UML, associations and persistence of data

Well, while studying UML (just started) I came across the following problem. I think it's something that has a very simple answer for someone with a medium knowledge of UML and OO.
So, suppose I want to model an Employee-Company class association. Each employee works for 1 company, and, of course, a Company has 1..* Employees. If I model this simple class association using a UML tool the following Java code is generated.
public class Employee {
    public Company company;
public class Company {
    public java.util.Collection employee = new java.util.TreeSet();
}Of course in a real scenario, the association between a Company and its Employees should be persistent, with Employees residing on a DB. I have seen a lot of such examples (i.e. School-Student, Gym-Customer.....).
What's the way to really implement such things?
Generally speaking how are class associations with a "more than 1" multiplicity at one of the ends of the relationship implemented?
Thanks in advance.

cleanzero wrote:
yawmark wrote:
cleanzero wrote:
Ok, so suppose that we all agree, without entering into specific details, that a DB is needed, in terms of UML how is this represented?In what, a class or sequence diagram? It isn't. The class (or object) that interacts with the database, however, could be.
~At class level. Is it, as I've done, a Employee * <-> 1 Company association?That's one way. It all depends on your problem. Sounds like that is correct for your case.
Your object model for the business process doesn't have to know or care whether or not objects persist. Get the classes, relationships, and sequences right first. Persistence can be added later.

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    Thanks for your valuable feedback and sorry for the inconvenience.
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    Hello Analogue guy living in wireless world,
    Thank you for providing the details of the issue you are experiencing when trying to sync your music to your iPod.
    I recommend trying to sync your music again using iTunes.  When you have your iPhone connected to iTunes, I recommend checking the Music tab to verify that Sync Music is checked.  From here, you will be able to select to sync your "Entire music library" or "Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres:"
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    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    BindingContext bindingContext = BindingContext.getCurrent();+
    *if ( bindingContext != null )    {*+
    DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer) bindingContext.getCurrentBindingsEntry();+
    DCIteratorBinding iterator = dcBindings.findIteratorBinding("EventsView1Iterator");+
    Row currentRow = iterator.getCurrentRow();+
    if ( currentRow.getAttribute("StartDate") == null)+
    currentRow.setAttribute("StartDate", calendarEvent.getTriggerDate());+
    if (currentRow.getAttribute("EndDate")==null)+
    currentRow.setAttribute("EndDate", calendarEvent.getTriggerDate());+

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    public TheConstructor(MIDlet midlet, Form form, int partnerId){
          // The second parameter indicates that the record store
          // should be created if it does not exist
            rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore(REC_STORE_NAME, true );
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                RecordIdParam = getAdsParam();
                if (clientIdParam.length > 0) {
                    clientId = RecordIdParam;
                    closeRecStore();  // Close record sto
            else {
                closeRecStore();  // Close
         catch (Exception e)
    private void db(String str)
        System.err.println("Msg: " + str);
      public void closeRecStore()
        catch (Exception e)
       public void writeRecord(String str)
        byte[] rec = str.getBytes();
          rs.addRecord(rec, 0, rec.length);
        catch (Exception e)
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          byte[] recData = new byte[5];
          int len;
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              recData = new byte[rs.getRecordSize(i)];
            len = rs.getRecord(i, recData, 0);
            RecordIdParam = recData;
        catch (Exception e)

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    An entry has been added to the Windows event log of the server.
    Log ID:5566
    Correlation ID:

    Hello , 
    Please refer below threads .
    Also I would suggest you to create a simple web service to get and update the data to database . And use that Web service to your DB operations . 
    Best Regards Kuldeep Verma
    Please remember to click "Mark As Answer" if a post solves your problem or "Vote As Helpful" if it was useful. 

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                 97] plug-ins
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    1- What is this?
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    Linc Davis wrote:
    Log out, then log back in while holding down the shift key after you enter your login password. Keep holding until the desktop appears. That will prevent third-party add-ons from loading. Try again to delete that item.
    If you still can't delete it, and you still want to, proceed as follows.
    Back up all data if you haven’t already done so. Before proceeding, you must be sure you can restore your system to the state it’s in now. If you skip this step, no one but you will be responsible for the consequences.
    Quit Safari if it’s running.
    Step 1
    Select /Applications/Safari in the Finder and open the Info window. There’s a checkbox in that window labeled “Open in 32-bit mode.” If that box is checked, uncheck it. Close the window.
    Hold down the option key and select Go > Library from the Finder menu bar (Lion) or open the Library subfolder of your home folder (pre-Lion). Delete the following items from the Library folder (some may not exist):
    Saved Application State/
    Leave the Finder window open. Try Safari again.
    Step 2
    If it still doesn’t work right, quit, go back to the Finder, and move the following file to the Desktop:
    Then delete the following items (some may not exist):
    Try again. This time Safari should perform normally, but your settings will be lost. Select File > Import Bookmarks from the Safari menu bar. Import from the bookmarks file you moved to the Desktop. Recreate the rest of your Safari settings. You can then delete the old bookmarks file.
    Note: This step will remove your Safari Extensions, if any, and their settings. If you choose to restore them, do so one at a time, testing after each to make sure you haven’t restored the problem.
    If you don’t like the results of step 2, you can undo it completely by quitting Safari and restoring the items you deleted in that step from your backup, overwriting any that were created in their place. You don’t need to restore the files you deleted in step 1.
    Ok... completed step1 with no change.
    went on to "part of "step 2...
    I kept the Bookmarks.plist, but then deleted the assortment of safari related Caches and Cookies
    (I found several entries in Cache, but forgot to write down which ones I deleted ... sorry.)
    did not delete any of the preferences or the last two entries in your list above.
    Tried again and "the perp" was still there. "Remove all" on the Details tab did not change things...
    However, there were now only 2 entries -- the 97] AND my bank's entry (Chase)!
    Going back to the main privacy tab and clicking "Remove all Website Data" this time DID remove the last two entries.
    Now when I open the details tab, (I run my own webserver as my home page) Safari showed ONLY the cache entry for my server, no cookies.
    However, I then noticed something quite intersting.
    I left the details tab open and pulled to the side (the joy of having a 27 inch iMac) and naviaged to
    and then to support and then logged in to here.
    As I was doing this. the Details window first showed, "" .. Cache, Cookies, Local Storage
    but then virtually immediately poped up entries: ... Cache ... Cache ... Cookies
    Very interesting, both from the point of view that "details" was showing me what was happening in "real time."
    And the fact that, even with zero external ads, the web site,, was inserting entries in the cache for and I can "almost" understand the "" cookie, ecept for the fact that the search engine selected in the tool bar is "bing."... as I said "interesting."
    With this new "insight" on the Details screen, It may be possible to determine WHERE this 97] actually came from. However, I would still like an explanation of what it actually is.... since the "]" (right square bracket) character is evidently a "special character" for search engines -- google, Yaho and Bing all treat it the same way -- they ignor it.... even when the entire 3 character string is quoted -- "97]" -- the pages returned all are for entries with only 97 in them.

