable calc
    * It seems that C.calculate.override only does something when  C.access is used. *
    Enable Calc
    4) C.calculate.override = "error"; // restore calc
         Does nothing.
    5)  C.access = "readOnly"; // user cannot type
      C.calculate.override = "error"; // restore calc
         Again does nothing.
    6) C.calculate.override = "error"; // restore calc
       C.access = "readOnly"; // user cannot type
         Nothing again.
    I have tried just about everything, mixing up code, trying "warning" instead of error and so on.
    * I can't seem to restore calculation after disabling it *
    Am I missing something here?
    I can't seem to attach files, I could mail the PDF so you guys can mess around with it.
    LC ES 2; Acrobat 9.4/Reader 9.4
    Many thanks

    I did the same as you.
    // Open the field to allow user entries
    NumericField1.access = "open";
    // Allow override, means you will not get an error message when the calculated value is changed
    NumericField1.calculate.override = "disabled";
    NumericField1.value.float.value = "0";
    Restore original state of the field.
    NumericField1.access = "readOnly"
    NumericField1.calculate.override = "error"
    NumericField1.rawValue = null
    But you're right, the restore does not work.
    I tested execEvent("calculate") and execCalculate() with no avail.
    Very odd!

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    I submitted a BUG REPORT at Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form
    Here is the BUG Report:
    Concise problem statement:
    Steps to reproduce bug:
    1. Export individual pages from InDesign as pdf (16-page booklet, each individual page is 5-1/2" x 8-1/2")
    2. Open pdf in Acrobat Pro 11.0.10
    3. Choose actual size, then choose booklet, and print. (printer contains letter-size paper, and page set-up is set to 100% scale.)
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    DrStrik9 (sounds a bit poisonous to me!),
    The issue, regrettably, is that Acrobat is performing as designed. And it has nothing to do with either MacOS 10.10 or anything new or different with Acrobat 11.0.10 (versus earlier versions going all the way back to the initial implementation of the booklet printing feature). And this isn't directly a printer driver issue, either! The same behaviour occurs both on MacOS and Windows.
    The problem, simply stated, is that the Booklet print option in Acrobat (and Reader) is attempting to avoid loss of content due to the paper's non-printable margins. The scaling factors in the Size print option are not utilized at all in the Booklet print option. The Booklet print option attempts to fit two logical pages of your PDF file into the printable area of each physical sheet of paper. Assuming that your printer's Letter page is defined as having a printable area of 8"x10.5" due to a 0.25" non-printable area surrounding the page, then the Booklet print option will force each of the 5.5"x8.5" pages of your PDF file into a  5.17'x8" area centered on each half of the 8.5"x11" printed sheet.
    There are three workarounds that I know of:
    (1)    Many high end printers have booklet printing capabilities in the printer or printer driver itself. Check the detailed driver options to see whether in fact your printer / printer driver does support a booklet printing option. If so, try that first. That would likely solve your problem.
    (2)    Assuming that this is a PostScript printer, edit the .PPD file for the printer you are using to to modify the specification of the Letter printable area. In the PPD file, you will see an entry similar to this:
        *ImageableArea Letter/Letter: "18 18 594 774"
        *ImageableArea Letter/US Letter: "18 18 594 774"
    Edit the entry to change only the four numbers as follows:
        *ImageableArea Letter/Letter: "0 0 612 792"
    That indicates to the PostScript driver that there is no unprintable border on your pages. Then save the .PPD file. I would then suggest rebooting and then trying to print. Note that the side effect of this is that Fit and Shrink oversized pages options will not take into account the non-printable area of your printer.
    Note that a similar hack can be done with Ledger (i.e. 11"x17") page descriptions in the PPD to fix a similar issue affecting printing 8.5"x11" pages to 11"x17" sheets as booklets.
    (3)    There are some very reliable third party plugins for Acrobat that provide full advanced document imposition capabilities, creating what are known as printer flats as a new PDF file from your logical pages. There are n-up, booklet, step-and-repeat, etc. options galore in such packages. Examples include Quite Imposing and PDF Snake. I have personally used Quite Imposing for nearly 15 years for this purpose and can vouch that it works beautifully. I don't have personal experience with PDF Snake, although it is less expensive.
    Good luck and let us know if any of this helps you at all!
              - Dov

