Unable to find base station

I just got a Mac Pro and Airport Extreme 802.11n Base Station. I was able to set up the AEBS using the Mac Pro (running Leopard), and am able to connect to it using the Mac Pro without any problems. I also updated the firmware on the AEBS. Unfortunately, I am unable to connect to the AEBS using my laptops. I have a Macbook Pro and a Titanium Powerbook, both running 10.4.11. When I try to connect to the AEBS using Airport Utility 5.2.1 with either laptop, I get an "unable to find base station" message. Both laptops are in the same room as the Mac Pro (about 30' from the AEBS, which is in another room), and both are fitted with the original Apple Airport cards. I realize that I could install Leopard on the laptops to see if that did the trick, but I'd rather not go to all the trouble if I can help it. Any suggestions as to what may be wrong with the laptop setups that's interfering with my Airport reception? Thanks.

Is the Mac Pro connected wirelessly or via a cable? I am guessing it is wired since you have to pay extra for the wireless.
In your configuration make sure you have not enabled "Create a closed network". This turns off the SSID and will not allow it to be found by the laptops. And of course make sure you have not set Wireless Mode to OFF.
Beyond that to test for interference you can change the radio mode to 802.11n (802.11a Compatible) and see if the Macbook Pro will work. This will force the Airport to use the 5GHz radio which removes most interference.
Hope this helps

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    I hope someone can help. Thanks.
    Jeffrey Dalton

    Whether or not a sound system is plugged into the Airport Express has no influence on the generation of this error message by the Airport Setup Assistant.
    I have a distinct feeling I'm going to be reiterating everything the people at Mac support told you to do (so it would be helpful to tell us at the start what you have tried thus far to solve the problem) but the next thing I would recommend is a factory default reset of the Airport Express per:
    The other thing that can cause all sorts of grief is any non-Apple firewall software you might have installed on this Mac - that includes firewalls, "internet protection" software, and VPN client software. The MacOS built in firewall is OK - but all this other baggage should either be disabled or uninstalled.

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    Please help!

    Don't know if this will help. Good luck!

  • IMac could not  'find'  base station. (Previously working)

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    I am in the UK in case things are different where you are.
    I would be interested to know if this has happened to you at some time especially in the last day or two.

    I don't know. I just reset the airport base station
    (before your post) and erased all network stuff to
    start from scratch.
    Should it use PPoE?
    That depends on your ISP. It would be in your ISP documentation.
    Should AppleTalk be active?
    TCP/IP and AFP (the replacement for AppleTalk) are required.

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    The first basic troubleshooting procedure is to power cycle the entire network. If you have not already done this, now would be a good time.
    Power off every device on the network in any order you want
    Wait a few minutes
    Start the 2Wire gateway first, and let it run for a full minute by itself
    Start the AirPort Extreme next the same way
    Keep starting devices one at a time a minute apart until everything is powered back up
    Check the network
    If you have already tried this a few times, please post back to let us know what other troubleshooting steps that you have performed, so we don't waste your time by asking you to do things that you have already done.

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    I just got this thing about 2 months ago! Please someone help my computer find my base station!
    Message was edited by: sharper43
    Message was edited by: sharper43

    hooking up the ethernet cord to the Airport and to the macbook did the trick. Then I unhooked it and it still detected it. I was excited.
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    But it still leaves me not being able to hook up my Nintendo DS. Is there no way of configuring my AirPort to WEP????
    Or maybe this should be a new topic...
    Message was edited by: sharper43

  • Can connect to internet, but software can't find base station

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    IBM T40 Windows XP Pro

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    IBM T40 Windows XP Pro

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    Any ideas what's going on here?

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  • Can't find base station

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    JaimeP, Welcome to the discussion area!
    Do I still need the linksys router?
    No you don't. The AirPort Extreme base stationĀ (AEBS) can completely replace the Linksys.
    The hardware connection should be an Ethernet cable from the Motorola modem to the WAN port on the AEBS.
    Whenever you switch the Ethernet connection of a cable modem from one device to another you need to power off the cable modem. This causes the cable modem to forget the device it was talking to. When the cable modem is powered on, the cable modem will discover a new device to talk to.
    Some cable modems have a backup battery which must be removed before the cable modem will completely reset.
    Some times the information is stored at the ISP and not at the cable modem. Typically this requires leaving the cable modem powered off overnight (or at least several hours).

  • Airport Express can and can't find Base Station...

    ...I'll explain: When I am booted in the regular internal boot drive (OS X 10.5.5) my Express finds the Base Station just fine; but, I want to update a boot partition on an external drive which currently has 10.5.2, and when I boot up in THAT partition the Express can't find the Base Station. The only utility on that partition is "Airport Utility" and when I run it no Base Station shows up. Anyone ever experience this? Thanks for any suggestions.

    Hello -- I solved my problem. While booted up in the OS that WOULD go online, I downloaded the "Airport Utility for Leopard" utility, then copied the installer onto the OS partition that WOULD NOT go online. Then I restarted in the boot partition # 2 (the one that wouldn't go online/ wasn't seeing my AirPort Base Station) and installed the newer utility. Then I ran the utility and, after a few clicks, THIS boot partition finally saw the Base Station and the AirPort Express, and therefore was able to get online. Thanks again for help.

