Unique Alias requirement a problem.

Hi essbase gurus,Let me first say that I am new to Essbase, so the soln. to the problem that I will mention, could be really simple. I am using EIS 6.5 with Essbase and have a dimensionally modelled star schema (with surrogate keys for all dimensions).I am trying to load the calendar dimension hierarchy (Year, Quanrter, Month, Day) and am finding that the Aliases need to be unique. I cannot have 'Jan' as a member under two different years. I need to prefix that with the Yeaar to make it unique, but then you CANNOT do transformations on Aliases.You cannot do transformations to the OLAP Meta Outline as well as to the OLAP Model. How do I make the Alias unique then ????The only option that I know of is to create a view in the database and add columns that are a concatenation of Year & Month and Year & Quarter. Hope that is NOT the ONLY option.Please help,Amir

Hello Gurus,could you please tell me how to retrieve the name of the member.when i write a MDX query to display member name, it displays alias name of the member.but not original name of the attribute.help please....ThanksMahesh

Similar Messages

  • Alias required in SELECT list of cursors to avoid duplicate column names

    I got some error messages while compiling the following.
         alert_id                              NUMBER;
         CURSOR cur_search IS SELECT c.item_description,
         d.name modelname,
         FROM      item_procurement_history_dtl a,
                        item_procurement_history b,
                        item_master c,
                        model_master d
         WHERE a.item_code = b.item_code
         AND a.lot_no = b.lot_no
         AND a.item_code = c.item_code
         AND b.modelcode = d.modelcode
         AND (c.item_description LIKE '%'||:blk_stock_search_fields.item_name||'%' OR :blk_stock_search_fields.item_name IS NULL)
         AND (d.name LIKE '%'||:blk_stock_search_fields.modelname||'%' OR :blk_stock_search_fields.modelname IS NULL)
         AND (a.status = :blk_stock_search_fields.status OR :blk_stock_search_fields.status IS NULL)
         GROUP BY c.item_description, d.name
         ORDER BY c.item_description, d.name;
         FOR i IN cur_search LOOP
         :blk_stock_search_data.item_name                := i.item_description;
              :blk_stock_search_data.modelname               := i.modelname;
              :blk_stock_search_data.tot_qty                    := i.tot_qty;
              :blk_stock_search_data.available_qty     := i.available_qty;
         END LOOP;
    The error is as follows :-
    Error 403 at line 23 column 2
    Alias required in SELECT list of cursors to avoid duplicate column names.
    What will be the solution for this error?
    Thanx and Regards,

    The problem is that you are referencing a column name in your LOOP that does not exist in your CURSOR. Therefore, Oracle has interpreted this to its BEST guess Exception. This can be resolved as follows:
       alert_id NUMBER;
       CURSOR cur_search IS
          SELECT c.item_description,
                 d.name modelname,
                 /* You need to ALIAS the product of the SUM() so you can reference it by name.*/
                 SUM(b.quentaty) AS tot_qty,
                 /* Same issue here, you must ALIAS the SUM() of Balance in order to reference it by a name.*/
                 SUM(b.balence) as available_qty
            FROM item_procurement_history_dtl a,
                 item_procurement_history b,
                 item_master c,
                 model_master d
           WHERE a.item_code = b.item_code
             AND a.lot_no = b.lot_no
             AND a.item_code = c.item_code
             AND b.modelcode = d.modelcode
             AND (c.item_description LIKE '%'||:blk_stock_search_fields.item_name||'%' OR :blk_stock_search_fields.item_name IS NULL)
             AND (d.name LIKE '%'||:blk_stock_search_fields.modelname||'%' OR :blk_stock_search_fields.modelname IS NULL)
             AND (a.status = :blk_stock_search_fields.status OR :blk_stock_search_fields.status IS NULL)
           GROUP BY c.item_description, d.name
           ORDER BY c.item_description, d.name;
       FOR i IN cur_search LOOP
          :blk_stock_search_data.item_name := i.item_description;
          :blk_stock_search_data.modelname := i.modelname;
          :blk_stock_search_data.tot_qty := i.tot_qty;
          :blk_stock_search_data.available_qty := i.available_qty;
       END LOOP;
    END;Just an observation. Also, There are some misspellings in your cursor. Does this match your table?
    Hope this helps.