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    2. Another very bad decision is moving the Save command to a different section. What's the point of making it just another "tool" in the list? If you want to use it, you'll want to use it at the end of the process, not somewhere in the middle... And as it stands now, if you don't add it explictly, the changes are not saved at all.
    3. After running an Action, some of the files remain open in the window. I was looking for a Close File command, but couldn't find any such thing. Is this a bug?
    4. I'm running a script that processes some files. After finishing, the files are automatically saved and overwritten, even though I haven't added that command yet to my script. Very serious bug!
    5. After running some scripts and actions, working with hidden files, I've tried to access app.activeDocs. The result was an infinite loop of this error message:
    After a while I had to close down Acrobat from the Task Manager.
    I must say I'm very disappointed with this release, so far, and would not recommend anyone to upgrade to it.
    * Speaking of commands that don't make sense, what's the point of the Document JavaScripts command in the Action Wizard? All it does is open that window... This doesn't make sense at all in an automated action. It should have given you the option to automatically embed a piece of code in a file, not let you do it manually.

    Hi there,
    Your feedback is interesting as this is the very first time we receive some negative feedback about Actions in Acrobat XI.
    First of all what do you mean by "what's the relation between the "Default option" and the Add File and Add Folder buttons" ?
    If don't have the time to go through the help nor documentation here a brief answer:
    - Default option allows the author of an action to specify the behavior and settings for the command. In the case of Add File and Add Folder it will drive user running the action about the type of location the file(s) should be retrieved from: a scanner, cloud repository, a specific folder, etc. This is a bit of improvement over Acrobat X, but not a significant change in the behavior.
    I hope this is what you were questionning about.
    "Another very bad decision is moving the Save command to a different section"
    While this may not be convenient for you, I don't think it's enough to state that it's been a very bad decision since most users like it. It's also more flexible and more powerful. It makes it possible for instance, to save a document with a different naming convention at different points of the action which is an important improvement for some users. I am sure that after you've played with it a little bit more you will agree with that.
    "After running an Action, some of the files remain open in the window"
    Files that have been loaded by the Action playback should be closed, unless that have something special. Otherwise it could be a bug.
    " I'm running a script that processes some files. After finishing, the files are automatically saved and overwritten"
    It can only be because the JavaScript contains instructions to save the files, or the Action does. Otherwise it would be a bug and I'd be curious to know more about it as Acrobat is VERY robust about this.
    Please provide the files in question I'll be happy to spend time debugging the case.
    "After running some scripts and actions, working with hidden files, I've tried to access app.activeDocs. The result was an infinite loop of this error message:"
    This is out of my scope and will ask around me how it's supposed to work. Hopefully we'll get an answer from the script folks quickly.
    Please share files and way to reproduce the issues you meet, considering that you are the first person to provide such negative feedback there might be some misunderstanding somewhere.
    Luc Leroy

  • BUG - remove hidden information - Acrobat remove some visible/live text (in all Acrobat versions)!!!

    I need to check many pdf for hidden/clipped text and remove them. Acrobat can find this BUT have bug.
    Acrobat mark some live visible text and this is problem if you click "remove" button.
    Here is evidence (6):

    It was strange in my copy of DC, but I selected the Redact tool and then remove hidden information. I highlighted the hidden info in both files, but then backed out, not doing the remove. When I tried again, the remove hidden tool was blocked. When I actually did the removal, those items were missing as you mentioned. I am not sure why they were listed as hidden since they were indeed visible. I am not really helping answer the problem, but confirming your results.
    Also, if you select remove hidden information when closing the document, you lose these fonts characters just as when using the Redact tool. I would agree that this is indeed an issue for a bug report. An earlier post provided the bug report link and I would suggest using it.

  • Acrobat  CD Form Button Display incorrectly  when an effect  or transparency  is applied  Via indesign  Looks like a bug

    I have tested existing interactive pdfs that function perfectly in Acrobat XI and Adobe acrobat Reader but open the same files in Acrobat DC and Acrobat DC Reader and most of the documents i have designed and produces over last few years have been renderer useless
    Basically any interactive  form field wich uses  Effects,  Transparency  or  mode changes  like multiply  in every instance the  whole form element appear as a pixelated mess
    I have been posting  in an indesign Thread  https://forums.adobe.com/message/7427566#7427566  it contains  picture and a sample document
    Steve Werner has been helping  me   and has suggest  i post here too
    I downloaded your PDF file. I have both Acrobat DC and Acrobat XI Pro and I can confirm that I view it the same way that you do.
    It clearly seems to be a bug. In the Acrobat beta group, most users are probably not InDesign users, and most of us who do use InDesign probably didn't create or test Show/Hide buttons using those forms of transparency. I'm sure it's not intentional, probably a side effect of some other change.
    It needs to be reported as a bug. I'd suggest using the Bug Report form here:
    Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form
    Also, there are several Acrobat forums. I'd suggest posting (if you haven't already) in the these two forums:
    Rich Media & 3D
    PDF Forms

    It's good that you'll be submitting a bug. This sort of thing has happened before, and I think it's related some to the fact that InDesign is capable of generating field appearances that you can't set up in Acrobat (transparency in particular).