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    Darryl.Burke wrote:
    Also i think i have bought a java programme to improve your memory
    Did you remember to install it?I don't think his memory goes back that far :)

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    1. I read this thread:
    2. Now, basically I want to understand:
    a. If a nested class is NECESSARILY a form of composition? Or it depends on the meaning of the presented code and/or the meaning of the requirement?
    b. When there is a composition, should we ALWAYS model it using a nested class and in which case/scenario/example, the choice of nested class is justifiable AND mandatory?
    c. Is there any example that the Composition can be implemented by nested class (es) as well as non-nested class? (Equivalent way)
    d. Depends on c., if there is a choice between a nested class and non-nested class? Which is better and from what angle?
    3. 1M Thanks.

    When you say nested class, I interpret that as a Java inner class.
    If that's true, then I don't think that composition is always modeled as an inner class. It's more likely to be a simple private data member that's a public class type.
    I usually see composition as a non-nested class. In his "UML Distilled", Martin Fowler says aggregation is the part-of relationship. Composition is a stronger variety of aggregation, where the part object may belong to only one whole and lives and dies with the whole.
    So if you have a Polygon class that has a Collection of Points as member data, that's composition. No inner classes in sight. - MOD

  • Extraction and loading of Training and Event Management data (0HR_PE_1)

    I've got the following doubt:
    before BI 7.0 release, extractor 0HR_PE_1 extracts event data (eventid, attendee id, calday,...) but if you load straight to cube 0PE_C01, as Calendar year/month needs a reference date (for example, event start date), you'll get total duration of event in hours or days refered to event star date.
    So in a query filtered by month, you get total duration of an event that starts in the filtered month but it couldn`t end until few months later o year later, so you don´t get appropiate information.
    Event          calday        Hours
    10004377  20081120   500        but from event_attr event end date is 20090410.
    In a query filtered by 200811 you get total duration time (500 hours when in 200811 event hours have been 20) or if you filter by any month of 2009 you don´t get information of duration of that event.
    I had to create a copy of standar cube (without calday, only Calendar year/month, Calendar year in time dimension) and disaggrate data creating as many entries for an event as months lasts and adjust calculation of ratios duration of event (duration of event in each month/ total duration of event).
    The question is: Is there any improvement or change on business content in BI 7.0 to treat Training and Event Management data? Has anybody had to deal with that?
    Thank you very much.

    TEM data is stored in HRP tables.
    You can load the catalog by creating LSMWs for objects Business event group (L), Business event types (D), Locations (F), Organizers (U) as per requirement.
    LSMW for tcode PP01 can be used to create these objects.
    To create Business Events (E) you can create LSMW for PV10/PV11.
    To book attendee create LSMW for tcode PV08 as here you can specify the actual business event ID which reduces ambiguity.
    tcode PV12 to firmly book events
    tcode PV15 to follow up
    Hope this helps.

  • Training and Event Management Data Load

    Hello Team
    Would appreciate if any of you can advice on how to load Training and Event management data. I think its stored in HRP tables.
    I'm working on an upgrade assignment.

    TEM data is stored in HRP tables.
    You can load the catalog by creating LSMWs for objects Business event group (L), Business event types (D), Locations (F), Organizers (U) as per requirement.
    LSMW for tcode PP01 can be used to create these objects.
    To create Business Events (E) you can create LSMW for PV10/PV11.
    To book attendee create LSMW for tcode PV08 as here you can specify the actual business event ID which reduces ambiguity.
    tcode PV12 to firmly book events
    tcode PV15 to follow up
    Hope this helps.

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  • In oracle rac, If user query a select query and in processing data is fetched but in the duration of fetching the particular node is evicted then how failover to another node internally?

    In oracle rac, If user query a select query and in processing data is fetched but in the duration of fetching the particular node is evicted then how failover to another node internally?

    The query is re-issued as a flashback query and the client process can continue to fetch from the cursor. This is described in the Net Services Administrators Guide, the section on Transparent Application Failover.

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    I have one query  regarding DATE  I wanna calculate the difference between
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        date1                 = '20071122'
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    Hi Rani,
    The timer job Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Usage Data Processing needs to be enabled, as it will aggregates and writes the data to the Web Analytics Reporting database.
    Please enable this timer job and run the timer job to see how it works.
    More reference about this error:
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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