  • 'alias required in SELECT..'  - Why can't I see this?

    Please help I'm going mad here!
    The error message is:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06550: line 113, column 37:
    PLS-00402: alias required in SELECT list of cursor to avoid duplicate column
    ORA-06550: line 113, column 37:
    PL/SQL: Item ignored
    ORA-06550: line 137, column 13:
    PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or
    ORA-06550: line 136, column 7:
    PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    ..Yet I disagree.. I cant see any 2 fields called the same.
    (FYI the cursor it speaks of is called 'c_check_employee').
    And the code.
    /* Formatted on 2009/02/27 15:35 (Formatter Plus v4.8.7) */
    SET serveroutput ON SIZE 1000000 FORMAT WRAPPED
    SET verify OFF
    SET feedback OFF
    -- Debugging/error handling
    -- Work variables
       p_emp_number                     VARCHAR2 (14);
       v_rec_cnt                        NUMBER                          := 0;
       insert_flag                      VARCHAR2 (8);
       l_validate                       BOOLEAN                     DEFAULT FALSE;
       l_obj                            NUMBER;
       l_datetrack_update_mode          VARCHAR2 (30)             := 'CORRECTION';
       l_assignment_sequence            NUMBER;
       l_name_combination_warning       BOOLEAN                         := FALSE;
       l_assign_payroll_warning         BOOLEAN                         := FALSE;
       l_org_now_no_manager_warning     BOOLEAN;
       l_other_manager_warning          BOOLEAN;
       l_spp_delete_warning             BOOLEAN;
       l_entries_changed_warning        VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_tax_district_changed_warning   BOOLEAN;
       l_person_id                      NUMBER;
       l_assignment_id                  NUMBER;
       l_special_ceiling_step_id        NUMBER;
       l_per_effective_end_date         DATE
                                        := TO_DATE ('11-Jul-2049', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
       l_people_group_id                NUMBER;
       l_group_name                     VARCHAR2 (30);
       l_assignment_number              VARCHAR2 (35);
       l_effective_end_date             DATE
                                        := TO_DATE ('11-Jul-2049', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
       l_date                           DATE                           := SYSDATE;
       ip_p_address_id                  per_addresses.address_id%TYPE;
       ip_p_object_version_number       NUMBER;
       ip_p_party_id                    per_addresses.party_id%TYPE;
       l_per_object_version_number      NUMBER;
       l_asg_object_version_number      NUMBER;
       l_full_name                      VARCHAR2 (240);
       l_per_comment_id                 NUMBER;
       l_per_effective_start_date       DATE;
       l_concatenated_segments          VARCHAR2 (12);
       l_soft_coding_keyflex_id         NUMBER;
       l_comment_id                     NUMBER;
       l_no_managers_warning            BOOLEAN;
    -- Get employee details info from work table
       CURSOR get_employee_details
          SELECT std_validate, std_person_id, std_assignment_id, std_hire_date,
                 std_business_group_id, std_last_name, std_sex,
                 std_date_of_birth, std_email_address, std_employee_number,
                 std_first_name, std_marital_status, std_middle_names,
                 std_nationality, std_title, std_national_identifier,
                 std_address_line1, std_address_line2, std_address_line3,
                 std_address_line4, std_post_code, std_telephone_1,
                 std_position_id, std_job_id, std_location_id,
                 std_organization_id, std_supervisor_id,
                 std_default_code_comb_id, std_set_of_books_id, std_payroll_id,
                 std_grade_id, std_pay_basis_id, std_assn_ovn
    -- checks employee details info from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table
       CURSOR c_check_employee (p_emp_number VARCHAR2)
          SELECT paas.assignment_id, per.person_id, per.business_group_id,
                 per.last_name, per.start_date, per.date_of_birth, per.email_address,
                per.employee_number, per.first_name, per.marital_status, per.middle_names,
         per.nationality, per.national_identifier, per.sex, per.title, padd.address_id,
         padd.primary_flag,padd.address_line1, padd.address_line2, padd.address_line3,
                 padd.town_or_city, padd.postal_code, padd.telephone_number_1, padd.telephone_number_2,
