Undo sync off many photo, after an export was done

I just upgradede from 1.3 to 3. I used to make an xtra service when i created dvd with pic for people, i normally made a quick BW version of all pics and include, then the had an idea about how i  it could be in BW.
I just changed 1 pic, synced all the pics (treatment, black and white), exported the pic and then made an undo to bring all the pics back to the look they had before the save.
If i try the same in 3, the undo offers me to undo "save historie state for image".
Any quick ways of bringing back the "undo settings" from 1.3 or another way to quickly make the BW version (export)

... or another way to quickly make the BW version (export)
Select all. (Ctrl+A)
Create Virtual copies. (Ctrl+')
Convert to BW (V)
Delete Virtual copies.
Creating VCs allows you to quickly filter them out of master files.

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    Take it to your local Apple Store or AASP, it's covered by a 1 year hardware warranty. If you have AppleCare then give them a call but I'm pretty sure they will advise the same. If you have not purchased AppleCare yet please do, this will extend the warranty to 3 years however it MUST be purchased within the first  year of ownership. Let it go 366 days and you are out of luck. AppleCare will also include telephone support too.
    Good luck.

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    Here the Apple Support Communities is only used by normal users as you are. No Apple people to be found here.

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    Hi iron_folower,
    You can follow the steps below to troubleshoot your problem:
    1. Install the Root Certificate and the Intermediate Certificate from Digicert.
    2. From:
    Try to create the REG key:
    HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL and create a dword entitled
    Sendtrustedissuerlist with a hax value of 0.
    3. Reinstall the base OS features:
    Import-Module ServerManager
    Add-WindowsFeature Web-Dyn-Compression,desktop-experience,RSAT-ADDS,Web-Server,Web-Scripting-Tools,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-Asp-Net,Web-Log-Libraries,Web-Http-Tracing,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Default-Doc,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Http-Errors,Web-Http-Logging,Web-Net-Ext,Web-Client-Auth,
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    Hello the_problematic_iphone
    Check out the article below if you are not able to restore your iPhone.
    iOS: Unable to update or restore
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

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    The folks here would need far more information from you before they provide help.
    You know the drill:  Exact OS...PS version...etc. The more you provide, the better.
    What is the exact message that is displayed?
    What have you tried so far?
    Do the files display on your browser? In Bridge?
    What are you doing when it happens?
    Are the files still on your cameras card? If so and,you copy one to your desktop and save it without changes, does it reload properly?
    Don't worry about providing too much information. Every little bit helps.

  • Not Enough Space to Sync My Photos After Updating to 4.3

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    So now I am going to try to selectively sync photos to my iPad instead of choosing the option to sync them all. I still don't understand why I was able to sync them all under 4.2, but not 4.3.

    OK, I got it to work. Here is what I did.
    First it seems that iTunes is over-estimating the size of the photo library before it re-optimizes it. I have 17k of photos that I sync. It was reporting it would need in excess of 30GB of space to sync it (actually it only reports that there's not enough space, it doesn't give you actual numbers, but I was able to calculate them).
    So I cleared off all my videos from my iPad and whatever photos iTunes did sync to it and thus I had just over 20 GB free. Still wasn't enough space to sync my photos iTunes would report.
    I know previously that my photos fit on my iPad under iOS 4.2 and even if Apple has changed the optimization process resulting in larger image files, I can't believe they would be 5x larger. So I decided to sync just a fraction of my photos. I synced about a third of my photos. iTunes reported that it would be using 10.5 GB of space for those photos. But once it optimized them and synced them to my iPad, it was less than 2GB of space. So I knew I would be able to fit them all, it is just that iTunes is over-estimating the size.
    After a third of my photos were already synced to my iPad, now iTunes was reporting it would need 16.5GB for my entire library. I synced it.
    In the end, I was able to sync my entire photo library back to my iPad and the resulting space used for it is 5.8 GB, not over 30GB as iTunes was estimating originally.
    So if anyone else is having this issue, try clearing out some space on your iPad, and then syncing only a fraction of your library (a third or half) after that, then try syncing your entire library again. Once you do, you can put back media that you cleared out to make space.

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    I only have one video project that I ever published to iDisk. It didn't have any music or photo files attatched to it, just a few clips stitched together. I can play these clips right now in the Event Library (so I know the source files are on my computer), but strangely, under the Project Library, the project is not there. I'm almost certain that I didn't store the project on iDisk; I just completed the video and published it to iDisk (as a .mov file I think) for family to see. I've tried to figure out how to get iDisk to stop looking for this project to no avail.
    I don't know if others have experienced this, but if I click on any project and on the menu bar select Share --> Remove From --> Media Browser... it lists iPod, iPhone, iPad, tv, Computer and MobileMe. Why would MobileMe be an option here? This is the case for any video project I select. Didn't iLife '11 and/or OSX 10.8 remove all mention of MobileMe? I wonder if this is part of the problem too.
    Edit: I just removed every project I have from the Media Browser. Still no luck.

  • Syncing photos after fatal disk error

    I had previously uploaded photos from my MacBook Pro iphoto library not taken with the iPhone to the iPhone iPhoto library. After a fatal disk error, my HD was replaced, and now I'm unable to sync those photos back to the MacBook Pro iPhoto library. Outside of emailing these photos (which significantly decreases the quality of the image), is there any way to get these back on my laptop?

    Hi. I had a similar issue with being unable to sync. I did the following:
    -quit iPhoto, rename your iPhoto Library (to something temporary)
    -launch iPhoto, create a new Library when prompted, drag an image in so there's something to sync
    -turn photo syncing off and back on, sync the single test image (it will warn you that it's set to sync to another library), make sure you can see it on the phone
    -quit iPhoto, trash the new library, set the name of your original library back to its original name, relaunch iPhoto make sure they're visible
    -set the sync photo sync options in iTunes and sync your phone
    So, put simply, it's being pointed to a new library, syncing, then being pointed back to your original library. I hope this helps.

  • How can I sync my iPad to a computer after syncing it to the iCloud? I have the option of setting it up new, or restoring to a sync from many months ago. I dont want to lose any apps but I would like to back up on computer. No auto sync like other devices

    How can I sync my iPad to a computer after syncing it to the iCloud? I have the option of setting it up new, or restoring to a sync from many months ago. I dont want to lose any apps but I would like to back up on computer. No auto sync like other devices.

    Plug it into your computer. Tell it to sync with "this computer" instead of iCloud. You shouldn't have to remove any apps. Otherwise, you can save the app data by using i-FunBox ( http://www.i-funbox.com/ ) just go to the "devices" tab and select 'user applications' and select all of your apps and tell iFunBox to "copy to pc" you're done! You have them all backed up.

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