Unknown error 9 and could not restore.

I was try to update my apple tv. Something went wrong and it told me to connect to Itunes. I did using my mac and usb cable. It saw my apple tv and started to download and restore my apple tv. I recieved an unkwon error 9 and stated it could not find my apple tv. I have the latest itunes and tried several times. Please assist.
Thank you

seems it could be a bad cable or connector

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    Error 20, 21, 34, 37: These errors typically occur when security software interferes with the restore and update process. If you are using a PC, follow this article to resolve this issue.
    Above from:
    You also may have to place the iPod in recovery mode. For how see:
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    Update and restore alert messages on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
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    iTunes: Specific update-and-restore error messages and advanced troubleshooting
    If you can’t update or restore your iOS device
     Cheers, Tom

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    Please see the following support request: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2628065
    I think the best option would be to leave feedback here to let the relevant development team know about the problem you have had: https://input.mozilla.org/en-GB/feedback
    Also you could try the [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/session-manager/ Session Manager] add-on which gives more control over how sessions are restored.
    I hope that helps

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    What version of iOS is the new one running? It may need to be updated before you can restore. You can not restore a backup made with a newer version of iOS to a device running an older version.

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    Close iTunes and unplug iphone
    Search web and download the 2.2.1 ipsw file.
    Go to device manager on PC and delete the USB option for Apple under the hardware options.
    Reboot PC
    Plug in iphone and wait for dreaded connection picture
    hold power button and home button until apple logo appears
    continue to hold home button and release power button until connection picture appears again
    Your PC should now find the iphone in recovery mode
    Now open iTunes and it will prompt you to restore
    Hold the shift button on the keyboard and click the restore button at the same time
    This will allow you to browse for the correct ipsw file
    select the 2.2.1 file that you downloaded
    your iphone will now restore
    Once completed, you will need to resync
    Now you are back to square one but at least have a phone that works
    Now make an appt at the Genius Bar and make them update it for you
    Mine is scheduled for next week

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    Close iTunes and unplug iphone
    Search web and download the 2.2.1 ipsw file.
    Go to device manager on PC and delete the USB option for Apple under the hardware options.
    Reboot PC
    Plug in iphone and wait for dreaded connection picture
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    continue to hold home button and release power button until connection picture appears again
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    Now open iTunes and it will prompt you to restore
    Hold the shift button on the keyboard and click the restore button at the same time
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    select the 2.2.1 file that you downloaded
    your iphone will now restore
    Once completed, you will need to resync
    Now you are back to square one but at least have a phone that works
    Now make an appt at the Genius Bar and make them update it for you
    Mine is scheduled for next week

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    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Kiah Siong Ng

    Read this

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    Hi @rchangel - Thanks for the ideas...
    Yes - it won't let you install the 32 bit version on a 64 bit machine.
    I've had a cursory look at the SP1 release notes, and couldn't spot anything vital - what critical stuff do you know of in SP1?
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    Hello agardner37701,
    I found some steps you can take when your iPhone is not recognized by iTunes when in Recovery Mode.  I recommend reviewing the steps in the section titled "If the device is not recognized while in Recovery Mode" under step 5 in the following article:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    I access a personal iPhone and iPad, and a business iPhone with the same Apple ID.
    The iPhone's passcode lock feature is completely separate from another iPhone or iOS device.
    All apps, all paid and free apps include DRM protection which is tied to the Apple ID that was used to download the apps. If some apps were downloaded with one Apple ID and then a new Apple ID is created, in order to download an app update that was installed with the original Apple ID requires using that Apple ID and password.

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    Hello sdavies26,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    Resolve iOS update and restore errors in iTunes
    Resolve specific iTunes update and restore errors
    Check for hardware issues
    Try to restore your iOS device two more times while connected with a cable, computer, and network you know are good. Also, confirm your security software and settings are allowing communication between your device and update servers. If you still see the alert when you update or restore, contact Apple support.
    Common errors: 1, 10-47, 1002, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1000-1020.
    Have a nice day,

  • IOS 5: iTunes could not restore the iPhone "John's iPhone" because the backup session failed."

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    So what do I do. My phone is unuseable and it doesn't seem like theres any solution.
    Also, are you able to tell whether or not I've lost all of my data that is not my music/apps. Please tell me if you think I have.

    Good luck. My iPod Touch did the same thing. I now have a very expensive paperweight that I'd like to stuff up someone's nose over at Apple. The "resolutions" offered by Apple don't do anything for me (they never do). There are a variety of resolutions that others have discovered but none of them have worked for me either. This is my second Touch and the second major malfunction that is probably unfixable. If I can't get this fixed and get my data restored I'll probably give this thing to my toddler to play Angry Birds and I'll go buy a device from a company that knows what their doing.
    Do a search on Google (or whatever) with the error message and you should find some suggestions from others who've had this problem, some seem to have found solutions. If I find a fix that actually works I'll make a follow-up post.

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    Instructions to get the phone back working temporary.. till there is a real fix.
    1. turn off the phone
    2. fire up iTunes
    3. press and hold the home button, plug in the cable, hold till you get to see the recovery mode
    4. iTunes will the allow to choose restore the phone back to 5.0.1 ( no other choice)
    5. iTunes will then ask you to choose which previous backup to would like to recover.
    (note: please do not reboot your phone unless necessary, i realize at times after reboot, it goes back to sq1)

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