         padd.telephone_number_3,paas.job_id,   paas.location_id,paas.organization_id, paas.assignment_type, paas.primary_flag, paas.supervisor_id,paas.default_code_comb_id,
    paas.set_of_books_id,paas.assignment_number, paas.period_of_service_id,paas.object_version_number
            FROM per_all_people_f per,
                 per_all_assignments_f paas,
                 per_addresses padd
           WHERE per.employee_number = p_emp_number
             AND per.person_id = padd.person_id
             AND paas.person_id(+) = per.person_id;
       emp_rec                          c_check_employee%ROWTYPE;
    -- Cursor retrieves latest Object Version Number from per_assignments_f table..
       CURSOR csr_ovn (cp_person_id IN per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE)
          SELECT MAX (paas.object_version_number)
            FROM per_assignments_f paas, per_all_people_f per
           WHERE paas.person_id = per.person_id
             AND per.employee_number = paas.assignment_number
             AND per.person_id = cp_person_id;
    -- Process each record in the work table
       FOR v_emp IN get_employee_details
    -- determine whether customer already exists
          OPEN c_check_employee (v_emp.std_employee_number);
          FETCH c_check_employee
           INTO emp_rec;
          IF c_check_employee%NOTFOUND
             insert_flag := 'I';
             insert_flag := 'X';
          END IF;
          CLOSE c_check_employee;
    -- Obtain the most recent Object Version Number..
          OPEN csr_ovn (v_emp.std_person_id);
          FETCH csr_ovn
           INTO l_obj;
          --   IF csr_ovn%NOTFOUND     THEN        RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND;   END IF;
          CLOSE csr_ovn;
    -- Create new PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F and PER_ADDRESSES record from
    --            info in  table record
          IF insert_flag = 'I'
             BEGIN                             -- Importing Employee Procedure --
                --      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT (CHR (10));
                --      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Importing employees....  ');
                      (p_validate                       => l_validate,
                       p_hire_date                      => v_emp.std_hire_date,
                       p_business_group_id              => v_emp.std_business_group_id,
                       p_date_of_birth                  => v_emp.std_date_of_birth,
                       p_email_address                  => v_emp.std_email_address,
                       p_first_name                     => v_emp.std_first_name,
                       p_middle_names                   => v_emp.std_middle_names,
                       p_last_name                      => v_emp.std_last_name,
                       p_sex                            => v_emp.std_sex,
                       p_ni_number                      => v_emp.std_national_identifier,
                       p_employee_number                => v_emp.std_employee_number,
                       p_person_id                      => l_person_id,
                       p_title                          => v_emp.std_title,
                       p_assignment_id                  => l_assignment_id,
                       p_per_object_version_number      => l_per_object_version_number,
                       p_asg_object_version_number      => l_asg_object_version_number,
                       p_per_effective_start_date       => l_per_effective_start_date,
                       p_per_effective_end_date         => l_per_effective_end_date,
                       p_full_name                      => l_full_name,
                       p_per_comment_id                 => l_per_comment_id,
                       p_assignment_sequence            => l_assignment_sequence,
                       p_assignment_number              => l_assignment_number,
                       p_name_combination_warning       => l_name_combination_warning,
                       p_assign_payroll_warning         => l_assign_payroll_warning
                      (p_validate                     => l_validate,
                       p_effective_date               => v_emp.std_hire_date,
                       p_pradd_ovlapval_override      => NULL,
                       p_validate_county              => NULL,
                       p_person_id                    => l_person_id,
                       p_primary_flag                 => 'Y',
                       p_style                        => 'GB_GLB',
    --                p_date_from                    => v_emp.std_hire_date,
                       p_date_from                    => SYSDATE,
                       p_date_to                      => NULL,
