Unlink o disable auto windows start when Use fingerprint on Power On

Disbale the "unique start from safe startup"
its located in control center of fingerprint
Message Edited by Belenus on 01-08-2008 01:05 PM

You can type "services.msc" in Start >> RUN, and double-click the Oracle Services starting with OracleService<database name> and change the STARTUP TYPE to MANUAL or DISABLED.
While creating a new database, you can also use ORADIM -e -sid <SID> STARTMODE=M at command prompt to do the same.
Hope it helps.
Zaffer Khan

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    Hey terremo,
    Thanks for the question. From the information you provided, it sounds like the iMac is successfully turning on, however video is not displayed. These symptoms can usually be isolated further by the troubleshooting steps in this article:
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    Create a new account, name it "test" and see how color labels work in that User acct? (That will tell if your problem is systemwide or limited to your User acct.) This account is just for test, do nothing further with it.
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    [email protected]

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    Kinect is not supported within the context of a service because of the underlying need for a user session, see
    Can determine that the system has at least one logged in user and can you launch the application within that users session? KinectMontior/KinectService must be running for the runtime to get any data from the sensor. If you use Remote
    Desktop to log into that user session, you can confirm this works by running any of the samples and they should work without issue(remember to ensure that your audio remoting is left on the server, see troubleshooting guide
    Carmine Sirignano - MSFT

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    Windows 8.1 has given a few people problems regards video card drivers, but I wouldn't think that would cause a crash on launch.
    So you have the Desktop Application Manager installed, and from there you installed Photoshop CC as a trial.  You used it in trial mode for a period of time, but have now paid for a sunscription?  
    How long did you go with the trial period before purchasing the subscription?
    Did the trial period expire?
    Has Photoshop CC ever worked since you took out the subscription?
    Have you done anything else like add fonts, or third party plugins, or a graphics tablet?
    Just to make sure, check you definitely have the most up to date video card driver.  You might be able to use the auto checker (Iit needs Java installed)
    I don't think it will help, but again to be sure, reset Preferences (hold down **** Ctrl Alt while starting Photoshop)
    After the above makes no difference, I guess you need to reinstall. 
    Unistall Photoshop from Control Panel.
    Download and run the Cleaner tool
    Restart your computer
    Right click and run the Desktop Application manager as Administrator. (If it thinks Photoshop is still installed, Quit and sign back inagain.
    Install Photoshop.
    If you have problems after that, come back.
    Good luck

  • Exchange 2013 Auto Attendant fails when using multiple languages

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    Trying to setup UM Auto Attendants as I had it in Exchange 2010, but cannot get it to work as I want.
    Here is my setup:
    Windows 2012 and Exchange 2013.
    Parent - Main Auto Attendant (80)
    Child - English Auto Attendant (81)
    Child - Swedish Auto Attendant (82)
    Child - Finnish Auto Attendant (83)
    All callers are first connected to 80 where they can select the language to continue with (press 81 for English, press 82 for Swedish, press 83 for Finnish).
    This is what I found out this far:
    - If I have English language selected on all Attendants everything works fine I can select all choices and everything works as it should.
    - If I select the proper language for the other languages (82 & 83) only the connection to 80 & 81 works. If I try to connect from 80 to 82 or 83 nothing happens (connection goes quiet) and the only solution to get UM to answer again is to restart the
    UM service on the server.
    Extra info/what I tested this far:
    - I reinstalled the extra language packs just to be sure there were no issues.
    - If I select Swedish or Finnish language on extension 80 they work fine, so the language packs seems to be OK.
    Ideas Anyone?