  • Adobe Acrobat Standard 8.3 - Usability Bug

    I have installed Adobe Acrobat Standard 8.3 @ Windows 7 64 Bit. On my Windows 7 32 Bit System appeared no problems.
    But now the following bugs wont leave my Acrobat:
    the file is not displayed on full screen width - only 50 %
    every time i scroll down with the mouse wheel 2 sites are skipped
    pressing str-l removes the visability of the table of contents (only blank page then)
    Hopefully someone know this bugs and how to solve them? Thanks!

    Hi ,
    As you are trying to update to Acrobat XI ,it may or may not be compatible with both the versions .It could work fine without causing any difficulties .
    In case you face any compatibility or any other issue ,feel free to write us back so that we can assist you with the issue .
    Also make sure the OS on which you would install Acrobat XI should be compatible with it .
    It generally does not cause any issue ,however if it does ,we are here to help you with that .
    Sukrit Dhingra

  • Acrobat/Indesign does not export correct into the selected output intention (eci_iso_coated_v2_300)

    I use the CS6 suite with Acrobat XI at windows platform.
    When I want to save a file from InDesign as .pdf with output intention eci_iso_coated_v2_300 the result is a .pdf with more than 300% ink coverage.
    I tried to transform the result in Acrobat XI into this standard output intention, but also the result has more than 300 % ink coverage.
    What is the reason of this bug?
    Before with Acrobat X this worked without problems

    Hi Rob,
    I was told the new way to work would be to draw files via Bridge direct into the InDesign file
    and I thought automatically the color would not be changed.
    my colourmanagement setting in bridge for the whole CS6 was  ECI isocoated_V2_300
    The Illustrator file was saved without color profile.
    In this test file I used 3 kinds of black: background of pirate in cmyk 79,34 / 72,78 / 59,38 / 79,88 = ink coverage 291 %
    DÜSSELPIRATEN in “black” (if you would convert this in the file with the cmyk button it would be the same ink-percentage as before
    “e.V.” was set to 100 % k
    I set the preferences for Acrobat from InDesign CS6 as pdf X4 with profile eci isocoatedV2_300 in three ways:
    no color conversion
    convert to profile
    convert to profile keeping existing values
    in all tree files the pirates background has 322 % ink coverage instead of 291 %
    Why does Acrobat convert “black” in the wrong way?  If I click in Illustrator on the 4c button to convert the “black” into 4c it is 291% ink
    Acrobat should come to the same result with all profiles: iso coated V2 and iso coated V2_300
    The same happens also by saving as .pdf X3 or .X1
    The minimum what I expect is, that Acrobat reduces ink coverage for black to 300 %
    I also made test with the new ECI profiles for laminated prints from 2012.
    And with newspaper profiles
    In this case the ink coverage comes below 300 %, but only when I choose convert to profile.
    And then the 100 % k converts to cmyk, what I don’t want to have with text.
    Is there no way to reduce ink coverage below a special percentage without changing Text 100% k
    And is there a bug in Acrobat XI with the ECI IsoCoated_V2_300 Profile? For there is no color reduction below 300 % in all conversion settings.
    I can’t test this with Acrobat X or IX, for my computers with this software don’t run with CS6 64 bit.
    enclosed you find my files
    Kind regards
    Lutz Hanbueckers
    Hanbueckers Werbung GmbH
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    40764 Langenfeld
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    Visit our site
    Steady attractive offers!!!
    HR Düsseldorf B 26 480
    owner Manager: Lutz Hanbueckers
    Von: Rob Day [email protected]
    Gesendet: Samstag, 2. März 2013 04:26
    An: Hanbueckers Werbung
    Betreff: acrobat/Indesign does not export correct into the selected output intention (eci_iso_coated_v2_300)
    Re: acrobat/Indesign does not export correct into the selected output intention (eci_iso_coated_v2_300)
    created by Rob Day <http://forums.adobe.com/people/rob+day> in InDesign - View the full discussion <http://forums.adobe.com/message/5115613#5115613