                       p_address_line1                => v_emp.std_address_line1,
                       p_address_line2                => v_emp.std_address_line2,
                       p_address_line3                => v_emp.std_address_line3,
                       p_town_or_city                 => v_emp.std_address_line4,
                       p_postal_code                  => v_emp.std_post_code,
                       p_country                      => v_emp.std_nationality,
                       p_telephone_number_1           => v_emp.std_telephone_1,
                       p_party_id                     => ip_p_party_id,
                       p_address_id                   => ip_p_address_id,
                       p_object_version_number        => l_obj
                      (p_validate                          => l_validate,
                       p_effective_date                    =>  l_date,    --   SYSDATE
                       p_datetrack_update_mode             => l_datetrack_update_mode,
                       p_assignment_id                     => l_assignment_id,
                       p_object_version_number             => l_obj,
                       p_organization_id                   => v_emp.std_organization_id,
                       p_location_id                       => v_emp.std_location_id,
                       p_job_id                            => v_emp.std_job_id,
                       p_position_id                       => v_emp.std_position_id,
                       p_special_ceiling_step_id           => l_special_ceiling_step_id,
                       p_effective_start_date              => l_date,
                       p_effective_end_date                => l_effective_end_date,    --IN/OUT
                       p_people_group_id                   => l_people_group_id, --IN/OUT
                       p_group_name                        => l_group_name,  --IN/OUT
                       p_org_now_no_manager_warning        => l_org_now_no_manager_warning,   --IN/OUT
                  p_other_manager_warning         => l_other_manager_warning,   --IN/OUT
                       p_spp_delete_warning                => l_spp_delete_warning, --IN/OUT
                       p_entries_changed_warning           => l_entries_changed_warning,  --IN/OUT
                       p_tax_district_changed_warning      => l_tax_district_changed_warning  --IN/OUT
                      (p_validate                    => l_validate,           -- in
                       p_effective_date              => l_date,
                       p_datetrack_update_mode       => 'CORRECTION',
                       p_assignment_id               => l_assignment_id,
                       p_object_version_number       => l_obj,
                       p_supervisor_id               => v_emp.std_supervisor_id, 
                       p_default_code_comb_id        => v_emp.std_default_code_comb_id,
                       p_set_of_books_id             => v_emp.std_set_of_books_id,
                       p_concatenated_segments       => l_concatenated_segments, -- out
                       p_soft_coding_keyflex_id      => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id,     -- out
                       p_comment_id                  => l_comment_id,       -- out
                       p_effective_start_date        => l_date,           -- out
                       p_effective_end_date          => l_effective_end_date,
                       p_no_managers_warning         => l_no_managers_warning,
                       p_other_manager_warning       => l_other_manager_warning
                --     DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Employee No:'|| v_emp.std_employee_number|| '  imported successfully..' );
                   WHEN OTHERS
                      RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND;
                      --        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT (CHR (10));
                      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (   'Ah, Employee:'
                                            || v_emp.std_employee_number
                                            || ' failed to load.. '
                                            || SQLERRM
                --      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT (CHR (10));
             --        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT (CHR (10));
             v_rec_cnt := v_rec_cnt + 1;
    --         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (   'There were '|| v_rec_cnt|| '  records read in..');
    -- End of customer related details
          END IF;
       END LOOP;
    many thanks..