    Hi All,
    After installing CU1 for Exchange 2013 this behaviour changed a little bit. Instead of getting total freeze of the system I get an error message instead saying "System Error Occured" and then a hangup.
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    Also when the error occurs I get the following in the Event Log:
    The VoIP platform encountered an exception Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCommon.UMGrayException: A non-fatal exception occurred. For details, please see the inner exception. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The language for the grammar does not match
    the language of the speech recognizer.
       at Microsoft.Speech.Recognition.RecognizerBase.ThrowIfSapiErrorCode(SAPIErrorCodes errorCode)
       at Microsoft.Speech.Recognition.FileGrammarContent.Load(SapiGrammar sapiGrammar, Boolean enabled, Single weight, Int32 priority)
       at Microsoft.Speech.Recognition.GrammarContent.Load(SapiGrammar sapiGrammar)
       at Microsoft.Speech.Recognition.Grammar.Load(SapiGrammar sapiGrammar, IRecognizerInternal recognizer)
       at Microsoft.Speech.Recognition.RecognizerBase.LoadGrammarIntoSapi(Grammar grammar)
       at Microsoft.Speech.Recognition.RecognizerBase.LoadGrammar(Grammar grammar)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UcmaPlatform.UcmaCallSession.PlayPromptsAndRecoSpeechSessionState.LoadGrammar(UMGrammar grammar)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UcmaPlatform.UcmaCallSession.PlayPromptsAndRecoSpeechSessionState.LoadGrammars()
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UcmaPlatform.UcmaCallSession.PlayPromptsAndRecoSpeechSessionState.InternalStart()
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UcmaPlatform.UcmaCallSession.SessionState.Start()
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UcmaPlatform.UcmaCallSession.ChangeState(SessionState nextState)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UcmaPlatform.UcmaCallSession.PlayPrompts(ArrayList prompts, Int32 minDigits, Int32 maxDigits, Int32 timeout, String stopTones, Int32 interDigitTimeout, StopPatterns stopPatterns, Int32 startIdx, TimeSpan offset, List`1
    grammars, Boolean expetingSpeechInput, Int32 babbleTimeout, Boolean stopPromptOnBargeIn, String turnName, Int32 initialSilenceTimeout)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.SpeechMenu.PlayPrompts(ArrayList prompts, BaseUMCallSession vo)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.SpeechMenu.SpeechMenuStart(BaseUMCallSession vo)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.SpeechMenu.StartActivity(BaseUMCallSession vo, String refInfo)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.ActivityManager.ChangeActivity(ActivityBase next, BaseUMCallSession vo, String refInfo)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.TransitionBase.Execute(ActivityManager manager, BaseUMCallSession vo)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.Menu.OnComplete(BaseUMCallSession vo, UMCallSessionEventArgs voiceObjectEventArgs)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.Menu.StartActivity(BaseUMCallSession vo, String refInfo)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.ActivityManager.ChangeActivity(ActivityBase next, BaseUMCallSession vo, String refInfo)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.TransitionBase.Execute(ActivityManager manager, BaseUMCallSession vo)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.Menu.OnComplete(BaseUMCallSession vo, UMCallSessionEventArgs voiceObjectEventArgs)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.Menu.StartActivity(BaseUMCallSession vo, String refInfo)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.ActivityManager.ChangeActivity(ActivityBase next, BaseUMCallSession vo, String refInfo)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCore.ActivityBase.OnHeavyBlockingOperation(BaseUMCallSession vo, HeavyBlockingOperationEventArgs hboea)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UcmaPlatform.UcmaCallSession.HeavyBlockingOperationSessionState.CompleteFinalAsyncCallback()
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UcmaPlatform.UcmaCallSession.SessionState.CompleteNonTeardownState()
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UcmaPlatform.UcmaCallSession.<>c__DisplayClassf.<CatchAndFireOnError>b__b()
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Common.IL.ILUtil.DoTryFilterCatch(TryDelegate tryDelegate, FilterDelegate filterDelegate, CatchDelegate catchDelegate)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UMCommon.ExceptionHandling.ExceptionCatcher(Object exception)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.Common.IL.ILUtil.DoTryFilterCatch(TryDelegate tryDelegate, FilterDelegate filterDelegate, CatchDelegate catchDelegate)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.UM.UcmaPlatform.UcmaCallSession.CatchAndFireOnError(UserCodeDelegate function) during the call with ID "Y2M5Y2ZhYzYzMzc4ZTVhYmE0ZjE3MmVjYTVmYmRiZTM.". This exception occurred at the Microsoft Exchange Speech Engine VoIP
    platform during an event-based asynchronous operation submitted by the server. The server will attempt to recover from this exception. If this warning occurs frequently, contact Microsoft Product Support.
    Anyone with ideas that can help me forward?

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    If you do not like a feature like smart objects there is nothing forcing you to use it. Use some other features to do what you want. Please don't ask Adobe to introduce bug into smart object support.
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