  • Unable to save a copy of encrypted pdf with Acrobat Pro 10.0

    I create an encrypted pdf using prince a tool to convert HTML documents to pdf. I am unable to save a copy of the pdf file when i use Acrobat Pro 10.0.
    It displays the following error
    "The document could not be saved. There was a problem reading this document(21)."
    However Acrobat Reader (basic) allows me to do so.
    I am also able to save a copy of the document with Acrobat pro 7. I raised this issue with Prince and they told me that it could probably be a bug/unwanted behaviour with Acrobat Pro 10.0
    My system environment details:
    OS: Windows xp
    Acrobat Pro: 10.0.0
    Acrobat Reader: 10.1.0

    Use the forum for Adobe Acrobat.

  • ES4 Assembler and portfolios' folders compatibility with Acrobat 9

    I have the following problem: I'm producing a PDF Portfolio with some nested file and folders through Assembler WebAPI.
    The portfolio is ok and works fine if opened with Acrobat XI, but the same portfolio is bugged if opened with Acrobat 9: all the package files are shown in the root directory and clicking (or right-clicking) on them causes a navigation to the (empty) directory specified in the DDX. There is also no way to open the package files.
    (PDF Portfolios created with Acrobat 9 works fine in both versions, so isn't a problem related to my installation of Acrobat 9)
    How can i make it works also in Acrobat 9? I'm defining a wrong DDX or it is a known bug?
    The file should be distributed to clients who use Acrobat 9 and cannot install newer version due to company policies.
    Example DDX (tried also many other forms, like using PDF source elements or defining a PackageFiles element with a file:/// source including subfolders, but the results in Acrobat 9 is always bugged):
    <DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/">
      <PDF result="output">
          <Navigator source="MyNavigator" />
          <ColorScheme scheme="blueScheme" />
        <Folder name="Folder1">
          <Folder name="Subfolder1">
            <PackageFiles source="source1.pdf" nameKey="source1.pdf">
              <File filename="source1.pdf" mimetype="application/pdf" />
            <PackageFiles source="source2.pdf" nameKey="source2.pdf">
              <File filename="source2.pdf" mimetype="application/pdf" />

    I got the error msg translated:
    Cannot read input data, some characters cannot be showed/printed.
    I ran preflight and embedded the fonts and I'm hoping that fixes the problem.  I haev no way of testing this.  Does anyone know if I did the right thing or is there something else I should do?

  • Unable to save a copy of encrypted pdf with Acrobat Pro

    I create an encrypted pdf using princexml a tool to convert HTML documents to pdf. I am unable to save a copy of the pdf file when i use Acrobat Pro 10.0.
    It displays the following error
    "The document could not be saved. There was a problem reading this document(21)."
    However Acrobat Reader (basic) allows me to do so. I am also able to save a copy of the document with Acrobat pro 7. I raised this issue with Prince and they told me that it could most probably be a bug/unwanted behaviour with Acrobat Pro 10.0
    My system environment details:
    OS: Windows xp
    Acrobat Pro: 10.0.0
    Acrobat Reader: 10.1.0

    Use the forum for Adobe Acrobat.

  • Acrobat 10.1.5 crashes when closing a PDF

    Hello fellows,
    I decided to upgrade my Acrobat 10 to the latest version recently released by Adobe (10.1.5). And it appeared to be a huge mistake. Now, whenever I close a PDF file, Acrobat crashes, also causing Internet Explorer to crash and recover from crash. It looks like Adobe managed to introduce a new bug in the new Acrobat update.
    What is even worse than that, I cannot uninstall this buggy update unless I perform system restore (which I prefer not to do). Any suggestions how to get rid of/fix this nice 10.1.5 update?
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: Acrobat.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 50d06a30
    Fault Module Name: Acrobat.dll
    Fault Module Version:
    Thank you in advance!

    Hi Rave,
    Thank you for your response! I ran the repair and restarted the computer afterwards, but unfortunately, this did not help.
    Kind regards,

  • Acrobat Compare Documents: "Acrobat could not compare the documents completely."