    Check primary_flag .... ;)
    Satyaki De.
    Alex is Winner.... ;)
    Edited by: Satyaki_De on Mar 2, 2009 5:33 PM

  • Panic/Block after update download! Unique case or general problem?

    Yesterday, June 12 in the morning (Europe), i have downloaded a automatic Apple update, after that my MacBook Pro 13'' is going in Panic, noway to deblock it... a am a unique case or there is a general problem?

    You are not unique sorry to say.
    Thunderbolt Software Update 1.2 Causes Boot Failures
    Thunderbolt Update plaguing MacBook Pros with kernel panics

  • Uifont.ali - report server problem

    Dear All
    I have customized system on oracle 10g ( English interface and reports ) , the company want to make the system in both (Arabic and English) , i make every thing is okay , but the problem when i change the PDF subset in the file uifont.ali to include Arabic fonts , the report server every 2 hours stopped and give me the message ( server is in progress ) , how i can solve this problem ????

    Have you applied the latest patch for Reports 10.1.2 ?
    Patchset 5983622
    Product Oracle Development Tools
    + Oracle Reports "bundle patch" : Patch 9774440
    There are some known issues in Oracle Reports when using DESFORMAT=DPF and Font Subsetting ...

  • Unique workflow requirement

    Dear Experts,
    I am designing a work flow for Delegation requests at one of my client location. The work flow path is as follows
    Requester -> Role Owner-> Security Admin
    The requester will be raising a request for some other user to whom he is delegating the work.
    Now the problem is client requires that only the roles of the Requester should be available for selection for this particular Request type. Model My Access By feature is not of much use as the requester can select ANY user id.
    I am had thought of initially disabling the role selection option for end user, but it will applicable to all the Request types so again not acceptable.
    Experts please give suggestions

    Hi Frank,
    We are already attaching a Firefighter Id at the security Admin Stage. What the client is expecting is preventive control which is not quite possible in CUP.
    Any other suggestion which you could think?
    Thanks for the reply though.
    P Thompson

  • Required Fiedls Problem

    Hi all,
    There is a problem with required fields. We have two systems which one's patch level is 13 and second system's patch level is 15. In test system which has patch is 13 there is no problem about required fields. But the other test system which has patch level is 15 it says always "Please complete all required fields" error. But the field is not mandatory. I change fields mandatory status dynamically. When it is mandatory I change fields attiribute to 01. And here is complete code:
    DATA: l_view_controller TYPE REF TO if_wd_view_controller,
            l_messages        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_check_result_message.
      l_view_controller = wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
                             view_controller  = l_view_controller
                             messages         = l_messages ).

    I will try the note as soon as possible...

  • Alias display name problem

    Recently i added a new receive connector on my business exchange server 2010 in order to allow relay.To be more specific we wanted to allow users sending emails through our erp software.After the implementation of the new connector the problem we faced was
    that we received the usual system mails from servers but the alias name of the sender has been changed.For example it changed the server name which was the alias name with a user mail of the specific server.
    This also happened with an external email account we used which sends the emails outside the company with the correct alias name,but inside i see a sender somethieng like ''[email protected]'' on behalf of ''user''.Why is that happenning?
    Thank you!

    From your description, I would like to clarify the following thing for troubleshooting:
    Verify if '[email protected]' is set Send on Behalf Rights for the user’s Mailbox. If yes, when handler sends a message and changes the From field to the user's email address, you will see something like
    "'[email protected]' on behalf of 'user'."
    Hope my clarification can be helpful to you.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • .Mac Alias  - Small Niggling Problem for New Apple User

    I have very recently purchased my very first Apple computer - and yes, i am one of those life long MS-DOS/Windows users who have been lured by the ease and simplicity of the iPod (which apparently a lot of people are loath to admit, but hey, I'm not proud).
    Anyhow, having got my nice new shiny system out of its box, and up and running, I set-up up a new .MAC account, and then set-up one alias, the thing is my 'alias' mail is not ending up in my .Mac mailbox, but my other mailbox which belongs to my broadband ISP.
    Basically in Apple Mail ( I have OS X Tiger.10.4.3) I have an 'InBox' which shows everything from my two accounts, and separate mailboxes within : One called 'BlueYonder' who is my broadband ISP, and a second mailbox called '.Mac Mail'. IYSWIM?
    Now ALL of the mail sent to my standard .Mac account address ends up in the .Mac mailbox, and the 'collective' InBox, but and here is the puzzle, any mail sent to my .Mac ''alias'' goes into the 'Collective' InBox and my 'BlueYonder' mailbox, but not into my .Mac mailbox!
    I sent an email to the .Mac support team, and they said that it was either an issue with Apple Mailbox, and that I should look in here at the 'Discussions' or I have a Rule set-up.
    Well I don't have a rule set-up except the one that was already set-up when I first bought my system. This is set to just highlight in Blue any mail from any 'Apple' address. No rules are set to move or change locations etc.
    So can anyone,if possible please advise me what is going on with my mailbox and also how I can rectify it if possible please?
    Thanks and all the best for the New year to you all.