  • Airport setup assist. can't find base station

    I'll skip the "this is sooo frustrating" part. Oh.. too late. Anyway, here's my problem:
    I have an imac g4, I just got an airport card from ebay that is recognized in the system profile so that seems to be working ok, and a new airport express base station. I'm just trying to play itunes thru my stereo downstairs but I can't get the setup assistant to find the base station. Even though it's plugged in three feet away from me. I've tried the hard reset, downloaded all the latest software and rebooted going on seven hours now and I still can't get the that **** amber light to stop blinking. I'm not a novice at this and I know it's all just trial and error but this one has gotten me flummoxed. That and I have a five month old so any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
    imac g4 Mac OS X (10.4.9)
    imac g4 Mac OS X (10.4.9)

    For a first setup I find it easier to connect the express station via ethernet to the computer. In this case, the administration program will find it in any case and you can adjust the settings for either card and/or station. Removing the ethernet cable will then allow you to check your settings.

  • Airport express-can't find base station

    I've tried everything I can think of-I've reset my ae several times and still utility is not finding the base station-help!

    I am having the exact same thing. I saw it once, and made some setting changes, now it's gone. I bought the bloody thing because although my modem has Upnp the mac claimed it wasn't working, so I though ok (back to my mac - only been trying to get it running for about a year: zero success) I'll get a base station, that supports NAT for BTMM, but the one time I did access the base station its error was double NAT, so the mac and the base station seem to be reporting two different things regarding the modem. It is driving me ballistic!!!!

  • Airport Utility can't find base station

    I feel like I must be missing something very obvious. But my Airport Utility can't find any base stations, even though I am successfully connected to this network, the base station is about three feet away from the computer, and Internet Connect has no trouble finding it and specifiying the base station's id.
    I have just done a wipe-and-install of my whole computer; I've reinstalled all software from CDs or installers, and this utility wanted to upgrade to version 5.2.1 (it says Disk Version 2.0 on the disk) before running, so I did that. And no base station detected, despite rebooting the computer, and rescanning any number of times. I'm using OS 10.4.6.
    What can I do?
    Message was edited by: Paul-ny

    There is something puzzling that bothers me, even though I have things working again.
    I first lost access to the AEBS when I tried to use Airport Utility to change the security setting of my network. It has been on the default WPA2 setting, and I was wanting to downgrade that to WEP because the long WPA password was too long to be accepted by my Palm TX Wifi software. But the shorter WEP password shouldn't have been a problem. At the time, after my system reinstall, the utility and the base station seemed to be working all right.
    When I completed resetting the base station with WEP, though, there was an error message, after which I could no longer connect to the network with my laptop (using the old password or the new password), and then the utility lost sight of the base station as well. I had to do a hard reset and start over. When I did the same thing again, the same thing happened. When I reconfigured the base station with the WPA2 security, though, it all worked, and my laptop could get back online.
    At this point I tried changing it again to WEP, and the same problem recurred. One last time with WPA2, and that's where I am now, except that I was pleased to find that my PDA, which had just been replaced under warranty, has some newer software in it and it now can accept my passkey (?)-- my airport code rather than the 64(?)-digit number version of it, so it's working, too.
    But apparently Airport Utility has lost sight of the base station again. I don't need it for anything, but this is annoying. What's more curious, though, is what was happening when I chose WEP security.

  • AAU for graphite and snow can't find base station

    I've always been able to find an answer on the discussion lists before, but I don't see where anyone has posted about quite this same problem:
    I have a dual-ethernet (aka snow) airport that I'm using with a new model MacBook Pro. I'm using the Airport Admin Utility for Graphite and Snow (AAU for G&S) to manage the airport, and all had been working well until the past couple of days. I was having signal problems with the MacBook Pro but not with my old ibook G3. IStumbler showed more people in my apartment building were using the channel I had set so I thought I'd switch in case that was the problem. AAU for G&S on the MacBook Pro couldn't recognize the base station but the old AAU on the G3 ibook did so I changed my channel and the signal must have improved enough for the MacBook Pro since I was then able to connect to the Internet with the MacBook. But I still couldn't find the base station with the AAU for G&S.
    I did a hard reset (or the equivalent) per support doc "Resetting the AirPort Base Station (Dual Ethernet)" and tried to reload the software per another support doc "AirPort Base Station (Dual Ethernet) : How to reload software from Mac OS X". When I hooked the MacBook Pro up to the airport by ethernet, I still couldn't find the airport in the AAU for G&S. And now after the reset, I can't see it anymore on the old utility on the G3 ibook.
    While the MacBook Pro was hooked up to the airport by ethernet, I was able to connect to the Internet that way, and I'm wirelessly connected to the airport right now (which is hooked up to my cable modem). But if I need to change my channel again or do something else to the base station, I'm stuck--the AAU for G&S can't find it.
    Is anyone else still trying to hold on to their Snow airport and either run into or solved this kind of problem? Very grateful for any assistance!

    Thanks to everyone who read my question, but I seem to have found a solution to this which only goes to show if you mess around enough ... Anyway when my AAU for G&S couldn't find the base station by scanning, I had tried using the "Other" option and entering the IP address that I saw in the Network Preferences Advanced window. That didn't work, but this morning I notice that there was another IP address, slightly different for Router. Since my Airport Snow is functioning as my router to my cable modem, I tried that IP address and voila, I can bring up the settings on my base station and reconfigure them. I've done this several times successfully so far. Of course I now may have to get rid of the old Airport since the network interference in my apartment building is now getting ridiculous, and I'm hoping the the newer Airport Extreme will help me to find a wireless space that will work consistently without dropouts.

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