    There is a bug with Acrobat X and XI Pro that does not allow you to compare PDF documents created from unknown applications. We use XMetaL Author Enterprise and Acrobat considers it an unknown application. You can verify the application setting of your PDF from File > Properties.
    I entered a bug report with Adobe on 4 April 2013.
    To work around this bug, you can save the PDFs as Word documents and create new PDFs from Word before comparing them in Acrobat. The new PDFs have Microsoft Word associated with them and compare successfully.
    Open a PDF to compare.
    From the File menu, select Save As Other > Microsoft Word > Word Document.
    Save the file to your computer.
    In Windows Explorer, right-click the Word document and select Convert to Adobe PDF.
    Save the file to your computer.
    Repeat Step 1 through Step 5 for the second PDF to compare.
    Compare the new PDFs (View > Compare Documents).
    These steps are also useful to convert a PDF to a Word document, if that format is needed.
    Hope this helps others! If anyone has another way around this issue, I am interested to hear.

    This bug still exists in Acrobat 11.0.09.
    I have not been contacted about my bug report, either.
    It would be optimal to have this fixed in the product and not need the workaround I documented above.

  • Issue printing PDF Packages

    I'm having issues printing PDF Packages.Clients have contacted us stating that our PDF Packages don't print properly. Essentially they were only able to print the "coversheet" and nothing else. I ran some test scenarios and noted that PDF Packages print feature behaved differently depending on several criterias:
    how it was viewed (ie: desktop, Firefox browser, IE browser)
    what Adobe Reader Plugin
    what command was used to access print feature (ie: file>print, ctrl + P, print icon)
    So far I've noticed that Adobe Reader utilizes two versions of the Print Dialog Box. The first one shows four choices for "Print Range" (All, Current View, Current Page, Pages...) seems to always be misconfigured and does not print as intended. The second one I've noticed seems to limit your Print Range choices (All, Current View) which usually works.
    This seems to be an Adobe bug. This Print Bug exists on both Acrobat 8 and 9, and the bug may or may not exist depending on how you view the "PDF Package" (ie: Desktop, Firefox, IE).
    If you open the PDF Package on your desktop and view via Adobe Reader for the most part it prints as expected for "Print Current Documents" or "Print All Documents". Although the "Print Range" is misaligned (ie: "Print All" behaves as "Current View", "Current View" behaves as "Current Page".
    If you open the PDF Package on a browser with an Adobe Reader plugin, a different scenario occurs.
    You might experience that you're locked into printing only the "coversheet" of the PDF Package.
    And again your "Print Range" might be misaligned.
    In Adobe Reader 8, a dropdown appeared when you selected "File>Print" or the "Print Icon". The dropdown then gave you an option to "Print Current Documents" or "Print All Documents". Which basically provided you an option to print the entire "PDF Package" or choose to print only a section of the "PDF Package".
    In Adobe Reader 9, the option to choose between "Print Current Documents" or "Print All Documents" was removed.
    In fact I started to document the instances to see if its an isolated issue and it looks like it fails to print (as intended) 60% of the time. Of the 40% that does print as intended... it looks like half the time the "Print Range" is misconfigured.
    Also, I've noticed that Reader utilizes two different "Print Dialog" boxes.
    The testing scenario I set up was that you can print in three different ways:
        1. File>Print
        2. <ctrl + P>
        3. <print icon>
    Three ways to view the PDF package:
        1. Download PDF Package & view on your desktop via Adobe Reader
        2. View PDF Package on Firefox w/ Adobe Reader plugin
        3. View PDF Package on Internet Explored  w/ Adobe Reader plugin
    My computer is using:
    XP Pro SP3,  Acrobat Reader 9
    I've also spot tested on:
    XP Pro SP3, Acrobat Reader 8
    Vista, Acrobat Reader 8
    Any Ideas?

    Hi Greg,
    Since this is sytem defined settings that you are trying to implement, I presume that the INI changes ought to be done in FSISYS.INI rather than the FSIUSER.INI.
    Apart from that most of your INI changes look fine as we are also using pdf as our Output type. Please find the INI change swe have implemented in our system for printing pdf.
    Device = ..\Print\Prt.pdf
    Bookmark = Yes,Page
    Compression = 0
    DownLoadFonts = Yes,Enabled
    LanguageLevel = Level2
    Module = PDFW32
    PageNumbers = Yes
    PrintFunc = PDFPrint
    PrintType = PDF
    SendOverlays = No,Enabled
    SendColor = Yes,Enabled
    PrintViewOnly = No
    SplitText = No
    SplitPercent = 50
    TextCommentOn = FORMSET
    Papersize = 0
    FontCompression = 1
    Hope this is helpful.

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