    Drusus - would be good for you to share your findings here. It might help anyone else with the same problem in the future.

  • Unique App Error 523 problem

    I have a BB 8350i
    I installed no new themes or applications and the device was sitting idle and locked.  I pressed a button to check the screen and noticed it first told me "Uncaught Exception Index 37 >=37" and then goes to white screen with "App Error 523 / Reset"  I tried removing battery, and pressing reset many, many times to no avail.
    Now though, when it tries to boot up after reset, I hear my ringtone sound for incoming text message (same ringtone for BB messenger notification, and voicemail) and still goes through the same loop with the uncaught exception and ends ath the app error.
    I've tried hooking the device up to my desktop manager but once the device gets into the error messages, my dm software says it can't connect and freezes..
    I last performed a backup of my device about 2 weeks ago but I'd still really prefer not to have to wipe out my data. 
    Unless I'm mistaken, I understand that I can either wipe out the device somehow (don't know how) and start from scratch with my backup file and hope it works, or replace the device if I can.. ?  Am I right and what is the best way to fix this?
    I tried researching on my own on the internet but couldn't find any other reported problems combining the Index 37 error with the App Error. 

    Sometimes when you download stuff like themes, apps, even updates to yahoo msgr it causes that error code (someone told me its a corrupted file), I had it happen weeks after the update I did. I think BB App World even caused it for me once. I have about 200 phones and this comes up from time to time, if you get that message you have no choice but to wipe, re-install the software, and then use your backup to reset your info (I've tried avoiding it but you really can't). If you really didn't download anything or update anything then I'm not sure what caused it, I just know how to fix it.
    I use JL_Cmder to wipe my devices and then hook the device up to BB desktop mgr and it will tell you that you need an update to your software and will install the newest version of your software for you, then you go back and do a restore.
    Make sure your BB desktop mgr is the most current version. I don't know the link to get JL_Cmder, it's all over these forums and on the internet too if you do a search. If you don't like JL_Cmder try BBSAK. BTW, you found a great place for help, I've learned tons from the people here and now everyone at work and of course my friends think I know everything about BB...really I just come on here and do a search.
    Happy Berrying!
    Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History

  • JSF 1.2 required message problem

    I got the following code in my jsf 1.2 application:
    <h:inputText id="username" value="#{changepasswordbean.username}" required="true" requiredMessage="#{messages.username}" />
    But although #{messages.username}" is defined and is displayed correctly when using it in an <h:outputText>-Tag, it does not work in the requiredMessage-attribute. If entering a String literal to the requiredMessage-Attribute the literal is shown.
    Any help or ideas?
    Bye Syndra

    I got the following code in my jsf 1.2 application:
    <h:inputText id="username" value="#{changepasswordbean.username}" required="true" requiredMessage="#{messages.username}" />
    But although #{messages.username}" is defined and is displayed correctly when using it in an <h:outputText>-Tag, it does not work in the requiredMessage-attribute. If entering a String literal to the requiredMessage-Attribute the literal is shown.
    Any help or ideas?
    Bye Syndra

  • Are unique GUIDs required in the data flow task in SSIS?

    I have previously used SQL server 2008R2 to develop packages.  I was told not to copy and paste packages, or create templates with tasks on the data flow because this leads to multiple packages with the same GUID, the consequence of this might be calamitous
    problems at runtime when the engine can't distinguish between tasks in different packages.
    My process was to create templates with Control flow tasks only, manually create the dataflow tasks and then use bids helper from codeplex to regenerate GUIDs (this regenerated the GUIDs at the control flow level only).
    I am now using SQL 2012. I have looked and seen that if I copy and paste a package the GUIDs at the data flow level are also copied.  So my questions are:
    1) Does having the same ID in different dataflows cause problems as I was led to believe?
    2) If it does has this been addressed in some way in SSIS 2012? and what is the best way of working around this given I have many similar packages to develop?

    SSIS doesn't really lend itself well to creating templates.
    SQL 2012 is much improved when it comes to copy and pasting tasks, dataflows and transformations between package designs, other than the usual issues with missing connection managers.

  • Unique "flash question folder" problem, doesn't boost from either HD/drive

    Hello, I am pretending to be a Mac expert to my friends (Please don't laugh at me, Cornelius, Douglas, Duane or others). One of my friends went to me with a iBook G3 with a classic flashing question folder on screen. I promised her I would fix it next day. But now I am stucked on it. I thought it would just be an OS issue. It seems it is more complicated than that. I tried to install 10.4 from DVD, by restarting while holding down "C" key. It did not boost from there. Fine, it might just be an optical drive problem. I dived into the book, replace the HD with a known-good one having OS installed. The book still won't boost. Fine, it might be the a bad connection between HD/drive to the mother board. So I threw in a good signal cable. Nothing I have done really helped the boosting issue. I think I have to bring the same non-working book back to her on Tues or Wed. So embarrassed. Maybe you guys can help me out? Thank you.

    There is an article on the flashing question mark that might be helpful:
    It sounds like you might already have done more than was necessary, but it should be possible to get back in business. I'm not the one to advise you, as I am not all that experienced myself. But the more knowledgeable memebers of the forum should be able to help.
    One thing--do you have all of the original install discs? If you don't, see if you can get them from your friend. You will probably need to have them on hand. Often people have to hunt for these, so you might be able to stall for a little more time while you get some answers from the forum. Also, the install discs will contain the Apple Hardware Test, which you can run and look for hardware problems.
    Also, identify the iBook model more completely. Here's the article to find that out:
    Posting more detail will help others to advise you.
    Good luck!

  • PLS-00402: alias required in SELECT list of cursor to avoid duplicate colum

    I need a little help with my PLSQL syntax.
    While the SQL in the select statement run well in a report when I change it to PLSQL 'FOR' statement it needs aliias(es).
    To that end, I not sure where and how many?
    Any help is very welcome
    count1 number:=0;
    For SUPPLIER_CONTACT_REC in (select *
    supplier.supplier_key = supplier_contact.supplier_key
    supplier_contact.EMPLOYEE_EMAIL_ADDRESS is not null
    city.province_key = province.province_key
    supplier.city_key = city.city_key
    rownum <= :P263_ROWNUM
    and supplier.country_key > NVL2(:P263_COUNTRY, :P263_COUNTRY - 1, 0 )
    and supplier.country_key < NVL2(:P263_COUNTRY, :P263_COUNTRY + 1, 99999999999 )
    and city.province_key > NVL2(:P263_PROVINCE, :P263_PROVINCE - 1, 0)
    and city.province_key < NVL2(:P263_PROVINCE, :P263_PROVINCE + 1, 99999999999 )
    and supplier.city_key > NVL2(:P263_CITY, :P263_CITY - 1, 0 )
    and supplier.city_key < NVL2(:P263_CITY, :P263_CITY + 1, 99999999999 )
    and supplier.source_key > NVL2(:P263_SOURCE, :P263_SOURCE - 1, 0 )
    and supplier.source_key < NVL2(:P263_SOURCE, :P263_SOURCE + 1, 99999999999 )
    and supplier.record_status_key > NVL2(:P263_RECORD_STATUS, :P263_RECORD_STATUS -1, 0 )
    and supplier.record_status_key < NVL2(:P263_RECORD_STATUS, :P263_RECORD_STATUS + 1, 99999 ))
    count1:= count1 + 1; --- there any more actions in here but trying to keep it simple to start with
    end loop;
    :P263_count:= count1;

    Your "select *" is the problem as it is trying to get columns from all four tables and some of the column names are the same - at least that's what it look like to me :)

  • Unique Reporting Requirement

    Hello Experts,
    I have the following requirement in a report. I have a Material prognosos report which gives open amount in local currency. Now as soon as I display the report, I have to make the user to choose a list of target currencies which he can choose. If he checks a target currency then i have to convert this open amount and display in the target currency in the subsequent report. Right now all my currecny settings are maintained in TCURR table.
    Is there an option I can enter a push button in the variable selection screen or somewhere in the report.
    Kind Regards,

    why do you not using the currency translation in the menu of the key figure in the report.
    kind reg.

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